992 resultados para Stage structure


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Dodecylamine was successfully intercalated into the layer space of kaolinite by utilizing the methanol treated kaolinite–dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) intercalation complex as an intermediate. The basal spacing of kaolinite, measured by X-ray diffraction (XRD), increased from 0.72 nm to 4.29 nm after the intercalation of dodecylamine. Also, the significant variation observed in the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra of kaolinite when intercalated with dodecylamine verified the feasibility of intercalation of dodecylamine into kaolinite. Isothermal-isobaric (NPT) molecular dynamics simulation with the use of Dreiding force field was performed to probe into the layering behavior and structure of nanoconfined dodecylamine in the kaolinite gallery. The concentration profiles of the nitrogen atom, methyl group and methylene group of intercalated dodecylamine molecules in the direction perpendicular to the kaolinite basal surface indicated that the alkyl chains within the interlayer space of kaolinite exhibited an obvious layering structure. However, the unified bilayer, pseudo-trilayer, or paraffin-type arrangements of alkyl chains deduced based on their chain length combined with the measured basal spacing of organoclays were not found in this study. The alkyl chains aggregated to a mixture of ordered paraffin-type-like structure and disordered gauche conformation in the middle interlayer space of kaolinite, and some alkyl chains arranged in two bilayer structures, in which one was close to the silica tetrahedron surface, and the other was close to the alumina octahedron surface with their alkyl chains parallel to the kaolinite basal surface.


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Vertical graphene nanosheets (VGNS) hold great promise for high-performance supercapacitors owing to their excellent electrical transport property, large surface area and in particular, an inherent three-dimensional, open network structure. However, it remains challenging to materialise the VGNS-based supercapacitors due to their poor specific capacitance, high temperature processing, poor binding to electrode support materials, uncontrollable microstructure, and non-cost effective way of fabrication. Here we use a single-step, fast, scalable, and environmentally-benign plasma-enabled method to fabricate VGNS using cheap and spreadable natural fatty precursor butter, and demonstrate the controllability over the degree of graphitization and the density of VGNS edge planes. Our VGNS employed as binder-free supercapacitor electrodes exhibit high specific capacitance up to 230 F g−1 at a scan rate of 10 mV s−1 and >99% capacitance retention after 1,500 charge-discharge cycles at a high current density, when the optimum combination of graphitic structure and edge plane effects is utilised. The energy storage performance can be further enhanced by forming stable hybrid MnO2/VGNS nano-architectures which synergistically combine the advantages from both VGNS and MnO2. This deterministic and plasma-unique way of fabricating VGNS may open a new avenue for producing functional nanomaterials for advanced energy storage devices.


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The electron field emission (EFE) properties of nitrogenated carbon nanotips (NCNTPs) were studied under high-vacuum conditions. The NCNTPs were prepared in a plasma-assisted hot filament chemical vapor deposition system using CH4 and N2 as the carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively. The work functions of NCNTPs were measured using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The morphological and structural properties of NCNTPs were studied by field emission scanning electron microscopy, micro-Raman spectroscopy, and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The field enhancement factors of NCNTPs were calculated using relevant EFE models based on the Fowler-Nordheim approximation. Analytical characterization and modeling results were used to establish the relations between the EFE properties of NCNTPs and their morphology, structure, and composition. It is shown that the EFE properties of NCNTPs can be enhanced by the reduction of oxygen termination on the surface as well as by increasing the ratio of the NCNTP height to the radius of curvature at its top. These results also suggest that a significant amount of electrons is emitted from other surface areas besides the NCNTP tops, contrary to the common belief. The outcomes of this study advance our knowledge on the electron emission properties of carbonnanomaterials and contribute to the development of the next-generation of advanced applications in the fields of micro- and opto-electronics.


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Graphene grown on metal catalysts with low carbon solubility is a highly competitive alternative to exfoliated and other forms of graphene, yet a single-layer, single-crystal structure remains a challenge because of the large number of randomly oriented nuclei that form grain boundaries when stitched together. A kinetic model of graphene nucleation and growth is developed to elucidate the effective controls of the graphene island density and surface coverage from the onset of nucleation to the full monolayer formation in low-pressure, low-temperature CVD. The model unprecedentedly involves the complete cycle of the elementary gas-phase and surface processes and shows a precise quantitative agreement with the recent low-energy electron diffraction measurements and also explains numerous parameter trends from a host of experimental reports. These agreements are demonstrated for a broad pressure range as well as different combinations of precursor gases and supporting catalysts. The critical role of hydrogen in controlling the graphene nucleation and monolayer formation is revealed and quantified. The model is generic and can be extended to even broader ranges of catalysts and precursor gases/pressures to enable the as yet elusive effective control of the crystalline structure and number of layers of graphene using the minimum amounts of matter and energy.


