771 resultados para Strategic Entrepreneurship
An Entrepreneurship Centre was established at Brock University in 1988 as a joint venture between the University and the City of St. Catharines. In Januaray 1989, a generous donation was made to the Centre by the Burgoyne family, proprietors of the St. Catharines Standard. The Centre subsequently became known as the Burgoyne Centre for Entrepreneurship (BCE). The Centre’s mission was to “promote excellence in research, education and training for entrepreneur development and new venture creation”. To achieve this objective, it was necessary for the BCE to become a community focal point and serve as a link between academic, private and government sectors in the Niagara Region that were involved in entrepreneurial activities. This was primarily done with the provision of educational programs offered through cooperating organizations. Funding for the Centre came from multiple sources, including fees for services and contract research, endowments and grants, as well as Brock University. An Advisory Council, composed of local prominent businesspeople and chaired by Henry Burgoyne, assisted the Centre with promotion and fundraising. The partnerships established by the BCE with other community bodies such as the Lincoln County Board of Education and the Niagara Region Development Corporation resulted in important collaborative community initiatives such as the Niagara Enterprise Agency and the New Enterprise Store. Such collaborations increased the Centre’s profile without duplicating or competing with services offered by existing agencies. The BCE was also instrumental in establishing an entrepreneurship curriculum for secondary school students, and collaborated with the Faculty of Education at Brock University to offer an Ontario Secondary School Entrepreneurship Specialist Teaching Certificate Program to teachers. As the BCE became more prolific in the community, and the iniatives it fostered in the community began to thrive, the Centre’s leadership required the authority to make instantaneous decisions. This was at odds with the hierarchical structure of the University, to which the BCE was accountable. Ultimately, this situation led to the demise of the Centre. The university focused its efforts on academic research and undergraduate courses, while the community partners took responsibility for any joint programs.
Abstract A noted benefit of Project Based Learning (PBL) as a teaching strategy is how it engages the student and enhances learning outcomes as a result of working through challenges intended to depict dilemmas outside the classroom. PBL has seldom been applied outside the parameters of the classroom curriculum. The current needs assessment carried out in this research project examined current practices of language instruction and International Administrative Professionals of both the private and public Language Industry. Participants responded to survey questions on their current administrative practices, strategies, and program characteristics. The study investigated the usefulness of a handbook on the procedure of assisting administrative service teams in language instruction settings to an engaged approach to PBL for student service issues. The diverse opinions, beliefs, and ideas, along with institutional policy, can provide beneficial framework ideas for future tools.
The magnitude of the cervical cancer problem, coupled with the potential for prevention with recent technological advances, made it imperative to step back and reassess strategic options for dealing with cervical cancer screening in Kenya. The purpose of this qualitative study was: 1) to explore the extent to which the Participatory Action Research (PAR) methodology and the Scenario Based Planning (SBP) method, with the application of analytics, could enable strategic, consequential, informed decision making, and 2) to determine how influential Kenyan decision makers could apply SBP with analytic tools and techniques to make strategic, consequential decisions regarding the implementation of a Cervical Self Sampling Program (CSSP) in both urban and rural settings. The theoretical paradigm for this study was action research; it was experiential, practical, and action oriented, and resulted in co-created knowledge that influenced study participants’ decision making. Action Africa Help International (AAHI) and Brock University collaborated with Local Decision Influencing Participants (LDIP’s) to develop innovative strategies on how to implement the CSSP. SBP tools, along with traditional approaches to data collection and analysis, were applied to collect, visualize and analyze predominately qualitative data. Outputs from the study included: a) a generic implementation scenario for a CSSP (along with scenarios unique to urban and rural settings), and b) 10 strategic directions and 22 supporting implementation strategies that address the variables of: 1) technical viability, 2) political support, 3) affordability, 4) logistical feasibility, 5) social acceptability, and 6) transformation/sustainability. In addition, study participants’ capacity to effectively engage in predictive/prescriptive strategic decision making was strengthened.
