992 resultados para Supply Reduction
If regions of the anterior pituitary gland received systemic blood via a direct arterial blood supply these regions would escape hypothalamic regulation and thus be a sequela in endocrine disorders. Since, in the untreated rat, all of the blood supply to the anterior pituitary gland is via the hypophyseal portal vessels, we hypothesized that partial interruption of the portal vessels could provoke the establishment of a direct arterial blood supply (arteriogenesis). We utilized the injection of polystyrene microspheres (15 or 9 micron diameter) into the left ventricle of the heart to test this hypothesis. Microspheres are trapped in the first capillary plexus they reach since they are too large to traverse the capillaries. No microspheres reached the anterior pituitary gland of control rats, a finding consistent with the fact that the anterior pituitary gland receives all of its blood supply via the hypophyseal portal blood vessels. Microspheres were observed in the primary portal capillary plexus in the infundibulum (median eminence), infundibular stalk (pituitary stalk), and infundibular process (pars nervosa), the first capillary plexus which they reached. A lesion of the medial basal hypothalamus (MBH) which destroyed the long portal vessels did not result in arteriogenesis since few, if any, microspheres were observed in the anterior pituitary gland. We confirmed, using vascular casts, that these lesions resulted in the long-term destruction of the primary portal capillaries in the infundibulum and of the long portal vessels. In MBH-lesioned animals it appears that all of the blood supply of the anterior pituitary gland is via short portal vessels arising from the infundibular stem and process.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) has made improving work zone (WZ) safety a high priority. Managing vehicle speeds through work zones is perceived to be an important factor in achieving this goal. A number of speed reduction techniques are currently used by transportation agencies throughout the country to control speeds and reduce speed variation at work zones. The purpose of this project is to study these and other applicable work zone speed reduction strategies. Furthermore, this research explores transportation agencies' policies regarding managing speeds in long-term, short-term, and moving work zones. This report consists of three chapters. The first chapter, a literature review, examines the current speed reduction practices at work zones and provides a review of the relevant literature. The speed control strategies reviewed in this chapter range from posting regulatory and advisory speed limit signs to using the latest radar technologies to reduce speeds at work zones. The second chapter includes a short write-up for each identified speed control technique. The write-up includes a description, the results of any field tests, the benefits and the costs of the technology or technique. To learn more about other state policies regarding work zone speed reduction and management, the Center for Transportation Research and Education conducted a survey. The survey consists of six multipart questions. The third chapter provides summaries of the response to each question.
Despite a low positive predictive value, diagnostic tests such as complete blood count (CBC) and C-reactive protein (CRP) are commonly used to evaluate whether infants with risk factors for early-onset neonatal sepsis (EOS) should be treated with antibiotics. We investigated the impact of implementing a protocol aiming at reducing the number of diagnostic tests in infants with risk factors for EOS in order to compare the diagnostic performance of repeated clinical examination with CBC and CRP measurement. The primary outcome was the time between birth and the first dose of antibiotics in infants treated for suspected EOS. Among the 11,503 infants born at ≥35 weeks during the study period, 222 were treated with antibiotics for suspected EOS. The proportion of infants receiving antibiotics for suspected EOS was 2.1% and 1.7% before and after the change of protocol (p = 0.09). Reduction of diagnostic tests was associated with earlier antibiotic treatment in infants treated for suspected EOS (hazard ratio 1.58; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.20-2.07; p <0.001), and in infants with neonatal infection (hazard ratio 2.20; 95% CI 1.19-4.06; p = 0.01). There was no difference in the duration of hospital stay nor in the proportion of infants requiring respiratory or cardiovascular support before and after the change of protocol. Reduction of diagnostic tests such as CBC and CRP does not delay initiation of antibiotic treatment in infants with suspected EOS. The importance of clinical examination in infants with risk factors for EOS should be emphasised.
PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: Fracture of the tibial pilon is a rare injury and its treatment remains difficult. The aim of this study was to report the complications and long term results of internal fixation using a technique which respects soft tissues and in which little material was used. MATERIAL: From 1985 to 1990, 48 patients with 51 fractures of the tibial pilon were treated by open reduction and internal fixation. All patients were submitted to a clinical and radiological review. METHODS: Both the Rüedi/Allgöwer and the AO-classification were used and determined by standard X-rays. Surgical procedure was performed with a 2 or 3 1/3 tube AO-plates and the peroneus was always fixed if fractured. Intraoperative reconstruction was analyzed. Subjective and objective scoring were used according to Olerud and Molander and the ankle arthritis was scored according to the classification determined by the SOFCOT in 1992. RESULTS: A minimal follow-up of 1 year for all cases was obtained, based on our own files. Thirty-eight patients (40 fractures) were evaluated after an average period of 88 months (56 to 124 months). Five patients developed cutaneous infection, three developed deep infection and four developed superficial skin necrosis. One aseptic non-union necessitated reoperation after 14 months. Two ankles had joint fusion after 19 and 25 months respectively due to severe arthritis. In six cases infectious and non-infectious complications led to surgical revision. According to the Olerud and Molander score, 15 per cent of the results were excellent, 45 per cent were good, 30 per cent were fair and 10 per cent poor. DISCUSSION: Literature shows a wide range of results following this surgical procedure. This is due to the difference in the type of trauma, classification system used, material used for the internal fixation and method of evaluation. The classification system of Rüedi and Allgöwer is the most commonly used but has a rather subjective tendency, especially between type II and type III. Treatment is difficult, especially for comminutive fractures associated with soft tissue damage. In this case, open reduction and internal fixation could increase iatrogenic lesions. For this reason surgical procedure can be delayed for several days, little material is used and soft tissue manipulation is reduced to minimum. In other study reports, the use of external fixation with or without minimal internal fixation have produced less complications without improving long term results. CONCLUSION: Analysis and comparison of study reports are difficult because of the absence of consensus in classification system and evaluation methods. The AO-classification, apparently the most objective, will probably be more and more used in the future. Treatment must be adapted to the bony lesion and soft tissue damage. Open reduction and internal fixation must be reserved for a specific group of lesion.
Marked changes in the content of protein in the diet affects the rat"s pattern of growth, but there is not any data on the effects to moderate changes. Here we used a genetically obese rat strain (Zucker) to examine the metabolic modifications induced to moderate changes in the content of protein of diets, doubling (high-protein (HP): 30%) or halving (low-protein (LP): 8%) the content of protein of reference diet (RD: 16%). Nitrogen, energy balances, and amino acid levels were determined in lean (L) and obese (O) animals after 30 days on each diet. Lean HP (LHP) animals showed higher energy efficiency and amino acid catabolism but maintained similar amino acid accrual rates to the lean RD (LRD) group. Conversely, the lean LP (LLP) group showed a lower growth rate, which was compensated by a relative increase in fat mass. Furthermore, these animals showed greater efficiency accruing amino acids. Obesity increased amino acid catabolism as a result of massive amino acid intake; however, obese rats maintained protein accretion rates, which, in the OHP group, implied a normalization of energy efficiency. Nonetheless, the obese OLP group showed the same protein accretion pattern as in lean animals (LLP). In the base of our data, concluded that the Zucker rats accommodate their metabolism to support moderates increases in the content of protein in the diet, but do not adjust in the same way to a 50% decrease in content of protein, as shown by an index of growth reduced, both in lean and obese rats.
Although gene by environment interactions may play a key role in the maintenance of genetic polymorphisms, little is known about the ecological factors involved in these interactions. We investigated whether food supply and parasites can mediate covariation between the degree of adult pheomelanin-based coloration, a heritable trait, and offspring body mass in the tawny owl (Strix aluco). We swapped clutches between nests to allocate genotypes randomly among environments. Three weeks after hatching, we challenged the immune system of 80 unrelated nestlings with either a phytohemagglutinin (PHA) or a lipopolysaccharide, surrogates of alternative parasites, and then fed them ad lib. or food-restricted them during the following 6 days in the laboratory. Whatever the immune challenge, nestlings fed ad lib. converted food more efficiently into body mass when their biological mother was dark pheomelanic. In contrast, food-restricted nestlings challenged with PHA lost less body mass when their biological mother was pale pheomelanic. Nestling tawny owls born from differently melanic mothers thus show differing reaction norms relative to food availability and parasitism. This suggests that dark and pale pheomelanic owls reflect alternative adaptations to food availability and parasites, factors known to vary in space and time.
