958 resultados para TR Photography
The study is based on experimental work conducted in alpine snow. We made microwave radiometric and near-infrared reflectance measurements of snow slabs under different experimental conditions. We used an empirical relation to link near-infrared reflectance of snow to the specific surface area (SSA), and converted the SSA into the correlation length. From the measurements of snow radiances at 21 and 35 GHz , we derived the microwave scattering coefficient by inverting two coupled radiative transfer models (the sandwich and six-flux model). The correlation lengths found are in the same range as those determined in the literature using cold laboratory work. The technique shows great potential in the determination of the snow correlation length under field conditions.
The staircase is presented as the architectural component that most potently embodies thresholds, boundaries and passages due to its diagonal orientation and essence as an intermediary zone. Connections then are made between the kinesthetic requirements of traversing a staircase and viewing a stereoscopic photograph. From this foundation, the haptic essence of stereoscopic photography is proposed as uniquely qualified medium through which to view a staircase and therefore thresholds, boundaries, and passages within architecture. Analyses of stereoviews of staircases in the Palais de Justice in Brussels, the Library of Congress in Washington, and the Palais Garnier (Opéra) in Paris close the essay.
Eine typische Schweizer Aktie kostete Anfang März 2001 über CHF 1000. Das ist ein Weltrekord. In keinem Land liegen die Aktienkurse auch nur annähernd so hoch. Mit einer Gesetzesänderung wird der Mindestnennwert per 1. Mai 2001 von CHF 10 auf 1 Rp. herabgesetzt. Dies ermöglicht Schweizer Gesellschaften, die Kurse ihrer Aktien durch Splits auf international übliche Werte zu vermindern. Wie verbreitet ist dieses Bedürfnis? Welche Auswirkungen haben Aktiensplits auf die Börsenbewertung? Welche Vorteile sind damit verbunden? Was ist der «optimale» Börsenkurs? Welche Gesellschaften sind primäre Splitkandidaten? Antworten auf diese Fragen finden sich im vorliegenden Aufsatz.
Az állami intézmények tereket hoznak létre azáltal, hogy meghatározott területekre vonatkozóan szabályokat vagy normákat írnak elő. Az ott élő, tevékenykedő emberek használják e tereket, stratégiákat alkotnak, alkalmazkodnak a törvényekhez és piaci viszonyokhoz, kiskapukat keresnek, hogy megélhetésüket, túlélésüket biztosítsák. Eközben ők maguk is olyan tereket hoznak létre, amelyeket a társadalom szimbolikusan értékel vagy stigmatizál. De a terek maguk is alakítják az embereket, lehetőséget biztosítanak számukra, hogy alkalmazkodjanak a feltételekhez, amivel ugyanakkor megteremtik a társadalmi változások alapjait – akárhogyan is alakuljanak e változások. A médiában, a prostitúcióról szóló hírekben a főszereplők jellemzően háttérben maradnak, e tanulmány nekik szentel figyelmet. Ezzel egyidejűleg a szerző megkíséreli a magyarországi nyilvános tereken zajló prostitúciót Budapest, Pécs és Nyíregyháza legkülönfélébb terein megvizsgálni.
PRINCIPLES To evaluate the validity and feasibility of a novel photography-based home assessment (PhoHA) protocol, as a possible substitute for on-site home assessment (OsHA). METHODS A total of 20 patients aged ≥65 years who were hospitalised in a rehabilitation centre for musculoskeletal disorders affecting mobility participated in this prospective validation study. For PhoHA, occupational therapists rated photographs and measurements of patients' homes provided by patients' confidants. For OsHA, occupational therapists conducted a conventional home visit. RESULTS Information obtained by PhoHA was 79.1% complete (1,120 environmental factors identified by PhoHA vs 1416 by OsHA). Of the 1,120 factors, 749 had dichotomous (potential hazards) and 371 continuous scores (measurements with tape measure). Validity of PhoHA to potential hazards was good (sensitivity 78.9%, specificity 84.9%), except for two subdomains (pathways, slippery surfaces). Pearson's correlation coefficient for the validity of measurements was 0.87 (95% confidence interval [CI 0.80-0.92, p <0.001). Agreement between methods was 0.52 (95%CI 0.34-0.67, p <0.001, Cohen's kappa coefficient) for dichotomous and 0.86 (95%CI 0.79-0.91, p <0.001, intraclass correlation coefficient) for continuous scores. Costs of PhoHA were 53.0% lower than those of OsHA (p <0.001). CONCLUSIONS PhoHA has good concurrent validity for environmental assessment if instructions for confidants are improved. PhoHA is potentially a cost-effective method for environmental assessment.
von J. H. Kohn
We propose a method to acquire 3D light fields using a hand-held camera, and describe several computational photography applications facilitated by our approach. As our input we take an image sequence from a camera translating along an approximately linear path with limited camera rotations. Users can acquire such data easily in a few seconds by moving a hand-held camera. We include a novel approach to resample the input into regularly sampled 3D light fields by aligning them in the spatio-temporal domain, and a technique for high-quality disparity estimation from light fields. We show applications including digital refocusing and synthetic aperture blur, foreground removal, selective colorization, and others.
[Jehuda Ben-Moses Naphtali]