764 resultados para Social Marketing Theory-based (SMT)


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Decisions taken in modern organizations are often multi-dimensional, involving multiple decision makers and several criteria measured on different scales. Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods are designed to analyze and to give recommendations in this kind of situations. Among the numerous MCDM methods, two large families of methods are the multi-attribute utility theory based methods and the outranking methods. Traditionally both method families require exact values for technical parameters and criteria measurements, as well as for preferences expressed as weights. Often it is hard, if not impossible, to obtain exact values. Stochastic Multicriteria Acceptability Analysis (SMAA) is a family of methods designed to help in this type of situations where exact values are not available. Different variants of SMAA allow handling all types of MCDM problems. They support defining the model through uncertain, imprecise, or completely missing values. The methods are based on simulation that is applied to obtain descriptive indices characterizing the problem. In this thesis we present new advances in the SMAA methodology. We present and analyze algorithms for the SMAA-2 method and its extension to handle ordinal preferences. We then present an application of SMAA-2 to an area where MCDM models have not been applied before: planning elevator groups for high-rise buildings. Following this, we introduce two new methods to the family: SMAA-TRI that extends ELECTRE TRI for sorting problems with uncertain parameter values, and SMAA-III that extends ELECTRE III in a similar way. An efficient software implementing these two methods has been developed in conjunction with this work, and is briefly presented in this thesis. The thesis is closed with a comprehensive survey of SMAA methodology including a definition of a unified framework.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ensin selvittää, kuinka ulkoisenja sisäisen tar-kastuksen välisen rajapinnan pitäisi lähdeaineiston perusteellateoriassa muodostua. Teoreettisen viitekehyksen muodostamisen jälkeen tutkimuk-sen empiirisessä osassa pyritään lähdeaineistoon perustuvan kyselytutki-muksen avulla muodostamaan käsitys siitä, millaiseksi sisäisen ja ulkoisen tarkastuksen välinen rajapinta käytännössä muodostuu. Tutkimuksen em-piirinen osa toteutettiin kyselylomakkeella, joka lähetettiin 60 suomalaisen yrityksen sisäisen tarkastuksen päällikölle ja päävastuulliselle tilintarkasta-jalle. Sisäisten ja ulkoisten tarkastajien mielipide-erojen tilastollinen mer-kitsevyys testattiin parillisten vastausten t-testillä. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että tarkastajien välilläon yhteistyötä ja että he koordinoivat työtään jonkin verran. Parhaiten koordinointitoimenpiteet onnistuvat päällekkäisen työn ehkäisemissä. Jos ja kun osapuolet ovat yh-teistyössä, tapahtuu se yleensä tilintarkastajien aloitteesta; tilintarkastajat päättävät missä ja milloin yhteistyö tapahtuu. Yhteistyön ja koordinaation lisäämiselle on siis paljon tilaa. Rohkaisevaa kuitenkin on, että vastausten perusteella yhteistyö on viime vuosina lisääntynyt.


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Pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena on operationalisoida T&K- yhteistyön prosessimaista luonnetta, eli tarkemmin sanottuna analysoida T&K-yhteistyösuhteidenmuodostumista ja motiiveja. Tutkielman hypoteesit muodostettiin analysoimalla yrityksen teknologiastrategiaan perustuvia uuden tiedon tuonnin ja olemassa olevan tiedon hyväksikäytön oppimistavoitteita. Motivaatio T&K- yhteistyölle syntyy mahdollisuudesta T&K- projektien riskien jakamiseen. T&K- yhteistyön motiiveja analysoitiin transaktio- ja byrokratiahyötyjen, jotka pohjautuvat mittakaava- ja synergiaeduille, lähteitä arvioiden. Hypoteeseja testattiin 276 suomalaisen teollisuusyrityksen otoksella. Otoksen yrityksillä oliollut T&K- toimintaa. Otos perustuu kyselyyn, joka toteutettiin Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston kauppatieteiden osastolla vuonna 2004. Hypoteeseja testattiin tilastollisilla menetelmillä; lineaarisella regressioanalyysillä, parillisten ja riippumattomien otosten t-testeillä. Validiteetti- ja multikollineaarisuusongelman todennäköisyydet on huomioitu. Hypoteesit vahvistuivat osittain. Teknologisella epävarmuudella ja monimutkaisuudella ei ole suoraa vaikutusta T&K- yhteistyön intensiivisyyteen. Teknologisella epävarmuudella on osittainen vaikutus teknologiastrategian valintaan. Yrityksen transaktio- ja byrokratiahyödyt riippuvat teknologisista kyvykkyyksistä. Vain korkean teknologian alan yritykset saavuttavat hyötyjä myös intensiivisesti T&K- yhteistyösuhteita koordinoimalla. Teknologiaintensiivisyyteen perustuvien erot perustuvat teknologisen tiedon luonteeseen toimialalla. Transaktiokustannusteorian mukainenkustannusten minimointi ja kompetenssiperusteisten teorioiden mukainen strategisointi selittävät komplementaarisesti T&K-yhteistyösuhteiden muodostumista ja yrityksen rajojen määräytymistä.


