985 resultados para Spider mites
Geological processes and ecological adaptation are major drivers of diversification on oceanic islands. Although diversification in these islands is often interpreted as resulting from dispersal or island hopping rather than vicariance, this may not be the case in islands with complex geological histories. The island of Tenerife, in the Canary Islands, emerged in the late Miocene as 3 precursor islands that were subsequently connected and reisolated by volcanic cycles. The spider Dysdera verneaui is endemic to the island of Tenerife, where it is widely distributed throughout most island habitats, providing an excellent model to investigate the role of physical barriers and ecological adaptation in shaping within-island diversity. Here, we present evidence that the phylogeographic patterns of this species trace back to the independent emergence of the protoislands. Molecular markers (mitochondrial genes cox1, 16S, and nad1 and the nuclear genes ITS-2 and 28S) analyzed from 100 specimens (including a thorough sampling of D. verneaui populations and additional outgroups) identify 2 distinct evolutionary lineages that correspond to 2 precursor islands, each with diagnostic genital characters indicative of separate species status. Episodic introgression events between these 2 main evolutionary lineages explain the observed incongruence between mitochondrial and nuclear markers, probably as a result of the homogenization of their ITS-2 sequence types. The most widespread lineage exhibits a complex population structure, which is compatible with either secondary contact, following connection of deeply divergent lineages, or alternatively, a back colonization from 1 precursor island to another.
Geological processes and ecological adaptation are major drivers of diversification on oceanic islands. Although diversification in these islands is often interpreted as resulting from dispersal or island hopping rather than vicariance, this may not be the case in islands with complex geological histories. The island of Tenerife, in the Canary Islands, emerged in the late Miocene as 3 precursor islands that were subsequently connected and reisolated by volcanic cycles. The spider Dysdera verneaui is endemic to the island of Tenerife, where it is widely distributed throughout most island habitats, providing an excellent model to investigate the role of physical barriers and ecological adaptation in shaping within-island diversity. Here, we present evidence that the phylogeographic patterns of this species trace back to the independent emergence of the protoislands. Molecular markers (mitochondrial genes cox1, 16S, and nad1 and the nuclear genes ITS-2 and 28S) analyzed from 100 specimens (including a thorough sampling of D. verneaui populations and additional outgroups) identify 2 distinct evolutionary lineages that correspond to 2 precursor islands, each with diagnostic genital characters indicative of separate species status. Episodic introgression events between these 2 main evolutionary lineages explain the observed incongruence between mitochondrial and nuclear markers, probably as a result of the homogenization of their ITS-2 sequence types. The most widespread lineage exhibits a complex population structure, which is compatible with either secondary contact, following connection of deeply divergent lineages, or alternatively, a back colonization from 1 precursor island to another.
Defining the degree of host specificity in host-parasite studies can greatly inform cophylogenetic history. In a recent paper, Guiller and Deunff (2010) cast doubt on some points and conclusions drawn from a cophylogenetic study between European bats and Spinturnicid mites (Bruyndonckx et al., 2009a). Here we answer their criticisms and discuss the notion of specificity in Spinturnicid mites.
SUMMARY IL-1R and TLRs are key players in innate immunity and inflammation. Tollip was identified as a component of IL-1RI, TLR2 and TLR4 signaling complexes that activate NF-κB and MAP kinase pathways. Tollip was previously shown as a negative regulator of NF-κB and MAP Kinase activation. We have characterized the role of Tollip in IL-R/TLRs induced signaling by the analysis of the Tollip deficient mice. We showed that NF-κB and MAPK (p38, JNK, or ERK1/2) signaling appeared normal in Tollip deficient cells following stimulation with IL-1β, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and other TLR ligands. Also IL-1β and TLRs ligands induced activation of immune cells was indistinguishable from wild-type cells. Strikingly, in Tollip deficient mice the production of the inflammatory cytokines, IL-6 or TNF-α was significantly reduced relative to control mice after treatment with physiological doses of IL-1β or LPS, whereas no difference was observed at high doses of stimulation with LPS or in LPS induced septic shock. Therefore, Tollip could be critical for regulation of optimal responses to IL-1β and LPS, in addition to its role as negative regulator of the signaling. We also studied the role of Tollip as an endocytic adaptor for IL-1R endocytosis. We could show that Il-1R is ubiquitinated after IL-1β stimulation, and that Tollip's CUE domain binds IL-1RI in an ubiquitin-dependent manner. We followed IL-1R