885 resultados para Single drug dose


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A cintilografia com radioisótopos em repouso tem despertado muito interesse nos últimos anos para pesquisa da viabilidade miocárdica na disfunção isquêmica avançada do VE, porque esta pode ser reversível e porque há melhora prognóstica neste contexto. O objetivo desse trabalho é buscar identificar a acurácia da cintilografia tomográfica Tc-99m-Sestamibi, sob a infusão de dobutamina em baixa dose. Foram protocolados trinta pacientes que sofreram um infarto do miocárdio com padrão “Q”, com dissinergia ao ecocardiograma, e submetidos a estudos perfusionais em dias diferentes, com Tc-99m-Sestamibi − dobutamina e Tl-201 em repouso-redistribuição 4 horas, usado como padrão ouro. Não ocorreram complicações com nenhum paciente submetido ao protocolo do estudo. Os resultados revelaram: sensibilidade = 85%, especificidade = 87%, valor preditivo positivo = 96%, valor preditivo negativo = 65 % e acurácia de = 85,2%. A razão de probabilidade positiva foi de 6,68 e a razão de probabilidade negativa de 0,17. Confrontando-se nossos dados com uma metanálise de resultados para o Tc-99m-Sestamibi em repouso, a sensibilidade no presente estudo foi 85% vs. 81% e a especificidade de 87% vs. 60%. Em relação aos dados da literatura para Tl-201: 85% vs. 90% e 87% vs. 54%, sensibilidade e especificidade, respectivamente. Em conclusão, o Tc-99m-Sestamibi sob a infusão de dobutamina parece ser um método promissor para detectar viabilidade superior a esta modalidade de cintilografia em repouso, com valores preditivos comparáveis à literatura disponível para esse mesmo método: 85,2% vs. 87%, 96% vs. 90% e 65% vs. 83%, para acurácia, valor preditivo positivo e valor preditivo negativo, respectivamente.


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Existem evidências crescentes indicando a associação entre dietas ricas em frutas e vegetais e a diminuição da incidência de câncer. O suco de laranja (OJ) pode ser incluído entre os alimentos com potencial quimioprotetor e seu estudo é muito relevante pelo amplo consumo desta bebida. O OJ possui vários nutrientes e compostos bioativos com atividades antioxidante, antimutagênica, anticarcinogênica e antiaterogênica, entre outras. A vitamina C (Vit C) é um dos nutrientes mais abundantes no OJ, e o único nutriente que pode ser provido em quantidade superior à recomendação diária por uma única porção de 200 mL de OJ. A Vit C, a exemplo de outros componentes do OJ, pode ser tanto benéfica quanto maléfica para os sistemas biológicos, dependendo do contexto metabólico. Neste sentido, vários nutrientes presentes no OJ têm sido identificados como mutagênicos ou carcinogênicos, especialmente quando administrados de forma isolada. Este estudo utilizou o ensaio Cometa alcalino em sangue de camundongos (in vivo) para avaliar: 1) a genotoxicidade do OJ e da Vit C; 2) a genotoxicidade do FeSO4 e do CuSO4: 3) o efeito modulador do OJ e da Vit C sobre a genotoxicidade do FeSO4 e CuSO4, bem como do metilmetanosulfonato (MMS) e da ciclofosfamida (CP). A versão alcalina do ensaio Cometa foi utilizada para avaliar o dano no DNA em células brancas do sangue periférico de camundongos. Adicionalmente, os níveis de cobre e ferro no sangue e no fígado dos camundongos tratados com metais e OJ foram avaliados pela metodologia de PIXE (Particle-Induced X-ray Emission). Grupos com pelo menos 6 camundongos (metade de cada sexo) foram tratados por gavage com uma ou duas doses de água (controle), CP, MMS, FeSO4 ou CuSO4. OJ (0.1 mL/Kg) foi administrado tanto antes (pré-tratamento) quanto após a administração das substâncias-teste (pós-tratamento). A Vit C (1 e 30 mg/Kg) foi administrada apenas no pós-tratamento. O dano no DNA foi avaliado 24 e 48 h após o início do tratamento. Após 24 h, o OJ induziu um suave aumento no dano no DNA, enquanto a Vit C foi genotóxica (30 mg/Kg > 1 mg/Kg). O tratamento duplo com Vit C (a 0 e a 24 h) induziu uma resposta genotóxica cumulativa a 48 h, que foi mais intensa para a dose maior. O FeSO4 e o CuSO4 foram genotóxicos após 24 h, mas tiveram seu dano efetivamente reparado após 48 h do tratamento. O pré-tratamento com OJ reduziu a genotoxicidade do FeSO4 e do CuSO4 (efeito preventivo). O pós-tratamento com OJ também reduziu a genotoxicidade do CuSO4 (efeito reparador). O OJ mostrou tanto efeito preventivo quanto reparador sobre a genotoxicidade do MMS. O OJ teve apenas efeito reparador sobre a CP. Ambas doses de Vit C aumentaram os danos no DNA causados pelo FeSO4 e pelo CuSO4. Adicionalmente, os níveis de cobre e ferro no sangue e no