680 resultados para Steel strip cleaning
Analysis of diametrical wear of grinding wheel and roundness errors in the machining of steel VC 131
Due to the high industrial competitiveness, the rigorous laws of environmental protection, the necessary reduction of costs, the mechanical industry sees itself forced to worry more and more with the refinement of your processes and products. In this context, can be mentioned the need to eliminate the roundness errors that appear after the grinding process. This work has the objective of verifying if optimized nozzles for the application of cutting fluid in the grinding process can minimize the formation of the roundness errors and the diametrical wear of grinding wheel in the machining of the steel VC 131 with 60 HRc, when compared to the conventional nozzles. These nozzles were analyzed using two types of grinding wheels and two different cutting fluids. Was verified that the nozzle of 3mm of diameter, integral oil and the CBN grinding wheel, were the best options to obtain smaller roundness errors and the lowest diametrical wears of grinding wheels.
The objective of the present research was to evaluate effects of different strip weed control associated with nitrogen fertilizer on corn applied after planting. The experiment was set and conducted in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil, and the hybrid planted was Dekalb 333-B. A completely randomized block design with four replications was used. Experimental plots were disposed as a factorial scheme 2 x 2 x 4, constituted by two types of weeding on row (with or without manual hoeing), two types of weeding on inter-row (with or without manual hoeing), and four nitrogen levels applied after planting (00, 60, 90, and 120 kg ha-1). Plots were composed by six rows with 5 m length. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied at 35 days after emergence (d.a.e). For weed community it was evaluated: weed density, dominancy, frequency, and relative importance. The main weed species were: Brachiaria plantiginea, Amaranthus retroflexus, Bidens pilosa, Cyperus rotunds, Brachiaria decumbens, Euphorbia heterofila, Oxalis latifolia, Acanthospermum hispidum, Commelina benghalensis. It was evaluated corn height at 40 and 100 d.a.e., first ear insertion height at 100 d.a.e., and final grain yield at harvesting. Plants and first ear insertion height were affected when nitrogen fertilizer was not applied. Treatments without weed control showed that weed interfered negatively with plants height. There were no correlation between weeds and nitrogen fertilizer for all parameters evaluated. Parcels without weed showed the highest ear weights and final grain production. Treatments that received nitrogen fertilizer, independently of studied arrangement, provided higher yields.
Background: Patients with fixed orthodontic appliances often experience an absolute increase in the number of Streptococci mutans colony-forming units (cfu). The aim of this investigation was to study the development of biofilm and S. mutans cfu in connection with stainless steel ligatures and elastomeric rings in orthodontic patients treated with and without 0.4% stannous fluoride gel (SFG). Material: Forty-seven patients were divided into 2 groups: those treated with 0.4% SFG for 4 minutes (experimental) and those without 0.4% SFG (control). In each patient, elastomeric rings were used for ligation on 1 side of the dental arch midline, and stainless steel ligatures were used on the opposite side. Saliva samples were collected before and after appliance placement. At 15 and 30 days after appliance placement, biofilm samples from the stainless steel ligatures and the elastomeric rings were collected and subjected to microbiologic procedures and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis. Results: The numbers of S. mutans cfu in the saliva and biofilm were not statistically different between the teeth fitted with elastomeric rings and stainless steel ligatures, or between the experimental and control groups. SEM analysis showed biofilm formation on both ligature ties. Conclusions: Topical application of 0.4% SFG in orthodontic patients with elastomeric rings or stainless steel ligatures does not cause a significant decrease in S. mutans cfu in the saliva and biofilm. Copyright © 2005 by the American Association of Orthodontists.
The behavior of the minimum quantity lubricant (MQL) technique was analyzed under different lubricating and cooling conditions when grinding ABNT 4340 steel. The comparative analysis of the residual stress values showed that residual compressive stresses were obtained under all the lubrication/cooling conditions and types of abrasive tools employed. The highest residual compressive stress obtained with the aluminum oxide grinding wheel with MQL under the condition of V= 30m/s for air and V= 40ml/h for lubricant was -376MPa against the -160MPa attained with conventional cooling, representing a 135% increase in residual compressive stress. The results show that method and quantity of lubricant and cooling are factors that influence the grinding process.
This work proposes a methodology for non destructive testing (NDT) of reinforced concrete structures, using superficial magnetic fields and artificial neural networks, in order to identify the size and position of steel bars, embedded into the concrete. For the purposes of this paper, magnetic induction curves were obtained by using a finite element program. Perceptron Multilayered (PML) ANNs, with Levemberg-Marquardt training algorithm were used. The results presented very good agreement with the expect ones, encouraging the development of real systems based upon the proposed methodology.
