943 resultados para Task-Oriented Environment
In this work we report on the structure and magnetic and electrical transport properties of CrO2 films deposited onto (0001) sapphire by atmospheric pressure (AP)CVD from a CrO3 precursor. Films are grown within a broad range of deposition temperatures, from 320 to 410 degrees C, and oxygen carrier gas flow rates of 50-500 seem, showing that it is viable to grow highly oriented a-axis CrO2 films at temperatures as low as 330 degrees C i.e., 60-70 degrees C lower than is reported in published data for the same chemical system. Depending on the experimental conditions, growth kinetic regimes dominated either by surface reaction or by mass-transport mechanisms are identified. The growth of a Cr2O3 interfacial layer as an intrinsic feature of the deposition process is studied and discussed. Films synthesized at 330 degrees C keep the same high quality magnetic and transport properties as those deposited at higher temperatures.
Multiple-Choice items are used in many different kinds of tests in several areas of knowledge. They can be considered an interesting tool to the self-assessing or as an alternative or complementary instrument to the traditional methods for assessing knowledge. The objectivity and accuracy of the multiple-choice tests is an important reason to think about. They are especially useful when the number of students to evaluate is too large. Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is an Open Source course management system centered around learners' needs and designed to support collaborative approaches to teaching and learning. Moodle offers to the users a rich interface, context-specific help buttons, and a wide variety of tools such as discussion forums, wikis, chat, surveys, quizzes, glossaries, journals, grade books and more, that allow them to learn and collaborate in a truly interactive space. Come together the interactivity of the Moodle platform and the objectivity of this kind of tests one can easily build manifold random tests. The proposal of this paper is to relate our journey in the construction of these tests and share our experience in the use of the Moodle platform to create, take advantage and improve the multiple-choices tests in the Mathematic area.
Proper lighting is a prerequisite for obtaining a good working environment. Good lighting includes quantity and quality requirements, and should necessarily be appropriate to the activity/task being carried out, bearing in mind the comfort and visual efficiency of the worker. Apart from the advantages in the health and welfare for the workers, good lighting also leads to better job performance (faster), less errors, better safety, fewer accidents and less absenteeism. The overall effect is: better productivity.
A survey was conducted among students of the Accounting and Administration undergraduate degree at ISCAP – IPP (School of Accounting and Administration of Polytechnic Institute of Porto) in order to understand their perception value of their course Business Simulation (BS). This course is provided in a business environment where students can learn by doing through the management of a company as they were in the real life, but risk-free. The learning tasks are provided in an action-oriented format to maximize the learning process. Students learn by doing a set of tasks every session and have also to produce reports and presentations during the course. BS is part of the undergraduate degree of Accounting and Administration at ISCAP – IPP since the beginning of 2003. The questionnaire we used captured the students’ perception about general and specific skills and competencies considered important for managers and accountants in the real life, about the methodology used in the course, which is totally different from the traditional form, and also about the adequacy of the course included as part of the undergraduate degree. The results showed that students’ perception is highly positive and almost all of them think they improve the skills needed for a job during the course. These results are consistent with [1] Adler and Milne’s research in which the authors found that students agree with the use of action-oriented learning tasks in order to provide them the needed attitudes, skills, and knowledge. The improvement of group skills is the most important issue for students, which can be understandable as BS is the only course from the degree in Accounting and Administration they really have to work in groups.