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The mineral kidwellite, a hydrated hydroxy phosphate of ferric iron and sodium of approximate formula NaFe93+(PO4)6(OH)11⋅3H2O, has been studied using a combination of electron microscopy with EDX and vibrational spectroscopic techniques. Raman spectroscopy identifies an intense band at 978 cm−1 and 1014 cm−1. These bands are attributed to the PO43− ν1 symmetric stretching mode. The ν3 antisymmetric stretching modes are observed by a large number of Raman bands. The series of Raman bands at 1034, 1050, 1063, 1082, 1129, 1144 and 1188 cm−1 are attributed to the ν3 antisymmetric stretching bands of the PO43− and HOPO32− units. The observation of these multiple Raman bands in the symmetric and antisymmetric stretching region gives credence to the concept that both phosphate and hydrogen phosphate units exist in the structure of kidwellite. The series of Raman bands at 557, 570, 588, 602, 631, 644 and 653 cm−1are assigned to the PO43− ν2 bending modes. The series of Raman bands at 405, 444, 453, 467, 490 and 500 cm−1 are attributed to the PO43− and HOPO32− ν4 bending modes. The spectrum is quite broad but Raman bands may be resolved at 3122, 3231, 3356, 3466 and 3580 cm−1. These bands are assigned to water stretching vibrational modes. The number and position of these bands suggests that water is in different molecular environments with differing hydrogen bond distances. Infrared bands at 3511 and 3359 cm−1 are ascribed to the OH stretching vibration of the OH units. Very broad bands at 3022 and 3299 cm−1 are attributed to the OH stretching vibrations of water. Vibrational spectroscopy offers insights into the molecular structure of the phosphate mineral kidwellite.


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The nucleation-initiated oxidation of a Si surface at very low temperatures in plasmas is demonstrated experimentally, in contrast to the Deal-Grove mechanism, which predicts Si oxidation at a Si/SiO interface and cannot adequately describe the formation of SiO nanodots and oxidation rates at very low (several nanometers) oxide thickness. Based on the experimental results, an alternative oxidation scenario is proposed and supported by multiscale numerical simulations suggesting that saturation of micro- and nanohillocks with oxygen is a trigger mechanism for initiation of Si surface oxidation. This approach is generic and can be applied to describe the kinetics of low-temperature oxidation of other materials. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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A three-component fluid model for a dusty plasma-sheath in an oblique magnetic field is presented. The study is carried out for the conditions when the thermophoretic force associated with the electron temperature gradient is one of the most important forces affecting dust grains in the sheath. It is shown that the sheath properties (the sheath size, the electron, ion and dust particle densities and velocities, the electric field potential, and the forces affecting the dust particles) are functions of the neutral gas pressure and ion temperature, the dust size, the dust material density, and the electron temperature gradient. Effects of plasma-dust collisions on the sheath structure are studied. It is shown that an increase in the forces pushing dust particles to the wall is accompanied by a decrease in the sheath width. The results of this work are particularly relevant to low-temperature plasma-enabled technologies, where effective control of nano- and microsized particles near solid or liquid surfaces is required.


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MOST PAN stages in Australian factories use only five or six batch pans for the high grade massecuite production and operate these in a fairly rigid repeating production schedule. It is common that some of the pans are of large dropping capacity e.g. 150 to 240 t. Because of the relatively small number and large sizes of the pans, steam consumption varies widely through the schedule, often by ±30% about the mean value. Large fluctuations in steam consumption have implications for the steam generation/condensate management of the factory and the evaporators when bleed vapour is used. One of the objectives of a project to develop a supervisory control system for a pan stage is to (a) reduce the average steam consumption and (b) reduce the variation in the steam consumption. The operation of each of the high grade pans within the schedule at Macknade Mill was analysed to determine the idle (or buffer) time, time allocations for essential but unproductive operations (e.g. pan turn round, charging, slow ramping up of steam rates on pan start etc.), and productive time i.e. the time during boil-on of liquor and molasses feed. Empirical models were developed for each high grade pan on the stage to define the interdependence of the production rate and the evaporation rate for the different phases of each pan’s cycle. The data were analysed in a spreadsheet model to try to reduce and smooth the total steam consumption. This paper reports on the methodology developed in the model and the results of the investigations for the pan stage at Macknade Mill. It was found that the operation of the schedule severely restricted the ability to reduce the average steam consumption and smooth the steam flows. While longer cycle times provide increased flexibility the steam consumption profile was changed only slightly. The ability to cut massecuite on the run among pans, or the use of a high grade seed vessel, would assist in reducing the average steam consumption and the magnitude of the variations in steam flow.


