961 resultados para State or Business Secondary School


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Objective: To document electroencephalogram (EEG) changes and their correlation with clinical parameters in a newly diagnosed pediatric cohort of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients with and without diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and to define their medium term utility and significance. Research design and methods: Prospective longitudinal study of children presenting with T1DM. EEGs were performed within 24 h of diagnosis, day 5, and at 6 months post-diagnosis and reviewed by a neurologist blinded to clinical status. Severity of encephalopathy was graded from 1 to 5 using the Aoki and Lombroso encephalopathy scale. Cognitive abilities were assessed using standardized tests of attention, memory, and intelligence. Results: Eighty eight children were recruited; 34 presented with DKA. Abnormal background slowing was more often observed in the first 24 h in children with DKA (p = 0.01). Encephalopathy scores on day 1 correlated with initial pH, CO2, HCO3, base excess, respiratory rate, heart rate, diastolic blood pressure, and IV fluid intake (all parameters p < 0.05). EEG scores at day 1 did not correlate with contemporaneous mental state or cognition in the medium term. Conclusions: DKA was associated with significant clinical and neurophysiologic signs of brain dysfunction at presentation. While EEG is sensitive to the detection of encephalopathy in newly diagnosed T1DM, it has limited use in identifying children at risk of later cognitive deficits.


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In this research I ask what is interpreted as sex-based harassment by 15-16-year old girls and boys. By sex-based harassment I refer to one-sided, unwanted attention that is based on gender and that makes the target feel embarrassed, frightened, hurt or angry. My focus is not on the most overt cases of harassment but rather on everyday encounters. While young people differentiate between harassing and non-harassing attention, at the same time they define, assign value to and construct differences and power relations on the basis of gender, age and ethnicity, for example. My main data consists of essays (N 104, 54 girls, 54 boys) and thematic interviews (N 14; 20 girls, 3 boys) of ninth graders of a secondary school in Helsinki. In the essays and interviews, students construe the border between pleasant and unpleasant, tolerable and intolerable attention as clear in principle, but, they suggest that in practice this border is ambivalent, negotiable and contextual. The interpretations of incidents are justified by referring to features of the target, the scene or the perpetrator. Targets of harassment are most often construed as being girls who are characterized as thin-skinned, but at the same time they are expected to be understanding toward any sex-based attention they may get, particularly when it is not physical. On the other hand, girls are regarded as equal and even active participants in incidents of harassment. Such statements include considerations of how girls either reject or invite particular kinds of attention by their actions and outward appearance. Forms of harassment, ways of understanding it as well as overcoming it vary according to spatial context. By situating incidents in different spaces and places, young people contrast their experiences with ordinary and predictable non-harassment that takes place e.g. in discos and unusual and unexpected harassment that takes place e.g. in the city streets in the daytime. The behaviour of boys harassing a girls is naturalized by appealing to young masculinity and the childishness but also strong sexual drive which is seen as characteristic of teenage boys. On the other hand, sex-based harassment is racialized and pathologized in ways that separate the phenomenon from young, Finnish, normal masculinity. Both the material experiences of the young people and the definitions of the parties involved in harassing incidents are gendered. Girls encounter and deal with sexualized commenting and unwanted approaches much more often and in a more intensive way than boys. Furthermore, there is a vast cultural repertoire of acceptable accounts that can be mobilised in order to excuse male harassers, to critically evaluate the appearance or action of the female targets and to divide the responsibility between the female target and the male perpetrator.