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La théorie de l'autocatégorisation est une théorie de psychologie sociale qui porte sur la relation entre l'individu et le groupe. Elle explique le comportement de groupe par la conception de soi et des autres en tant que membres de catégories sociales, et par l'attribution aux individus des caractéristiques prototypiques de ces catégories. Il s'agit donc d'une théorie de l'individu qui est censée expliquer des phénomènes collectifs. Les situations dans lesquelles un grand nombre d'individus interagissent de manière non triviale génèrent typiquement des comportements collectifs complexes qui sont difficiles à prévoir sur la base des comportements individuels. La simulation informatique de tels systèmes est un moyen fiable d'explorer de manière systématique la dynamique du comportement collectif en fonction des spécifications individuelles. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons un modèle formel d'une partie de la théorie de l'autocatégorisation appelée principe du métacontraste. À partir de la distribution d'un ensemble d'individus sur une ou plusieurs dimensions comparatives, le modèle génère les catégories et les prototypes associés. Nous montrons que le modèle se comporte de manière cohérente par rapport à la théorie et est capable de répliquer des données expérimentales concernant divers phénomènes de groupe, dont par exemple la polarisation. De plus, il permet de décrire systématiquement les prédictions de la théorie dont il dérive, notamment dans des situations nouvelles. Au niveau collectif, plusieurs dynamiques peuvent être observées, dont la convergence vers le consensus, vers une fragmentation ou vers l'émergence d'attitudes extrêmes. Nous étudions également l'effet du réseau social sur la dynamique et montrons qu'à l'exception de la vitesse de convergence, qui augmente lorsque les distances moyennes du réseau diminuent, les types de convergences dépendent peu du réseau choisi. Nous constatons d'autre part que les individus qui se situent à la frontière des groupes (dans le réseau social ou spatialement) ont une influence déterminante sur l'issue de la dynamique. Le modèle peut par ailleurs être utilisé comme un algorithme de classification automatique. Il identifie des prototypes autour desquels sont construits des groupes. Les prototypes sont positionnés de sorte à accentuer les caractéristiques typiques des groupes, et ne sont pas forcément centraux. Enfin, si l'on considère l'ensemble des pixels d'une image comme des individus dans un espace de couleur tridimensionnel, le modèle fournit un filtre qui permet d'atténuer du bruit, d'aider à la détection d'objets et de simuler des biais de perception comme l'induction chromatique. Abstract Self-categorization theory is a social psychology theory dealing with the relation between the individual and the group. It explains group behaviour through self- and others' conception as members of social categories, and through the attribution of the proto-typical categories' characteristics to the individuals. Hence, it is a theory of the individual that intends to explain collective phenomena. Situations involving a large number of non-trivially interacting individuals typically generate complex collective behaviours, which are difficult to anticipate on the basis of individual behaviour. Computer simulation of such systems is a reliable way of systematically exploring the dynamics of the collective behaviour depending on individual specifications. In this thesis, we present a formal model of a part of self-categorization theory named metacontrast principle. Given the distribution of a set of individuals on one or several comparison dimensions, the model generates categories and their associated prototypes. We show that the model behaves coherently with respect to the theory and is able to replicate experimental data concerning various group phenomena, for example polarization. Moreover, it allows to systematically describe the predictions of the theory from which it is derived, specially in unencountered situations. At the collective level, several dynamics can be observed, among which convergence towards consensus, towards frag-mentation or towards the emergence of extreme attitudes. We also study the effect of the social network on the dynamics and show that, except for the convergence speed which raises as the mean distances on the network decrease, the observed convergence types do not depend much on the chosen network. We further note that individuals located at the border of the groups (whether in the social network or spatially) have a decisive influence on the dynamics' issue. In addition, the model can be used as an automatic classification algorithm. It identifies prototypes around which groups are built. Prototypes are positioned such as to accentuate groups' typical characteristics and are not necessarily central. Finally, if we consider the set of pixels of an image as individuals in a three-dimensional color space, the model provides a filter that allows to lessen noise, to help detecting objects and to simulate perception biases such as chromatic induction.