En 2004, le gouvernement québécois s’est engagé dans une importante réorganisation de son système de santé en créant les Centres de santé et des services sociaux (CSSS). Conjugué à leur mandat de production de soins et services, les CSSS se sont vus attribuer un nouveau mandat de « responsabilité populationnelle ». Les gestionnaires se voient donc attribuer le mandat d’améliorer la santé et le bien-être d’une population définie géographiquement, en plus de répondre aux besoins des utilisateurs de soins et services. Cette double responsabilité demande aux gestionnaires d’articuler plus formellement au sein d’une gouverne locale, deux secteurs de prestations de services qui ont longtemps évolué avec peu d’interactions, « la santé publique » et « le système de soins ». Ainsi, l’incorporation de la responsabilité populationnelle amène à développer une plus grande synergie entre ces deux secteurs dans une organisation productrice de soins et services. Elle appelle des changements importants au niveau des domaines d’activités investis et demande des transformations dans certains rôles de gestion. L’objectif général de ce projet de recherche est de mieux comprendre comment le travail des gestionnaires des CSSS se transforme en situation de changement mandaté afin d’incorporer la responsabilité populationnelle dans leurs actions et leurs pratiques de gestion. Le devis de recherche s’appuie sur deux études de cas. Nous avons réalisé une étude de deux CSSS de la région de Montréal. Ces cas ont été choisis selon la variabilité des contextes socio-économiques et sanitaires ainsi que le nombre et la variété d’établissements sous la gouverne des CSSS. L’un des cas avait au sein de sa gouverne un Centre hospitalier de courte durée et l’autre non. La collecte de données se base sur trois sources principales; 1) l’analyse documentaire, 2) des entrevues semi-structurées (N=46) et 3) des observations non-participantes sur une période de près de deux ans (2005-2007). Nous avons adopté une démarche itérative, basée sur un raisonnement inductif. Pour analyser la transformation des CSSS, nous nous appuyons sur la théorie institutionnelle en théorie des organisations. Cette perspective est intéressante car elle permet de lier l’analyse du champ organisationnel, soit les différentes pressions issues des acteurs gravitant dans le système de santé québécois et le rôle des acteurs dans le processus de changement. Elle propose d’analyser à la fois les pressions environnementales qui expliquent les contraintes et les opportunités des acteurs gravitant dans le champ organisationnel de même que les pressions exercées par les CSSS et les stratégies d’actions locales que ceux-ci développent. Nous discutons de l’évolution des CSSS en présentant trois phases temporelles caractérisées par des dynamiques d’interaction entre les pressions exercées par les CSSS et celles exercées par les autres acteurs du champ organisationnel; la phase 1 porte sur l’appropriation des politiques dictées par l’État, la phase 2 réfère à l’adaptation aux orientations proposées par différents acteurs du champ organisationnel et la phase 3 correspond au développement de certains projets initiés localement. Nous montrons à travers le processus d’incorporation de la responsabilité populationnelle que les gestionnaires modifient certaines pratiques de gestion. Certains de ces rôles sont plus en lien avec la notion d’entrepreneur institutionnel, notamment, le rôle de leader, de négociateur et d’entrepreneur. À travers le processus de transformation de ces rôles, d’importants changements au niveau des actions entreprises par les CSSS se réalisent, notamment, l’organisation des services de première ligne, le développement d’interventions de prévention et de promotion de la santé de même qu’un rôle plus actif au sein de leur communauté. En conclusion, nous discutons des leçons tirées de l’incorporation de la responsabilité populationnelle au niveau d’une organisation productrice de soins et services. Nous échangeons sur les enjeux liés au développement d’une plus grande synergie entre la santé publique et le système de soins au sein d’une gouverne locale. Également, nous présentons un modèle synthèse d’un processus de mise en œuvre d’un changement mandaté dans un champ organisationnel fortement institutionnalisé en approfondissant les rôles des entrepreneurs institutionnels dans ce processus. Cette situation a été peu analysée dans la littérature jusqu’à maintenant.