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The aim of this study is to explore trust at school and its meaning for 9th grade students. The intent is to investigate students views about trust and mistrust in school relationships. Three research questions are posed: 1) what meanings do students give to their experiences of trust and mistrust at school and how do they evaluate connection of these experiences to their well-being and enjoyment in the classroom? 2) what and how important, is the teacher s role according to the students writings, and 3) what might the different pedagogical and administrative structures of schools reveal about trust and mistrust in a particular school culture? The data consists of 134 writings of 9th grade students (secondary school) from three schools in one of the biggest cities in Finland. The schools differ from others in terms of their pedagogical or structural backgrounds. The study is restricted to the micro-level of, disposition of Educational Sociology, focusing on trust in schools relationships. The theoretical framework of the study is trust, as a part of social capital; however trust is also approached from the sociological, the psychological and philosophical perspective. The methodological approach is narrative research concerning school practice . Analysis of narrative consist mostly content analysis, but also some elements of holistic-content reading, thematic reading and categorical content. The analysis found three main themes: 1) individual stories of trust, 2) the teachers role in making trust possible in the classroom, and 3) school as a community of trust. According to the study trust at school (1) is a complex phenomenon consisting of people s ability to work together and to recognize the demands that different situations present. Trust at school is often taken for granted. In the students experiences trust is strongly connected to friendship, and the teacher s ability to connect with students. Students experiences of mistrust stem from bulling, school violence, lack of respect as well as teachers lacking basic professional behavior. School relationships are important for some students as source of enjoyment, but some feel that it is difficult to evaluate the connection between trust and enjoyment. The study found that students trust of teachers (2) is linked to the teacher s professional role as a teacher, a caring human being open to dialogue. In other words, the students describe teachers abilities to create a sense of trust in terms of three expectations: the teacher was better, the same or worse than expected. Better than expected, means the teacher engender a high degree of trust and has excellent communication skills. Same as expected means the teacher comes across as familiar and secure, while lower than expected means the teacher creates no trust and has poor communication skills. Finally, it was shown that trust at school (3) should not only exist between some individuals, but between (all) members of the school community. In other words, according to the study there is some evidence that trust is strongly committed to school culture. Further, trust seems to depend on (school-) cultural background, values, beliefs, expectations, norms as well as staff behaviour. The basic elements of an optimum level of trust at school are favourable school structure and pedagogical background; however, good relationships between teachers and students as well as high professional skills are also needed. Trust at school is built by good communication, working together and getting to know each other.


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This study focuses on self-employed industrial designers and how they emerge new venture ideas. More specifically, this study strives to determine what design entrepreneurs do when they create new venture ideas, how venture ideas are nurtured into being, and how the processes are organized to bring such ideas to the market in the given industrial context. In contemporary times when the concern for the creative class is peaking, the research and business communities need more insight of the kind that this study provides, namely how professionals may contribute to their entrepreneurial processes and other agents’ business processes. On the one hand, the interviews underlying this study suggest that design entrepreneurs may act as reactive service providers who are appointed by producers or marketing parties to generate product-related ideas on their behalf. On the other hand, the interviews suggest that proactive behaviour that aims on generating own venture ideas, may force design entrepreneurs to take considerable responsibility in organizing their entrepreneurial processes. Another option is that they strive to bring venture ideas to the market in collaboration, or by passing these to other agents’ product development processes. Design entrepreneurs’ venture ideas typically emerge from design related starting points and observations. Product developers are mainly engaged with creating their own ideas, whereas service providers refer mainly to the development of other agents’ venture ideas. In contrast with design entrepreneurs, external actors commonly emphasize customer demand as their primary source for new venture ideas, as well as development of these in close interaction with available means of production and marketing. Consequently, design entrepreneurs need to address market demand since without sales their venture ideas may as well be classified as art. In case, they want to experiment with creative ideas, then there should be another source of income to support this typically uncertain and extensive process. Currently, it appears like a lot of good venture ideas and resources are being wasted, when venture ideas do not suite available production or business procedures. Sufficient communication between design entrepreneurs and other agents would assist all parties in developing production efficient and distributable venture ideas. Overall, the findings suggest that design entrepreneurs are often involved simultaneously in several processes that aim at emerging new product related ventures. Consequently, design entrepreneurship is conceptualized in this study as a dual process. This implies that design entrepreneurs can simultaneously be in charge of their entrepreneurial processes, as they operate as resources in other agents’ business processes. The interconnection between activities and agents suggests that these kinds of processes tend to be both complex and multifaceted to their nature.