It is well known that fatigue behaviour is an important parameter to be considered in mechanical components subjected to constant and variable amplitude loadings. In combination with corrosion phenomenon, fatigue effects were responsible for proximally 64% of fails that occur in metallic parts of aeronautical accidents in the last 30 years. Recovered substrates have been extensively used in the aerospace field. Cadmium electroplating has been widely applied to promote protective coatings in aeronautical components, resulting in excellent corrosion protection combined with a good performance in cyclic loading. Ecological considerations allied to the increasing demands for corrosion resistance, resulted in the search for possible alternatives. Zinc-nickel alloys received considerable interest recently, since these coatings showed some advantages such as a good resistance to white and red rust, high plating rates and acceptation in the market. In this study the effects of zinc-nickel coatings electroplated on AISI 4340 high strength steel were analysed on rotating bending and axial fatigue strength, corrosion and adhesion resistance. Compressive residual stress field was measured by a X-ray tensometry prior to fatigue tests. Optical microscopy images showed coating thicknesses, adhesion and the existence of an uniform coverage of nearly all substrates. The fractured fatigue specimens were investigated using a scanning electron microscope. Three different zinc-nickel coating thicknesses were tested and comparison with rotating bending fatigue data from specimens cadmium electroplated and heat treated at 190°C for 3, 8 and 24 hours to avoid the diffusion of hydrogen in the substrate, was performed. Experimental results showed effect of coatings on the AISI 4340 steel behaviour when submitted to fatigue testing and the existence of coating thickness influence on the fatigue strength.
The aim of the work was to prepare an overview about the microstructures present in high-speed steel, focused on the crystallography of the carbides. High-speed steels are currently obtained by casting, powder metallurgy and more recently spray forming. High-speed steels have a high hardness resulting from a microstructure, which consists of a steel matrix (martensite and ferrite), in which embedded carbides of different crystal structure, chemical composition, morphology and size, exist. These carbides are commonly named MxC, where M represents one or more metallic atoms. These carbides can be identified by X-ray diffraction considering M as a unique metallic atom. In this work, it is discussed, in basis of the first principles of physics crystallography, the validation of this identification when it is considered that other atoms in the structure are substitutional. Further, it is discussed some requirements for data acquisition that allows the Rietveld refinement to be applied on carbide crystallography and phase amount determination.
Candida species have frequently been isolated from the oral cavities of a variety of patients, such as elderly people, dentures users, immunocompromised and health patients. Yeasts may be associated with immune response and local factors such as poor oral hygiene. It was evaluated effectiveness of tongue cleaner showing which types would be preferred by patients, changes in tongue coating and in saliva yeasts counting. Thirty patients were selected and randomly distributed into three groups. This crossover blind study evaluated the effect of tongue cleaning using: a plastic and a steel tongue scraper and a nylon soft-bristle toothbrush. All patients were instructed to use the cleaners twice a day for one week (fifteen-day wash-out period). Saliva and tongue coating samples were collected from each patient from each test period, the yeasts were counted by colony forming units per mL (CFU/ mL) and the species were identified. The patients were questioned about cleaner preference. An increase in the percentage of patients with no tongue coating after scraping was observed. A reduction in the mean number of Candida species in tongue coating was observed only after nylon soft-bristle toothbrush cleaner. Candida albicans was the prevalent species. Volunteers preferred to the steel tongue scraper (60%). Tongue cleaners reduced the tongue coating and the mean number of saliva's yeasts. Degree of tongue coating favors the Candida species colonization.
The microstructure evolution and mechanical behavior during large strain of a 0.16%C-Mn steel has been investigated by warm torsion tests. These experiments were carried out at 685°C at equivalent strain rate of 0.1 s . The initial microstructure composed of a martensite matrix with uniformly dispersed fine cementite particles was attained by quenching and tempering. The microstructure evolution during tempering and straining was performed through interrupted tests. As the material was reheated to testing temperature, well-defined cell structure was created and subgrains within lath martensite were observed by TEM; strong recovery took place, decreasing the dislocation density. After 1 hour at the test temperature and without straining, EBSD technique showed the formation of new grains. The flow stress curves measured had a peculiar shape: rapid work hardening to a hump, followed by an extensive flow-softening region. 65% of the boundaries observed in the sample strained to ε = 1.0 were high angle grain boundaries. After straining to ε = 5.0, average ferrite grain size close to 1.5 μm was found, suggesting that dynamic recrystallization took place. Also, two sets of cementite particles were observed: large particles aligned with straining direction and smaller particles more uniformly dispersed. The fragmentation or grain subdivision that occurred during reheating and tempering time was essential for the formation of ultrafine grained microstructure.