L'intégration européenne occasionne de multiples dilemmes pour les organisations syndicales, habitués à exercer leurs répertoires d'action dans un espace d'État-nation. Parmi les dilemmes spécifiquement liés à la gouvernance multiniveaux européenne, nous comptons la mobilité de la main-d'œuvre et la création d'un marché unique pour les services. Cette thèse examine les stratégies des organisations syndicales danoises et suédoises de trois secteurs pour s'attaquer à ces deux dilemmes. Des approches néo-institutionnalistes, notamment celle concernant les « variétés du capitalisme », s'attendraient à des réponses relativement uniformes, axées sur les fortes complémentarités institutionnelles nationales, tenant compte de la nature coordonnée des relations industrielles scandinaves. Notre thèse confirme que les institutions nationales jouent un rôle important pour atténuer les impacts de l'intégration économique, au fur et à mesure que l'intégration progresse. L'analyse de nos cas, basée sur plus de soixante entretiens semi-dirigés effectués en Europe, nous permet cependant d'affirmer un rôle également important pour des facteurs endogènes, notamment l'entrepreneuriat institutionnel et les capacités stratégiques.
This thesis Entitled entrepreneurship and motivation in small business sector of kerala -A study of rubber products manufacturing industry.Rubber-based industry in Kerala was established only in the first half of the 20th century.the number of licensed manufacturers in the State has increased substantially over the years, particularly in the post- independence period. 54 rubber manufacturing units in 1965-66, the number of licensed rubber-based industrial units has increased to 1300 units in 2001-02. In 2001-02 Kerala occupied the primary position in the number of rubber goods manufacturers in the country.As per the latest report of the Third All India Census of Small Scale Industries 2001-02, Kerala has the third largest number of registered small scale units in the country next after Tamil Nadu and Utter Pradesh.This study of entrepreneurship in the small-scale rubber goods manufacturing industry in Kerala compares a cross section of successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs with respect to socio-economic characteristics and motivational dynamics. Based on a sample survey of 120 entrepreneurs of Kottayam and Ernakulam districts successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs were selected using multiple criteria. The study provides guidelines for the development of entrepreneurship in Kerala.The results on the socio-economic survey support the hypothesis that the successful entrepreneurs will differ from unsuccessful entrepreneurs with respect to education, social contacts, initial investment, sales turnover, profits, capital employed, personal income, and number of employees.Successful entrepreneurs were found to be self~starters. Successful entrepreneurs adopted a lot more technological changes than unsuccessful entrepreneurs. Successful entrepreneurs were more innovative — the percent of successful entrepreneurs and unsuccessful entrepreneurs reporting innovations in business were 31.50 and 8.50 percent respectively.
This study was on women's industries programme in Kerala, to assess the involvement of manpower in this field and to analyse the difficulties and problems faced by the women entrepreneurs which impede the growth and smooth functioning of units. It was supported by the views of 275 women entrepreneurs of Kerala. Census method was adopted and only 58 per cent of units responded by supplying necessary details. Details were collected from these: units through mailed questionnaires designed for the purpose. The study highlights the profile of workers in the women's industrial units, but the profile of the entrepreneurs is neglected. Problems faced by women entrepreneurs are analysed under the following major heads viz., capital, raw materials, marketing, competition from other units and availability of power. But the conclusions drawn from the survey are not on proper empirical support. It also includes suggestions of entrepreneurs. The major findings of the study are as follows : Nearly 82 per cent of the women's industrial units are functioning throughout the year. Proprietory concerns and co—operative societies are the popular ones. Majority of the units are running on profit. Women's units are still in their infancy and so the problems faced by them are many. The characteristics of having other business or sister concerns is lacking among women entrepreneurs. Nearly 94 per cent of the employees are permanent. About four-fifth (81%) of the workers are full time employees. Only a very small proportion of the employees (1%) get a reasonable income that is above Rs.50O per month. The workers are very young and 63 per cent workers have no experience at all.
Ethnic/Minority entrepreneur is a business owner who does not represent the majority population of a country. Ethnic/Minority entrepreneurship can bring benefits to individual, society, region, economy, and globe too. So, understanding the importance of ethnic/minority entrepreneurship will really be useful to all the stakeholders. The unique culture and value system of ethnic minorities are the most wanted characteristics for any successful entrepreneur in general. Many industrial nations like U.S, U.K., Germany, etc. have utilised the ethnic minorities to build their economy. The future of the minority businesses looks bright as the world economy is booming, availability of experienced and already successful minority entrepreneurs as role models, and institutional support services. In this paper, literature relating to the benefits of ethnic and minority entrepreneurship is reviewed to understand its magnitude of benefits.