801 resultados para Tate Gallery
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Sociais (Sociologia Histórica), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2014
Tese de doutoramento, Belas-Artes (Pintura), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, 2014
Teacher commitment has been found to be a critical predictor of teachers’ work performance, absenteeism, retention, burnout and turnover, as well as having an important influence on students’ motivation, achievement, attitudes towards learning and being at school (Firestone (1996). Educational Administration Quarterly, 32(2), 209–235; Graham (1996). Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 67(1), 45–47; Louis (1998). School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 9(1), 1–27; Tsui & Cheng (1999). Educational Research and Evaluation, 5(3), 249–268). It is also a necessary ingredient to the successful implementation, adaptation or resistance reform agendas. Surprisingly, however, the relationship between teachers’ motivation, efficacy, job satisfaction and commitment, and between commitment and the quality of their work has not been the subject of extensive research. Some literature presents commitment as a feature of being and behaving as a professional (Helsby, Knight, McCulloch, Saunders, & Warburton (1997). A report to participants on the professional cultures of Teachers Research Project, Lancaster University, January). Others suggest that it fluctuates according to personal, institutional and policy contexts (Louis (1998). School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 9(1), 1–27) and identify different dimensions of commitment which interact and fluctuate (Tyree (1996). Journal of Educational Research, 89(5), 295–304). Others claim that teachers’ commitment tends to decrease progressively over the course of the teaching career (Fraser, Draper, & Taylor (1998). Evaluation and Research in Education, 12 (2), 61–71; Huberman (1993). The lives of teachers. London: Cassell). In this research, experienced teachers in England and Australia were interviewed about their understandings of commitment. The data suggest that commitment may be better understood as a nested phenomena at the centre of which is a set of core, relatively permanent values based upon personal beliefs, images of self, role and identity which are subject to challenge by change which is socio-politically constructed.
E-poltergeist takes over the user’s internet browser, automatically initiating Web searches without their permission. Web-based artwork which explores issues of user control when confronted with complex technological systems, questioning the limits of digital interactive arts as consensual reciprocal systems. e-poltergeist was a major web commission that marked an early stage of research in a larger enquiry by Craighead and Thomson into the relationship between live virtual data, global communications networks and instruction-based art, exploring how such systems can be re-contextualised within gallery environments. e-poltergeist presented the 'viewer' with a singular narrative by using live internet search-engine data that aimed to create a perpetual and virtually unstoppable cycle of search engine results, banner ads and moving windows as an interruption into the normal use of an internet browser. The work also addressed the ‘de-personalisation’ of internet use by sending a series of messages from the live search engine data that seemed to address the user directly: 'Is anyone there?'; 'Can anyone hear me?', 'Please help me!'; 'Nobody cares!' e-poltergeist makes a significant contribution to the taxonomy of new media art by dealing with the way that new media art can re-address notions of existing traditions in art such as appropriation and manipulation, instruction-based art and conceptual art. e-poltergeist was commissioned ($12,000) for 010101: Art in Technological Times, a landmark international exhibition presented by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, which bought together leading international practitioners working with emergent technologies, including Tatsuo Miyajima, Janet Cardiff, Brian Eno. Peer recognition of the project in the form of reviews include: Curating New Media. Gateshead: Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art. Cook, Sarah, Beryl Graham and Sarah Martin ISBN: 1093655064; The Wire; http://www.wired.com/culture/lifestyle/news/2000/12/40464 (review by Reena Jana); Leonardo (review Barbara Lee Williams and Sonya Rapoport) http://www.leonardo.info/reviews/feb2001/ex_010101_willrapop.html All the work is developed jointly and equally between Craighead and her collaborator, Jon Thomson, Slade School of Fine Art.
A Short film about War is a narrative documentary artwork made entirely from information found on the worldwide web. In ten minutes this two screen gallery installation takes viewers around the world to a variety of war zones as seen through the collective eyes of the online photo sharing community Flickr, and as witnessed by a variety of existing military and civilian bloggers. As the ostensibly documentary 'film' plays itself out, a second screen logs the provenance of images, blog fragments and gps locations of each element comprising the work, so that the same information is simultaneously communicated to the viewer in two parallel formats -on one hand as a dramatised reportage and on the other hand as a text log. In offerring this tautology, we are attempting to explore and reveal the way in which information changes as it is gathered, edited and then mediated through networked communications technologies or broadcast media, and how that changes and distorts meaning -especially for (the generally wealthy minority of) the world's users of high speed broadband networks, who have become used to the treacherously persuasive panoptic view that google earth (and the worldwide web) appears to give us.
