661 resultados para Struggles


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O município de Rio Grande da Serra está situado em uma região Grande ABC paulista reconhecida nacionalmente por seu desenvolvimento econômico e industrial e pelas lutas políticas e sindicais. Paradoxalmente, se configura, social e territorialmente falando, por uma região de periferia urbana. Resultado da forma como a urbanização, na sociedade moderna, conforma o espaço em regiões centrais e periféricas. Localizado no caminho que ligava Santos à Mogi das Cruzes (século XIX) povoado de Geribatiba decorrente das transformações urbanas ocorridas em toda a região, conquistaria, nos anos 1960, sua autonomia político-administrativa. Nas décadas seguintes testemunhou intenso crescimento populacional, resultado do processo migratório, principalmente de mineiros e nordestinos que tinham as cidades, e indústrias, de São Paulo e Grande ABC como destino. Esse deslocamento de pessoas, e as redes formadas em seu em torno, contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de seu campo religioso. Atualmente, com uma população, em torno, de 46 mil habitantes, possui aproximadamente 180 locais de cerimônias religiosas. Nesse contexto, a tese analisa a inserção regional socioeconômica e religiosa de Rio Grande da Serra, a partir de dados comparativos com os demais municípios, e discute como o regionalismo tem contribuído para seu desenvolvimento econômico. Realiza a caracterização das periferias urbanas, discutindo aspectos que lhes são inerentes, como segregação e vulnerabilidade social. Nesse sentido, a investigação possibilitou a identificação do perfil socioeconômico (renda e escolaridade) dos participantes dos grupos religiosos (católicos, evangélicos, kardecistas e umbandistas), permitindo, também, identificar desigualdades sociais no interior de seu território, constatando que determinados bairros são mais vulneráveis do que outros. Considerando que esse estudo examina a capacidade das redes sociais e religiosas, de aumentar o capital social de seus participantes, foi realizado o mapeamento e etnografia das diversas práticas associativas, mais ou menos formais e estruturadas, de forma a analisar os elementos materiais e simbólicos por elas produzidos. Constatou-se, apoiado na aplicação de questionários, entrevistas e observação participativa, que, a partir do habitus religioso de cada grupo, as redes possibilitam no âmbito econômico questões como emprego e renda ou auxílio em necessidades básicas de sobrevivência, através de campanhas e trabalhos sociais. No âmbito simbólico, as redes propiciam questões importantes à existência humana, como a crença na salvação ou evolução da alma, socialização, autoestima, prestígio ou ainda a expectativa de cura ou tratamento de dependência química. Pôde-se aferir que, a despeito das diferentes formas como cada grupo, e seus participantes, se apropriam do capital social, as redes sociais e religiosas, no município, funcionam como redes de proteção, especialmente à população em situação alta de vulnerabilidade social.


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Qual o poder de influência das mudanças sociais nos estilos de cultos? A realidade é que a Religião não é isenta de sofrer influências das mudanças políticas e sociais. Esta pesquisa analisa e compara dois momentos em que o Cristianismo sofreu influências das mudanças ocorridas na sociedade. O primeiro momento está baseado na Epístola de Hebreus, ainda nos primeiros séculos da era cristã, quando conseguiu se desvincular da Liturgia Judaica e formar um discurso litúrgico próprio. O outro momento estudado é a época atual, onde os cultos têm recebido grande influência das mudanças que a sociedade vem sofrendo. Em ambas as épocas é possível apontar uma luta entre a Tradição e a Modernidade, entre o velho e o novo, entre o que esta estabelecido e o aquilo que quer espaço a fim de se estabelecer


