821 resultados para Shengen Information Systems (SIS)


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A leishmaniose tegumentar americana adquiriu caráter epidêmico no Litoral Norte Paulista, desde a década de 1990. A partir de dados secundários, realizou-se estudo descritivo da doença no período de 1993 a 2005 nos quatro municípios que compõem a região e analisou-se a freqüência dos flebotomíneos capturados nos locais prováveis de transmissão. Foram notificados 689 casos autóctones de leishmaniose tegumentar, com casos isolados e agrupados, determinando uma distribuição espacial heterogênea, com sincronismo na manifestação e ciclicidade, em intervalo de seis a oito anos. Todas as faixas etárias foram acometidas, com ligeiro predomínio do sexo masculino, sem associação com uma ocupação. Capturou-se 2.758 flebotomíneos e a espécie Nyssomyia intermedia predominou (80,4%), no peri e intradomicílio. A doença apresentou perfil de transmissão peri e intradomiciliar, entre o periurbano e a mata, e no interior da mata. Neste caso, a transmissão estaria mais relacionada com os focos enzoóticos.


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OBJETIVO: Conhecer a qualidade dos dados de internação por causas externas em São José dos Campos, São Paulo. MÉTODO: Foram estudadas as internações pelo Sistema Único de Saúde por lesões decorrentes de causas externas no primeiro semestre de 2003, no Hospital Municipal, referência para o atendimento ao trauma no Município, por meio da comparação dos dados registrados no Sistema de Informações Hospitalares com os prontuários de 990 internações. A concordância das variáveis relativas à vítima, à internação e ao agravo foi avaliada pela taxa bruta de concordância e pelo coeficiente Kappa. As lesões e as causas externas foram codificadas segundo a 10ª revisão da Classificação Internacional de Doenças, respectivamente, capítulos XIX e XX. RESULTADOS: A taxa de concordância bruta foi de boa qualidade para as variáveis relativas à vítima e à internação, variando de 89,0% a 99,2%. As lesões tiveram concordância ótima, exceto os traumatismos do pescoço (k=0,73), traumatismos múltiplos (k=0,67) e fraturas do tórax (k=0,49). As causas externas tiveram concordância ótima para acidentes de transporte (k=0,90) e quedas (k=0,83). A confiabilidade foi menor para agressões (k=0,50), causas indeterminadas (k=0,37), e complicações da assistência médica (k=0,03). Houve concordância ótima nos acidentes de transporte em pedestres, ciclistas e motociclistas. CONCLUSÃO: A maioria das variáveis de estudo teve boa qualidade no nível de agregação analisado. Algumas variáveis relativas à vítima e alguns tipos de causas externas necessitam de aperfeiçoamento da qualidade dos dados. O perfil da morbidade hospitalar encontrado confirmou os acidentes de transporte como importante causa externa de internação hospitalar no Município.


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The Healthy Cities and Agenda 21 programs improve living and health conditions and affect social and economic determinants of health. The Millennium Development Goals (MDG) indicators can be used to assess the impact of social agendas. A data search was carried out for the period 1997 to 2006 to obtain 48 indicators proposed by the United Nations and a further 74 proposed by the technical group for the MDGin Brazil. There is a scarcity of studies concerned with assessing the MDG at the municipal level. Data from Brazilian health information systems are not always consistent or accurate for municipalities. The lack of availability and reliable data led to the substitution of some indicators. The information systems did not always provide annual data; national household surveys could not be disaggregated at the municipal level and there were also modifications on conceptual definitions over time. As a result, the project created an alternative list with 29 indicators. MDG monitoring at the local community can be important to measure the performance of actions toward improvements in quality of life and social iniquities.


