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As a result of the stressful conditions in aquaculture facilities there is a high risk of bacterial infections among cultured fish. Chlortetracycline (CTC) is one of the antimicrobials used to solve this problem. It is a broad spectrum antibacterial active against a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Numerous analytical methods for screening, identifying, and quantifying CTC in animal products have been developed over the years. An alternative and advantageous method should rely on expeditious and efficient procedures providing highly specific and sensitive measurements in food samples. Ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) could meet these criteria. The only ISE reported in literature for this purpose used traditional electro-active materials. A selectivity enhancement could however be achieved after improving the analyte recognition by molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs). Several MIP particles were synthesized and used as electro-active materials. ISEs based in methacrylic acid monomers showed the best analytical performance according to slope (62.5 and 68.6 mV/decade) and detection limit (4.1 × 10−5 and 5.5 × 10−5 mol L−1). The electrodes displayed good selectivity. The ISEs are not affected by pH changes ranging from 2.5 to 13. The sensors were successfully applied to the analysis of serum, urine and fish samples.


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Fractional dynamics is a growing topic in theoretical and experimental scientific research. A classical problem is the initialization required by fractional operators. While the problem is clear from the mathematical point of view, it constitutes a challenge in applied sciences. This paper addresses the problem of initialization and its effect upon dynamical system simulation when adopting numerical approximations. The results are compatible with system dynamics and clarify the formulation of adequate values for the initial conditions in numerical simulations.


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Power law (PL) distributions have been largely reported in the modeling of distinct real phenomena and have been associated with fractal structures and self-similar systems. In this paper, we analyze real data that follows a PL and a double PL behavior and verify the relation between the PL coefficient and the capacity dimension of known fractals. It is to be proved a method that translates PLs coefficients into capacity dimension of fractals of any real data.


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In today’s healthcare paradigm, optimal sedation during anesthesia plays an important role both in patient welfare and in the socio-economic context. For the closed-loop control of general anesthesia, two drugs have proven to have stable, rapid onset times: propofol and remifentanil. These drugs are related to their effect in the bispectral index, a measure of EEG signal. In this paper wavelet time–frequency analysis is used to extract useful information from the clinical signals, since they are time-varying and mark important changes in patient’s response to drug dose. Model based predictive control algorithms are employed to regulate the depth of sedation by manipulating these two drugs. The results of identification from real data and the simulation of the closed loop control performance suggest that the proposed approach can bring an improvement of 9% in overall robustness and may be suitable for clinical practice.


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Recently simple limiting functions establishing upper and lower bounds on the Mittag-Leffler function were found. This paper follows those expressions to design an efficient algorithm for the approximate calculation of expressions usual in fractional-order control systems. The numerical experiments demonstrate the superior efficiency of the proposed method.


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Power laws, also known as Pareto-like laws or Zipf-like laws, are commonly used to explain a variety of real world distinct phenomena, often described merely by the produced signals. In this paper, we study twelve cases, namely worldwide technological accidents, the annual revenue of America׳s largest private companies, the number of inhabitants in America׳s largest cities, the magnitude of earthquakes with minimum moment magnitude equal to 4, the total burned area in forest fires occurred in Portugal, the net worth of the richer people in America, the frequency of occurrence of words in the novel Ulysses, by James Joyce, the total number of deaths in worldwide terrorist attacks, the number of linking root domains of the top internet domains, the number of linking root domains of the top internet pages, the total number of human victims of tornadoes occurred in the U.S., and the number of inhabitants in the 60 most populated countries. The results demonstrate the emergence of statistical characteristics, very close to a power law behavior. Furthermore, the parametric characterization reveals complex relationships present at higher level of description.


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This paper addresses limit cycles and signal propagation in dynamical systems with backlash. The study follows the describing function (DF) method for approximate analysis of nonlinearities and generalizes it in the perspective of the fractional calculus. The concept of fractional order describing function (FDF) is illustrated and the results for several numerical experiments are analysed. FDF leads to a novel viewpoint for limit cycle signal propagation as time-space waves within system structure.


