979 resultados para Surge tanks
The usual approach to compressor design considers uniform inlet flow characteristics. Especially in aircraft applications, the inlet flow is quite often non uniform, and this can result in severe performance degradation. The magnitude of this phenomenon is amplified in military engines due to the complexity of inlet duct configurations and the extreme flight conditions. CFD simulation is an innovative and powerful tool for studying inlet distortions and can bring this inside the very early phases of the design process. This project attempts to study the effects of inlet flow distortions in an axial flow compressor trying to minimize the use computer resources and computational time. The first stage of a low bypass ratio compressor has been analyzed and its clean and distorted performance compared outlining the principal changes due to uneven flow distribution: drop in mass flow, increase in pressure and temperature ratios, decrease in surge margin. Three different studies have then been conducted to better understand the effects of the level, the type and the frequency of the distortion.
Current design codes for floating offshore structures are based on measures of short-term reliability. That is, a design storm is selected via an extreme value analysis of the environmental conditions and the reliability of the vessel in that design storm is computed. Although this approach yields valuable information on the vessel motions, it does not produce a statistically rigorous assessment of the lifetime probability of failure. An alternative approach is to perform a long-term reliability analysis in which consideration is taken of all sea states potentially encountered by the vessel during the design life. Although permitted as a design approach in current design codes, the associated computational expense generally prevents its use in practice. A new efficient approach to long-term reliability analysis is presented here, the results of which are compared with a traditional short-term analysis for the surge motion of a representative moored FPSO in head seas. This serves to illustrate the failure probabilities actually embedded within current design code methods, and the way in which design methods might be adapted to achieve a specified target safety level.
In the present study the specimens collected by the Austrian-Ceylones hydrobiological mission 1970 are described. The freshwater gastropods in this study were collected from 100 different localities, mostly running waters, but some were also collected from stagnant waters like pools, irrigated paddy fields, swamps and water reservoirs (tanks). Listed from these localities are 31 species (and subspecies) 28 species are Streptoneura (=Prosobranchia), 3 species are Euthyneura-Pulmonata Basommatophora.
Residential RC framed structures suffered heavily during the 2001 Bhuj earthquake in Gujarat, India. These types of structures also saw severe damage in other earthquakes such as the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake in Turkey and 921 Ji-Ji earthquake in Taiwan. In this paper the seismic response of residential structures was investigated using physical modelling. Idealised soft storey and top heavy, two degrees of freedom (2DOF) portal frame structures were developed and tested on saturated and dry sand models at 25 g using the Schofield Centre 10-m Beam Centrifuge. It was possible to recreate observed field behaviour using these models. As observed in many of the recent earthquakes, soft storey structures were found to be particularly vulnerable to seismic loads. Elastic response spectra methods are often used in the design of simple portal frame structures. The seismic risk of these structures can be significantly increased due to modifications such as removal of a column or addition of heavy water tanks on the roof. The experimental data from the dynamic centrifuge tests on such soft storey or top-heavy models was used to evaluate the predictions obtained from the response spectra. Response spectra were able to predict seismic response during small to moderate intensity earthquakes, but became inaccurate during strong earthquakes and when soil structure interaction effects became important. Re-evaluation of seismic risk of such modified structures is required and time domain analyses suggested by building codes such as IBC, UBC or NEHRP may be more appropriate. © Springer 2006.