Moderna Museet invited Mejan Labs to curate two installations by the British artists Thomson & Craighead. This solo exhibition was in Studion at Moderna Museet, Stockholm. Works included: BEACON when it is shown as a data projection in a gallery. As with the online version and railway flap sign, live web searches are continuously relayed as they are being made around the world -in this case onto a gallery wall in series and at regular intervals as an endless concrete poetry. Decorative Newsfeeds use a live feed from the web to present up to the minute headline news from around the world as a series of pleasant animations, allowing viewers to keep informed while contemplating a kind of readymade sculpture or perhaps an automatic drawing.
The thesis provides an historical overview of the artist biopic that has emerged as a distinct sub-genre of the biopic as a whole, totalling some ninety films from Europe and America alone since the first talking artist biopic in 1934. Their making usually reflects a determination on the part of the director or star to see the artist as an alter-ego. Many of them were adaptations of successful literary works, which tempted financial backers by having a ready-made audience based on a pre-established reputation. The sub-genre’s development is explored via the grouping of films with associated themes and the use of case studies. These examples can then be used as models for exploring similar sets of data from other countries and time periods. The specific topics chosen for discussion include the representation of a single painter, for example, Vincent Van Gogh, to see how the treatment of an artist varies across several countries and over seventy years. British artist biopics are analysed as a case study in relation to the idea of them posing as a national stereotype. Topics within sex and gender studies are highlighted in analysis of the representation of the female artist and the queer artist as well as artists who have lived together as couples. A number of well-known gallery artists have become directors of artist biopics and their films are considered to see what particular insights a professional working artist can bring to the portrayal of artistic genius and creation. In the concluding part of the thesis it is argued that the artist biopic overall has survived the bad press which some individual productions have received and can even be said to have matured under the influence of directors producing a quality product for the art house, festival and avant-garde distribution circuits. As a genre it has proved extremely adaptable and has reflected the changing attitudes towards art and artists within the wider community. It has both encouraged renewed interest in the work of established national artists and also raised the profile of those relatively obscure such as Séraphine de Senlis and Pirosmani.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia de Redes de Comunicação e Multimédia
Relatório de Estágio para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil Perfil de Edificações
Este trabalho pretende abordar a importância de um estudo geomecânico no apoio à otimização e estabilidade de explorações subterrâneas por subníveis, com criação de bancadas e posterior enchimento. O presente envolveu um estudo geológico-geotécnico em quinze galerias situadas a muro, teto e corpo da mineralização com o levantamento das características mais relevantes do maciço rochoso para aplicação das classificações geomecânicas, englobando uma amostragem de mais de 1780 descontinuidades, obtendo um modelo cartográfico subterrâneo com um panorama geral da qualidade do maciço rochoso intercetado pelas escavações nas diferentes zonas. Os dados dos levantamentos de campo levaram à criação de uma base de dados com a aplicação das classificações geomecânicas Q-System, RMR e GSI, por galeria e, em seguida, por zona, com proposta de classe de sustimento a aplicar em cada local, pelo ábaco de Barton, em conjunto com a determinação de parâmetros geomecânicos fundamentais ao refinamento do conhecimento geológico-geotécnico das unidades litológicas em estudo. Na parte final, focando a localização da massa mineralizada de Feitais é efetuada uma abordagem relativa à estabilidade das cavidades geradas pelo desmonte em bancada entre subníveis, com respetivo dimensionamento das larguras admissíveis, em condições de segurança, através da relação entre o número de estabilidade e raio hidráulico, pelo método do gráfico de estabilidade. Com esta metodologia de caracterização geológico geotécnica, é pretendido efetuar um ponto de partida à criação de um modelo geomecânico comportamental do jazigo de Feitais, Mina de Aljustrel, contando com um processo inicial de apoio ao planeamento mineiro aplicado ao método de desmonte em bancada e posterior enchimento por subníveis, atuando nos parâmetros de estabilidade e apoio à extração, favorecendo assim a segurança das operações de trabalho em conjunto com um apoio de otimização da extração.