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Human Rights Education in a Finnish Upper Secondary School: Alien Yet Obvious This study focused on conceptions of human rights and human rights education (HRE) among students and teachers. I examined how human rights and HRE are understood by the students and teachers in one general upper secondary school located in southern Finland. I also examined teacher and student discourses about foreigners and immigrants. In the theoretical part of the study I dealt with the history of human rights, the different emphases in HRE and how HRE is handled within the curriculum of upper secondary schools in Finland. In the empirical part of the study I examined HRE in one particular general upper secondary school located in southern Finland where I carried out 28 student interviews and 18 teacher interviews. The study is based on qualitative theme interviews, which I analysed using qualitative content analysis. The aims of HRE as specified in UN documents on education seem not to have been achieved in the Finnish context. The students' knowledge of human rights seemed weak and very limited. Few teachers were familiar with the concept of human rights education. The concept of human rights was also unclear to many of the students. Freedom of speech was the most well-known and the most often-cited human right mentioned in the interviews. Students were not well acquainted with the different human rights instruments or the organisations dealing with human rights. In a way, human rights were both familiar and strange to the students. Materials related to HRE were used very little in the school or not at all. Yet human rights seemed to be very well implemented in the institution. The upper secondary school studied here does not seem to have substantial problems with equality among either the teachers or the students. In the interviews human rights problems were often considered someone else's problem in some other country. The teachers and students connected HRE especially with religious education, history and social studies. Human dignity is mostly dealt with in religious education, while matters concerning the history of human rights are mostly dealt with in history classes. Teachers appear to be human rights educators in the sense that they try to follow human rights principles in their daily work and respect the human dignity of everyone. The special role of a human rights educator was usually assigned to someone else — a teacher or an expert outside the school. HRE was not an intentional or conscious part of teachers´ educational work and was not seen either as belonging to the curriculum or as an obligation prescribed by international documents. There is a need to strengthen the presence of HRE in teacher education. HRE plays an important role in creating a culture of human rights. It is important to implement HRE so that the international aims for HRE will be fulfilled.


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The purpose of this Master s thesis is on one hand to find out how CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) teachers and English teachers perceive English and its use in teaching, and on the other hand, what they consider important in subject teacher education in English that is being planned and piloted in STEP Project at the University of Helsinki Department of Teacher Education. One research question is also what kind of language requirements teachers think CLIL teachers should have. The research results are viewed in light of previous research and literature on CLIL education. Six teachers participate in this study. Two of them are English teachers in the comprehensive school, two are class teachers in bilingual elementary education, and two are subject teachers in bilingual education, one of whom teaches in a lower secondary school and the other in an upper secondary school. One English teacher and one bilingual class teacher have graduated from a pilot class teacher program in English that started at the University of Helsinki in the middle of the 1990 s. The bilingual subject teachers are not trained in English but they have learned English elsewhere, which is a particular focus of interest in this study because it is expected that a great number of CLIL teachers in Finland do not have actual studies in English philology. The research method is interview and this is a qualitative case study. The interviews are recorded and transcribed for the ease of analysis. The English teachers do not always use English in their lessons and they would not feel confident in teaching another subject completely in English. All of the CLIL teachers trust their English skills in teaching, but the bilingual class teachers also use Finnish during lessons either because some teaching material is in Finnish, or they feel that rules and instructions are understood better in mother tongue or students English skills are not strong enough. One of the bilingual subject teachers is the only one who consciously uses only English in teaching and in discussions with students. Although teachers good English skills are generally considered important, only the teachers who have graduated from the class teacher education in English consider it important that CLIL teachers would have studies in English philology. Regarding the subject teacher education program in English, the respondents hope that its teachers will have strong enough English skills and that it will deliver what it promises. Having student teachers of different subjects studying together is considered beneficial. The results of the study show that acquiring teaching material in English continues to be the teachers own responsibility and a huge burden for the teachers, and there has, in fact, not been much progress in the matter since the beginning of CLIL education. The bilingual subject teachers think, however, that using one s own material can give new inspiration to teaching and enable the use of various pedagogical methods. Although it is questionable if the language competence requirements set for CLIL teachers by the Finnish Ministry of Education are not adhered to, it becomes apparent in the study that studies in English philology do not necessarily guarantee strong enough language skills for CLIL teaching, but teachers own personality and self-confidence have significance. Keywords: CLIL, bilingual education, English, subject teacher training, subject teacher education in English, STEP