internalization and Tollip localization by confocal microscopy. Consistent with a role for Tollip in sorting of ubiquitinated IL-1RI, a significant amount of Tollip was also localized at the late endosomal compartment. We could show that Tollip is required for efficient lysosomal targeting of ubiquitinated IL-1R1, In the absence of Tollip or in Tollip deficient cells reconstituted with a Tollip mutant (defective in ubiquitin binding) IL-1RI accumulates in enlarged late endosomes. In addition, Tollip was shown to interact with, another endocytic adapter, Toml, and both interact with IL-1RI. In conclusion, we showed that Tollip is required for IL-1β and LPS signaling for cytokine production. In addition we showed and that Tollip has a role as an endocytic adapter, necessary for efficient trafficking and lysosomal degradation of IL-1RI. Resumé Le récepteur à l'interleukine-1 (IL-1R) et les récepteurs "Toll-like" (TLRs) sont des acteurs cruciaux de la réponse immunitaire innée et de l'inflammation. La proteine Tollip a été identifiée comme étant un élément des complexes de signalisation, induits par les récepteurs IL-1RI, TLR-2 et TLR-4, qui mènent à l'activation de la voie des MAP kinases et de NF-κB. Dans de précédentes études, il a été montré que Tollip pouvait inhiber ces deux voies de signalisation. Nous avons voulu caractériser plus précisément le rôle de Tollip dans l'activation des voies de signalisation mitées par IL-1R/TLRs en utilisant une lignée murine déficiente pour la protéine Tollip. Ainsi, en absence de Tollip, les cascades d'activation de NF-κB et MAPK (p38, JNK, or ERK1/2) ne semblent pas affectées après stimulation avec IL-1β, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) ou d' autres ligands des TLR. La réponse des cellules du système immunitaire induite par la stimulation avec IL-1β et les ligands des TLR est également comparable entre les souris sauvages et les souris deficientes pour Tollip. Par contre, dans cette lignée murine, la production de cytokines proinflammatoires IL-6 et TNFα induite par la stimulation à dose physiologique de IL-1β or LPS, est réduite. Cependant, lors de stimulation à plus hautes doses de LPS ou pendant un choc septique induit par de LPS, cette réduction n'est pas observée. Ces résultats montrent que Tollip pourrait avoir un rôle déterminant dans l'activation optimale en réponse à l' IL-1β et au LPS qui s'ajoute à sa fonction inhibitrice des mêmes voies de signalisation. Nous avons aussi étudié le rôle de Tollip comme molécule adaptatatrice du mécanisme endocytique d'internalisation de l' IL-1RI. Ainsi, l' IL-1R est ubiquitiné après stimulation par l' IL-1β , permettant à Tollip de se lier au récepteur. Cette interaction est réalisée entre le domaine CUE de Tollip et l'IL-1R via l'ubiquitine. L'internalisation et la localisation intracellulaire de l'IL-1RI et de Tollip ont été observés par microscopie confocale. En accord avec le rôle de Tollip dans le triage et la recirculation des IL-1R ubiquitiné, une quantité importante de Tollip été détectée dans l' endosome tardif. Nous avons pu démontrer que Tollip était nécessaire pour diriger efficacement ubiquitiné vers les lysosomes. Dans des cellules déficientes pour Tollip, ou reconstituées avec un mutant de Tollip (MF/AA) incapable de lier l'ubiquitine, IL-1RI s'accumule dans des vesicules anormales de l'endosome tardif. Dans ce travail, nous avons pu confirmer et préciser la fonction de la protéine Tollip dans l' activation de la production de cytokines induites par l' IL-1p and le LPS lors de l'inflammation et découvrir son rôle d'adaptateur dans l' internalisation et l'endocytose de l' IL-1RI.
Transposable elements (TEs) and other repetitive DNA can accumulate in the absence of recombination, a process contributing to the degeneration of Y-chromosomes and other nonrecombining genome portions. A similar accumulation of repetitive DNA is expected for asexually reproducing species, given their entire genome is effectively nonrecombining. We tested this expectation by comparing the whole-genome TE loads of five asexual arthropod lineages and their sexual relatives, including asexual and sexual lineages of crustaceans (Daphnia water fleas), insects (Leptopilina wasps), and mites (Oribatida). Surprisingly, there was no evidence for increased TE load in genomes of asexual as compared to sexual lineages, neither for all classes of repetitive elements combined nor for specific TE families. Our study therefore suggests that nonrecombining genomes do not accumulate TEs like nonrecombining genomic regions of sexual lineages. Even if a slight but undetected increase of TEs were caused by asexual reproduction, it appears to be negligible compared to variance between species caused by processes unrelated to reproductive mode. It remains to be determined if molecular mechanisms underlying genome regulation in asexuals hamper TE activity. Alternatively, the differences in TE dynamics between nonrecombining genomes in asexual lineages versus nonrecombining genome portions in sexual species might stem from selection for benign TEs in asexual lineages because of the lack of genetic conflict between TEs and their hosts and/or because asexual lineages may only arise from sexual ancestors with particularly low TE loads.