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Considerando a importância do Sistema de Informações sobre Orçamentos Públicos em Saúde (SIOPS) como ferramenta para o planejamento, gestão e controle social dos gastos públicos em saúde, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a relação entre a regularidade na alimentação do SIOPS e o conhecimento e uso do Sistema pelos gestores municipais do Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Foram selecionados dez municípios distribuídos nas cinco mesorregiões do estado, sendo cinco regulares e cinco irregulares na alimentação do Sistema, e aplicada uma entrevista semi-estruturada entre os secretários de saúde dos respectivos municípios. Com base na análise dos dados, foi identificado que o domínio de informática e o conhecimento do Sistema não interferem na regularidade da alimentação, em função do distanciamento entre os gestores das Secretarias de Saúde e o SIOPS, em geral alimentado por serviços terceirizados. Constata-se que as informações geradas não têm sido exploradas potencialmente pelos gestores enquanto instrumento de gestão.


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OBJETIVO: Desenvolver método para planejamento e avaliação de campanhas de vacinação contra a raiva animal. MÉTODOS: O desenvolvimento da metodologia baseou-se em sistemas de informação geográfica para estimar a população e a densidade animal (canina e felina) por setores censitários e subprefeituras do município de São Paulo, em 2002. O número de postos de vacinação foi estimado para atingir uma dada cobertura vacinal. Foram utilizadas uma base de dados censitários para a população humana, e estimativas para razões cão:habitante e gato:habitante. RESULTADOS: Os números estimados foram de 1.490.500 cães e 226.954 gatos em São Paulo, uma densidade populacional de 1.138,14 animais domiciliados por km². Foram vacinados, na campanha de 2002, 926.462 animais, garantindo uma cobertura vacinal de 54%. O número total estimado de postos no município para atingir uma cobertura vacinal de 70%, vacinando em média 700 animais por posto foi de 1.729. Estas estimativas foram apresentadas em mapas de densidade animal, segundo setores censitários e subprefeituras. CONCLUSÕES: A metodologia desenvolvida pode ser aplicada de forma sistemática no planejamento e no acompanhamento das campanhas de vacinação contra a raiva, permitindo que sejam identificadas áreas de cobertura vacinal crítica.


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São apresentadas diferentes experiências e metodologias empregadas por registros informatizados de imunização (RII), no enfoque da saúde infantil. O levantamento bibliográfico abrangeu publicações de 1990 a 2006, existentes nas bases MEDLINE, SciELO, PubMed e EMBASE. Outros sítios eletrônicos de organizações nacionais e internacionais de saúde foram pesquisados. Em virtude da ausência de publicações sobre RII no Brasil, as fontes de informação foram a Coordenação Nacional e as Coordenações Estaduais do Programa Nacional de Imunizações, além do Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde. Selecionaram-se apenas artigos que abordam RII em saúde infantil. Foram localizados 109 artigos publicados em 35 revistas especializadas. São apresentados aspectos históricos e conceituais, objetivos, funções, relevância e indicadores de desempenho e de custo-efetividade, além das próprias limitações dos RII, assim como experiências em países selecionados, inclusive no Brasil. Os RII integrados a outros sistemas de informação vêm sendo aplicados como importante instrumento para a identificação de populações com menor acesso ou adesão aos programas de vacinação e em sistemas de vigilância ativa de eventos adversos pós-vacina


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O objetivo foi comparar as mortes maternas existentes no Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM/MS) com as do "Estudo da mortalidade de mulheres em idade fértil" e estimar novos fatores de correção. Analisaram-se 7.332 declarações de óbito feminino (DO) de dez a 49 anos, de residentes nas capitais brasileiras, no 1o semestre de 2002. Realizou-se pareamento dos conjuntos de DO (as originalmente preenchidas pelos médicos e aquelas obtidas com o resgate de dados) com as DO do SIM/MS. A subenumeração das mortes por causas maternas, no SIM/MS, foi de 21,4 por cento e, das mortes maternas, 16 por cento . Os novos fatores de ajuste para as mortes maternas nas regiões brasileiras foram: 0,93 (Norte), 1,17 (Nordeste), 1,28 (Sudeste), 1,10 (Sul) e 1,47 (Centro-oeste); para o pa's, foi igual a 1,19. Os Comitês de Morte Materna investigam os óbitos femininos em idade fértil, mas, ainda, restam imprecisões que podem inviabilizar condutas preventivas eficientes