El Delta del Paraná es una región inconmensurable, mágica, llena de misterios y leyendas cuyos primeros registros históricos comienzan a partir del Siglo XVI (Athor, 2014). Liborio Justo en la introducción de “El Carapachay dice…”durante siglos, el Delta fue para la capital del país, a pesar de su vecindad, una tierra incógnita en la que jamás puso su atención, ni se preocupó en conocer ni ocupar, no obstante los beneficios que de ella recibía” agregando, ”…la primacía en la descripción del Delta del Paraná, desde el punto de vista literario, corresponde a Marcos Sastre quien, según Sarmiento fue el primer hombre culto que aplicó el raciocinio a la realidad y vio en las islas terrenos adaptables a la industria”. Este autor también comenta que, Santiago J. Albarracín (pariente de Sarmiento) dice “Apareció el Sr. Sarmiento y fue el primero de los publicistas que emprendió la propaganda de hacer poblar las islas”. Por sus características lo podríamos considerar como un “laboratorio a gran escala”, ya que en su “interior” suceden fenómenos físicos y biológicos que lo hacen único, en un área relevante de la Región Neotropical. No obstante, salvo casos puntuales, recién a partir de 1990 se han incrementado y tienen la continuidad necesaria diferentes líneas de investigación, principalmente, desde el Grupo de Investigaciones sobre Ecología de Humedales. Este fue dirigido en un principio por la ya fallecida Ana I. Malvárez y hoy se encuentra dentro del Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental (3iA) de la UNSAM liderado por Rubén Quintana. En este número, prosiguiendo con la política de difusión que hemos venido realizando hace más de treinta años desde el Instituto de Limnología “R. A. Ringuelet” (ILPLA) y la División Zoología Vertebrados del Museo de La Plata, aportamos una bibliografía ictiológica sobre esta particular área de nuestro territorio. Como dato histórico y curioso, podemos mencionar que el primer aporte formal en el Delta, sobre este grupo de vertebrados, surge desde la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, a través de un trabajo publicado en 1913 por el arqueólogo y etnógrafo Luis M. Torres del Museo de La Plata. Sin embargo, a pesar de nuestra experiencia en búsqueda de información, quizá pueda haber quedado algún incunable o trabajo moderno en un “agujero negro”. Si se diera esta situación, pedimos las disculpas del caso.
A laboratory based 2 x 2 factorial experiment was conducted to investigate the influences of dietary phosphorus and zinc levels on growth and bone mineralization in fingerlings of rainbow trout for 21 weeks. Two levels of phosphorus (19 and 30 mg/g) and two levels of zinc (55 and 103 Ag/g) in the dry diets were tested. Duplicate tanks of 30 rainbow trout (average weight 1.56 ± 0.24 g) per 60L glass tank were fed experimental diets three times a day to apparent satiation level at 15 to 24°C water temperature. The results of the present study demonstrated that dietary phosphorus supplementation influenced the growth and bone mineralization whereas zinc levels significantly (p<0.05) influenced bone mineralization in rainbow trout. Further investigations in this area with different size and age groups of this fish are broadly needed.
This paper presents the first performance evaluation of interest points on scalar volumetric data. Such data encodes 3D shape, a fundamental property of objects. The use of another such property, texture (i.e. 2D surface colouration), or appearance, for object detection, recognition and registration has been well studied; 3D shape less so. However, the increasing prevalence of depth sensors and the diminishing returns to be had from appearance alone have seen a surge in shape-based methods. In this work we investigate the performance of several detectors of interest points in volumetric data, in terms of repeatability, number and nature of interest points. Such methods form the first step in many shape-based applications. Our detailed comparison, with both quantitative and qualitative measures on synthetic and real 3D data, both point-based and volumetric, aids readers in selecting a method suitable for their application. © 2011 IEEE.
BFRI evolved some selected aquaculture technologies viz. polyculture of carps in perennial ponds, monoculture of short cycled fish species (BFRI super strain) in seasonal ponds and prawn seed production through backyard hatchery system have been demonstrated under Farming System Research (FSR) component in Jessore and Santahar regions. Both polyculture of carps and monoculture of short cycled fish species technologies were tested in farmer's ponds in Kaium Kula village near Jessore town. In polyculture trials, seven species comprising of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molirrix), catla (Catla catla), rohu (Labeo rohita), grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus), common carp (Cyprinus carpio), mrigal (Cirrhinus cirrhosus) and silver barb (Barbonymus gonionotus) were stocked @ 9,500 (ratio 6:2:4:2:1:5:5); 10,750 (ratio 6:2:4:2:1:5:5) and 12,000 (ratio 6:2:4:2:1:5:4) fish/ha respectively in ponds of T1, T2 and T3 having three replications of each. The mean highest fish production was 3,148 kg/ha in T3, followed by 2,899 kg/ha in T1 and 2,875 kg/ha in T2. Production of T3 was significantly different (P<0.05) than both T1 and T2, while there was no significant differences (P>0.05) between the production of T1 and T2. In case of trial of short cycled fish species, two treatments were tested: T1 (comprising of BFRI super strain of Nile tilapia, silver carp, common carp and silver barb; ratio 3:5:1:1) and T2 (having only BFRI super strain of Nile tilapia). Stocking density in both the treatments were same (20,000 fish/ha). In this trial average production was higher in T1 (2,743 kg/ha) than that of T2 (2,369 kg/ha) but the production figure in these two treatments was not significantly different (P>0.05). Demonstration of backyard prawn hatchery technology was tested at Santahar region of Bogra district, North-west part of Bangladesh. This hatchery consisted of three main components i) bio-filter, ii) rearing tank unit (chari) and iii) air blower/air pump unit. Plastic drum of 200-250 l capacity and cemented chari of 200-250 l capacity were used as bio-filter and larval rearing containers respectively. A 0.5 hp air blower with 6 aquarium air pump were used to operate the aeration system in the hatchery. Diluted sea water (10-12 ppt) made from brine solution (200-250 ppt) collected from salt-bed was used in the backyard hatchery system of hatching of eggs and rearing of larvae. Rearing of first stage zoea-larvae was reared in three rearing tanks following the stocking densities of 40, 50 and 60/l of water respectively. Production of post-larvae were 20±0.82, 22±1.12 and 28±1.63/liter of water in treatments I, II and III respectively in 38, 40 and 39 days rearing period.