Les últimes dades de l'estudi europeu del 2014, sobre la violència de parella indiquen que gairebé 62 milions de dones europees, havien sofert actes de violència de gènere, entre els quals es destaca els relacionats amb la violència de parella (VP). Els maltractaments constitueixen un problema molt greu que genera al nostre país cada vegada més alarma social i més actuacions legals i professionals per fer-li front. El sistema de salut és, amb freqüència, el primer lloc al que les víctimes de violència domèstica acudeixen a la recerca d'assessorament i ajuda, sent aquest el motiu pel qual els professionals de la salut tenen un paper central per a la seva assistència. Aquests formen part implicada en el sistema de detecció, atenció i actuació. Per això, els plans d'estudi de Grau d'Infermeria recullen en el BOE la formació en VP des de l’àmbit universitari. L’objectiu del nostre estudi consisteix en la identificació de la percepció i dels coneixements en relació a la violència de parella dels estudiants del Grau d’Infermeria de la Universitat de Girona durant el curs acadèmic 2012-2013. Per a dur-lo a terme es va realitzar un anàlisi quantitatiu dels resultats a través de l’administració d’una enquesta sobre sis aspectes de la VP, l’enquesta incloïa el perfil demogràfic (sexe, edat i anys d'estudi) dels estudiants i les declaracions relatives a les seves percepcions i coneixements sobre la VP: causes d'abús; la identificació de les dones objecte de VP i del seus autors; creences de les infermeres; funcions perceptibles; i la preparació educativa. Els estudiants del Grau d’Infermeria mostren tenir un bon coneixement sobre les causes del abús en VP, així com una formació adequada. També cal destacar que un 54,42% dels alumnes enquestats es veuen capacitats per afrontar un cas de VP com a infermer/a. S’observa una millora de la formació educativa en el transcurs acadèmic. En 1r curs un 40,09% té una bona formació, aquest valor augmenta fins a un 56,58% a tercer curs, baixant lleugerament fins un 44,27% a 4rt curs. Els resultats obtinguts són semblats a estudis de mostres similars en estudiants d'infermeria de Memphis (EUA) i de la University of Southern Queensland (Austràlia) quant a coneixements i percepció sobre la VP. Encara que els resultats mostren un coneixement i una percepció sobre la VP adequada, destaquem que això no succeeix en gairebé un 40% dels enquestats. La introducció de matèries específiques sobre igualtat i sobre violència contra la dona en els plans d’estudis, pot esdevenir una mesura preventiva per revisar i corregir possibles mites i creences en VP. Per tant, és necessari millorar la formació del currículum en estudiants d'infermeria per la importància d'aquest greu problema de salut pública, donant major èmfasis en la satisfacció de les necessitats emocionals i en la comprensió dels diferents enfocaments en VP, especialment en mesures de prevenció i educació
Aquesta recerca té per finalitat aproximar-se a la percepció que tenen les víctimes de violència masclista del tracte que reben dels diferents operadors en seu judicial, i mostrar com aquestes actuacions les han afectat no només a nivell personal, sinó també a nivell processal. L’objectiu principal és copsar l’experiència de les dones víctimes de violència de gènere en referència al seu pas pels jutjats especialitzats de Catalunya. Per la consecució de l’objectiu s’ha treballat, d’una banda, amb la revisió i actualització teòrica i contextual del tema d’investigació i, per l’altra i principalment, amb la realització de més de 40 entrevistes als diferents operadors judicials i a dones víctimes de violència masclista i a entitats que treballen amb elles. Els resultats ens demostren que existeixen múltiples mancances en l’abordatge de la violència masclista als jutjats, que es reflecteixen en temes com: la manca d’informació, la valoració del risc, l’existència de mites i prejudicis vers les dones, la manca de formació, ... Aquestes mancances són generadores de l’anomenada victimització secundària. La situació descrita posa de manifest la necessitat de fer un veritable abordatge dels problemes detectats per tal de fer realment efectiva i eficient la lluita contra la violència masclista sobre les dones a seu judicial.
