986 resultados para Small ferromagnetic particles


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This study investigated the influences of business prosperity on small business owners’ wellbeing with gender as a moderator. A sample of 687 Australian small business owners from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey (HILDA) from 2008 to 2010 was utilised. Findings suggest that procedural utility contributed to small business owners’ wellbeing over economic utility. Procedural utility was significantly related to small business owners’ wellbeing for males and females. However, economic utility contributed only to male small business owners’ wellbeing. In order to increase the understanding of these findings it is suggested that more theoretical work regarding gender differences in procedural and economic utility should be carried out.


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Tumor hypoxia has been recognized to confer resistance to anticancer therapy since the early 20th century. More recently, its fundamental role in tumorigenesis has been established. Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1 has been identified as an important transcription factor that mediates the cellular response to hypoxia, promoting both cellular survival and apoptosis under different conditions. Increased tumor cell expression of this transcription factor promotes tumor growth In vivo and is associated with a worse prognosis in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) undergoing tumor resection. The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) promotes tumor cell proliferation and anglogenesis and inhibits apoptosis. Epidermal growth factor receptor expression increases in a stepwise manner during tumorigenesis and is overexpressed in > 50% of NSCLC tumors. This review discusses the reciprocal relationship between tumor cell hypoxia and EGFR. Recent studies suggest that hypoxia induces expression of EGFR and its ligands. In return, EGFR might enhance the cellular response to hypoxia by increasing expression of HIF-1α, and so act as a survival factor for hypoxic cancer cells. Immunohistochemical studies on a series of resected NSCLC tumors add weight to this contention by demonstrating a close association between expression of EGFR, HIF-1α, and:1 of HIF-1's target proteins, carbonic anhydrase IX. In this article we discuss emerging treatment strategies for NSCLC that target HIF-1, HIF-1 transcriptional targets, and EGFR.


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The aim of this phase I/II dose escalating study was to establish the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of gemcitabine and paclitaxel given in combination in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). 12 patients with stage IIIB and IV NSCLC received paclitaxel administered intravenously over 1 h followed by gemcitabine given over 30 min on days 1, 8 and 15 every 28 days. Pneumonitis was the principal side-effect observed with 4 patients affected. Of these, 1 experienced grade 3 toxicity after one cycle of treatment and the others had grade 2 toxicity. All 4 cases responded to prednisolone. No other significant toxicities were observed. Of the 8 evaluable patients, 3 had a partial response and 2 had minor responses. The study was discontinued due to this dose-limiting toxicity. The combination of paclitaxel and gemcitabine shows promising antitumour activity in NSCLC, however, this treatment schedule may predispose to pneumonitis. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Purpose The role played by the innate immune system in determining survival from non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the prognostic significance of macrophage and mast-cell infiltration in NSCLC. Methods We used immunohistochemistry to identify tryptase+ mast cells and CD68+ macrophages in the tumor stroma and tumor islets in 175 patients with surgically resected NSCLC. Results Macrophages were detected in both the tumor stroma and islets in all patients. Mast cells were detected in the stroma and islets in 99.4% and 68.5% of patients, respectively. Using multivariate Cox proportional hazards analysis, increasing tumor islet macrophage density (P < .001) and tumor islet/stromal macrophage ratio (P < .001) emerged as favorable independent prognostic indicators. In contrast, increasing stromal macrophage density was an independent predictor of reduced survival (P = .001). The presence of tumor islet mast cells (P = .018) and increasing islet/stromal mast-cell ratio (P = .032) were also favorable independent prognostic indicators. Macrophage islet density showed the strongest effect: 5-year survival was 52.9% in patients with an islet macrophage density greater than the median versus 7.7% when less than the median (P < .0001). In the same groups, respectively, median survival was 2,244 versus 334 days (P < .0001). Patients with a high islet macrophage density but incomplete resection survived markedly longer than patients with a low islet macrophage density but complete resection. Conclusion The tumor islet CD68+ macrophage density is a powerful independent predictor of survival from surgically resected NSCLC. The biologic explanation for this and its implications for the use of adjunctive treatment requires further study. © 2005 by American Society of Clinical Oncology.


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We found that procaspase 8 was overexpressed in non-small-cell lung cancers (NSCLCs) compared with matched normal tissues. The caspase 8 inhibitor FLICE-inhibitory protein (FLIP) was also overexpressed in the majority of NSCLCs. Silencing FLIP induced caspase 8 activation and apoptosis in NSCLC cell lines, but not in normal lung cell lines. Apoptosis induced by FLIP silencing was mediated by the TRAIL death receptors DR4 and DR5, but was not dependent on ligation of the receptors by TRAIL. Furthermore, the apoptosis induced by FLIP silencing was dependent on the overexpression of procaspase 8 in NSCLC cells. Moreover, in NSCLC cells, but not in normal cells, FLIP silencing induced co-localization of DR5 and ceramide, and disruption of this co-localization abrogated apoptosis. FLIP silencing supra-additively increased TRAIL-induced apoptosis of NSCLC cells; however, normal lung cells were resistant to TRAIL, even when FLIP was silenced. Importantly, FLIP silencing sensitized NSCLC cells but not normal cells to chemotherapy in vitro, and silencing FLIP in vivo retarded NSCLC xenograft growth and enhanced the anti-tumour effects of cisplatin. Collectively, our results suggest that due to frequent procaspase 8 overexpression, NSCLCs may be particularly sensitive to FLIP-targeted therapies.