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O objetivo central desta pesquisa é avaliar os valores e possibilidades da aliança pregada no Deuteronômio. Para tanto, procuro captar a necessária tensão de qualquer tipo de aliança. Faço esse exercício, primeiramente, no próprio campo da hermenêutica. Sugiro uma leitura subalterna que agregue diferentes lutas no interior das interpretações libertárias (feminista, queer e pós-colonial). Nesse ínterim, forjo o trabalho do exegeta orgânico , a saber, aquele intérprete que articula vozes dissidentes para fazer frente às estruturas sistêmicas de subordinação. Após essa proposição teórica, avalio o Deuteronômio enquanto discursos concatenados em forma de arquivo. A principal sugestão é de que os textos deuteronômicos foram coletados ou produzidos em prol de um ideal de berit aliança . Esse ideal origina-se do material agora disposto em 4,44-26+28: um contrato comunitário atávico com Yhvh. Esse resultado é possibilitado pela crítica retórica ao texto e seus interesses propagandísticos desde o nascedouro arquivístico. Após uma comparação honesta com os tratados do Antigo Oriente Próximo, não se pode mais negar a pedagogia da obediência intrínseca ao contrato. A isso chamo, muitas vezes, de colusão do povo santo . A crítica retórica, entretanto, não encaminha apenas uma reificação desse ideal de berit, ao apontar, antes, para o debate interno da comunidade. Um contrato retórico, afinal, guarda em si, memórias silenciadas para que a propaganda se efetive. Nesse momento é que busco colisões de memórias, em especial, dentro das perícopes proibitivas do contrato. Todo o lixo deuteronômico, por assim dizer, está assinalado por duas fórmulas básicas: ki to abat yhvh eis uma abominação para Yhvh e ubi arta ha-ra mi-qirbeka exterminarás o per/vertido do teu meio . Dedico-me aos textos marcados por essas fórmulas, ao fomentar uma episódica unificação de abomináveis e per/vertidos . Avalio a luta particular de cada um/a, para então, propor uma agenda subalterna que promova a justiça social por reconhecimento e redistribuição. A aliança abominável e per/vertida intra-Deuteronômio apresenta uma proposta radicalmente democrática (i) em favor de uma cultura aberta ao Outro e (ii) contra estruturas autoritárias piramidais. Assinalo, portanto, que com essa dupla tática, os valores imperiais de hierarquização e subtração da irmandade deuteronômica são retoricamente postos em debate na comunidade.


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A presente dissertação de mestrado aborda a percepção de professores universitários a respeito da Saúde Mental no contexto da sala de aula. O objetivo geral do trabalho é compreender como o professor universitário percebe e lida com a sua saúde mental e a dos seus alunos em sala de aula. O autor utiliza as entrevistas de um total de 11 professores de primeiro e segundo semestres dos cursos de fisioterapia, jornalismo e sistemas de informação da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo - UMESP. Com base no método da Ground Theory, são realizadas as codificações aberta, axial e seletiva dos dados que por final são agrupados em nove categorias, sendo essas: percepção da saúde mental dos professores; percepção da saúde mental dos alunos; manejo da saúde mental do professor; manejo da saúde mental dos alunos; conceito de saúde; conceito de promoção da saúde; contextos promotores da saúde; contextos não promotores da saúde e manejo de alunos geradores de desconforto. O fenômeno central levantado a partir dos dados observado indica uma prática solitária, onde o professor considera apenas seus recursos psicológicos, seus valores e crenças pessoais como instrumentos para lidar com as adversidades emergentes em sala de aula. Observase também uma super valorização da aula expositiva e da cultura do dar aula, práticas que não estimulam uma participação mais democrática, autônoma e ativa por parte dos alunos. Nesse ambiente, o aluno surge como o maior problema à prática docente, na medida em que com sua imaturidade e conflitos inerentes a adolescência não permite que o professor transmita os conteúdos planejados sendo este motivo de frustrações e desmotivação no trabalho. A falta de um espaço institucional onde os professores possam trocar experiências, expor suas angústias e buscar apoio psicológico denuncia o distanciamento dos docentes das demais instâncias da instituição. A sala de aula também não é entendida pelos docentes como um espaço possível para a promoção da saúde, sendo esta compreendida mais como uma disciplina do que um conjunto de ações e práticas passíveis de serem aplicadas e incentivadas em sala de aula.(AU)