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Gottfried Leibniz generalized the derivation and integration, extending the operators from integer up to real, or even complex, orders. It is presently recognized that the resulting models capture long term memory effects difficult to describe by classical tools. Leon Chua generalized the set of lumped electrical elements that provide the building blocks in mathematical models. His proposal of the memristor and of higher order elements broadened the scope of variables and relationships embedded in the development of models. This paper follows the two directions and proposes a new logical step, by generalizing the concept of junction. Classical junctions interconnect system elements using simple algebraic restrictions. Nevertheless, this simplistic approach may be misleading in the presence of unexpected dynamical phenomena and requires including additional “parasitic” elements. The novel γ-junction includes, as special cases, the standard series and parallel connections and allows a new degree of freedom when building models. The proposal motivates the search for experimental and real world manifestations of the abstract conjectures.


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This paper applies Pseudo Phase Plane (PPP) and Fractional Calculus (FC) mathematical tools for modeling world economies. A challenging global rivalry among the largest international economies began in the early 1970s, when the post-war prosperity declined. It went on, up to now. If some worrying threatens may exist actually in terms of possible ambitious military aggression, invasion, or hegemony, countries’ PPP relative positions can tell something on the current global peaceful equilibrium. A global political downturn of the USA on global hegemony in favor of Asian partners is possible, but can still be not accomplished in the next decades. If the 1973 oil chock has represented the beginning of a long-run recession, the PPP analysis of the last four decades (1972–2012) does not conclude for other partners’ global dominance (Russian, Brazil, Japan, and Germany) in reaching high degrees of similarity with the most developed world countries. The synergies of the proposed mathematical tools lead to a better understanding of the dynamics underlying world economies and point towards the estimation of future states based on the memory of each time series.


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The decomposition of a fractional linear system is discussed in this paper. It is shown that it can be decomposed into an integer order part, corresponding to possible existing poles, and a fractional part. The first and second parts are responsible for the short and long memory behaviors of the system, respectively, known as characteristic of fractional systems.


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The calculation of fractional derivatives is an important topic in scientific research. While formal definitions are clear from the mathematical point of view, they pose limitations in applied sciences that have not been yet tackled. This paper addresses the problem of obtaining left and right side derivatives when adopting numerical approximations. The results reveal the relationship between the resulting distinct values for different fractional orders and types of signals.


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This study addresses the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and proposes a procedure based on the association of statistics, information theory, signal processing, Fourier analysis and fractional calculus for describing fundamental characteristics of the DNA. In a first phase the 24 chromosomes of the Human are evaluated. In a second phase, 10 chromosomes for different species are also processed and the results compared. The results reveal invariance in the description and close resemblances with fractional Brownian motion.


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This paper discusses the concepts underlying the formulation of operators capable of being interpreted as fractional derivatives or fractional integrals. Two criteria for required by a fractional operator are formulated. The Grünwald–Letnikov, Riemann–Liouville and Caputo fractional derivatives and the Riesz potential are accessed in the light of the proposed criteria. A Leibniz rule is also obtained for the Riesz potential.


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A theory of free vibrations of discrete fractional order (FO) systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom (dof) is developed. A FO system with a finite number of dof is defined by means of three matrices: mass inertia, system rigidity and FO elements. By adopting a matrix formulation, a mathematical description of FO discrete system free vibrations is determined in the form of coupled fractional order differential equations (FODE). The corresponding solutions in analytical form, for the special case of the matrix of FO properties elements, are determined and expressed as a polynomial series along time. For the eigen characteristic numbers, the system eigen main coordinates and the independent eigen FO modes are determined. A generalized function of visoelastic creep FO dissipation of energy and generalized forces of system with no ideal visoelastic creep FO dissipation of energy for generalized coordinates are formulated. Extended Lagrange FODE of second kind, for FO system dynamics, are also introduced. Two examples of FO chain systems are analyzed and the corresponding eigen characteristic numbers determined. It is shown that the oscillatory phenomena of a FO mechanical chain have analogies to electrical FO circuits. A FO electrical resistor is introduced and its constitutive voltage–current is formulated. Also a function of thermal energy FO dissipation of a FO electrical relation is discussed.


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This paper employs the Lyapunov direct method for the stability analysis of fractional order linear systems subject to input saturation. A new stability condition based on saturation function is adopted for estimating the domain of attraction via ellipsoid approach. To further improve this estimation, the auxiliary feedback is also supported by the concept of stability region. The advantages of the proposed method are twofold: (1) it is straightforward to handle the problem both in analysis and design because of using Lyapunov method, (2) the estimation leads to less conservative results. A numerical example illustrates the feasibility of the proposed method.