In this paper, a stochastic programming approach is proposed for trading wind energy in a market environment under uncertainty. Uncertainty in the energy market prices is the main cause of high volatility of profits achieved by power producers. The volatile and intermittent nature of wind energy represents another source of uncertainty. Hence, each uncertain parameter is modeled by scenarios, where each scenario represents a plausible realization of the uncertain parameters with an associated occurrence probability. Also, an appropriate risk measurement is considered. The proposed approach is applied on a realistic case study, based on a wind farm in Portugal. Finally, conclusions are duly drawn. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Integrated manufacturing constitutes a complex system made of heterogeneous information and control subsystems. Those subsystems are not designed to the cooperation. Typically each subsystem automates specific processes, and establishes closed application domains, therefore it is very difficult to integrate it with other subsystems in order to respond to the needed process dynamics. Furthermore, to cope with ever growing marketcompetition and demands, it is necessary for manufacturing/enterprise systems to increase their responsiveness based on up-to-date knowledge and in-time data gathered from the diverse information and control systems. These have created new challenges for manufacturing sector, and even bigger challenges for collaborative manufacturing. The growing complexity of the information and communication technologies when coping with innovative business services based on collaborative contributions from multiple stakeholders, requires novel and multidisciplinary approaches. Service orientation is a strategic approach to deal with such complexity, and various stakeholders' information systems. Services or more precisely the autonomous computational agents implementing the services, provide an architectural pattern able to cope with the needs of integrated and distributed collaborative solutions. This paper proposes a service-oriented framework, aiming to support a virtual organizations breeding environment that is the basis for establishing short or long term goal-oriented virtual organizations. The notion of integrated business services, where customers receive some value developed through the contribution from a network of companies is a key element.
In this work it is proposed the design of a mobile system to assist car drivers in a smart city environment oriented to the upcoming reality of Electric Vehicles (EV). Taking into account the new reality of smart cites, EV introduction, Smart Grids (SG), Electrical Markets (EM), with deregulation of electricity production and use, drivers will need more information for decision and mobility purposes. A mobile application to recommend useful related information will help drivers to deal with this new reality, giving guidance towards traffic, batteries charging process, and city mobility infrastructures (e. g. public transportation information, parking places availability and car & bike sharing systems). Since this is an upcoming reality with possible process changes, development must be based on agile process approaches (Web services).
Tendo por principal objetivo contribuir para o estudo da qualidade das creches dos Concelhos de Setúbal e de Palmela, com este trabalho pretende-se (1) avaliar e descrever a qualidade de 30 salas de berçário através da aplicação da Escala de Avaliação do Ambiente de Creche – Edição Revista (Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale – Revised Edition [ITERS-R], Harms, Cryer, & Clifford, 2006), (2) avaliar e descrever as práticas de socialização dos prestadores de cuidados responsáveis pelas 30 salas de berçário através da aplicação da Escala de Interação do Prestador de Cuidados (Caregiver Interaction Scale [CIS], Arnett, 1989), (3) estudar a associação entre as práticas de socialização dos profissionais e a qualidade das salas de berçário, (4) estudar associações entre a qualidade das salas de berçário e as práticas de socialização dos profissionais e algumas variáveis de estrutura (rácio adulto/criança, tamanho do grupo, educação, formação e experiência dos prestadores de cuidados). Tendo em conta que os estudos efetuados em Portugal revelam qualidade inadequada e mínima nas salas de creche, os resultados obtidos no presente estudo sugerem que as salas observadas possuem qualidade entre o mínimo e o bom. Embora o presente estudo apresente resultados superiores, verificou-se que os itens que apresentam maiores fragilidades (áreas deficitárias), assim como os itens que expressam maior qualidade (áreas fortes) parecem convergir com os resultados das investigações já efetuadas, com efeito os itens relacionados com as subescalas Atividades e Rotinas de cuidados pessoais são os que apresentam os resultados mais preocupantes. A subescala Interação foi a que apresentou resultados superiores e as práticas de socialização dos prestadores de cuidados revelaram ser excelentes. Verificou-se, igualmente, que as salas orientadas por educadores de infância, assim como, as salas em que o principal prestador de cuidados era educador de infância revelaram qualidade superior do que salas orientadas por assistentes operacionais (auxiliares de ação educativa). Este efeito chama a atenção para a importância da formação e qualificação dos profissionais de educação, assim como, para a necessidade de se alterarem as políticas educativas, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à obrigatoriedade de existirem educadores de infância nas salas de berçário. - ABSTRACT With the main objective of contributing to the study of quality of infant/toddler center-based child care in the Counties of Setúbal and Palmela, this work aims to (1) assess and describe the quality of 30 infant classrooms by applying the Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale-Revised Edition ([ITERS-R], Harms, Cryer, & Clifford, 2006), (2) assess and describe the socialization practices of caregivers responsible for 30 infant classrooms by applying the Caregiver Interaction Scale ([CIS], Arnett, 1989), (3) study the association between the socialization practices of professionals and the quality of infant classrooms, (4) to study associations between the quality of infant classrooms and the socialization practices of professionals and some structure variables (ratio adult/child group size, education, training, and experience of carers). Considering that the studies carried out in Portugal reveal minimum or inadequate quality in infant/toddler center-based child care, the results of this study suggest that, in accordance with ITERS-R, the quality of the infant classrooms observed varies between minimum and good. Although the present study reports higher quality scores, it was found that items which present the biggest weaknesses (deficit areas) as well as the items which express higher quality (strengths) appear to converge with the results of the investigations already carried out, since the items related with subscales Activities and Personal Care Routines are those with the most worrisome results. The Interaction subscale from ITERS-R proved to be the one with higher scores, and socialization practices of caregivers proved to be excellent. It was also found that the rooms oriented by early childhood teachers, as well as the rooms in which the primary care provider was also guided by childhood teachers showed higher quality than when guided by operational assistants (educational activities assistants). This effect draws attention to the importance of the education professionals training and qualification, as well as the need for altering the educational policies, in particular as regards the obligation to ensure the existence of early childhood teachers in infant classrooms.