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Plants fight viral infections with enzymes that digest viral RNA, but viruses retaliate with proteins that suppress these enzymes. To boost their antiviral response plants deploy enzymes with redundant functions.


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Interest in insect small RNA viruses (SRVs) has grown slowly but steadily. A number of new viruses have been analyzed at the sequence level, adding to our knowledge of their diversity at the level of both individual virus species and families. In particular, a number of possible new virus families have emerged. This research has largely been driven by interest in their potential for pest control, as well as in their importance as the causal agents of disease in beneficial arthropods. At the same time, research into known viruses has made valuable contributions to our understanding of an emerging new field of central importance to molecular biology-the existence of RNA-based gene silencing, developmental control, and adaptive immune systems in eukaryotes. Subject to RNA-based adaptive immune responses in their hosts, viruses have evolved a variety of genes encoding proteins capable of suppressing the immune response. Such genes were first identified in plant viruses, but the first examples known from animal viruses were identified in insect RNA viruses. This chapter will address the diversity of insect SRVs, and attempts to harness their simplicity in the engineering of transgenic plants expressing viruses for resistance to insect pests. We also describe RNA interference and antiviral pathways identified in plants and animals, how they have led viruses to evolve genes capable of suppressing such adaptive immunity, and the problems presented by these pathways for the strategy of expressing viruses in transgenic plants. Approaches for countering these problems are also discussed. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Rubus yellow net virus (RYNV) was cloned and sequenced from a red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) plant exhibiting symptoms of mosaic and mottling in the leaves. Its genomic sequence indicates that it is a distinct member of the genus Badnavirus, with 7932. bp and seven ORFs, the first three corresponding in size and location to the ORFs found in the type member Commelina yellow mottle virus. Bioinformatic analysis of the genomic sequence detected several features including nucleic acid binding motifs, multiple zinc finger-like sequences and domains associated with cellular signaling. Subsequent sequencing of the small RNAs (sRNAs) from RYNV-infected R. idaeus leaf tissue was used to determine any RYNV sequences targeted by RNA silencing and identified abundant virus-derived small RNAs (vsRNAs). The majority of the vsRNAs were 22-nt in length. We observed a highly uneven genome-wide distribution of vsRNAs with strong clustering to small defined regions distributed over both strands of the RYNV genome. Together, our data show that sequences of the aphid-transmitted pararetrovirus RYNV are targeted in red raspberry by the interfering RNA pathway, a predominant antiviral defense mechanism in plants. © 2013.


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Potato leafroll virus (PLRV) is a positive-strand RNA virus that generates subgenomic RNAs (sgRNA) for expression of 3' proximal genes. Small RNA (sRNA) sequencing and mapping of the PLRV-derived sRNAs revealed coverage of the entire viral genome with the exception of four distinctive gaps. Remarkably, these gaps mapped to areas of PLRV genome with extensive secondary structures, such as the internal ribosome entry site and 5' transcriptional start site of sgRNA1 and sgRNA2. The last gap mapped to ~500. nt from the 3' terminus of PLRV genome and suggested the possible presence of an additional sgRNA for PLRV. Quantitative real-time PCR and northern blot analysis confirmed the expression of sgRNA3 and subsequent analyses placed its 5' transcriptional start site at position 5347 of PLRV genome. A regulatory role is proposed for the PLRV sgRNA3 as it encodes for an RNA-binding protein with specificity to the 5' of PLRV genomic RNA. © 2013.


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The nucleotide sequences of genome segments S7 and S10 of a Thai-isolate of rice ragged stunt virus (RRSV) were determined. The 1938 bp S7 sequence contains a single large open reading frame (ORF) spanning nucleotides 20 to 1 843 that is predicted to encode a protein of M(r) 68 025. The 1 162 bp S10 sequence has a major ORF spanning nucleotides 142 to 1 032 that is predicted to encode a protein of M(r) 32364. This S10 ORF is preceded by a small ORF (nt 20-55) which is probably a minicistron. Coupled in vitro transcription-translation from the two major ORFs gave protein products of the expected sizes. However, no protein was visualised from S10 when the small ORF sequence was included. Proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli from the full length ORF of S7 (P7) and from a segment of the S10 ORF (P10) fused to the ORF of glutathione S-transferase (GST). Neither fusion protein was recognised by polyclonal antibodies raised against RRSV particles. Furthermore, polyclonal antibodies raised against GST-P7 fusion protein did not recognise any virion structural polypeptides. These data strongly suggest that the proteins P7 and P10 do not form part of RRSV particle. This is further supported by observed sequence homology (though very weak) of predicted.