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The purpose of the research was to determine how well Finnish children and youngsters in different ages recognize poisonous and eatable wild plant species and to which characteristics they pay attention to when identifying plants. The purpose was also to find out, how well the pupils and students can estimate if the wild plants are either poisonous or eatable. The goal was to gather knowledge about what factors explain these recognition and estimation skills. Also information was wanted about attitudes of children and youngsters towards recognizing and learning the poisonous and eatable wild plants. The research was made on subjects of 48 children and youngsters from grade 6 in primary school, grade 8 in lower- secondary school and vocational school. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used. A plant recognition test, where 38 pictures on plants was presented, was made for the all subjects. The subjects were requested to name the plants and classify them to be either poisonous or eatable. In addition six students were interviewed from each class, altogether 18 subjects. The themes of the interviews were the attitudes towards eatable and poisonous wild plants and to learn to recognize species. During the interview pictures of plants were looked at and the subjects told which characteristics they pay attention to when trying to recognize it. The results showed that on average wild plants were recognized insufficiently. Standard variation in responses was large in all classes researched. The subjects got better results in classifying of the plants to be either poisonous or eatable than in naming the plants. This research shows that even when a subject cannot name a plant it is still possible for the subject to classify the plant to be either poisonous or eatable. Gender and being an immigrant explained the recognition skills of poisonous and eatable plants so that girls were somewhat better to recognize plant species and native Finns recognized poisonous and eatable plants better that immigrants. Age did not explain the skills to recognize species directly, since students in lower- secondary school recognized the poisonous and eatable plants better than primary school and vocational school students. In skills to estimate plants poisonous or eatability there was no difference according to gender, age, or immigrant background. The subjects considered the skills to recognize poisonous and eatable plants important. Learning to recognize plants at school was not considered interesting however. Since the recognition of plants in neighborhood belongs to tasks of general education it is important to think about how the teaching could be made interesting. According to findings of this study, especially the recognition of poisonous plants was considered important by the subjects. This knowledge as well as teaching about possibilities to utilize plants could be used as a way to motivate and teach the students. Avainsanat Nyckelord - Keywords Plant species recognition, recognition of poisonous plants, recognition of eatable plants, plant species education


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The aim of this study is to find out how urban segregation is connected to the differentiation in educational outcomes in public schools. The connection between urban structure and educational outcomes is studied on both the primary and secondary school level. The secondary purpose of this study is to find out whether the free school choice policy introduced in the mid-1990´s has an effect on the educational outcomes in secondary schools or on the observed relationship between the urban structure and educational outcomes. The study is quantitative in nature, and the most important method used is statistical regression analysis. The educational outcome data ranging the years from 1999 to 2002 has been provided by the Finnish National Board of Education, and the data containing variables describing the social and physical structure of Helsinki has been provided by Statistics Finland and City of Helsinki Urban Facts. The central observation is that there is a clear connection between urban segregation and differences in educational outcomes in public schools. With variables describing urban structure, it is possible to statistically explain up to 70 % of the variation in educational outcomes in the primary schools and 60 % of the variation in educational oucomes in the secondary schools. The most significant variables in relation to low educational outcomes in Helsinki are abundance of public housing, low educational status of the adult population and high numbers of immigrants in the school's catchment area. The regression model has been constructed using these variables. The lower coefficient of determination in the educational outcomes of secondary schools is mostly due to the effects of secondary school choice. Studying the public school market revealed that students selecting a secondary school outside their local catchment area cause an increase in the variation of the educational outcomes between secondary schools. When the number of students selecting a school outside their local catchment area is taken into account in the regressional model, it is possible to explain up to 80 % of the variation in educational outcomes in the secondary schools in Helsinki.


