626 resultados para TELECOMMUNICATION


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The principles of adaptive routing and multi-agent control for information flows in IP-networks.


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Problems for intellectualisation for man-machine interface and methods of self-organization for network control in multi-agent infotelecommunication systems have been discussed. Architecture and principles for construction of network and neural agents for telecommunication systems of new generation have been suggested. Methods for adaptive and multi-agent routing for information flows by requests of external agents- users of global telecommunication systems and computer networks have been described.


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In the teletraffic engineering of all the telecommunication networks, parameters characterizing the terminal traffic are used. One of the most important of them is the probability of finding the called (B-terminal) busy. This parameter is studied in some of the first and last papers in Teletraffic Theory. We propose a solution in this topic in the case of (virtual) channel systems, such as PSTN and GSM. We propose a detailed conceptual traffic model and, based on it, an analytical macro-state model of the system in stationary state, with: Bernoulli– Poisson–Pascal input flow; repeated calls; limited number of homogeneous terminals; losses due to abandoned and interrupted dialling, blocked and interrupted switching, not available intent terminal, blocked and abandoned ringing and abandoned conversation. Proposed in this paper approach may help in determination of many network traffic characteristics at session level, in performance evaluation of the next generation mobile networks.


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A model of an overall telecommunication network with virtual circuits switching, in stationary state, with Bernoulli-Poisson-Pascal (BPP) input flow, repeated calls, limited number of homogeneous terminals and 8 types of losses is considered. One of the main problems of network redimensioning is estimation of the traffic offered in the network because it reflects on finding of necessary number of equivalent switching lines on the basis of the consideration of detailed users behavior and target Quality of Service (QoS). The aim of this paper is to find a new solution of Network Redimensioning Task (NRDT) [4], taking into account the inconvenience of necessary measurements, not considered in the previous research [5]. The results are applicable for redimensioning of every (virtual) circuit switching telecommunication system, both for wireline and wireless systems (GSM, PSTN, ISDN and BISDN). For packet - switching networks proposed approach may be used as a comparison basis and when they work in circuit switching mode (e.g. VoIP).


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Mobile messaging is an integral and vital part of the mobile industry and contributes significantly to worldwide total mobile service revenues. In today’s competitive world, differentiation is a significant factor in the success of the business communication. SMS (Short Message Service) provides a powerful vehicle for service differentiation. What is missing, however, is the availability of personalized SMS messages. In particular, the exploitation of user profile information allows a selection and content delivery that meets preferences and interests for the individual. Personalization of mobile messages is important in today’s service-oriented society, and has proven to be crucial for the acceptance of services provided by the mobile telecommunication networks. In this paper we focus on user profile description and the mechanism for delivering the relevant information to the mobile user in accordance with his/her profile.


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The article presents a new type of logs merging tool for multiple blade telecommunication systems based on the development of a new approach. The introduction of the new logs merging tool (the Log Merger) can help engineers to build a processes behavior timeline with a flexible system of information structuring used to assess the changes in the analyzed system. This logs merging system based on the experts experience and their analytical skills generates a knowledge base which could be advantageous in further decision-making expert system development. This paper proposes and discusses the design and implementation of the Log Merger, its architecture, multi-board analysis of capability and application areas. The paper also presents possible ways of further tool improvement e.g. - to extend its functionality and cover additional system platforms. The possibility to add an analysis module for further expert system development is also considered.


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Recently, the concept of a random distributed feedback (DFB) lasing in optical fibers has been demonstrated [1], A number of different random DFB fiber lasers has been demonstrated so far including tunable, multiwalength, cascaded generation, generation in different spectral bands etc [2-7]. All systems are based on standard low-loss germanium doped silica core fibres having relatively low Rayleigh scattering coefficient. Thus, the typical length of random DFB fiber lasers is in the range from several kilometres to tens of kilometres to accumulate enough random feedback. Here we demonstrate for the first time to our knowledge the random DFB fiber laser based on a nitrogen doped silica core (N-doped) fiber. The fiber has several times higher Rayleigh scattering coefficient compared to standard telecommunication fibres. Thus, the generation is achieved in 500 meters long fiber only. © 2013 IEEE.


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Recent developments in nonlinear optics have brought to the fore of intensive research an interesting class of pulses with a parabolic intensity profile and a linear instantaneous frequency shift or chirp. Parabolic pulses propagate in optical fibres with normal group-velocity dispersion in a self-similar manner, holding certain relations (scaling) between pulse power, duration and chirp parameter, and can tolerate strong nonlinearity without distortion or wave breaking.  These solutions, which have been dubbed similaritons, were demonstrated theoretically and experimentally in fiber amplifiers in 2000. Similaritons in fiber amplifiers are, along with solitons in passive fibres, the most well-known classes of nonlinear attractors for pulse propagation in optical fibre, so they take on major fundamental importance. The unique properties of parabolic similaritons have stimulated numerous applications in nonlinear optics, ranging from ultrashort high-power pulse generation to highly coherent continuum sources and to optical nonlinear processing of telecommunication signals.