Selostus: WTO:n kauppaneuvotteluissa esitettyjen tuontitullien alentamisvaihtoehtojen vaikutukset EU:n sokerimarkkinoihin
AIM: To assess the predictors of a significant decrease or cessation of substance use (SU) in a treated epidemiological cohort of first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients. METHOD: Participants were FEP patients of the Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre in Australia. Patients' medical files were reviewed using a standardized file audit. Data on 432 patients with FEP and baseline co-morbid substance use disorder (SUD) were available for analysis. Predictors of reduction/cessation of SU at follow up were examined using logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: In univariate analyses, a reduction/cessation of SU was predicted by baseline measures reflecting higher education, employment, accommodation with others, cannabis use disorder (CUD) only (rather than poly-SUDs), better global functioning and better premorbid social and occupational functioning, later age at onset of psychosis, and a diagnosis of non-affective psychosis. In multivariate analysis, CUD alone and better premorbid social and occupational functioning remained significant predictors. CONCLUSIONS: Addressing SUDs and social and occupational goals in people with FEP may offer opportunities to prevent SUDs becoming more severe or entrenched. Further longitudinal research on recovery from SU and FEP is needed to disentangle directions of influence and identify key targets for intervention.
We report the case of a 35-year-old man with no cardiovascular morbidity, presenting with acute flank pain, microscopic haematuria and normal blood pressure. Initially diagnosed as a ureteral colic, the patient was recovered 6 weeks later with severe hypertensive crisis. Further investigations revealed a massive renal infarction secondary to medial fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD). Several aspects of this presentation are intriguing. Renal infarcts are usually seen in older patients having cardiac problems and/or major atheromatous plaques. In addition, FMD is mainly observed in young females and rarely progresses to renal artery occlusion. Furthermore, in this case, FMD remained silent until the acute renal infarction occurred, despite a significant kidney size reduction at the time of diagnosis. Finally, the observation of a delayed hypertensive response to a major renovascular insult provides incentives to discuss possible pathophysiological mechanisms involved in renovascular hypertension.
Breast hypertrophy, combined with massive ptosis with a suprasternal notch-to-nipple distance of more than 40 cm, remains an endeavour. Different refinements of the initial technique with free nipple grafts have been described to circumvent the problems of nipple underprojection, areolar hypopigmentation and loss of sensibility secondary to nipple grafting, as well as lacking breast projection due to scarce glandular tissue. Techniques relying on nipple areola complex transposition, rather than grafting, have been described with inferior, superomedial and medial pedicles. The aim of this study is to present the results obtained in a series of 10 patients suffering from bilateral breast hypertrophy with massive ptosis, which was defined as a distance >40 cm from the suprasternal notch-to the nipple. All breasts were managed with a superior pedicle and inverted T technique. The mean preoperative suprasternal notch-to-nipple distance was 44 ± 2 cm, and the resection weight ranged from 800 to 2490 g per breast with an average of about 1450 g in this patient population presenting with overweight or obesity. With a mean nipple areola complex (NAC) lift of 20 ± 3 cm, neither nipple nor areola necrosis was observed. One partial epidermolysis of the areola and two cases of delayed wound healing at the trifurcation point of the inverted T were conservatively managed. Only one re-operation was necessary for an important wound dehiscence of the lateral part of the horizontal scar. These results underscore the safety of the superior pedicle technique in cases of massive ptosis with transposition of the NAC of approximately 20 cm, that is, a pedicle length of about 25 cm.
During the last three decades, the number of tourism events has been growing in Catalan coastal resorts because of the recover of Catalan cultural traditions, festivals and folklore, and also because of tourism growth. Catalan tourism resorts use events as catalysers for new supply and as a mean to differentiate and singularize themselves from their competitors. The tourism potential of cultural events is undeniable but there are some problems that prevent a more effective impact as economic and regional development agents. This paper reflects some discussions and conclusions obtained from the analysis of 264 valid responses of a survey made to different Catalan event organizers in 2008 and 2009. We describe and characterize cultural event supply in coastal resorts in order to study the events tourism importance, their capacity to generate and spread economic development, and their managerial model. The analysis is made in a geographical basis, comparing the results of the territorial organization of events of the city of Barcelona, coastal and inland municipalities. Finally some considerations about event regional tourism policy and tourism development are discussed.
Open source is typically outside of normal commercial software procurement processes.The Challenges.Increasingly diverse and distributed set of development resources.Little/no visibility into the origins of the software.Supply Chain Comparison: Hardware vs Software.Open source has revolutionized the mobile and device landscape, other industries will follow.Supply chain management techniques from hardware are useful for managing software.SPDX A standard format for communicating a software Bill of Materials across the supply chain.Effective management and control requires training, tools, processes and standards.