Determination of the volume fraction of retained austenite in a 300m steel by heat tinting technique
Applying the Heat Tinting Technique the microestrutural characterization of a 300M steel (medium carbon steel) was accomplished. The steel was austenitized for 20 min to 900°C, followed by holding at 400°C (in the bainitic temperature), with maintenance time of the material in the temperature of 1min, 5min and 30min, aiming at the formation of a multiphase structure. Through the metallographic analysis it is verified that, with the use of this technique, it is possible the determination of the volume fraction of the present phases in the 300M steel, especially in the identification and quantification of the retained austenite. Copyright © 2007 SAE International.
This paper by R. E. Catai, E. C. Bianchi, P. R de Águia and M. C. Alves reports on the results of an analysis made of roundness errors, residual stresses, and SEM micrographs of VC131 steel. The analysis involved workpieces ground with two types of cutting fluid: synthetic cutting fluid and emulsive oil. In this study, the cutting parameters were kept constant while the type of cutting fluid was varied. The amount of cutting fluid injected in the process was also varied, aiming to identify the ideal amount required to obtain good results without causing structural damage to the workpiece. The SEM analyses of roundness errors and residual stresses revealed that, of the two cutting fluids, emulsive oil provided better tensions due to its greater lubricating power.
Thermal transformations on microalloyed steels can produce multiphase microstructures with different amounts of ferrite, martensite, bainite and retained austenite. These different phases, with distinct morphologies, are determinant of the mechanical behavior of the steel and can, for instance, affect the crack path or promote crack shielding, thus resulting in changes on its propagation rate under cyclic loading. The aim of the present work is to evaluate the effects of microstructure on the tensile strength and fatigue crack growth (FCG) behaviour of a 0.08%C-1,5%Mn (wt. pct.) microalloyed steel, recently developed by a Brazilian steel maker under the designation of RD480. This steel is being considered as a promising alternative to replace low carbon steel in wheel components for the automotive industry. Various microstructural conditions were obtained by means of heat treatments followed by water quench, in which the material samples were kept at the temperatures of 800, 950 and 1200 °C. In order to describe the FCG behavior, two models were tested: the conventional Paris equation and a new exponential equation developed for materials showing non-linear FCG behavior. The results allowed correlating the tensile properties and crack growth resistance to the microstructural features. It is also shown that the Region II FCG curves of the dual and multiphase microstructural conditions present crack growth transitions that are better modeled by dividing them in two parts. The fracture surfaces of the fatigued samples were observed via scanning electron microscopy in order to reveal the fracture mechanisms presented by the various material conditions. © 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
The Cathode Strip Chambers (CSCs) constitute the primary muon tracking device in the CMS endcaps. Their performance has been evaluated using data taken during a cosmic ray run in fall 2008. Measured noise levels are low, with the number of noisy channels well below 1%. Coordinate resolution was measured for all types of chambers, and fall in the range 47μm to 243μm. The efficiencies for local charged track triggers, for hit and for segments reconstruction were measured, and are above 99%. The timing resolution per layer is approximately 5 ns. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd and SISSA.
Optical microscopy and morphometric analysis were used in this study to evaluate, in vitro, the cleaning of the apical region in root canals with mild or moderate curvatures subjected to biomechanical preparation with a rotary system, as well as to assess the amount of extruded material to the periapical area. Lateral incisors (n = 32), 16 with curvature angles smaller or equal to 10° (GI) and 16 between 11° and 25° angles (GII) were submitted to Hero 642 rotary instrumentation with different surgical diameters: (A) 30.02 and (B) 45.02. Irrigation was performed at each change of instrument with 5 mL of ultrapure Milli-Q water and the extruded material through the apical foramen was collected. Root cross-sections were subjected to histological analysis by optical microscopy (×40) and the images were evaluated morphometrically using the Image Tool software. Quantification of the extruded material was performed by weighing after liquid evaporation. ANOVA showed no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) among the groups with respect to the procedures used to clean the apical region. Considering the amount of extruded material, the Tukey's HSD showed that canals with mild curvature prepared with the 45.02 surgical diameter showed significantly higher values (p<0.05) that those of the other groups, which were similar between themselves (p>0.05). In conclusion, the effect of cleaning the apical region did not differ in the groups, considering root curvature and the surgical diameter of instruments used for apical preparation. The amount of extruded material was greater in canals with mild curvature that were prepared with the 45.02 surgical instrument diameter.