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Recent developments in nonlinear optics have brought to the fore of intensive research an interesting class of pulses with a parabolic intensity profile and a linear instantaneous frequency shift or chirp. Parabolic pulses propagate in optical fibres with normal group-velocity dispersion in a self-similar manner, holding certain relations (scaling) between pulse power, duration and chirp parameter, and can tolerate strong nonlinearity without distortion or wave breaking. These solutions, which have been dubbed similaritons, were demonstrated theoretically and experimentally in fibre amplifiers in 2000. Similaritons in fibre amplifiers are, along with solitons in passive fibres, the most well-known classes of nonlinear attractors for pulse propagation in optical fibre, so they take on major fundamental importance. The unique properties of parabolic similaritons have stimulated numerous applications in nonlinear optics, ranging from ultrashort high-power pulse generation to highly coherent continuum sources and to optical nonlinear processing of telecommunication signals. In this work, we review the physics underlying the generation of parabolic similaritons as well as recent results obtained in a wide range of experimental configurations.


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Telemedicine refers to the application of telecommunication and information technology (IT) in the delivery of health and clinical care at a distance or remotely and can be broadly considered in two modalities: store-and-forward and real-time interactive services. Preliminary studies have shown promising results in radiology, dermatology, intensive care, diabetes, rheumatology and primary care. However, the evidence is limited and hampered by small sample sizes, paucity of randomised controlled studies and lack of data relating to cost-effectiveness, health related quality of life and patient and clinician satisfaction. This review appraises the evidence from studies that have employed telemedicine tools in other disciplines and makes suggestions for its potential applications in specific clinical scenarios in adult allergy services. Possible examples include: triaging patients to determine the need for allergy tests; pre-assessment for specialised treatments such as allergen immunotherapy; follow up to assess treatment response and side effects; and education in self-management plan including training updates for self-injectable adrenaline and nasal spray use. This approach might improve access for those with limited mobility or living far away from regional centres, as well as bringing convenience and cost savings for the patient and service provider. These potential benefits need to be carefully weighed against evidence of service safety and quality. Keys to success include delineation of appropriate clinical scenarios, patient selection, training, IT support and robust information governance framework. Well-designed prospective studies are needed to evaluate its role. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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We report a unidirectional frequency dissemination scheme for high-fidelity optical carriers deployable over telecommunication networks. For the first time, a 10 Gb/s Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) signal from an ultra-narrow linewidth laser was transmitted through a field-installed optical fibre with round-trip length of 124 km between Cork City and town of Clonakilty, without inline optical amplification. At the receiver, using coherent communication techniques and optical injection-locking the carrier was recovered with noise suppression. The beat signal between the original carrier at the transmitter and recovered carrier at the receiver shows a linewidth of 2.8 kHz. Long term stability measurements revealed fractional instabilities (True Allan deviation) of 3.3 × 10-14 for 1 s averaging time, prior to phase noise cancellation.


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A Raman converter based on an active fiber with variable mode structure is experimentally and theoretically studied. It is demonstrated that a conventional telecommunication fiber with variable mode structure can be used to construct Raman converters © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2011.


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We experimentally demonstrate a Raman fiber laser based on multiple point-action fiber Bragg grating reflectors and distributed feedback via Rayleigh scattering in an ∼22-km-long optical fiber. Twenty-two lasing lines with spacing of ∼100 GHz (close to International Telecommunication Union grid) in the C band are generated at the watt level. In contrast to the normal cavity with competition between laser lines, the random distributed feedback cavity exhibits highly stable multiwavelength generation with a power-equalized uniform distribution, which is almost independent on power. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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Passively mode locked fibre lasers have a variety of applications ranging from telecommunication to medical photonics. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have attracted recently a great deal of attention as a promising solution for saturable absorber elements required for laser mode locking (see e.g. [1-3] and references therein). CNTs can be used as a saturable absorber in passively mode locked fibre laser directly [1,2] or as a CNTs polymer composites [3]. An attractive feature of CNT-based solutions in fibre lasers is a possibility to maintain the compactness, robustness of all-fibre format and low cost through using all standard telecom compatible components. The two important technical challenges in such type of lasers are: (i) to achieve stable polarization properties of the generated radiation without using complex control elements, and, (ii) to avoid low frequency instabilities of the mode-locked pulse train. In this paper we report results of the experiments on mode-locked soliton fibre laser using the following standard components: 1m of highly doped erbium fibre (Liekki Er80-8/125) serves as the gain medium with nominal absorption of 80 dB/m at 1530 nm; a 976 nm laser diode providing up to 310mW power is used to pump the laser via a 980/1550 wavelength division multiplexing; an isolator is employed to ensure single direction oscillation; SMF-28 is used to create necessary amount of anomalous dispersion to form soliton pulse making the total cavity length around 7.83 m; the CNT-polyvinyl alcohol polymer saturable absorber sandwiched in the FC/PC connector is used as a mode-locker device (see [3] for details). © 2011 IEEE.


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We report on the record-high pulse energy of nearly 1.7 μJ obtained directly from a self-mode-locked all-fiber erbium laser with a linear-ring cavity owing its extreme elongation up to several kilometers. Specially selected telecommunication fibers, providing large normal net cavity dispersion in the vicinity of 1.55 μm, have been used for this purpose. Along with compensation for polarization instability in the longer linear arm of the cavity, such approach has ensured stable wavebreaking- free mode-locked lasing with an ultra-low pulse repetition rate of 35.1 kHz. © 2010 by Astro Ltd.