Neste trabalho definimos e desenvolvemos algumas ideias centrais sobre a Galeria Nacional de Pintura da Academia de Belas Artes de Lisboa, da formação do seu acervo a partir de 1834, com a extinção das ordens religiosas, até à abertura do Museu Nacional de Belas Artes e Arqueologia, em 1884. Em análise estão 50 anos de esforços empreendidos por vários agentes, com destaque para o marquês de Sousa Holstein, vice-‐inspetor da Academia, em prol da organização, conservação, exposição, estudo, promoção e divulgação do seu acervo, assim como do seu enriquecimento por meio de transferências, aquisições ou doações que estão na origem do mais relevante museu público de arte nacional.
Contient : 1 Lettres closes de « LOYSE [DE SAVOIE]... au visiteur des couvens refformez de la congregation de la Magdelaine d'Orleans... Au Plessis Macé, le VIIIe jour de juillet » ; 2 Lettre de « MARGUERITE [DE VALOIS, reine de Navarre] à... madame de La Rochefoucault » ; 3 Lettre de « MARGUERITE [DE VALOIS]... royne de Navarre... à... madame de Nevers » ; 4 Lettre de « MARGUERITE [DE VALOIS, reine de Navarre]... à monseigneur de Villandry,... A Pau, le XVIIe jour de decembre » ; 5 Lettre d'Anne de « MONTMORENCY,... à... monseigneur de La Rochepot,... De Fontainebleau, le VIIIe jour de juing... 1537 » ; 6 Lettre de « D'AMBOYSE,... A Rivel, ce Ve de l'an » ; 7 Lettre de « F[RANÇOIS], cardinal DE TOURNON,... à la royne de Navarre » ; 8 Lettre de JEAN « D'ALEBRET [Sr D'ORVAL]... au roy... Escript à Reims, ce XXXme et penultime jour d'aoust » ; 9 Lettre de « F[RANÇOIS], cardinal DE TOURNON,... à la royne de Navarre... De Sainct Poursain, ce XXVe de juing » ; 10 Lettre de « J[EAN] DU BELLAY, evesque de Paris... à monseigneur... de Villandry,... De St Maour, le VIe janvier » ; 11 Lettre de « LOYSE DE BOURREBON », abbesse de Fontevrault, à « monseigneur de Nevers,... A Fontevrault, ce XXVIIIe octobre » ; 12 Lettre d' « ANTHOINETTE DE BOURBON [VENDOME, duchesse DE GUISE]... à... monseigneur le duc de Nyvernois » ; 13 Lettre, en espagnol, de « CARLOS DONISY LESVILLY,... gouverneur de Perpignen, al illustre señor el conde del Vilar, lugarteniente del rey [en Le]ngadoque... De Perpinyan, a XI de junio M.D.XXXXVIII » ; 14 Lettre de « CHARLES [DE BOURBON], cardinal DE VENDOSME... à... madame la duchesse de Nevers » ; 15 Lettre d' « ODET DE FOYX [Sr DE LAUTREC]... à madame ma mere, madame de Nevers,... A Sainct Just sur Lyon, le XXIXme jour de decembre » ; 16 Lettre de JEAN « D'ALEBRET [Sr D'ORVAL]... à monseigneur le tresorier, maistre Florimont Robertet,... A Pons sur Seyne, le IXme d'octobre » ; 17 Lettre de « LA HARGERYE,... au roy... En vostre chasteau de Creveceur, ce quinziesme de octobre » ; 18 Lettre de « COURTHARDY » au roi. « Escript à Paris, le XVIe jour d'octobre » ; 19 Lettre de « CHASTILLON,... à monseigneur le tresoryer Robertet, Sr d'Alluye,... A Saint Germain, ce samedi matin » ; 20 Lettre de « CHASTILLON,... à monseigneur le tresoryer Robertet, Sr d'Alluye,... A Montargys, ce lundi au soyr » ; 21 Lettre « à madame... la duchesse de Guise » ; 22 Lettre d'«ADRIEN DE CROY,... [comte DE ROEUX] à monseigneur de La Rochepot,... D'Arras, ce XXe d'aoust... 