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A small rural Aboriginal community in northern Australia was surveyed for diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), hyperinsulinemia, and lipid levels. Of the 122 adults >17 yr of age who participated (95% response rate), 11.5% had diabetes, 7.4% had IGT, and the remaining 81.1% had normal glucose tolerance. Both diabetes and IGT were strongly age related. This high frequency of diabetes occurred, despite the population being relatively lean. Although the body mass index (BMI) increased with age in both men and women, only 25% of the population overall had BMI >25 kg/m2. There were wide ranges of insulin responses to glucose, with the upper fertile of 2-h insulin levels being more than seven times higher than the lower fertile (144 ± 13 vs. 19 ± 1 mLI/L). Hyperinsulinemia was associated with IGT, elevated triglycerides, and lower high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. Lipid abnormalities were much more frequent among men than women. Cholesterol levels were an average of 0.55 mM higher and triglycerides an average of 1.05 mM higher in men than in women, and both increased with age. In conclusion, this small isolated Aboriginal population from northern Australia had an unexpectedly high frequency of diabetes (in view of their relative leanness) in association with a high frequency of metabolic abnormalities indicative of insulin resistance (hyperinsulinemia, IGT, hypertriglyceridemia).


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Particles of carrot red leaf virus (CRLV; luteovirus group) purified from chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium) contain a single ssRNA species of mol. wt. about 1.8 x 106 and a major protein of mol. wt. about 25000. CRLV acts as a helper for aphid transmission of carrot mottle virus (CMotV; ungrouped) from mixedly infected plants. Virus preparations purified from such plants possess the infectivity of both viruses but contain particles indistinguishable from those of CRLV; some of the particles are therefore thought to consist of CMotV RNA packaged in CRLV coat protein. When RNA from such preparations was electrophoresed in agarose/polyacrylamide gels, CMotV infectivity was associated with an RNA band that migrated ahead of the CRLV RNA band and had an estimated mol. wt. of about 1.5 x 106, similar to that previously found for the infective ssRNA extracted directly from Nicotiana clevelandii leaves infected with CMotV alone. Preparations of dsRNA from CMotV-infected N. clevelandii leaves contained two species: one of mol. wt. about 3.2 x 106, presumably the replicative form of the infective ssRNA, and the other, mol. wt. about 0.9 x 106, of unknown origin and function. The infective agent in buffer extracts of CMotV-infected N. clevelandii was resistant to RNase (although the enzyme acted as a reversible inhibitor of infection at high concentrations) and is therefore not unprotected RNA. It may be protected within the approximately 52 nm enveloped structures previously reported.


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Particles of two isolates of subterranean clover red leaf virus were purified by a method in which infected plant tissue was digested with an industrial-grade cellulase, Celluclast® 2.0 L type X. The yields of virus particles using this enzyme were comparable with those obtained using either of two laboratory-grade cellulases, Cellulase type 1 (Sigma) and Driselase®. However, the specific infectivity or aphid transmissibility of the particles purified using Celluclast® was 10-100 times greater than those of preparations obtained using laboratory-grade cellulases or no enzyme. The main advantage of using Celluclast® is that at present in Australia its cost is only ca. 1% of laboratory-grade cellulases.


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Zinc oxide (ZnO) that contains non-magnetic ionic dopants, such as nitrogen (N)-doped zinc oxide (ZnO:N), has been observed to exhibit ferromagnetism. Ferromagnetism is proposed to arise from the Coulomb excitation in the localized states that is induced by the oxygen vacancy, V O. A model based on the Coulomb excitation that is associated with the electron–phonon interaction theoretically explains the ferromagnetic mechanism of ZnO:N. This study reveals that the ferromagnetism will be induced by either deep localized states with a small V O concentration or shallow localized states with a high V O concentration. Additionally, electron–phonon coupling either suppresses the ferromagnetism that is induced by the deep donor states of V O or enhances the ferromagnetism that is induced by the shallow donor states of V O.


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The integration of large amount of wind power into a power system imposes a new challenge for the secure and economic operation of the system. It is necessary to investigate the impacts of wind power generation on the dynamic behavior of the power system concerned. This paper investigates the impacts of large amount of wind power on small signal stability and the corresponding control strategies to mitigate the negative effects. The concepts of different types of wind turbine generators (WTGs) and the principles of the grid-connected structures of wind power generation systems are first briefly introduced. Then, the state-of-the-art of the studies on the impacts of WTGs on small signal stability as well as potential problems to be studied are clarified. Finally, the control strategies on WTGs to enhance power system damping characteristics are presented.