fígado dos camundongos tratados com metais e OJ foram avaliados pela metodologia de PIXE (Particle-Induced X-ray Emission). Grupos com pelo menos 6 camundongos (metade de cada sexo) foram tratados por gavage com uma ou duas doses de água (controle), CP, MMS, FeSO4 ou CuSO4. OJ (0.1 mL/Kg) foi administrado tanto antes (pré-tratamento) quanto após a administração das substâncias-teste (pós-tratamento). A Vit C (1 e 30 mg/Kg) foi administrada apenas no pós-tratamento. O dano no DNA foi avaliado 24 e 48 h após o início do tratamento. Após 24 h, o OJ induziu um suave aumento no dano no DNA, enquanto a Vit C foi genotóxica (30 mg/Kg > 1 mg/Kg). O tratamento duplo com Vit C (a 0 e a 24 h) induziu uma resposta genotóxica cumulativa a 48 h, que foi mais intensa para a dose maior. O FeSO4 e o CuSO4 foram genotóxicos após 24 h, mas tiveram seu dano efetivamente reparado após 48 h do tratamento. O pré-tratamento com OJ reduziu a genotoxicidade do FeSO4 e do CuSO4 (efeito preventivo). O pós-tratamento com OJ também reduziu a genotoxicidade do CuSO4 (efeito reparador). O OJ mostrou tanto efeito preventivo quanto reparador sobre a genotoxicidade do MMS. O OJ teve apenas efeito reparador sobre a CP. Ambas doses de Vit C aumentaram os danos no DNA causados pelo FeSO4 e pelo CuSO4. processado e armazenado de forma a preservar o seu potencial biológico é um alimento sugerido como uma das porções de uma dieta equilibrada (contendo pelo menos 5 porções de frutas e vegetais), recomendada para uma vida saudável e longeva.


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The main objective of this Thesis was to encapsulate single viable cells within polyelectrolyte films using the Layer-by-Layer (LbL) technique. Most of the experiments used human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) whose characteristics (capacity of selfrenewal and potential to differentiate into several types of cells) make them particularly interesting to be used in biomedical applications. Also, most of the experiments used alginate (ALG) as the anionic polyelectrolyte and chitosan (CHI) or poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) as the cationic polyelectrolyte. Hyaluronic acid (HA) was also tested as an anionic polyelectrolyte. At the beginning of the work, the experimental conditions necessary to obtain the encapsulation of individual cells were studied and established. Through fluorescence microscopy visualization by staining the cell nucleus and using polyelectrolytes conjugated to fluorescent dyes, it was possible to prove the obtainment of capsules containing one single cell inside. Capsules aggregation was an observed problem which, despite the efforts to design an experimental process to avoid this situation (namely, by playing with cell concentration and different means of re-suspending and stirring the cells), was not completely overcome. In a second part of the project, single cells were encapsulated within polyelectrolyte layers made of CHI/ALG, PAH/ALG and PAH/HA and their viability was evaluated through the resazurin reduction assay and the Live/Dead assay. In these experiments, during the LbL process, polyelectrolyte solutions were used at a concentration of 1mg/mL based on literature. In general, the viability of the encapsulated cells was shown to be very low/absent. Then, as a consequence of the lack of viability of cells encapsulated within polyelectrolyte layers, the LbL technique was applied in cells growing adherent to the surface of cell culture plates. The cells were cultured like in a sandwich, between the surface of the cell culture dish and the polyelectrolyte layers. Also here, the polyelectrolyte solutions were used at a concentration of 1mg/mL during the LbL process. Surprisingly, cell viability was also absent in these systems. A systematic study (dose-effect study) was performed to evaluate the effect of the concentration of the individual polyelectrolytes (ALG, CHI and PAH were studied) in cell viability. Experiments were performed using cells growing adherent to the surface of cell culture plates. The results pointed out that a very high (cytotoxic) concentration of polyelectrolytes had been in use. Also, in general, PAH was much more cytotoxic than CHI, whereas ALG was the less cytotoxic polyelectrolyte. Finally, using alginate and chitosan solutions with adequate concentrations (low concentrations: 50ng/mL and 1μg/mL), the encapsulation of single viable cells was again attempted. Once again, the encapsulated cells were not shown to be viable. In conclusion, the viability of the encapsulated cells is not only dependent on the cytotoxic characteristics (or combined cytotoxic characteristics) of the polyelectrolytes but it seems that, when detached from the culture plates, the cells become too fragile and lose their viability very easily.