The increasing use of distributed generation units based on renewable energy sources, the consideration of demand-side management as a distributed resource, and the operation in the scope of competitive electricity markets have caused important changes in the way that power systems are operated. The new distributed resources require an entity (player) capable to make them able to participate in electricity markets. This entity has been known as Virtual Power Player (VPP). VPPs need to consider all the business opportunities available to their resources, considering all the relevant players, the market and/or other VPPs to accomplish their goals. This paper presents a methodology that considers all these opportunities to minimize the operation costs of a VPP. The method is applied to a distribution network managed by four independent VPPs with intensive use of distributed resources.
CoDeSys "Controller Development Systems" is a development environment for programming in the area of automation controllers. It is an open source solution completely in line with the international industrial standard IEC 61131-3. All five programming languages for application programming as defined in IEC 61131-3 are available in the development environment. These features give professionals greater flexibility with regard to programming and allow control engineers have the ability to program for many different applications in the languages in which they feel most comfortable. Over 200 manufacturers of devices from different industrial sectors offer intelligent automation devices with a CoDeSys programming interface. In 2006, version 3 was released with new updates and tools. One of the great innovations of the new version of CoDeSys is object oriented programming. Object oriented programming (OOP) offers great advantages to the user for example when wanting to reuse existing parts of the application or when working on one application with several developers. For this reuse can be prepared a source code with several well known parts and this is automatically generated where necessary in a project, users can improve then the time/cost/quality management. Until now in version 2 it was necessary to have hardware interface called “Eni-Server” to have access to the generated XML code. Another of the novelties of the new version is a tool called Export PLCopenXML. This tool makes it possible to export the open XML code without the need of specific hardware. This type of code has own requisites to be able to comply with the standard described above. With XML code and with the knowledge how it works it is possible to do component-oriented development of machines with modular programming in an easy way. Eplan Engineering Center (EEC) is a software tool developed by Mind8 GmbH & Co. KG that allows configuring and generating automation projects. Therefore it uses modules of PLC code. The EEC already has a library to generate code for CoDeSys version 2. For version 3 and the constant innovation of drivers by manufacturers, it is necessary to implement a new library in this software. Therefore it is important to study the XML export to be then able to design any type of machine. The purpose of this master thesis is to study the new version of the CoDeSys XML taking into account all aspects and impact on the existing CoDeSys V2 models and libraries in the company Harro Höfliger Verpackungsmaschinen GmbH. For achieve this goal a small sample named “Traffic light” in CoDeSys version 2 will be done and then, using the tools of the new version it there will be a project with version 3 and also the EEC implementation for the automatically generated code.
