649 resultados para Saneamento


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil e Ambiental - FEB


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Previous studies show that in areas contaminated by fuel spill (NAPL- non-aqueous phase liquids), from operational activities, transport and storage, it was possible to observe a significant decrease of ²²²Rn (radon) gas concentration in the soil, even a non-uniform distribution of this gas in top soil, even with a geological situation was practically homogeneous. These anomalies may be associated with the preference partitioning of radon in NAPLs. This work consists of applying ²²²Rn as an indicator for locating subsurface contamination by NAPLs in an area of the city of Rio Claro (SP) where, according to the “Survey of Contaminated and Rehabilitated Areas in the State of São Paulo (Environmental Sanitation and Technology Company - CETESB), there was, in the year 2007, groundwater contamination from leaks of liquid fuels. The challenges of this research are: Promulgate the use of a new tool with greater efficiency in obtaining results, in addition to generate less impact in half and have less expenditure; disseminate scientific culture promoting greater integration of C&T (culture & technology) between universities and businesses. The emanometric technique to estimate the location, number and interfacial area of NAPL in saturated and non-saturated zone, has the advantage of locating and determining plumes of free phase even when the amount of VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds) that reaches the surface is low or non-existent. In addition, the measurement techniques ²²²Rn are quite developed. The results obtained show that, similar to the other studies, the 222Rn soil gas presents an anomalous behavior in the area bounded by NAPL plume, being possible to note a significant deficit in the concentration of the gas in spots where the saturation by NAPLs is still critical. Therefore it is concluded that this tool is really promising, but we must be careful to evaluate the initial conditions of the area, as well as the type of...


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O excessivo consumo de recursos naturais renováveis e não renováveis combinado com a ineficiência e o desperdício de seu uso geram uma problemática muito atual nos centros urbanos: a grande produção de resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU) e sua destinação inadequada. O presente trabalho caracterizou o RSU da cidade de Salto – SP a fim de quantificar os materiais recicláveis presentes nestes sólidos, bem como mapear sua origem e o perfil social de sua fonte geradora. Foram utilizadas quinze (15) classes de recicláveis, além do lixo orgânico e rejeitos. Dentre as classes estão: latas de aço; sucatas ferrosas; papel misto; papelão ondulado; embalagens longa vida; polietileno de alta densindade – PEAD; polipropileno – PP; poliestireno (PS); PET óleo; PET refrigerante; vidro; outros plásticos – PVC, materiais compostos de mais de um tipo de plástico e PS expandido; aparas plásticas; latinhas de alumínio e outros alumínios,. Os resultados apontam para uma grande geração de materias recicláveis no RSU em bairros de maior poder aquisitivo. O porcentual total de recicláveis na cidade foi de 38,38%


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The non existence of sewage services creates an unhealthy environmental, causing impact extremely prejudicial to the human health. In Brazil, this item represents the biggest deficit in the basic sanitation these days, and only about 50% of the population is attended. The sewage collection network is a needful system for the basic sanitation. Between the parameters of the project of a system of collection and sewage transportation, the definition of the population that will be attended is one of the most important variables, and that should be done based on criterion of population growth and in accordant to directrix presents in the comprehensive city plan. In this paper, were evaluated methods of growth based on the geometric growth rate, on the population density and on the number of residents per dwelling, and also mathematics models of growth prediction, emphasizing in the geometric growth and on the logistic curve method. That way, the goal of this paper were value the hydraulic performance in one of the watersheds delimited by the sewage network magnification work existent in the city of Cacoal–RO. Using simulation with different scenarios, the results pointed that the hydraulic performance of the system were strongly affected by the population determination method used. For the same drained area the diameters range from 150 to 250 mm as well as the trench’s deep, where some stretches exceeded the maximum values contained in the standard. Besides, the variation of the sewage contribution rate due the population variation estimated in different scenarios, led to alterations in others important project parameters, such as slope, shallow pool, tensile stress and spreading velocity


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Along of the Brazilian territory is to encourage a lot of self-management communities, seeking a new way of social organization through of cultural practices and economic antagonistic logic of the capitalist system. These communities create a lifestyle which we are not used in the context of modern life, they are focused to a greater preservation of nature, to an economy based on spiritualization and cultural exchange. The peculiarity of these communities is to offer the same structure as a modern city, electricity, clothing, basic sanitation, food among others, which the state already offers, but with alternative ways.For a more specific study was selected community-Porangaba Future Vision, São Paulo. Through this case of study, it is thought to enable a better understanding of how it is possible within a country emerge a community that creates its own structure encompassed by cultural practices and economic characteristics and finally understanding what are the effects on the geographic area