1537 » ; 23 Lettre de « CLAUDE, cardinal DE GIVRY,... à monsieur... le comte de Cleremont,... A Mussy, ce IIe de juillet » ; 24 Lettre de «J[EAN], cardinal DU BELLAY,... à monseigneur... de Vilandry, conseiller du roy et secretaire de ses finances » ; 25 Lettre de « F[RANÇOIS], cardinal DE TOURNON,... à monseigneur de Villandry, conseiller du roy et secretere de ses finances... De Rome, ce XVIIme de may » ; 26 Lettre de « MONTMORENCY,... à monseigneur de Villandry, conseiller du roy et secretaire de ses finances... De Auvillier, ce XVIe septembre » ; 27 Lettre de « BOUNYVET,... à monseigneur... Du Bouchaige,... A Dax, le VIIe jour de septembre » ; 28 Lettre d'«ODET DE FOYX [Sr DE LAUTREC]... à monseigneur... Robertet,... A Cremonne, le Ve janvier » ; 29 Lettre de « MARGUERITE [DE VALOIS]... à... madame de La Rochefoucault,... Escript à Pau, le XXIIe jour d'apvril » ; 30 « Menu de panneterie durant le camp de Champaigne... Faict au camp à Athis, le XXIIIme jour d'aoust » 1544 ; 31 Lettre de PHILIPPE CHABOT, amiral DE « BRYON,... à monseigneur de Villandry, conseiller du roy et secretaire de ses finances... A Moysant, le XXIIIIe de septembre » ; 32 Lettre de « LAZARE DE BAYF,... à monseigneur... le grant maistre... De Venize, ce XVIIIme juillet » ; 33 Placet, en italien, de « RENZO » DE CERE ; 34 « Aviso de Venetia, del primo de agosto » ; 35 Billet, en italien, « al duca », relatif à une obligation de « Galeazzo Visconte » ; 36 Lettre de « D'ANNEBAULT » à « monseigneur de La Gasteliniere,... Escript ce XVme jour de febvrier » ; 37 « Dupplicata des articles envoyez par messrs les marechaulx françoys au roy ». En chiffre ; 38 Fragment d'une lettre du « cardinal de Manthoue » ; 39 Lettre, en italien, de « LEONARD RUMBO,... a mons. il prisidente de Provenza, ambasciator del re christianissimo al papa... In Lionessa, XII septembris M.D.XXVIII » ; 40 Lettre, en italien, de « COLA DE BENEVE NTO,... al eccellente... monseigneur de Vilandri, secretario de la christianissima maesta... Da Ferrara, 15 martii 1529 » ; 41 Lettre de RENE, « batar de Savoye... à madame la duchesse de Nemours,... A Saint Germain en Laye, ce premier jour de may » ; 42 Lettre de RENE, « batar de Savoye... à monseigneur de Bouchaige, gouverneur de monseigneur... De St Germain en Laye, ce lundy XXIIIme de mars » ; 43 Lettre de « BOUNYVET,... à monseigneur... Du Bouchage,... A La Margelle, le XIIIe jour de juing » ; 44 Lettre de RENE, « batar de Savoye... Escript à Bloys » ; 45 Lettre de « BERNARDO DEL CONTE,... à monsegneur... le tresorier Robertet ou à monseigneur de Villeroy,... Escript à Saynct Joyre, aupres de Suyse, le XXIIIIe de decembre 1522 » ; 46 Ordonnance de « JAQUES DE LUCEMBOURG, conte DE GAVRE,... capitaine general pour l'Empereur » en Flandre, ayant pour objet de preserver des incursions des gens de guerre plusieurs de ses propres terres et seigneuries. « Donné... le XVIe jour de septembre, an mil cincq cens et vingt ung ». Copie ; 47 Lettre de « J[ACQUES] DE LUXEMBOURG,... à monseigneur de Licques,... De Blandain lez Tournay, le XVe de septembre ». Copie ; 48 « Deniers revenans bons au roy sur le paiement fait en la compaignie de monseigneur de Montpezat de leurs gaiges et soulde des quartiers de juillet, aoust et septembre et d'octobre, novembre et decembre M.V.C.XXXII » ; 49 Lettre de « G[ILBERT] BAYARD,... à monseigneur... de Villandry, conseiller du roy, secretaire de ses finances et general de Bloys... A Malynes, le XXVIe jour de novembre » ; 50 Lettre des « sindicques et citoyens de Thurin... à monseigneur... de Humieres, lieutenant general du roy en Ytalie... De Thurin, le XXVme jour d'aoust 1537 » ; 51 Lettre de « F. DE PONTBRIANT,... au roy... Escript à Blays, ce XXe jour de mars » ; 52 Lettre de « MADELENE DE MAILLY,... à madame... la duchesse de Nevers,... De La Ferté, ce IIIe septanbre » ; 53 Lettre de « GRIGNAN » à « monseigneur de Humieres, lieutenant general pour le roy en Ytallie... De Lyon, ce VIIe d'aoust » ; 54 Lettre de « DIANNE DE POYTIERS » à « monseigneur le tressouryer