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O presente século está sendo marcado pelo aceleramento da tecnologia eletrônica. Nesse momento se torna imprescindível a formação e compromisso dos professores com o ensino e a escola que devem trazer em pauta as TICs (Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação). Através das relações diárias, o ser universal (o homem) pensa, sente e age a todo instante através das relações sociais de que fazem parte. As pessoas agem a partir de uma relação de trocas culturais, modificam a si mesmas, aos outros e à natureza, por esse motivo precisa haver uma educação voltada para a cidadania.O objetivo desta dissertação é contribuir para a análise dos desafios que o jovem aluno do ensino médio enfrenta hoje, o que diz o professor e a preparação que as escolas públicas oferecem para o futuro desses alunos em uma sociedade na qual a revolução tecnológica faz nascer um novo tempo e onde os valores são questionáveis, onde tudo é relativo. E seguindo esta linha de pensamento questionamos a ética na Educação, principalmente no ambiente virtual cibersociedade -, onde as pessoas se relacionam por meios eletrônicos.Nos capítulos II e III, deste estudo se buscou analisar sobre juventude tecnologia e educação. Como esse jovem do ensino médio utiliza as TICs, o desafio da escola com esse recurso educativo, orientando e qualificando essa geração para enfrentarem o mundo cada vez mais interligado. A sala de aula perde a exclusividade, ganhando uma nova dimensão. Quem ensina não pode se neutralizar diante da forte influência lançada pelas tecnologias. O currículo e a formação docente nos faz repensar paradigmas. A educação requer políticas publicas, de formação docente, capacitando para o uso das tecnologias da informação e comunicação TICs, entretanto, não bastam oficinas e sim formação continuada, pois não adianta sofisticar a técnica se o professor não estiver sofisticado na alma, nos fundamentos, e não souber o que desejam os seus alunos. O estudo foi realizado com pesquisa de campo, duas escolas da zona Oeste do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, com entrevistas e questionários para 220 alunos.


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A presente dissertação se propõe a contribuir para as análises dos processos ligados à implementação das leis 10639/03 e 11645/08. Questionamo-nos acerca dos desdobramentos do imperativo das leis nos livros didáticos de história, sobretudo, no uso do conceito de colonizador no processo de explicação da relação entre diferentes povos e culturas nas coleções da disciplina história. Como estão descritas essas relações? Há mudanças institucionalizadas pelo PNLD ou pelas leis: que descrições de significados culturais, políticos os sujeitos implicados nos eventos de ocupação do território americano são apresentados nos manuais de ensino de história? Buscamos entender quais as relações de colonialidade do saber se estabelecem na sistematização dos conteúdos de história, tendo em vista que os atos de colonização envolvem dinâmicas que se chocam com as premissas hierárquicas simplificadas nos processos de ensino de história na escola de acordo com as descrições dos livros didáticos. As maneiras pelas quais o colonizador é rotulado como conquistador, supervalorizando a dimensão europeia do processo e subvalorizando os referenciais da cultura local representados nos povos pré-colombianos são problematizadas nessa dissertação sob duas perspectivas: (1) a superficialização das relações hierárquicas nos processos de colonização, dessa forma, inscrita no feixe de possibilidades que corrobora com as estratégias de perpetuação das simplificações das funções dos atores sociais no período colonial descritas nos manuais didáticos de história; (2) ou como reação prática ou simplista, como estratégia que modifica a realidade histórica social ao sabor das conveniências políticas, suas relações de poder e desenvolvimento de políticas públicas. A pesquisa fundamentou-se na análise de uma coleção de livro didático de história para o ensino médio (1 ao 3 anos) mais usadas efetivamente nas escolas públicas do município de Cabo Frio, Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A pesquisa delimita dois eixos, o primeiro, por meio da análise do histórico das legislações 10639/03 e 11645/08, leis nas quais são baseadas as regulamentações sobre o ensino étnico-racial e grande parte das discussões sobre ações afirmativas no Brasil; um segundo, no qual se estabeleceu investigação aos sentidos atribuídos ao que se define como colonizador e a percepção de quais são as descrições classificadas como colonialidade do saber histórico nos livros didáticos. Tal discussão sobre o colonizador pode contribuir na reflexão crítica sobre a institucionalização do saber histórico escolar do livro didático e de normalização nacional como os PNLDs, quanto às disputas de poder que ocorrem entre os atores políticos no processo de justificativa histórica das políticas públicas como as ações afirmativas.