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According to the global framework regarding new cases of tuberculosis, Brazil appears at the 18th place. Thus, the Ministry of Health has defined this disease as a priority in the governmental policies. As a consequence, studies concerning treatment and prevention have increased. Fixed-dose combination formulations (FDC) are recognized as beneficial and are recommended by WHO, but they present instability and loss on rifampicin bioavailability. The main purpose of this work was to carry out a pre-formulation study with the schedule 1 tuberculosis treatment drugs: rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide and ethambutol and pharmaceutical excipients (lactose, cellulose, magnesium stearate and talc), in order to develop an FDC product (150 mg of rifampicin + 75 mg of isoniazid + 400 mg of pyrazinamide + 250 mg of ethambutol). The studies consisted of the determination of particle size and distribution (Ferret s diameter) and shape through optical microscopy, as well as rheological and technological properties (bulk and tapped densities, Hausner Factor, Carr s Index, repose angle and flux rate) and interactions among drugs and drug excipient through thermal analysis (DSC, DTA, TG and your derivate). The results showed that, except isoniazid, the other drugs presented poor rheological properties, determined by the physical characteristics of the particles: small size and rod like particles shape for rifampicin; rectangular shape for pyrazinamide and ethambutol, beyond its low density. The 4 drug mixture also not presented flowability, particularly that one containing drug quantity indicated for the formulation of FDC products. In this mixture, isoniazid, that has the best flowability, was added in a lower concentration. The addition of microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate and talc to the drug mixtures improved flowability properties. In DSC analysis probable interactions among drugs were found, supporting the hypothesis of ethambutol and pyrazinamide catalysis of the rifampicin-isoniazid reaction resulting in 3- formylrifamycin isonicotinyl hydrazone (HYD) as a degradation product. In the mixtures containing lactose Supertab® DSC curves evidenced incompatibility among drugs and excipient. In the DSC curves of mixtures containing cellulose MC101®, magnesium stearate and talc, no alterations were observed comparing to the drug profiles. The TG/DTG of the binary and ternary mixtures curves showed different thermogravimetrics profiles relating that observed to the drug isolated, with the thermal decomposition early supporting the evidences of incompatibilities showed in the DSC and DTA curves


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Cocaine is one of the most widespread illegal stimulants utilized by the human population throughout the world. The aim of this study was to establish the highest no-effect dose (HNED) of cocaine on the spontaneous locomotor activity (SLA) of horses in a behavior chamber, and thereby to determine the maximal acceptable threshold of the urinary drug concentration in horses. Twelve English thoroughbred mares received 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.08 or 0.12 mg kg(-1) cocaine i.v. or saline solution (control). It was noted that doses above 0.04 mg kg(-1) induced a significant increase in SLA (P < 0.05, Tukey's test). No significant increase in SLA was seen in the mares that received 0.03 mg kg(-1), but the animals showed important behavioral changes that did not occur after the 0.02 mg kg(-1) dose. It was concluded that the HNED of cocaine for horses in a behavior chamber is 0.02 mg kg(-1). After injection of this dose in five horses, urine samples were collected at predetermined intervals through vesical catheterization. The concentrations of cocaine, norcocaine, benzoylecgonine and ecgonine methyl ester were quantified by liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Cocaine and norcocaine concentrations remained consistently below the level of detection. Benzoylecgonine reached a mean (+/- SEM) maximum concentration of 531.9 +/- 168.7 ng ml(-1) after 4 h, whereas ecgonine methyl ester peaked 2 h after injection at a concentration of 97.2 +/- 26.5 ng ml(-1). The maximum admissible concentration for cocaine and/or metabolites in the urine of horses is difficult to establish unequivocally because of the substantial individual variation in the drug elimination pattern observed in horses, which can be inferred by the large standard error of the means obtained. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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The regulation of gastric secretion is of crucial importance to the equilibrium of the gastroenteric system. Despite the large number of factors involved in the causes of peptic illnesses, pH = 4 is considered the threshold between physiologic and deleterious effects of stomach acid secretion. With the aim of maintaining pH greater than 4, proton-pump inhibitors, such as esomeprazole magnesium (NEXIUM), have shown excellent results in the control of acid secretion. Aimed at examining the action of this drug in the control of pH levels of gastric secretion in thoroughbreds, a single dose of 40 or 80 mg of esomeprazole magnesium was administered daily, and pH was determined serially for 5 consecutive days. The results obtained corroborated the efficacy of esomeprazole magnesium in the control of gastric pH at both doses tested, with 100% of the mean pH being greater than 5. Moreover, no statistical difference was noted between the two doses tested.


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This study aimed to identify and describe the factors related to Patient Safety in a medication system according to the nurses analysis in a teaching hospital from the photographic analysis method. This was a cross-sectional, descriptive study with mixed approach in a teaching hospital in Rio Grande do Norte. The population consisted of 42 nurses from inpatient units, of which 34 composed the study sample. As eligibility criteria, we defined nurses from public service and nurses who agreed to participate. Ethical determinations were observed, the study was submitted to the Ethics and Research of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes, obtaining the assent with ethical assessment certificate (CAAE 0098.0.051.294-11). For data collection, we used the photographic method (Photographic Analysis Technique) by Patricia Marck (Canada). It was developed in two phases: at first, we randomly captured photos from the medication system, resulting in 282 images; then we selected/processed the photographs, which were reduced to 10 images in Microsoft Excel 2010; in the second phase, the nurses answered the questionnaire divided into socio-professional profile and Digital Photography Scoring Tool (questions a and b ). For analysis of the question a , we used the content analysis technique, and for b , we used the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 20.0 (temporary license). The socio-professional profile revealed the predominance of females; age group 34-43 years; professionals with specialization; 10-18 years of length of service; and nurses working exclusively in the hospital and who know the Patient Safety. The photographic analysis in relation to Patient Safety resulted in specific categories for each stage of the medication system. Regarding disposal, we identified Proper verification ; Improper verification ; Correct identification ; Disposal in single doses ; and Improper Environment , with predominance of that last category. As for storage: Proper storage ; Improper storage ; Risk of exchange/disappearance ; and Poor hygiene , with special reference to improper storage. In preparation: Risk of exchanging medication/patient ; Inappropriate physical space ; and Inadequate 9 preparation of controlled drugs , highlighting the first category. In drug administration: Lack of Personal Protective Equipment ; Use of Personal Protective Equipment ; Improper administration technique ; Proper administration technique ; Correct drug identification ; Incorrect drug identification ; and Peripheral venous access without identification . From the safety assessment of 10 photographs, by adapting the scores (1-10) to the Likert Scale, we identified three Totally Unsafe (Level 1), three Unsafe (Level 2), three Partially Safe (Level 3), one Safe (Level 4), and no photograph considered Totally Safe. This study identified the prevalence of unsafety in the medication system in the nurses opinion. We were also able to understand that, although nurses identify safety aspects, the most prevalent categories characterize an unsafe assessment. Nursing needs to reflect on its practice, identifying gaps in the medication system in order to achieve a proper and safe care