Des de temps immemorials, totes les cultures humanes han atorgat un estatus especial als humans. Alguna cosa d'especial tenim: som l'única espècie animal viva que ha generat una cultura capaç de plantejar-se el seu origen i, encara més abstracte, el seu destí tant individual com col·lectiu. Aquest fet ha quedat reflectit en les llegendes, els mites i les pràctiques religioses, i àdhuc en els tractats científics. Fills de Déu o al capdamunt de l'arbre evolutiu; tant se val la formulació concreta que en fem, la idea socialment més estesa és que som la culminació d'un procés. L'evolució, però, no té cap direcció predeterminada [...].
The leaf essential oils of Eugenia lutescens Cambess andEugenia langsdorffii O. Berg, collected in the rainy (RS) and dry seasons (DS), were extracted by hydrodistillation and then characterized by a gas chromatography-flame ionization detector and a gas chromatography-mass spectrometer. The potential acaricidal activity and oviposition deterrence of these oils were evaluated against Tetranychus urticae . The oil yields were higher in the RS for E. lutescens, while those forE. langsdorffii were higher in the DS. α-Pinene and β-pinene were determined to be the major constituents of the oils fromE. lutescens, while bicyclogermacrene, spathulenol, and β-caryophyllene predominated in E. langsdorffii . Seasonal variations in the oils were primarily related to chemical diversity, and E. lutescens was more affected than was E. langsdorffii . The E. langsdorffii oil collected in the DS was most toxic to the spider mite, while the oils of E. lutescens and E. langsdorffii collected in the RS drastically reduced its egg quantities. This study successfully determined the periods of greater oil production and acaricidal activity.
Na semeadura direta, é fundamental que a mobilização do solo no sulco de semeadura seja a menor possível, visando a reduzir o risco de erosão e de desenvolvimento de ervas infestantes. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de diferentes mecanismos para o manejo do sulco de semeadura quanto à mobilização de solo e à profundidade de semeadura empregados em uma semeadora direta. O experimento foi conduzido em solo argiloso, em semeadura direta, com alto volume de palha de sorgo. Os tratamentos consistiam no emprego isolado de dois mecanismos rompedores à frente da haste sulcadora, compostos pelo disco de corte e rodas de varredura, e suas combinações com três mecanismos cobridores atrás do sulcador da semente, executados pelos discos cobridores, modelos vence-tudo, protótipo M1 e spider, sendo que a combinação disco de corte mais o modelo spider não foi avaliada devido à limitação de espaço físico. Após as análises dos resultados, constatou-se que o tratamento rodas de varredura operando isoladamente apresentou a maior área de solo mobilizada, com 105 cm², e a associação dos mecanismos disco de corte mais o protótipo M1 apresentaram os menores valores, com 35,3 cm². Avaliando-se no conjunto de dados, observam-se ganhos de empolamento quando se adicionaram mecanismos cobridores aos rompedores rodas de varredura e ao disco de corte de, no mínimo, 10% e 26%, respectivamentes, melhorando a profundidade das sementes de milho em até 0,013 e 0,011 metros, respectivamentes. Já o mecanismo rompedor disco de corte e suas associações com as cobridoras modelo vence-tudo e protótipo M1 foram os que obtiveram maior aprofundamento das sementes, bem como a menor mobilização de solo no interior do sulco e maiores retornos de solo pelos cobridores.
Vegetation cover on soil acts positively in maintaining temperature and soil moisture, yet, it has been imposing specific operational conditions on seeders. The objective of this study was to evaluate performance of different mechanisms regarding straw mobilization, employed in a no-till seeder. The experimental area was conducted on clayey soil under no-tillage with a large quantity of sorghum residue. The experiment was established in a randomized block design, as the treatments consisted of a combination of two mechanisms at front of the furrow opener composed of cutting disc and row cleaners, and three mechanisms behind the seed furrower, covering discs prototype model M1, Spider and commercial model, with the combination of cutting disc and Spider model not being evaluated. We assessed the coverage permanence on soil index, vegetation mass on surface and inside the line. The treatment containing the row cleaner mechanism efficiently removed straw from the surface of sowing line as well as the return one acted on straw replacement. It was identified that use of the cutting disc at the front of seeder contributed to the increase of straw installation inside the line, three times more than in the row cleaner system when operating individually. Covering mechanism with row cleaners reduced straw inside the line and kept line covering similar to treatment of cutting disc operating alone.