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This work focuses on translated political speeches made by Canadas prime minister during times of national crises. Delivered orally in both English and French, this translation-based political discourse is examined in a tripartite manner, offering the reader contextualisation of the corpus researched; description of the translation shifts encountered; and interpretation of the discourse varies greatly depending on the era observed. Since the latter half of the 20th century, for instance, different text types have been assigned to different categories of translators. As for translative shifts revealed in the corpus, they have been categorised as either paratextual or textual divergences. Paratextual differences indicate that the Canadian prime ministers national statements in English and French do not necessarily seek to portray symmetry between what is presented in each language. Each version of a national speech thus retains a relative degree of visual autonomy. In sum, accumulated instances of paratextual divergence suggest an identifiable paratextual strategy, whereby translation contributes to the illusion that there is only one federal language: the readers. The deployment of this paratextual strategy obscures the fact that such federal expression occurs in two official languages. The illusion of monolingualism generates two different world views one for each linguistic community. Similarly, another strategy is discerned in the analysis of translative textual shifts a textual strategy useful in highlighting some of the power struggles inherent in translated federal expression. Textual interpretation of data identifies four federal translation tendencies: legitimisation and characterisation of linguistic communities; dislocation of the speech-event; neutralisation of (linguistic) territory; and valorisation of federalism.


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French industrial relations were shaken in the spring of 2009 by a series of labour struggles which featured the forcible detention of company managers and threats to commit major acts of sabotage. In this article I focus on the first of these two types of action, placing industrial sequestration in the context of the pattern of collective negotiation processes in France, and comparing it with previous cycles of the same phenomenon, particularly in the post-1968 period. I argue that the current cycle of sequestrations needs to be understood as a response to the deterritorialisation processes of neo-liberal globalisation, and is the product of asymmetries of power between the fixity of labour and the fluidity of global capital. I conclude by arguing that sequestration is a public melodrama of protest which might point to the development of a resistant politics of corporeality in France, in common with struggles in other social and economic sectors.


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Developing the premise that strategies are forged through an ongoing mutual process of developing motives and responses to multiple degrees of resistance, this paper examines the motives underpinning the adoption of joint venture strategies using empirical details from four British retail firms. The findings point to multiple motives forming from multiple paths of resistance in the foreign market, but also among individuals within the firm as well as across the whole international programme. Moreover, this study reveals a paradoxical tension between management's operational impatience to immediately ground the retail format and an overall wariness or gloomy perceptions associated with adopting an international retail joint venture. The paper therefore concludes that the motives and barriers are manifestations of the struggles involved in internationalising retail operations.


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The firm is becoming more and more inclusive in its conception. And yet, marketing studies point to the same overwhelming conclusion that marketing, marketing departments and marketers are being increasingly 'pushed out' - excluded. We argue that where and when inclusion-exclusion intersect in the practice of strategic marketing is important, not least because their powerful boundary-setting and spanning roles have a determinant effect on the places and spaces, within which marketing strategists are (counter-) mobilized. This paper provides new insights relating to the contradictory forces existing around inclusion-exclusion in corporate strategizing. A further aim is to present the position of marketing (non-) influence within this context. The paper provides a unique theoretical contribution by illustrating some of the contradictions, struggles and activities that make the theoretical shift towards strategic inclusivity unstable, partial and by no means inevitable. A further contribution is a linking of this broader strategic debate, with anxieties over the influence of marketing in corporate strategizing. This leads to a discussion of the various ways that marketing research can sooth the anxiety of influence on multiple fronts via: understanding agency and strategic action; shaping marketing curriculum development; and, reconsidering the spatial dimensions of marketing influence. © 2010 Taylor & Francis.