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Information Technology (IT) outsourcing has traditionally been seen as a means to acquire newresources and competencies to perform standard tasks at lowered cost. This dissertationchallenges the thought that outsourcing should be limited to non-strategic systems andcomponents, and presents ways to maximize outsourcing enabled benefits while minimizingassociated risks. In this dissertation IT outsourcing is approached as an efficiency improvement and valuecreationprocess rather than a sourcing decision. The study focuses on when and how tooutsource information technology, and presents a new set of critical success factors foroutsourcing project management. In a case study it re-validates the theory-based propositionthat in certain cases and situations it is beneficial to partly outsource also strategic IT systems. The main contribution of this dissertation is the validation of proposal that in companies wherethe level of IT competency is high, managerial support established and planning processes welldefined,it is possible to safely outsource also business critical IT systems. A model describing the critical success factors in such cases is presented based on existing knowledge on the fieldand the results of empirical study. This model further highlights the essence of aligning IT andbusiness strategies, assuming long-term focus on partnering, and the overall target ofoutsourcing to add to the strengths of the company rather than eliminating weaknesses.


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Positive attitudes toward change (PATC) are an important current issue in public organizations facing profound financial and managerial reforms. This study aims to identify social and organizational antecedents of PATC. The investigated population is composed of middle managers working in Swiss public hospitals (N = 720), which are currently being confronted by major reforms. Partial mediation effects of organizational commitment (OC) in the relationships between independent variables and PATC are also controlled. The findings show that perceived social support (work relationships with colleagues and supervisors) as well as perceived organizational support (employee voice and participation, information and communication, work-life balance) are positively and significantly related to PATC. Stress perception is shown to have a negative impact on PATC. This article provides valuable contributions with respect to antecedents of attitudes toward change in a population of public middle managers.


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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan Tiehallinnon ST-urakoiden (suunnittele ja tee -urakka) toimittajavalintasystematiikkaa ja toimintaympäristöä. ST-urakoihin kuuluvat kokonaisvastuu- (KVU) ja projektinjohtourakka (PJU). Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ongelmakohtien löytäminen ja ratkaisujen esittäminen Tiehallinnon kokonaisvastuu- ja projektinjohtourakoiden toimittajavalinnassa tutkimalla hankintakirjallisuudessa esitettyjä teorioita ja markkinaolosuhteita julkinen hankintalainsäädäntö huomioiden. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan Tiehallinnon hankintaprosessin tuottamia hankinta-asiakirjoja Tiehallinnon Kaakkois-Suomen tiepiirissä. Tutkimuksessa on haastateltu hankintojen avainhenkilöitä. Markkinatilanne on selvitetty vuodelta 2001-2002 KVU ja PJU tarjoustenkäsittely- ja päätösasiakirjoista. Tutkimuksen johtopäätökset allokoituvat empiren ja teorian vastakkaisasetteluun. Tutkimusaineiston analysoinnin perusteella voidaan esittää objektiivisemman toimittajavalinnan mahdollistamiseksi toimittajalaaturekisterin ylläpitoa ja toimittajan taloudellisen tilan seurantaa. Markkinoiden seuranta ja analysoiminen toimittajavalinnassa ja spesifikaatioiden kehittäminen isompien kokonaisuuksien hankinnoissa todetaan myös tärkeäksi.


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The main objective of this study is to analyze the role and potential of transfer pricing as a means of management control in large organizations. The special emphasis is on analyzing the potential of transfer pricing when we are motivating the profit center managers. The research approach is theoretical and literature reviews include studies about profit center organizations, performance measurement and analysis, incentive systems, transfer pricing techniques and agency theory. Based on the analysis, it seems that transfer pricing is a suitable tool for controlling, motivating and managing profit center managers. This requires that the performance measurement can be done fairly and transfer prices are set using fair assumptions. The motivating effects of transfer pricing can be enhanced if the reward system is connected to performance measurement system. In synthesis there is presented effects of transfer pricing to profit center managers behavior. There is also presented opinion about fair transfer pricing policy.