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Due to both the widespread and multipurpose use of document images and the current availability of a high number of document images repositories, robust information retrieval mechanisms and systems have been increasingly demanded. This paper presents an approach to support the automatic generation of relationships among document images by exploiting Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) and Optical Character Recognition (OCR). We developed the LinkDI (Linking of Document Images) service, which extracts and indexes document images content, computes its latent semantics, and defines relationships among images as hyperlinks. LinkDI was experimented with document images repositories, and its performance was evaluated by comparing the quality of the relationships created among textual documents as well as among their respective document images. Considering those same document images, we ran further experiments in order to compare the performance of LinkDI when it exploits or not the LSI technique. Experimental results showed that LSI can mitigate the effects of usual OCR misrecognition, which reinforces the feasibility of LinkDI relating OCR output with high degradation.


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BACKGROUND: Ambient levels of air pollution may affect the health of children, as indicated by studies of infant and perinatal mortality. Scientific evidence has also correlated low birth weight and preterm birth, which are important determinants of perinatal death, with air pollution. However, most of these studies used ambient concentrations measured at monitoring sites, which may not consider differential exposure to pollutants found at elevated concentrations near heavy-traffic roadways. OBJECTIVES: Our goal was to examine the association between traffic-related pollution and perinatal mortality. METHODS: We used the information collected for a case-control study conducted in 14 districts in the City of Sao Paulo, Brazil, regarding risk factors for perinatal deaths. We geocoded the residential addresses of cases (fetal and early neonatal deaths) and controls (children who survived the 28th day of life) and calculated a distance-weighted traffic density (DWTD) measure considering all roads contained in a buffer surrounding these homes. RESULTS: Logistic regression revealed a gradient of increasing risk of early neonatal death with higher exposure to traffic-related air pollution. Mothers exposed to the highest quartile of the DWTD compared with those less exposed exhibited approximately 50% increased risk (adjusted odds ratio = 1.47; 95% confidence interval, 0.67-3.19). Associations for fetal mortality were less consistent. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that motor vehicle exhaust exposures may be a risk factor for perinatal mortality.


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In Natural Language Processing (NLP) symbolic systems, several linguistic phenomena, for instance, the thematic role relationships between sentence constituents, such as AGENT, PATIENT, and LOCATION, can be accounted for by the employment of a rule-based grammar. Another approach to NLP concerns the use of the connectionist model, which has the benefits of learning, generalization and fault tolerance, among others. A third option merges the two previous approaches into a hybrid one: a symbolic thematic theory is used to supply the connectionist network with initial knowledge. Inspired on neuroscience, it is proposed a symbolic-connectionist hybrid system called BIO theta PRED (BIOlogically plausible thematic (theta) symbolic-connectionist PREDictor), designed to reveal the thematic grid assigned to a sentence. Its connectionist architecture comprises, as input, a featural representation of the words (based on the verb/noun WordNet classification and on the classical semantic microfeature representation), and, as output, the thematic grid assigned to the sentence. BIO theta PRED is designed to ""predict"" thematic (semantic) roles assigned to words in a sentence context, employing biologically inspired training algorithm and architecture, and adopting a psycholinguistic view of thematic theory.


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This paper presents SMarty, a variability management approach for UML-based software product lines (PL). SMarty is supported by a UML profile, the SMartyProfile, and a process for managing variabilities, the SMartyProcess. SMartyProfile aims at representing variabilities, variation points, and variants in UML models by applying a set of stereotypes. SMartyProcess consists of a set of activities that is systematically executed to trace, identify, and control variabilities in a PL based on SMarty. It also identifies variability implementation mechanisms and analyzes specific product configurations. In addition, a more comprehensive application of SMarty is presented using SEI's Arcade Game Maker PL. An evaluation of SMarty and related work are discussed.