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This paper empirically examines a corporate community involvement (CCI) initiative in Bangladesh. Drawing on a conceptual framework of 'collaborative betterment' and 'collaborative empowerment' and by using focus group discussions and interviews, it assesses the initiative to examine the extent to which it meets expectations of the community where it operates. Some of the key findings of the paper include: (i) although the initiative provides vital healthcare services to some of the most vulnerable and desperately poor communities, the level of actual engagement of the local people - the main stakeholders - has been marginal; (ii) when the principles of collaborative betterment and empowerment are considered, it can be concluded that the initiative struggles even as a 'betterment' process; and (iii) notwithstanding the rhetoric and high-blown statements, corporate role in terms of practical efforts in the field has been mostly superficial and limited. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.


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This thesis studies the links between language, migration and integration in the context of the 'new migrant' group of Latin Americans in London. It reviews the many ways in which language impacts the integration processes of migrants by influencing people's access to jobs, services, social contacts and information. By focusing on migrants' experiences this research also investigates the ways in which language and identity articulate, as well as the affective variables that are at play in the acquisition of the local language. With a large sector trapped in a cycle of poor command of English and labour market disadvantage, many Latin Americans experience exclusion and poverty. In reaction to this, a sector of the community is campaigning for ethnic minority recognition. This work reviews the debates for recognition and the strategy of organising around ethnicity, paying special attention to the role language plays in the process. The study is based on over two and half years of qualitative research, which included interviews, surveys, and long-term participant observation within a community organisation and a recognition campaign. Its interdisciplinary perspective allows the recognition of both the intimate links between language and identity, as well as the social and structural forces that influence migrants' linguistic integration. It unveils the practical and symbolic value that the mother tongue has for Latin American migrants and provides a broader account of their experiences. This research calls attention to the need for a more comprehensive approach to the study of language and migration in order to acknowledge the affective and social factors involved in the linguistic practices of migrants. By studying the community's struggles for recognition, this work evidences both the importance of visibility for minority groups in London and the intrinsic methodological limitations of monitoring through ethnic categorisation.


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Africas World Cup: Critical Reflections on Play, Patriotism, Spectatorship, and Space focuses on a remarkable month in the modern history of Africa and in the global history of football. Peter Alegi and Chris Bolsmann are well-known experts on South African football, and they have assembled an impressive team of local and international journalists, academics, and football experts to reflect on the 2010 World Cup and its broader significance, its meanings, complexities, and contradictions. The World Cups sounds, sights, and aesthetics are explored, along with questions of patriotism, nationalism, and spectatorship in Africa and around the world. Experts on urban design and communities write on how the presence of the World Cup worked to refashion urban spaces and negotiate the local struggles in the hosting cities. The volume is richly illustrated by authors photographs, and the essays in this volume feature chronicles of match day experiences; travelogues; ethnographies of fan cultures; analyses of print, broadcast, and electronic media coverage of the tournament; reflections on the World Cups private and public spaces; football exhibits in South African museums; and critiques of the World Cups processes of inclusion and exclusion, as well as its political and economic legacies. The volume concludes with a forum on the World Cup, including Thabo Dladla, Director of Soccer at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Mohlomi Kekeletso Maubane, a well-known Soweto-based writer and a soccer researcher, and Rodney Reiners, former professional footballer and current chief soccer writer for the Cape Argus newspaper in Cape Town. This collection will appeal to students, scholars, journalists, and fans. Cover illustration: South African fan blowing his vuvuzela at South Africa vs. France, Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein, June 22, 2010. Photo by Chris Bolsmann.


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The article introduces a research framework for analysing the external dimension of EU Justice and Home Affairs after the Lisbon Treaty. The dynamics of expansion and diversification, discernable for both the EU policy-making and the scholarly work dedicated to it, are at the centre of the article and constitute a common reference point for the present Special Issue. These dynamics have been triggered through deliberate decisions of involved policy-makers as well as through unintended spillover effects from other policy areas and/or decisions. The article also engages with the theoretically informed literature on the subject, which struggles with the definition of what this dimension actually constitutes, as well as how to best capture the practices of this field.We take stock of the scholarly debates by comparing the diverse approaches and discussing how much they complement each other and/or present different dimensions of a single ‘policy universe’.