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Este estudo parte das observações e análises realizadas em classes de aceleração do Projeto Acelerar para Vencer (PAV- 2009/2012), desenvolvido pela Secretaria de Educação de Minas Gerais, tendo a discussão sobre o fracasso escolar e a distorção idade-série como centrais dentro das políticas adotadas. A pesquisa busca ampliar nosso entendimento quanto à relação entre escola e expectativas individuais, levando-nos a refletir para além do direito à educação. Dentre as reflexões, destacamos: desigualdade de oportunidades, relações de poder dentro de um sistema que, de forma hegemônica, se mantém estável, mas desestabiliza vidas ao negar às camadas desprivilegiadas direitos básicos: acesso à alfabetização na idade certa, à leitura, ao conhecimento escolar e a uma educação atraente e de qualidade que atenda às necessidades dos sujeitos de acordo com as realidades em que estão inseridos. Certos de que tais problemas perpassam questões políticas, econômicas e sociais, pretendemos ater-nos às diferenças existentes dentro do espaço escolar, o que nos leva a tentar desvendar, - no sentido de não apenas repetir, mas também compreender -, as causas que levam à distorção idade-série e à sua inserção, ou disfarce, no processo de universalização do ensino, chegando à forma como a escola e seus agentes percebem as diferenças e lidam com ela. Para o desenvolvimento do estudo, recorremos à pesquisa qualitativa de cunho etnográfico, buscando subsídios em autores que discutem fracasso escolar, distorção idade-série, teoria curricular, mecanismos de exclusão social e respeito às diferenças culturais. Nesse sentido, concluímos que compreender as funcionalidades sociais da escola implica arregimentar, ou fazer coexistir, em um mesmo viés de observação, elementos interdependentes: política, escola, demandas sociais e cultura. Reconhecemos que tais elementos são imprescindíveis para pensarmos os sujeitos e suas distinções, a cultura e suas representações, o poder e as hegemonias presentes em todas as instâncias da vida escolar, transitando por uma via de mão dupla que envolve a enunciação das diferenças e seus atores: Secretaria de Educação, instituição pesquisada, gestão escolar, professores, alunos e responsáveis