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We show that scalable multipartite entanglement among light fields may be generated by optical parametric oscillators (OPOs). The tripartite entanglement existent among the three bright beams produced by a single OPO-pump, signal, and idler-is scalable to a system of many OPOs by pumping them in cascade with the same optical field. This latter serves as an entanglement distributor. The special case of two OPOs is studied, as it is shown that the resulting five bright beams share genuine multipartite entanglement. In addition, the structure of entanglement distribution among the fields can be manipulated to some degree by tuning the incident pump power. The scalability to many fields is straightforward, allowing an alternative implementation of a multipartite quantum information network with continuous variables.


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Background: Worldwide, a high proportion of HIV-infected individuals enter into HIV care late. Here, our objective was to estimate the impact that late entry into HIV care has had on AIDS mortality rates in Brazil. Methodology/Principal Findings: We analyzed data from information systems regarding HIV-infected adults who sought treatment at public health care facilities in Brazil from 2003 to 2006. We initially estimated the prevalence of late entry into HIV care, as well as the probability of death in the first 12 months, the percentage of the risk of death attributable to late entry, and the number of avoidable deaths. We subsequently adjusted the annual AIDS mortality rate by excluding such deaths. Of the 115,369 patients evaluated, 50,358 (43.6%) had entered HIV care late, and 18,002 died in the first 12 months, representing a 16.5% probability of death in the first 12 months (95% CI: 16.3-16.7). By comparing patients who entered HIV care late with those who gained timely access, we found that the risk ratio for death was 49.5 (95% CI: 45.1-54.2). The percentage of the risk of death attributable to late entry was 95.5%, translating to 17,189 potentially avoidable deaths. Averting those deaths would have lowered the 2003-2006 AIDS mortality rate by 39.5%. Including asymptomatic patients with CD4(+) T cell counts >200 and <= 350 cells/mm(3) in the group who entered HIV care late increased this proportion by 1.8%. Conclusions/Significance: In Brazil, antiretroviral drugs reduced AIDS mortality by 43%. Timely entry would reduce that rate by a similar proportion, as well as resulting in a 45.2% increase in the effectiveness of the program for HIV care. The World Health Organization recommendation that asymptomatic patients with CD4(+) T cell counts <= 350 cells/mm(3) be treated would not have a significant impact on this scenario.


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The large amount of information in electronic contracts hampers their establishment due to high complexity. An approach inspired in Software Product Line (PL) and based on feature modelling was proposed to make this process more systematic through information reuse and structuring. By assessing the feature-based approach in relation to a proposed set of requirements, it was showed that the approach does not allow the price of services and of Quality of Services (QoS) attributes to be considered in the negotiation and included in the electronic contract. Thus, this paper also presents an extension of such approach in which prices and price types associated to Web services and QoS levels are applied. An extended toolkit prototype is also presented as well as an experiment example of the proposed approach.


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An experimental study of the Polarization Dependent Loss (PDL) is performed in an Optical Recirculating Loop (RCL). The RCL enables to simulate the transmission through various optical links using just one optical fiber spool, one in line amplifier, some optical filters and devices in a low cost manner. The total amount of PDL in a Recirculating loop, due to its statistical nature, is different of the simple sum of each element of the recirculating loop because of the alignment variation of the PDL elements with time, depending on the environmental conditions such as fiber stress and temperature. In this paper theoretical studies are also performed using formalism of Jones and Mueller matrices in order to represent the different optical elements in the recirculating loop. The PDL must be correctly characterized in order to evaluate properly the impact on the performance of next generation DWDM systems. Theoretical and experimental results comparison shows that a depolarization of 7% occurs in the experimental setup, probably by the optical amplifier due to the depolarized nature of the amplified spontaneous emission.