Roubertet » ; 55 Lettre de « GLAUDE SEYSSEL, evesque de Marseille... à monseigneur... le tresorier Robertet,... Escript à Rome, le XXVe jour de may » ; 56 Lettre de « G. DINTEVILLE,... à monseigneur... Du Bouchaige, ayant le gouvernement de monseigneur le Daufin... A Paris, ce XXIIIe de decembre » ; 57 « Description de la monstre generalle du camp et armée du roy faicte au Pierremont en Picardye, le lundy VIIIe jour d'aoust M.V.C.LVIII » ; 58 Lettre de « JAMES [V, roi d'Écosse]. Escript à Gennes, le XIIIIe jour de juing » ; 59 Lettre de « FRANCYSQUE [comte DE PONTRESME]... à monseigneur... le tresoryer Robertet,... De Genez, ce IX de janvyer » ; 60 Lettre de « GLAUDE DURRE [Sr DU PUY-SAINT-MARTIN]... au roy... D'Aix, ce XIXe jour de juillet » ; 61 Lettre de « GRIGNAN » à « monseigneur de Humyeres, lieutenant general pour le roy en Ytallie... De Lyon, ce XXVIIe de juing... 1537 » ; 62 Lettre des « lieutenant et gouverneur general, officiers et gens du conseil privé » du « conté de Neufchastel... à... monseigneur... le duc de Nemours, conte de Neufchastel,... De... Neufchastel, le XXIIIme de septembre 1556 » ; 63 Lettre d'«ANTOINE LAMET,... à monseigneur... d'Aluye, conseiller du roy et tresorier de France... Escript à Lucerne, ce XXVIIIe jour de novembre » ; 64 Lettre de « BOSSUGUET,... procureur du roy de Montpellier », à « monseigneur le tresorier de France, messire Flerimont Roubbertet,... Escript à Montpellier, ce XXVIe jour de novembre » ; 65 Lettre d'«ANTHOINE DU PRAT » à « monseigneur le tresourier Roubertet,... A Orleans, le XVIIIe octobre » ; 66 Lettre de « D'AMBERT » à « monseigneur le tressorier, maistre Florimont Robertet,... A Sens, ce dimanche d'octobre » ; 67 Lettre de « PHILIBERT FERRIER,... à monseigneur le commissaire Esteve Randel,... Le XXVII de novembre » ; 68 Lettre de « JAQUES DUFOUX,... A Parys, se XXIe de setembre » ; 69 Lettre de « FALCO D'AURILLIAC,... à monseigneur... Florimont Robertet, chevalier, conseillier du roy et tresorier de France... A Grenoble, ce XXe jour de decembre » ; 70 Lettre de « FALCO D'AURILLIAC » à « monseigneur... Florimond Robertet, chevalier, conseillier du roy et tressorier de France... De Grenoble, ce XIXe de decembre » ; 71 Lettre de « DE LA FOUCAULDIERE,... à monseigneur... le tresorier Robertet, baron d'Aluye,... De Lucerne, le XIIIe de decembre » ; 72 Lettre de « DUPLESSIS,... à monseigneur d'Aluye,... De Bayonne, le VIIe jour de decembre » ; 73 Lettre d'«ESTIENNE CAUDEL,... à monseigneur... le tresorier Robertet,... A Carignan, le XXIXe jour de novembre » ; 74 Lettre de « BALTHEZAR GUILLIOT, secretaire de monseigneur l'ambassadeur en court de Romme... à monseigneur... le baillif Robertet,... De Romme, ce deuxiesme de decembre » ; 75 Lettre d'«ESTIENNE CAUDEL,... à monseigneur... le tresorier Robertet,... A Carignan, le XXIXme jour de novembre » ; 76 Lettre de « JEHAN DE ROHAN,... à monseigneur le tresorier Robertet,... Escrit à Rohan, le XXIXe jour de juillet » ; 77 Lettre de « THOMAS BOHIER,... à monseigneur... le conte de Maulevrier, lieutenant general du roy et grant seneschal en Normendie... Escript à Bloys, le XIXe jour de fevrier » ; 78 « Double des lettres du roy... FRANÇOYS [Ier]... aux cappitaines dez galleres de mon couzin le grant maistre de France... Escript à Fontaynebleau, ce XVIIme de jullet mil V.C.XXXI » ; 79 Lettre de « BERNARDO DU CONTE » à « monssegneur le tresorier Robertet,... Escript à Saynct Joyre, le XXIIIe jour de decembre 1522 » ; 80 « Extraict d'une lettre de maistre JEHAN GALLERY, venant du voyage faict vers le grant seigneur, par le barron de Sainct Blancart, par le commandement du roy, 1537 ». Copie ; 81 Deux mémoires pour le Sr Du Bouchage contre le cardinal de Luxembourg et autres
