957 resultados para Sustainable agriculture Queensland Brigalow Region
The aim of this study was to evaluate the anticoccidial efficacy of a product containing coumestans from Eclipta alba. Experimental conditions were set up as to reproduce the environment conditions for husbandry adopted in commercial broiler farms. Broilers were raised in broiler chicken shed provided with feeders, drinkers, illumination and temperature control systems and floor covering to afford an adequate nourishing environment. Male Cobb broilers (240) were assigned to four experimental groups being each experimental group set apart in rice straw-covered shed isolated with wire mesh. One-day-old broilers were reared in a coccidian-free environment with ad libitum supply of filtered water and freely available standard feed, from the 1st to the 35th day of life. The T1 group received standard feed (negative control); T2 was treated with standard feed supplemented with 66 ppm of salinomycin (positive control); groups T3 and T4 had standard feed supplemented with the ethyl acetate fraction from methanolic extract of E. alba aerial parts, which contains the coumestans WL and DWL (120 and 180 ppm, respectively). The chicken broilers were individually infected with 2 x 104 oocysts of Eimeria tenella when they were 14 days old and were monitored weekly to evaluate zootechnical parameters such as weight gain and food conversion ratio. Counting of coccidial oocyst in chiken feces was assessed from random samples, from the 21st to 28th days of life, which corresponded to 7-14 days after the infection. Five chickens selected at random from each experimental group were subsequently euthanized at 21, 28 or 35 days of life to determine the lesion score in the cecal region and to excise a cecum portion for histopathological evaluation. The group treated with coumestans from E. alba presented an average weight gain and food conversion ratio higher than the negative control group and similar to the mean value of the positive control group. Coumestan-treated groups showed a significant decrease in the oocyst counting since the 21th day of life and displayed a reduced number of macroscopic lesions. Histopathological evaluations of cecum fragments showed that both treatments induced the migration of defense cells at the site of infection. A severe destruction of the cecal lining was found in the intestinal tract of broilers fed with a coumestans dose of 180 ppm. Overall, our results validate the use of a phytotherapy containing E. alba coumestans at a dose of 120 ppm as a therapeutic or prophylactic agent against avian coccidiosis. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Organic agriculture is a sustainable cultivation ecologically, economically and socially. Several researches in organic agriculture have been made from technical perspectives, economic traits or related to ecological aspects. There are practically no investigations into the nature of the technology used in organic agriculture, especially from an ergonomic perspective. From the activity analysis, this study aimed to map the technology used in the production of organic vegetables. Properties producing organic vegetables were selected representing the State of São Paulo. It was applied an instrument (questionnaire and semi-structured interview) with their managers and it was made visual records to identify adaptations, innovations and technological demands that simultaneously minimize the workload and the difficulties in performing the tasks and increase work productivity. For some of the technological innovations a digital scanner was used to generate a virtual solid model to facilitate its redesign and virtual prototyping. The main results show that organic farmers have little technology in product form. The main innovations that enable competitive advantage or allow higher labor productivity occur in the form of processes, organization and marketing.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In order to evaluate growth characteristics, adaptability, biomass production, nutrient recycling, nutrient distribution and the ability to regenerate degraded land, a trial using four multipurpose tree species (Leucaena leucocephala, Leucaena diversifolia, Acacia melanoxylon and Mimosa scabrella) was undertaken over two years in a distrophic red yellow latosol (oxisol) following a randomized block experimental design with four replications. At the age of two years, A. melanoxylon and L. diversifolia were the tallest species (5.25 and 4.97 m, respectively) and A. melanoxylon and M. scabrella had the largest diameters at 20 cm from tree base. Mimosa scabrella and A. melanoxylon had the highest dry matter production and quantity of nutrients in the above ground biomass. In all species, the highest nutrient contents were found in the leaves, followed by branches and stems. From all species, the highest Nutrient Utilization Efficiency Indexes were obtained for sulphur, phosphorous, and magnesium; L. diversifolia was the most efficient for nitrogen, potassium, calcium, sulphur, and manganese, while A. melanoxylon was the most efficient for phosphorus, magnesium, boron, iron, and zinc. Litter production levels over a three month period were as follows: M. scabrella > A. melanoxylon > L. diversifolia > L. leucocephala. Litter nutrient content was higher in M. scabrella than in the other species.
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The contribution of biofuels to the sustainability of development in Latin America and the Caribbean
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