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Many models proposed to study the evolution of collective action rely on a formalism that represents social interactions as n-player games between individuals adopting discrete actions such as cooperate and defect. Despite the importance of spatial structure in biological collective action, the analysis of n-player games games in spatially structured populations has so far proved elusive. We address this problem by considering mixed strategies and by integrating discrete-action n-player games into the direct fitness approach of social evolution theory. This allows to conveniently identify convergence stable strategies and to capture the effect of population structure by a single structure coefficient, namely, the pairwise (scaled) relatedness among interacting individuals. As an application, we use our mathematical framework to investigate collective action problems associated with the provision of three different kinds of collective goods, paradigmatic of a vast array of helping traits in nature: "public goods" (both providers and shirkers can use the good, e.g., alarm calls), "club goods" (only providers can use the good, e.g., participation in collective hunting), and "charity goods" (only shirkers can use the good, e.g., altruistic sacrifice). We show that relatedness promotes the evolution of collective action in different ways depending on the kind of collective good and its economies of scale. Our findings highlight the importance of explicitly accounting for relatedness, the kind of collective good, and the economies of scale in theoretical and empirical studies of the evolution of collective action.


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La constante évolution des biotechnologies de la procréation médicalement assistée (PMA) introduit des nouveautés qui perturbent les représentations de la famille et du « naturel » de la procréation notamment. Ces nouveautés engendrent des préoccupations aussi bien sociales qu'individuelles sur la légitimité et les conditions du recours à la PMA. Partant d'une approche dialogique de la communication, du langage et de la cognition ainsi que de la théorie des représentations sociales, nous faisons l'hypothèse que ces perturbations sont traitées différemment selon l'activité communicative dans laquelle les individus sont engagés. Nous avons alors travaillé à partir de deux corpus de données relevant d'un type d'activité communicative différent : un corpus de presse, de l'ordre d'un discours générique, portant sur la grossesse dite « tardive » (post-ménopause) et un corpus d'entretiens de recherche, de l'ordre d'un discours singulier, avec des couples qui ont recouru à la PMA, et portant sur la cryoconservation des zygotes. Nous appuyant sur les méthodes de l'analyse thématique et de l'analyse de discours, nous centrons notre examen sur les représentations sociales de la maternité (corpus de presse) et du « naturel » (corpus d'entretiens). Nous analysons ce que ces discours permettent d'accomplir socialement, étudions le rapport qu'ils établissent à l'ordre social et symbolique et interrogeons leurs fonctions en termes de processus de « naturalisation » de la PMA. Nos résultats montrent que les nouveautés de la PMA forcent les individus à se (re)positionner dans le champ des valeurs et des normes, lis montrent aussi que, dans ce contexte, les représentations sociales existantes sont mobilisées de différentes manières en fonction des visées argumentatives poursuivies. Ceci impliquant, par ailleurs, si ce n'est une transformation, du moins un renouvellement des représentations. Ils indiquent en outre que, bien que le discours de presse et celui des entretiens ne servent pas exactement les mêmes objectifs, leurs effets de « naturalisation » de la PMA sont comparables en termes de (re)construction de la norme. D'un point de vue dialogique, ils permettent aussi d'avancer que les polémiques sociales et individuelles sont non seulement articulées mais se co-constituent. Ils témoignent aussi du fait que la référence au « naturel » renvoie, plus qu'à un problème de perturbation de la « nature », à l'idée d'une menace de l'ordre social et symbolique. De ce point de vue, les réflexions sur les pratiques de PMA méritent d'être menées par la psychologie sociale et les sciences humaines et sociales plus largement. -- The constant evolution of biotechnologies of medically assisted procreation (MAP) introduces novelties that disturb representations of the family and, notably, of what is considered « natural » in procreation. These novelties give rise to social and individual questions about the legitimacy and the conditions of the use of MAP. Drawing upon a dialogical approach to communication, language and cognition, as well as social representations theory, a hypothesis is advanced that these disturbances are handled differently, depending on the communicative activity individuals are engaged in. Two corpuses of data, representing different communicative activity types, were used: a press corpus, reflecting a generic discourse on "late" pregnancy (post-menopause), and a research interviews corpus, reflecting particular discourses developed by couples who used MAP and have cryopreserved zygotes. Using methods of thematic and discourse analysis, the study focuses on social representations of pregnancy (press corpus) and of the "natural" (interviews corpus). The analysis questions what these discourses enable to achieve socially, how they relate to the social and symbolic order, as well as their function in "naturalising" MAP. The results show that MAP novelties force individuals to (re)position themselves in the field of values and norms. They also show that, in this context, existing social representations are mobilised in different ways depending on the argumentative aims that are being pursued. This implies, if not a transformation, at minimum a renewal of representations. Additionally the results indicate that, although press and interviews discourses might not serve the same aims, their effects on "naturalising" MAP are comparable in terms of (re)constructing the norm. From a dialogical perspective, the findings also allow us to argue that social and individual polemics are not only articulated with one another but are effectively co-constituted. They also evidence the fact that the reference to the "natural" brings forth, more than a problem of disturbing "nature", a threat to the social and symbolic order. From this perspective, reflections on MAP practices deserve further attention within social psychology and social and human sciences at large.