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The history of France and its empires is one that has been well trodden, particularly the French occupation, and subsequent war, in Algeria. In this companion to his earlier work, 2011’s The Colonial Heritage of French Comics,McKinney attempts to examine the reconstruction of French national identity in the wake of decolonisation through the medium of Francophonecomics. He endeavours to study the colonial affrontier (3), the space in which France and its colonies are connected and divided, where they seek to confront each other, or to seek peace and the removal of the division. McKinney argues this affrontier can be found most strongly in the Francophone comics produced dealing with the French colonial experience in Algeria, as well as that of Indochina,and does so from both sides of each conflict. McKinney examines in detail the French colonisation of Algeria (1830sonwards), the French war in Indochina (1946–54) and the Algerian war (1954–62), and his work is the first to approach these well-covered areas of research through the medium of comics. The resulting work takes the form of an investigation into the five forms of genealogical inquiry utilised in comics regarding these conflicts. His approach investigates the familial, ethnic, national, artistic and critical forms of genealogy relating to colonialism and imperialism from a variety of viewpoints, including the previously overlooked perspective of the pieds noirs. He aims to highlight both those cartoonists that critique the colonial ideology, as well as those cartoonists who to some extent attempt to gloss over or even romanticise the French empire, strengthening the affrontier. He positions himself alongside Foucault in seeing genealogy as a useful means of establishing ‘historical knowledge of struggles’ (Foucault1980, 85), but McKinney looks at the colonial representation in a popular medium,including the recent increase in comics produced which consider the French colonial experience. He argues that this consideration of the present, as well as European imperialism, is absent in the work of Foucault. The text is accompanied by a number of black and white facsimiles of pages from the comics he analyses to illustrate the different and often conflicting positions of cartoonists on these issues. Overall, McKinney’s work is a welcome addition to the study of the French colonial experience, which separates its elf from the rest by using Francophonecomics as lenses through which to look at these already well-trodden areas of study. He succeeds in determining if and how cartoonists critique colonial ideology and representations on both sides of the conflicts, a task in which he is unarguably successful. McKinney’s work, however, is unfortunately let down by typo graphicerrors, which occur throughout the text.Nevertheless, McKinney’s work is another important work in the field of Bande Dessine ́e scholarship, and useful for anyone interested in the representations of colonialism and imperialism in French comics, accompanied by anencyclopaedic bibliography of comics produced on this topic.


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While language use has been argued to reflect gender asymmetry, increasing parity has been evidenced in official settings (Holmes, 2000; Dister and Moreau, 2006). Our hypothesis is that the French national press has developed a norm of equal linguistic treatment of men and women. In a corpus of articles from Libération, Le Monde, and Le Figaro, we examine the treatment of Arlette Laguiller, the female leader of the French extreme-left 'Worker's Struggle' Party (Lutte Ouvrière), during the run-up to the 2007 presidential elections. How Laguiller is referred to and described in comparison with her male counterparts evidences no asymmetry. Breaches to parity are only found in the right-wing Figaro newspaper. The ideological distance between the newspaper and the candidate suggests that power struggles are a primary source of asymmetrical treatments. The discursive functions of such treatments can be understood through an investigation based on a portable corpus linguistics methodology for the measure of discrimination. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.


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Diffusion NMR is a potentially routine tool in the analysis of mixtures, from industrial and synthetic outputs to natural products. However, the technique struggles to resolve species of similar size. Matrix-assisted DOSY offers a flexible approach to resolving such ambiguities on the basis of the chemical structures involved and on their interactions with a larger co-solute or matrix. The use of chromatographic supports, surfactants and polymers, in particular, is illustrated. The resolution of a wide range of different analyte mixtures, on the basis of differences in chemical structure and in stereochemistry, is demonstrated.