Dust is a complex mixture of particles of organic and inorganic origin and different gases absorbed in aerosol droplets. In a poultry unit include dried faecal matter and urine, skin flakes, ammonia, carbon dioxide, pollens, feed and litter particles, feathers, grain mites, fungi spores, bacteria, viruses and their constituents. Dust particles vary in size and differentiation between particle size fractions is important in health studies in order to quantify penetration within the respiratory system. A descriptive study was developed in order to assess exposure to particles in a poultry unit during different operations, namely routine examination and floor turn over. Direct-reading equipment was used (Lighthouse, model 3016 IAQ). Particle measurement was performed in 5 different sizes (PM0.5; PM1.0; PM2.5; PM5.0; PM10). The chemical composition of poultry litter was also determined by neutron activation analysis. Normally, the litter of poultry pavilions is turned over weekly and it was during this operation that the higher exposure of particles was observed. In all the tasks considered PM5.0 and PM10.0 were the sizes with higher concentrations values. PM10 is what turns out to have higher values and PM0.5 the lowest values. The chemical element with the highest concentration was Mg (5.7E6 mg.kg-1), followed by K (1.5E4 mg.kg-1), Ca (4.8E3 mg.kg-1), Na (1.7E3 mg.kg-1), Fe (2.1E2 mg.kg-1) and Zn (4.2E1 mg.kg-1). This high presence of particles in the respirable range (<5–7μm) means that poultry dust particles can penetrate into the gas exchange region of the lung. Larger particles (PM10) present a range of concentrations from 5.3E5 and 3.0E6 mg/m3.
OBJECTIVE: To examine the effects of the length and timing of nighttime naps on performance and physiological functions, an experimental study was carried out under simulated night shift schedules. METHODS: Six students were recruited for this study that was composed of 5 experiments. Each experiment involved 3 consecutive days with one night shift (22:00-8:00) followed by daytime sleep and night sleep. The experiments had 5 conditions in which the length and timing of naps were manipulated: 0:00-1:00 (E60), 0:00-2:00 (E120), 4:00-5:00 (L60), 4:00-6:00 (L120), and no nap (No-nap). During the night shifts, participants underwent performance tests. A questionnaire on subjective fatigue and a critical flicker fusion frequency test were administered after the performance tests. Heart rate variability and rectal temperature were recorded continuously during the experiments. Polysomnography was also recorded during the nap. RESULTS: Sleep latency was shorter and sleep efficiency was higher in the nap in L60 and L120 than that in E60 and E120. Slow wave sleep in the naps in E120 and L120 was longer than that in E60 and L60. The mean reaction time in L60 became longer after the nap, and faster in E60 and E120. Earlier naps serve to counteract the decrement in performance and physiological functions during night shifts. Performance was somewhat improved by taking a 2-hour nap later in the shift, but deteriorated after a one-hour nap. CONCLUSIONS: Naps in the latter half of the night shift were superior to earlier naps in terms of sleep quality. However performance declined after a 1-hour nap taken later in the night shift due to sleep inertia. This study suggests that appropriate timing of a short nap must be carefully considered, such as a 60-min nap during the night shift.
An auction model is used to increase the individual profits for market players with products they do not use. A Financial Transmission Rights Auction has the goal of trade transmission rights between Bidders and helps them raise their own profits. The ISO plays a major rule on keep the system in technical limits without interfere on the auctions offers. In some auction models the ISO decide want bids are implemented on the network, always with the objective maximize the individual profits for all bidders in the auction. This paper proposes a methodology for a Financial Transmission Rights Auction and an informatics application. The application receives offers from the purchase and sale side and considers bilateral contracts as Base Case. This goal is maximize the individual profits within the system in their technical limits. The paper includes a case study for the 30 bus IEEE test case.
Individual cancer susceptibility seems to be related to factors such as changes in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes expression, and differences in the action of metabolic enzymes and DNA repair regulated by specific genes. Epidemiological studies on genetic polymorphisms of human xenobiotics metabolizing enzymes and cancer have revealed low relative risks. Research considering genetic polymorphisms prevalence jointly with environmental exposures could be relevant for a better understanding of cancer etiology and the mechanisms of carcinogenesis and also for new insights on cancer prognosis. This study reviews the approaches of molecular epidemiology in cancer research, stressing case-control and cohort designs involving genetic polymorphisms, and factors that could introduce bias and confounding in these studies. Similarly to classical epidemiological research, genetic polymorphisms requires considering aspects of precision and accuracy in the study design.
Tese de Doutoramento, Geologia (Hidrogeologia), 17 de Dezembro de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.