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Slab and cluster model spin-polarized calculations have been carried out to study various properties of isolated first-row transition metal atoms adsorbed on the anionic sites of the regular MgO(100) surface. The calculated adsorption energies follow the trend of the metal cohesive energies, indicating that the changes in the metal-support and metal-metal interactions along the series are dominated by atomic properties. In all cases, except for Ni at the generalized gradient approximation level, the number of unpaired electron is maintained as in the isolated metal atom. The energy required to change the atomic state from high to low spin has been computed using the PW91 and B3LYP density-functional-theory-based methods. PW91 fails to predict the proper ground state of V and Ni, but the results for the isolated and adsorbed atom are consistent within the method. B3LYP properly predicts the ground state of all first-row transition atom the high- to low-spin transition considered is comparable to experiment. In all cases, the interaction with the surface results in a reduced high- to low-spin transition energy.


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Gender inequalities remain an issue in our society and particularly in the workplace. Several factors can explain this gender difference in top-level managerial positions such as career ambitions but also biases against women. In our chapter, we propose a model explaining why gender inequalities and particularly discrimination against women is still present in our societies despite social norms and existing legislation on gender equality. To this purpose, we review research on discrimination through two different approaches, (a) a prejudice approach through the justification-suppression model developed by Crandall and Eshleman (2003) and (b) a power approach through the social dominance theory (Pratto, Sidanius, Stallworth, & Malle, 1994; Sidanius & Pratto, 1999). In our work, we integrate these two approaches and propose a model of gender prejudice, power and discrimination. The integration of these two approaches contributes to a better understanding of how discrimination against women is formed and maintained over time.


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We develop and test a motivational framework to explain the intensity with which individuals sell entrepreneurial initiatives within their organizations. Initiative selling efforts may be driven by several factors that hitherto have not been given full consideration: initiative characteristics, individuals' anticipation of rewards, and their level of dissatisfaction. On the basis of a survey in a mail service firm of 192 managers who proposed an entrepreneurial initiative, we find that individuals' reported intensity of their selling efforts with respect to that initiative is greater when they (1) believe that the organizational benefits of the initiative are high, (2) perceive that the initiative is consistent with current organizational practices (although this effect is weak), (3) believe that their immediate organizational environment provides extrinsic rewards for initiatives, and (4) are satisfied with the current organizational situation. These findings extend previous expectancy theory-based explanations of initiative selling (by considering the roles of initiative characteristics and that of initiative valence for the proponent) and show the role of satisfaction as an important motivational driver for initiative selling.


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Using a social identity theory approach, we theorized that recruiters might be particularly biased against skilled immigrant applicants. We refer to this phenomenon as a skill paradox, according to which immigrants are more likely to be targets of employment discrimination the more skilled they are. Furthermore, building on the common ingroup identity model, we proposed that this paradox can be resolved through human resource management (HRM) strategies that promote inclusive hiring practices (e.g., by emphasizing fit with a diverse clientele). The results from a laboratory experiment were consistent with our predictions: Local recruiters preferred skilled local applicants over skilled immigrant applicants, but only when these applicants were qualified for a specific job. This bias against qualified and skilled immigrant applicants was attenuated when fit with a diverse clientele was emphasized, but not when fit with a homogeneous clientele was emphasized or when the hiring strategy was not explained. We discuss the implications of our findings for research on employment discrimination against skilled immigrants, including the role of inclusiveness for reducing discriminatory biases.