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Com a presente tese, buscou-se investigar as desigualdades educacionais que permeiam o ensino médio, principal gargalo do sistema educacional brasileiro. Inicialmente, questionou-se o papel central da educação como legitimadora das desigualdades sociais nas sociedades democráticas. Apresentaram-se os estudos pioneiros da Sociologia da Educação que procuraram explicar as desigualdades educacionais para, então, abordar as hipóteses teóricas elaboradas sobre as tendências da desigualdade de oportunidades educacionais (DOE) ao longo do tempo. Em seguida, testaram-se empiricamente essas hipóteses a partir de modelos de regressão logística sequenciais que permitiram estimar a evolução do efeito das características da família de origem nas chances condicionais de entrada e conclusão do ensino médio durante um período de mais de vinte anos. Observou-se de forma inédita, de 1986 a 2009, que a DOE relativa ao ingresso e à conclusão desse nível de ensino se manteve significativa e relativamente constante, mesmo no período mais recente no qual as taxas de transição no ensino médio vivenciaram seu maior crescimento. Esses resultados corroboram aqueles previstos pela hipótese da Desigualdade Maximamente Mantida (MMI) e aqueles encontrados por estudos anteriores. Incluiu-se também uma análise das mudanças qualitativas da DOE, evidenciando-se um significativo crescimento, entre o ano de 1982 e a década de 2000, no impacto das variáveis que medem o capital cultural e econômico dos estudantes nas chances destes frequentarem a rede de ensino médio particular. Logo, a estratificação entre a rede pública e particular no ensino médio está cada vez mais marcada pela desigualdade na seleção dos seus respectivos alunos, reforçando a dualidade de desempenho que caracteriza essas duas redes de ensino, conforme previsto pela hipótese da Desigualdade Efetivamente Mantida (EMI). Além dessas análises da evolução quantitativa e qualitativa da DOE no ensino médio, investigou-se o quadro geral de desigualdades que incidem sobre o ensino médio técnico à luz das experiências internacionais, tendo em vista que essa é uma modalidade ainda incipiente no Brasil, mas cuja rede está em rápida expansão. Diferentemente do que ocorre na maioria dos países, os jovens de origem menos privilegiada não são os maiores beneficiários dessa modalidade. Apesar de a mesma ser propagada como principal solução para a falta de qualificação juvenil, a ampliação desse tipo de ensino deve ser avaliada com cautela, tendo em vista o público que está sendo efetivamente atingido e o potencial impacto negativo em termos de estratificação educacional observado nos países que seguiram esse caminho.


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A presente dissertação nasceu da necessidade particular de abrir espaço para o texto literário no ambiente escolar. A escola é o espaço natural no qual os alunos entram em contato com as linguagens escritas; é, pois, o espaço onde os estudantes devem conviver com diferentes textos de gêneros variados. É preciso, contudo, refletir sobre a forma como estes textos serão apresentados aos estudantes. A partir desse questionamento, algumas dúvidas motivaram a presente pesquisa: como trabalhar a leitura e a escrita no Ensino Fundamental II?, como formar jovens leitores?, como despertar o gosto pelo texto literário?, como trabalhar a produção do texto escrito com esses jovens? Pesquisar o trabalho com o texto literário no segundo segmento, todavia, seria um tema amplo demais. Desse modo, foi realizado um recorte, definindo a série e o gênero textual que seriam o foco da pesquisa. O 9 ano foi eleito por ser a última etapa do Ensino Fundamental. Nessa fase, teoricamente, os alunos já tiveram contato com diversos gêneros textuais e já estudaram (e produziram) textos com diferentes modos de organização do discurso: narração, exposição, argumentação, injunção, descrição. A escolha do gênero conto se justifica por ser este um texto mais curto, possibilitando a leitura em sala com a turma. O corpus se compõe de contos de dois grandes autores brasileiros: Machado de Assis e Lima Barreto. Um dos propósitos dessa escolha era mostrar que autores clássicos podem e devem ser lidos no Ensino Fundamental. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é apresentar atividades realizadas em sala de aula com o gênero selecionado, visando à formação do leitor e ao desenvolvimento da produção escrita, ressaltando a importância do texto literário no contexto escolar. Defende-se, portanto, que o trabalho com os contos pode ser um estímulo para desenvolver o gosto e, se possível, ao prazer da leitura, o enriquecimento vocabular e, por conseguinte, para o amadurecimento da escrita


