745 resultados para Sangramento uterino anormal


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It is known that exposure to substances in the environment can contribute to various reproductive disorders, especially if such exposure occurs during critical periods of development such as the intra-uterine and postnatal. The female reproductive system may be the target of androgens, both as a result of exposure to environmental chemicals, or by pathological conditions (polycystic ovary syndrome or congenital adrenal hyperplasia).Usually, little attention is given off in relation to the study of androgenic effects in the female reproductive axis. This study aims to evaluate the effects of exposure to androgens on the development, structure and reproductive function in rats whose mothers were exposed to testosterone propionate from gestational day 12 (DG12) after weaning - postnatal day 21 (DPN21) . For this purpose, pregnancy rats were divided into four groups: a control group that received corn oil (vehicle) and three groups receiving testosterone propionate in doses of 0.05 mg / kg / day, 0.1 mg / kg / day and 0.2 mg / kg / day, all under the same experimental conditions. The possible effects of exposure were assessed using reproductive parameters, such as a measure of anogenital distance, count areolas / nipples, age at vaginal opening and first estrus (puberty indicative installation), weight and histological evaluation of the reproductive organs ( uterus and ovaries), weight of the kidneys, liver and pituitary hormone levels, regularity of the estrous cycle, sexual behavior and fertility. Such analysis is important in understanding the effects of androgen exposure on the female genital system, especially on the reproductive potential, and processes that may involve morphofunctional changes. In these experimental conditions, it is concluded that treatment with PT caused reduction in body weight and initial masculinization in females without cubs, however, commit further sexual development


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The nursing consult (a job exclusive to a nurse), is a great instrument to gynecology, seeing as nurses are of fundamental importance in the prevention of uterine cancer, mostly by the use of the Papanicolau test, the most efficient method in the early detection and prevention of this kind of cancer. In addition to that, this consult includes a breast exam and possibly a vulvovaginitis exam, so that necessary forwardings and exam applications can be done. That being said, the work, in a qualitative analysis has been done in the “Healthcare center and school” in the city of Botucatu – SP, intending to measure the perception of the women in the population, of the Papanicoulau Test, the nursing consults, and their knowledge about vulvovaginitis. Twenty women were interviewed (using semi-structured interviews), and given forms after the nursing consult. The interviews were analysed using Bardin’s content analysis technique. The results show that the women’ reactions to the procedures were positive. Even Though there’s a culture of submission to medicine, and the Papanicolau test is seen by them as a necessary and important (even if unconfortable) procedure in the early prevention and detection of uterine cancer and other diseases, there was little to no knowledge about the signs, symptoms, and transmission methods for those different diseases. It is up to the nurse to facilitate these women’ access to that information, regarding not only the prevention of diseases, but also, and especially, the nursing consult’s relevance on theuterine cancer prevention program


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Currently, Brazil has one of the largest cattle herds worldwide. In order to keep that milk and meat were introduced reproductive biotechnologies such as artificial insemination, embryo transfer and in vitro fertilization. In certain situations the technique may have undesired effect, for example, the production of calve calves due to the very large increase in the gestation period when performed in vitro fertilization. To avoid this problem we perform the induction of labor in order to prevent the product is longer the womb. This induction can also be made in case of diseases that compromise the life of the mother, twin pregnancy an abnormal size calf. The administration of short acting steroids, prostaglandins, association of short acting steroids and prostaglandins and association of short acting steroids, prostaglandins and long-acting corticosteroids are some of the possibilities of induction