The objective was to evaluate the factors associated with the prevalence of Otodectes cynotis infestations in dogs assisted at the Dermatology Service of the Veterinary Hospital, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro. A total of 250 dogs were examined through direct smear of ear samples using a stereoscopic microscope, for the parasitological diagnostic. All dog owners were interviewed and data regarding the animals and their environments were individually recorded. Mite infestation was observed in 15 animals, with a prevalence of 6%. The variables were tested regarding their association with the mites, using the χ2 test and, when appropriate, the Fisher exact test. There were no evidences that age (p = 0,20), sex (p = 0,31), breed (p = 0,50), shape of ear (p = 0,66), type (p = 0,19) and length of hair (p = 0,14) and contact with other animals (p = 0,06) could act as potential risk factors for O. cynotis infestation. However, living environment (p = 0,03) and frequency of environmental cleaning (p = 0,005) may facilitate the infestation. The occurrence of pruritus was associated to the presence of mites (p<0,001), suggesting to be an effect of the parasitism.
The objective of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of pour-on formulations of fluazuron and ivermectin in different therapeutic protocols for treatment of demodicosis by means of quantifying mites with skin scraping, histological and clinical evaluation in dogs. Eighteen dogs with skin scrapings positive for Demodex canis were evaluated, divided into three groups. All the animals were treated every 14 days, completing 6 treatments for each animal (days 0, 14, 28, 42, 56 and 70). In group 1, pour-on 2.5% fluazuron was used at the dose of 20mg/kg; in the group 2 pour-on 2.5% fluazuron at a dose of 20 mg/kg in association with pour-on 0.5% ivermectin at the dose of 0.6mg/kg; and in group 3, pour-on 0.5% ivermectin alone was used, at the dose of 0.6mg/kg. The treatment was evaluated and monitored through skin scrapings and clinical follow-up of the lesions every 14 days for 84 days, and through histopathological examination at the end of each treatment protocol. The success rate was defined as the percentage of dogs in each group that had negative skin scrapings after the treatment: this was 16.67% for group 1, and 50% for groups 2 and 3. The reduction in mite counts reached effectiveness of 67.66%, 88.99% and 84.29% for groups 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The Wilcoxon test showed that there was a significant difference between the number of mites before and after treatment in groups 2 and 3. The histopathological examination revealed that only group 1 showed no significant difference in the intensity of infestation between days 0 and 84. Clinically, there was no significant difference between the evaluation before and after treatment in the three groups. pour-on 2.5% fluazuron and pour-on 0.5% ivermectin were not effective for treating canine demodicosis, either in association or as single therapy, when applied every 14 days for a period of 70 days. Quantification of mites using skin scrapings and histological evaluation proved to be ineffective, either one as sole therapeutic evaluation parameters, for canine demodicosis.
During the period from 1992 to 1997, interactions of several organisms and Ficus eximia figs, a monoecious species, were studied in plants located in Campinas/SP and Londrina/PR (Brazil). Ficus eximia is pollinated by a single fig wasp species, Pegoscapus sp. (Hymenoptera: Agaonidae, Agaoninae), but also visited by other 14 non-pollinating wasps (Agaonidae, Eurytomidae, Torymidae). Mites (Tarsonemidae), nematodes (Diplogasteridae) and fungi which use the body of the pollinating fig wasp to disperse themselves were also observed.
Eighty micrograms red blood cell (RBC) ghosts from patients who had previously exhibited the cutaneous form of loxoscelism (presenting localized dermonecrosis) and the viscerocutaneous form of loxoscelism (presenting dermonecrosis, hemoglobinuria, hematuria, and jaundice) and from controls were incubated with 2.5 µg crude Loxosceles gaucho venom in 5 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, at 37ºC. Among all membrane proteins, quantitative proteolysis of the important integral transmembrane protein 3 increased with venom dose and with incubation time from 30 to 120 min, as demonstrated by gel densitometry. Similar quantitative data were obtained for RBC ghosts from patients and from control subjects, a fact that argues against the possibility of genetic factors favoring the hemolytic viscerocutaneous form. These data suggest that the clinical forms may be different types of the same disease, with the viscerocutaneous form being the result of large amounts of intravascularly injected venom and the superficial form being the result of in situ venom action. Since protein 3 is a housekeeping integral membrane protein, whose genetic deficiency leads to hemolytic anemia, it is reasonable to relate it to the hemolysis which occurs in the viscerocutaneous form of loxoscelism. The venom protease responsible for the process was not inhibited after 120-min incubation by 0.2 mM paramethylsulfonyl fluoride or by 0.2 mM N-ethylmaleimide but was inhibited by 25 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (a calcium-chelating agent) in 5 mM phosphate buffer at pH 7.4, which suggests that the enzyme is a calcium-dependent metalloprotease.