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Rationale: Mice exhibit antinociception after a single experience in the elevated plus maze (EPM), an animal model of anxiety. Objective: This study investigated the mechanisms involved in this form of anxiety-induced antinociception. Methods: Nociception was evaluated by means of the writhing test in mice confined either to the open or enclosed arms of the EPM. The effects of systemic (naloxone, midazolam and 8-OH-DPAT) or intra-amygdala (8-OH-DPAT. NAN-190 and midazolam) drug infusions were investigated in mice previously treated i.p. with 0.6% acetic acid, an algic stimulus that induces abdominal contortions. The effects of these drugs on conventional measures of anxiety (% entries and % time in open arms) in a standard EPM test were also independently investigated. Results: Open-arm confinement resulted in a high-magnitude antinociception (minimum 85%, maximum 450%) compared with enclosed arm confinement. The opiate antagonist naloxone (1 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg) neither blocked this open arm-induced antinociception (OAIA) nor modified indices of anxiety in EPM. Administration of midazolam (0.5-2 mg/kg, s.c.) increased OAIA and produced antinociception in enclosed confined animals, as well as attenuating anxiety in the EPM. The 5-HT(1A) receptor agonist 8-OH-DPAT (0.05-1 mg/kg, s.c.) had biphasic effects on OAIA, antagonising the response at the lowest dose and intensifying it at the highest dose. In addition, low doses of this agent reduced anxiety in the EPM. Although bilateral injections of 8-OH-DPAT (5.6 nmol/0.4 mu l) or NAN-190 (5.6 nmol and 10 nmol/0.4 mu l) into the amygdala did not alter OAIA, increased anxiety was observed in the EPM. In contrast, intra-amygdala administration of midazolam (10 nmol and 30 nmol/0.4 mu l) blocked both OAIA and anxiety. Conclusions: These results with systemic and intracerebral drug infusion suggest that 5-HT(1A) receptors localised in the amygdala are not involved in the pain inhibitory processes that are recruited during aversive situations. However, activation of these receptors does phasically increase anxiety. Although the intrinsic antinociceptive properties of systemically administered midazolam confounded interpretation of its effects on OAIA, intra-amygdala injections of this compound suggest that benzodiazepine receptors in this brain region modulate both the antinociceptive and behavioural (anxiety) responses to the EPM.


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The antioxidant activity of the amino acid glutamine was investigated to obtain protection against peroxidative damage in rat kidney and nephrotoxicity induced by the treatment with a single dose of the antitumoral cisplatin (5 mg kg(-1) body weight). The animals were divided into four treatment and control groups of six rats each (n = 6). Cisplatin was injected i.p. and glutamine (300 mg kg(-1) body weight) was given by gavage 24 h before the cisplatin injection. After 24 h and 7 days of cisplatin administration, the rats were sacrificed. A single dose of cisplatin resulted in significant reduction in body weight and creatinine clearance, and higher urinary volumes were observed in all groups treated with this antitumor drug (P < 0.05). Renal tissue from cisplatin-treated rats showed an increase in malondialdehyde production and increase in glutathione contents 24 h and 7 days after cisplatin administration. Pretreatment of rats with glutamine substantially inhibited the increase in the levels of renal glutathione induced by cisplatin 24 h after the i.p. injection. The malondialdehyde, in the renal tissues was significantly reduced 7 days after cisplatin treatment. However, the reduction in the peroxidative damage did not reach the value of the control group. The protective effects obtained by glutamine pretreatment in peroxidative alterations were not observed in the other parameters studied. These results suggest that glutamine partially protect against cisplatin-induced lipid peroxidation damage, but it was not enough to inhibit cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We compared the pharmacokinetics of intraosseous (IO) drug delivery via tibia or sternum, with central venous (CV) drug delivery during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).Methods: CPR of anesthetized KCl arrest swine was initiated 8 min post arrest. Evans blue and indocyanine green, each were simultaneously injected as a bolus with adrenaline through IO sternal and tibial needles, respectively, n = 7. In second group (n = 6) simultaneous IO sternal and IV central venous (CV) injections were made.Results: Peak arterial blood concentrations were achieved faster for sternal IO vs. tibial IO administration (53 +/- 11 s vs. 107 +/- 27 s, p = 0.03). Tibial IO dose delivered was 65% of sternal administration (p = 0.003). Time to peak blood concentration was similar for sternal IO and CV administration (97 +/- 17 s vs. 70 +/- 12 s, respectively; p = 0.17) with total dose delivered of sternal being 86% of the dose delivered via CV (p = 0.22).Conclusions: IO drug administrations via either the sternum or tibia were effective during CPR in anesthetized swine. However, IO drug administration via the sternum was significantly faster and delivered a larger dose. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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OBJETIVOS: Estudamos os efeitos de alta dose de fentanil (F) em atributos de função renal (FR) do cão. DESENHO: Anestesiamos com pentobarbital sódico (PS) 16 cães divididos aleatoriamente em 2 grupos: manutenção com PS (Gi) e PS com F (0,05 mg.kg-1) (G2). INTERVENÇÃO: os cães foram ventilados artificialmente e tiveram cateterizadas as veias femorais esquerda e direita e a artéria femoral esquerda para infusão de drogas e coleta de dados hemodinâmicos e de sangue para dosagens laboratoriais. Coletou-se urina durante todo experimento. MENSURAÇÃO: Determinaram-se os valores de atributos de FR.. RESULTADOS: PS não mudou a FR e o comportamento de G1 deveu-se à expansão do volume extracelular. O F diminuiu significativamente freqüência cardíaca, pressão arterial média, clearance de creatinina, volume urinário, clearance osmolar e excreção fracionária de sódio e potássio. CONCLUSÕES: A diminuição da FR foi provavelmente devida às alterações hemodinâmicas induzidas pelo F, não se descartando possível ação da aldosterona.


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Intensity of dialysis dose in acute kidney injury (AKI) might benefit critically ill patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of intermittent hemodialysis (IHD) dose on mortality in patients with AKI. Methods: Prospective observational study was performed on AKI patients treated with IHD. The delivered dialysis dose per session was calculated based on single-pool Kt/V urea. Patients were allocated in two groups according to the weekly delivered median Kt/V: higher intensity dialysis dose (HID: Kt/V higher than median) and lower intensity dialysis dose (LID: Kt/V lower than median). Thereafter, AKI patients were divided according to the presence or absence of sepsis and urine output. Clinical and lab characteristics and survival of AKI patients were compared. Results: A total of 121 AKI patients were evaluated. Forty-two patients did not present with sepsis and 45 did not present with oliguria. Mortality rate after 30 days was lower in the HID group without sepsis (14.3% x 47.6%; p = 0.045) and without oliguria (31.8% x 69.5%; p = 0.025). Survival curves also showed that the HID group had higher survival rate when compared with the LID group in non-septic and non-oliguric patients (p = 0.007 and p = 0.003, respectively). Conclusion: Higher dialysis doses can be associated with better survival of less seriously ill AKI patients.


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In the present study, snakebites caused by a single Bothrops pauloensis simultaneously affecting three male adult horses are described. Whereas the first two affected horses were six years old, the third was 16 years old; they weighed respectively 555, 550 and 500 kg. All horses presented swollen muzzles. The first animal received an initial antivenom dose of 19 vials and adjuvant medication, it was also subjected to tracheostomy due to the progression of acute respiratory failure. The second and third horses respectively received 15 vials of antivenom each, in addition to adjuvant medication. Due to continuous changes in blood coagulation observed during hospitalization, the first and the second horses received five more vials of antivenom, respectively, in the second and third days of treatment. The first animal was discharged on 15(th) day and the other on the 8(th) day of hospitalization. Several factors including the main actions of Bothrops venom (coagulation, proteolytic and vasculotoxic activities), the importance of early diagnosis based on clinical history and clinical examination suggesting the diagnosis of Bothrops snakebite, the adequate doses of antivenom, and finally the immediate tracheostomy are herein discussed. The tracheostomy, required to save the life of the first horse, should only occur after the administration of antivenom and control measures for changes in blood coagulation.