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Objectives: to identify the demographic profile and frequency of anemia and hemoglobinopathies, as a basis for future implementation of actions aimed at pregnant women in the public health domain. Method: this is a cross-sectional study developed with pregnant women attended in a university hospital at Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Blood samples were collected for the erythrogram analysis for detection of anemia and selective and specific tests for abnormal hemoglobin. The patients regarded as indigenous and mentally ill, as well as inmates, were excluded from the research, as they represent a vulnerable population which needs a cohort different from that of the sample. For data collection, a particular questionnaire was used. The research was approved by the Ethics Committee of Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), under the Protocol 873/2006. Results: of the 215 pregnant women under study, 20% were adolescents; 36.3% had incomplete primary education; 53.0% were non-Caucasian; 43.3% were from Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil; and 21.1% were of European descent. 17.7% had some type of anemia and, in the evaluation of hemoglobinopathies, 4.7% of patients were detected with some abnormal hemoglobin, with the following frequencies: 3.3% with HbAS; 0.9% with HbAC; and 0.5% with intermediate β-thalassemia. Conclusion: the frequencies of anemia and hemoglobinopathy found in these pregnant women showed the importance of early diagnosis, revealing indicators able to provide a basis for preventive and assistance actions for adequate clinical monitoring, reducing maternal and neonatal morbimortality in the public health services. Descriptors: pregnant women; anemia; hemoglobinopathies; public health; nursing.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A polimicrogiria (PMG) é uma malformação do córtex cerebral causada por falhas no seu desenvolvimento, caracterizando-se por um número excessivo de pequenos giros e laminação anormal, dando à superfície cortical uma aparência irregular e grosseira. A gravidade de suas manifestações clínicas se relaciona diretamente com a extensão da malformação e das regiões cerebrais afetadas, sendo que a presença de lesões bilaterais ou unilaterais extensas indica um pior prognóstico. Uma das síndromes de polimicrogiria mais freqüentes e, conseqüentemente, mais bem descritas clinicamente, é a polimicrogiria perisylviana bilateral (PPB). Essa forma de PMG atinge a região que tange a fenda Sylviana, podendo apresentar-se tanto unilateralmente quanto em ambos os hemisférios. Vários genes têm sido relacionados a diferentes formas de polimicrogiria, são eles AFF2,TUBA1A, TUBB2B e TUBA8, SRPX2 e WDR62. Estes genes já foram estudados pelo nosso grupo de pesquisa em um grupo de pacientes compostos de casos familiares e esporádicos, acometidos em sua maioria pela forma perisylviana de PMG. Nenhuma variante deletéria foi identificada nestes genes. Recentemente um novo gene foi implicado na etiologia molecular das PMG, o TUBB3. O gene em questão pertence à mesma família de TUBA1A, TUBB2B e TUBA8 e codifica uma proteína de ligação aos microtúbulos, tendo importante papel na formação do fuso. Além deste gene, também tem sido descritas alterações genômicas, denominadas de Copy Number Variations (CNV), estas variações estruturais tem sido associadas com diversos distúrbios neurológicos, que vão desde transtornos psiquiátricos até malformações do córtex cerebral como a PMG. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a existência de alterações de ponto deletérias no gene TUBB3 em pacientes com PMG e também, o envolvimento de CNVsna etiologia deste tipo de malformação ...


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Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by accumulation of lipid and fibrous components in arterial vessels, giving rise to atheromas. Development of Atheromatou plaques leads to arterial steatosis, triggering ischemic events. Atherotrombosis has a strong correlation with atherosclerosis, where rupture of atheromatous plaques cause release of vessel wall's pro-thrombotic components, activating platelet aggregation and thromosis. Due to the major role played by platelets on thrombus-embolic conditions, drugs that inhibit platelet aggregation demonstrate great relevance for atherothrombosis prevention, reducing patient mortality. Currently, there are a variety of drugs acting on several different targets, preventing platelet activation. However, these therapies demosntrate side effects such as thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, hemorrhage and low oral availability. Thus, the application of molecular modifications such as hybridization can produce novel, more efficient antiplatelet aggregation inhibitors. In this project we describe the synthesis and characterization of novel N-acilhydrazone compounds, acting through multiple mechanisms such as platelet calcium chelation and nitric oxide donation by furoxanic subunits. Furthermore, we demonstrate that such compounds exhibit biological activity in in vivo bleeding time, in vitro antiplatelet aggregation and in vivo antinociceptive assays. Therefore, novel N-acilhydrazone compounds demonstrate potential as antiplatelet drugs for atherothrombosis prevention.