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This paper reports on ab initio numerical simulations of the effect of Co and Cu dopings on the electronic structure and optical properties of ZnO, pursued to develop diluted magnetic semiconductors vitally needed for spintronic applications. The simulations are based upon the Perdew-Burke-Enzerh generalized gradient approximation on the density functional theory. It is revealed that the electrons with energies close to the Fermi level effectively transfer only between Cu and Co ions which substitute Zn atoms, and are located in the neighbor sites connected by an O ion. The simulation results are consistent with the experimental observations that addition of Cu helps achieve stable ferromagnetism of Co-doped ZnO. It is shown that simultaneous insertion of Co and Cu atoms leads to smaller energy band gap, redshift of the optical absorption edge, as well as significant changes in the reflectivity, dielectric function, refractive index, and electron energy loss function of ZnO as compared to the doping with either Co or Cu atoms. These highly unusual optical properties are explained in terms of the computed electronic structure and are promising for the development of the next-generation room-temperature ferromagnetic semiconductors for future spintronic devices on the existing semiconductor micromanufacturing platform.


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The kinetics of the nucleation and growth of carbon nanotube and nanocone arrays on Ni catalyst nanoparticles on a silicon surface exposed to a low-temperature plasma are investigated numerically, using a complex model that includes surface diffusion and ion motion equations. It is found that the degree of ionization of the carbon flux strongly affects the kinetics of nanotube and nanocone nucleation on partially saturated catalyst patterns. The use of highly ionized carbon flux allows formation of a nanotube array with a very narrow height distribution of half-width 7 nm. Similar results are obtained for carbon nanocone arrays, with an even narrower height distribution, using a highly ionized carbon flux. As the deposition time increases, nanostructure arrays develop without widening the height distribution when the flux ionization degree is high, in contrast to the fairly broad nanostructure height distributions obtained when the degree of ionization is low.


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Objective To summarise how costs and health benefits will change with the adoption of total laparoscopic hysterectomy compared to total abdominal hysterectomy for the treatment of early stage endometrial cancer. Design Cost-effectiveness modelling using the information from a randomised controlled trial. Participants Two hypothetical modelled cohorts of 1000 individuals undergoing total laparoscopic hysterectomy and total abdominal hysterectomy. Outcome measures Surgery costs; hospital bed days used; total healthcare costs; quality-adjusted life years; and net monetary benefits. Results For 1000 individuals receiving total laparoscopic hysterectomy surgery, the costs were $509 575 higher, 3548 hospital fewer bed days were used and total health services costs were reduced by $3 746 221. There were 39.13 more quality-adjusted life years for a 5 year period following surgery. Conclusions The adoption of total laparoscopic hysterectomy is almost certainly a good decision for health services policy makers. There is 100% probability that it will be cost saving to health services, a 86.8% probability that it will increase health benefits and a 99.5% chance that it returns net monetary benefits greater than zero.


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A theoretical model of a large-area planar plasma producer based on surface wave (SW) propagation in a plasma-metal structure with a dielectric sheath is presented. The SW which produces and sustains the microwave gas discharge in the planar structure propagates along an external magnetic field and possesses an eigenfrequency within the range between electron cyclotron and electron plasma frequencies. The spatial distributions of the produced plasma density, electromagnetic fields, energy flow density, phase velocity and reverse skin depth of the SW are obtained analytically and numerically.


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The conditions for carbon nanotube synthesis in the bulk of arc discharges and on plasma-exposed solid surfaces are compared to reveal the main distinguishing features of the growth kinetics and explain the striking difference between the growth of the nanotubes in both cases. It is shown that this difference is due to very different exposure of the discharge-synthesized and surface-bound nanotubes to ion fluxes, with the ratio of the ion fluxes collected per nanotube in the two cases reaching up to six orders of magnitude. Depending on the plasma parameters and the sizes of the nanotubes and metal catalyst particles, four distinct growth modes of the nanotubes in the plasma bulk have been identified. These results shed light on why single-walled carbon nanotube growth is more favourable in the bulk of arc plasmas rather than on plasma-exposed surfaces.


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The effect of the nonuniformity of the electron density on the dispersion properties of surface waves propagating in a direction transverse to an external magnetic field is studied for the model of a two-layer plasma structure bounded by a metal. It is shown that the spectra of the waves can be effectively controlled by varying the degree of nonuniformity of the density and the dimensions of the layers.


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The dispersion properties and topography of the fields of azimuthal surface wave (ASW) in a coaxial semiconductor structure with metal walls, placed in an external magnetic field, are investigated analytically and numerically. It is shown that an ASW phase-shifting device can be realized in the proposed structure. The conditions are indicated for which wave perturbations exist having frequencies that depend on the direction of phase change.