Prior to stocking economic species in tanks and nursery ponds, all the unwanted and predatory fishes in them will have to be removed. Even though most of them can be caught with ordinary gear such as cast net, drag net, scoop net etc. Total or absolute eradication is not possible and those left over are sufficient to destroy all the fingerlings introduced. Development of an electrical method for killing predatory fishes at reasonable cost is therefore, expected to provide a solution. This paper deals with a few methods, based on the use of electricity and which are suitable for different ponds.
Large quantities of self-brine accumulating in curing tanks during the process of commercial fish salting is mostly wasted at present. This liquor exuded from the fish during the process of salting contains considerable amounts of soluble proteins and minerals. Due to the presence of organic matter the self-brine quickly putrefies causing nauseating smell. This renders the whole surroundings insanitary and often leads to health hazards to neighboring localities. Any economic method of utilising this waste brine and converting it into some useful product will be a tangible help to the fish curing industry. Hence, a method is given for converting this waste self-brine into a cheap and efficient fertilizer.
Diatoms were collected from Buyuan Bay, and from the hatchery tanks at Tigbauan, to determine the commonly occurring species, the feasibility of culturing these species, and the potential of these selected species as food for larval P. monodon. The commonly occurring diatoms were identified as Chaetoceros calcitrans, Navicula grimmei, Nitzchia seriata, Nitzchia closterium and Amphiprora sp. These diatoms were isolated and unialgal cultures prepared. Protein content analysis using the micro-Kjildahl method gave the following result: C. calcitrans, 11 . 78%; Nitzchia seriata, 25%; Nitzchia closterium, 30 . 5%; Navicula grimmei, 9 . 06% and Amphiprora sp. 8 . 96%. Feeding experiments were conducted to determine acceptability of the different diatom species and percentage survival of larval stages Z SUB-1 -M SUB-2 . Larvae were placed in 4-l capacity plastic containers with a stocking density of 10/l. The results of several feeding trials using the different mass-produced diatoms are summarized. From the data gathered, C. calcitrans appears to be the most promising candidate as feed for zoea and mysis stages of P. monodon. The average percentage survival of C. calcitrans was 63 . 76% for the 3 trials, and as high as 82 . 22% in the third trial. Comparatively high percentage survival of larvae was also recorded when Nitzchia seriata (48 . 17%) and Nitzchia closterium (67 . 6%) were given as feed, while both Amphiprora sp. and Navicula grimmei gave 0% survival. The poor results with Amphiprora sp. and Navicula grimmei may be due to their low protein content (8 . 96% and 9 . 06%, respectively) and the inability of the larvae to ingest them. Navicula and Amphiprora were observed to cling to the appendages of the larvae and to settle down in the medium making them unavailable to the larvae. Low survival was also noted when frozen C. calcitrans was used (14 . 25%). This may be due partly to the effect of the floculating agent (ALSO SUB-4 . 25 g/l) used in concentrating the diatoms. When protein contents of C. calcitrans, N. seriata and N. closterium are compared, the 2 Nitzchia species have relatively higher protein contents than C. calcitrans and, therefore, could be the more desirable feed candidates. However, few feeding trials were made using Nitzchia so that additional investigations will have to be done on this aspect.