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Este trabalho traz uma proposta de atividades, a serem desenvolvidas em sala de aula, com o objetivo de introduzir o conceito de derivadas para os alunos da primeira série do Ensino Médio. Antes das atividades, estão presentes algumas breves pesquisas. O histórico da presença de tópicos do Cálculo Diferencial e Integral no Ensino Médio no Brasil, assim como a análise de alguns livros didáticos, serve para mostrar como o assunto já foi e está sendo tratado no país. Também são exibidos aspectos sobre o Ensino Médio na Alemanha e nos Estados Unidos, países onde o cálculo está presente na Escola Secundária, embora de formas bastante diferentes. Um capítulo sobre a preparação adequada para as aulas também foi incluído, uma vez que a simples inserção da derivada poderia causar problemas de tempo para o cumprimento do cronograma e não trazer os resultados esperados. São necessários algum grau de adequação dos conteúdos ministrados e de cooperação com professores de Física. As atividades visando o ensino dos conceitos iniciais de derivada são motivadas por um problema físico de movimento. O foco é dado na intuição e na visualização de gráficos, para que haja uma melhor compreensão dos conceitos envolvidos. A utilização de um software de geometria dinâmica é requerida em boa parte do tempo, como importante ferramenta de apoio pedagógico


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O presente trabalho tem como tema as disputas que ocorrem no interior de uma instituição (IFSul) da Rede Federal de Educação Profissional, Científica e Tecnológica a respeito da pertinência e da concepção dos cursos técnicos integrados. Para tanto, discute as transformações que ocorrem no mundo do trabalho e suas especificidades no Brasil, bem como as implicações das novas relações de produção sobre as necessidades de formação humana. Aproxima as propostas de Gramsci para a escola unitária da realidade educacional brasileira e da proposta que se constrói como travessia para uma educação integral ou omnilateral o ensino médio integrado , além de apontar os espaços de contradição existentes na instituição estudada e que permitem avanços em direção à politecnia ou educação tecnológica. Utilizou-se da ampla bibliografia já existente para as formulações referentes às transformações no mundo do trabalho; à situação social, política e econômica brasileira; às opções ontológico-históricas, filosóficas e epistemológicas que constroem a proposta de ensino médio integrado. Para as análises das disputas no interior do instituto, utilizou-se de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e de um método de análise inspirado na metodologia da análise textual discursiva. Foram entrevistados 20 professores/gestores de três campi do IFSul, escolhidos por terem sido criados em diferentes momentos históricos. Tais professores ocupam os cargos de responsáveis pelo ensino do campus ou de coordenadores de cursos técnicos integrados ou de áreas do conhecimento do ensino médio. Foram escolhidos por catalizarem as opiniões de seus pares nos processos decisórios que se referem à oferta e ao currículo dos cursos. Na execução da análise, este trabalho utilizou-se das ferramentas do materialismo histórico e dialético. Partiu da análise mais geral das disputas de rumos, baseadas em projetos societários diferenciados, no interior do IFSul. Ao mesmo tempo, procurou ambientar o leitor com a instituição e o processo investigativo percorrido pelo autor. Em um segundo momento buscou aprofundar a análise, estudando as mudanças que ocorrem no mundo a partir da crise que se inicia na década de 1970 e que trouxe grandes transformações nos processos produtivos, além da financeirização dos mercados. Seguindo este processo de ida às categorias mais abstratas que organizam o todo social, manifestou as dificuldades históricas do modelo desenvolvimentista que se aplica no Brasil e apresentou as novas necessidades formativas na visão hegemônica e na visão dos trabalhadores, ao propor reformas educacionais que apontem numa perspectiva revolucionária. Assim, voltando ao concreto pensado, aprofundou algumas discussões a respeito da concepção de ensino médio integrado. Mesmo partindo do pressuposto de que a debilidade da formulação burguesa para a educação que se articula com o trabalho dificulta a formulação de um discurso contra-hegemônico, por parte da classe trabalhadora, este trabalho verificou as potencialidades de rupturas existentes neste processo histórico que vivemos. A concepção de politecnia se caracteriza como uma possibilidade de superação da polivalência perseguida pelo discurso educacional hegemônico. Tal superação, tarefa nas mãos da classe trabalhadora, poderá contribuir para a superação do capitalismo dependente brasileiro, resultado insólito das limitações revolucionárias de nossa burguesia