This research acknowledges the difficulties experienced by teachers presenting integrated arts curricula. Instructional support is offered by arts organizations that provide arts partnerships with local schools boards. The study focuses on the experiences of 8 teachers from a Catholic school board in southern Ontario who participated in integrated arts programs offered by The Royal Conservatory of Music's Learning Through the Arts™ (LTTATM) program and a local art gallery's Art Based Integrated Learning (ABIL) program and examines their responses to the programs and their perception of personal and professional development through this association. Additionally, questions were posed to the . "aftisfs"from-tneSe]Jfograrrrs;-and"they liiscus·sed·how"participating in-collaboration with teachers in the development of in-school programs enabled them to experience personal and professional development as well. Seven themes emerged from the data. These themes included: teachers' feelings of a lack of preparedness to teach the arts; the value of the arts and arts partnerships in schools; the role of the artists in the education of teachers; professional development for both teachers and artists; the development of collegiality; perceptions of student engagement; and the benefits and obstacles of integrating the arts into the curriculum. This document highlights the benefits to both teachers and artists of arts partnerships between schools and outside arts organizations.
Making it "Click": Collaborative Perceptions ofCreative Practice in Art Education examined the teaching practice of 6 art educators who conducted their work through the Niagara Falls Art Gallery's (NFAG) in-schools and Children's Museum programmes. These community resources service the elementary levels of participatory Public, Catholic and French schools in the Niagara Peninsula. The goal of this research was to find ways in which these teachers could explore their creative potential as art educators. The "click," a term introduced by participants indicating the coming together of all positive factors towards creativity, became the central theme behind this study. Research revealed that the effective creative process was not merely a singular phase, but rather a series of 4 processes: 1 , gathering knowledge; 2, intuitive and experiential; 3, the informal presentation of information in which creativity as a process was explored; and 4, formal presentation that took the analysis of information to a deeper, holistic level. To examine the ways in which experience and knowledge could be shared and brought together through a collaborative process, this study employed data collection that used literature research, interviews, focus group discussions, and personal journal entries. Follow-up discussions that assessed the effectiveness of action research, took place VA months after the initial meetings. It is hoped that this study might assist in creative educational practices, for myself as a member of the NFAG teaching team, for colleagues in the art programmes, art educators, and other teachers in the broader disciplines of education.
Architectural drawing of Moulton Hall, Orange, California. Completed in 1975 (2 floors, 44,592 sq.ft.), this building is named in memory of an artist and patroness of the arts, Nellie Gail Moulton. Within this structure are the departments of Art, Communications, and Theatre/Dance as well as the Guggenheim Gallery and Waltmar Theatre.