A pathogenic suctorean, identified as Ephelota gemmipara was observed in P. monodon larvae spawned and reared in tanks. Commonly found to inhabit hydroid colonies, E. gemmipara has a stalked body with two types of tentacles, the sucking and piercing types, and was observed to reproduce by multiple exogenous budding.
Zoea 2(Z SUB-2 ) Mysis 1 (M SUB-1 ) and Postlarva 1 (P SUB-1 ) of P. monodon artificially spawned in closed-system concrete hatchery tanks were bioassayed for their tolerance to the antibiotic furanace. The setup consisted of four 20-liter capacity plastic basins previously conditioned for 15 days with freshwater in full sunlight. During the experiment, each basin was filled with 5 liters of seawater to which was added filtered Chaetoceros and Brachionus to give densities of 5 . 0-7 . 5 x 10 SUP-4 cells/ml and 10-20 individuals/ml, respectively. The following are the properties of the water used throughout the experiments: salinity, 26-32%; pH, 7 . 3-8 . 4; temperature, 25-30 degree C; dissolved oxygen, 4 . 5-8 . 4 ppm; nitrite, 0 . 36-0 . 99 ppm; and ammonia, 0 . 10-0 . 30 ppm. To each basin were added 50 healthy larvae of specific stages of P. monodon. After an initial acclimation of one hour in the medium, preweighed amounts of the antibiotic were added and thoroughly dissolved. The concentrations tested were 1 . 0, 2 . 0 and 3 . 0 ppm. One basin always served as control. After 24 hours of exposure, the surviving population in each basin was counted. The survivors were then examined thoroughly under the microscope for unusual behavior and morphological defects brought about by the exposure. To minimize wide variations in the medium as a result of feeding and other manipulations, the systems were all prepared at 9:00 a.m. each time, and the feeds on two instances, one at 5:00 p.m. and another at 5:00 a.m. Fifteen trials conducted with Z SUB-2 showed survival ranges of 68% to 98% with a mean of 77 . 6% in the controls; 32% to 94% with a mean of 65 . 7% at 1 ppm, and 0% to 56% with a mean of 36 . 5% at 2 ppm. There were no survivors at 3 ppm. Interpolation from the survival-dose curve gave a 24-hr LC SUB-50 of approximately 1 . 6 ppm.
One unidentified species of copepod belonging to the genus Caliqus of the family Caigidae was found to infest the adult milkfish broodstock. To control the parasites infesting the adult milkfish, tests were made using the chemical (2,2,2-trichloro-1-hydroxyl)-phosphonic acid-dimethylethol (Neguvon) at a concentration of 0 . 25 ppm. It is noted that a concentration of 0 . 25 ppm of Neguvon maintained for 12-24 hours in the sabalo-containing tanks in a closed water system but with aeration is effective in controlling the parasites. Fish mortality during the experiment was due to inadequate aeration in the tanks.
The first spawnings were obtained 12 days after ablation with 4 spawners yielding 784,000 eggs and a harvest of 250,000 P SUB-10 fry. Survival of females after 1 month was approximately 30%. Mortalities were mostly due to handling stress during the regular ovarian samplings as well as disease frm the accumulated excess feeds on the bottom of the tank. Male survival could not be recorded because of transfers to other tanks and addition of new stocks. Development seemed to peak 3 weeks after ablation. The average number of eggs per ablated spawner was 120,000. However, many of the partially spawned females were removed from the spawning tanks the following day so that remaining eggs released in the next 2 to 3 days could not be recorded. Estimate of the average number of eggs per ablated spawner is 120,000-150,000 in contrast to 500,000 per wild spawner. However, the low production cost more than compensates for the difference. Fry reared in the Wet Laboratory were used for experiments, mostly on feeding. Therefore, survival at harvest is not to be taken as a reflection of stock quality. Although fewer in number, larvae from ablated prawns are as healthy in terms of vigor in swimming and feeding as those from wild females. Most mortalities are due to inability to molt caused by lower water temperatures and inadequate feeding.