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A large proportion of fresh water is greatly impaired due to increasing pollution; this could be minimized through the expansion of investment in sanitation programs. But the major problem faced by third world countries and developing ones in this respect, is the high cost of projects and their implementation. In an attempt to find a simple technology, efficient and inexpensive, this study aimed to verify the effectiveness of using constructed wetland systems (CWS) for removal of bacteria and nutrients from sanitary sewer effluent from the STS Piracicamirim - Piracicaba - SP. The installation of prototypes was followed, and testing prior to regularize the flow held, but due to malfunction of these and outages of the STS activity can not evaluate the effectiveness of both as to the parameters proposed: temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, chemical oxygen demand (COD), sulfide, sulfate, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total coliform and Escherichia coli. To establish results about the effectiveness of these types if the system were conducted literature reviews of papers published with the same theme. Analysis of these results showed fairly good efficiencies in wastewater treatment, especially for nutrients and coliforms


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Human development and population growth during the twentieth century increased the water demand, tripling its consumption between 1950 and 1990. As the water streams were polluted; and as water is the source of minerals and also regulates vital functions, it becomes the vehicle of transmission and consequently spreads many diseases. Probably, the industries are the major responsible for this pollution when they dump untreated effluents to water streams, saturating the already insufficient net of sanitation facilities polluting water and soil. An effective treatment has been established with low cost in Europe and the United States, through constructed systems on wetlands Constructed Wetland Systems - CWSs, gradually used in other countries in the last three decades. Lately, we observe a continuous growth in Brazilian poultry business, and poultry industry showed greatest dynamism in the country, following the global market. Pondering this information and the efficiency of such treatment, this work aimed to study prototypes, in a laboratory scale, simulating ascending and descending types of CWSs, vegetated with aquatic macrophytes Eichhornia crassipes and the uses of aggregates and soil, to treat industrial wastewater from slaughterhouses and aviary. We conducted the initial characterization of the effluent to have an idea of its constituents and to scale the system and the continuous flow. Furthermore, we characterized the soil to be used in this system. The collects are periodically made in the refrigeration industry FRICOCK FRIGORIFICAÇÃO AVICULTURA INDÚSTRIA E COMÉRCIO LTDA. for local treatment simulation. The effluent that was treated with 12 prototypes of CWSs are analyzed with some frequency. The results of these reviews were compared to the effluent coming from the industry... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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O plano inicial é de desenvolver um projeto em uma área com 602.087,50 km2, em um dos bairros da periferia da cidade de Luanda capital de Angola. A idéia principal é de melhorar as condições de moradias, saneamento básico, acesso ao próprio bairro, acesso ao transporte, infra-estrutura urbana e outros. Chamaria este projeto como célula modelo em que futuramente poder-se-ia espelhar ou até mesmo reproduzir para outras áreas adjacentes. Será um projeto de parceria, entre governo, e entidades privadas ou até mesmo financiamento através dos bancos, e o principal objetivo é chegar a um projeto que funcione e que se possa aplicar futuramente. Com base no aprendizado sobre os planos diretores e instrumentos de gestão urbana, adquiridos durante o curso, se vai fazer um projeto adaptado ao sistema ou mesmo à legislação de Angola


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The programs Water Producer and Water Mine are the starting point for the research, whose the main objective is to develop a study on the necessity and possibility to forming water producers in the Veado Creek Watershed Deer, located in Presidente Venceslau - Sao Paulo, in order to improve the quality and quantity of water from the spring. To this end, the implementation of programs in the spring, especially the Water Mine, developed by the State of Sao Paulo, could help change the situation in which degradation is the area of the watershed. The main methodological procedures were performed: survey and literature review, interviews with employees SEAAMA, CATI, interview with the president of the Association of Owners of Rural Watershed of Deer Creek; interview with landowners of the Fountain Creek Watershed Deer; work in the search field at the landfill to the DAE and the Association of Collectors of Recycled. We are dealing with issues such as the importance of the Code of forests with regard to the protection of water resources, decentralized management and participatory of water resources, Payment by Environmental Services, production of water, characterization and diagnosis of the environmental Microbacia of Wealth Córrego do Veado, sanitation of the municipality of Presidente Venceslau. Analyzed the current situation of the watershed of the spring, highlighting the main actions that have been performed by the municipality through the watershed program of the State of São Paulo City Hall and through the resources FEHIDRO. The obtained results allowed to demonstrate the need and the possibility of setting up the Project Mine Of Water in the watershed of the fountain and the interest of owners interviewed by adherence to the Project and the protection of the source


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The water resources scarceness in world become more evident and worried everyday, because the occurrence of water waste, without consider context of potable water deficit, period of long dryness, resource distribution and population density, urban concentration, industrial and rural areas, pollution process, contamination, beyond aspect related to sanitation and public health affect an entire population. At Itu city, this problem is already real, the population face the lack of water risk in dryness period, damaging their life quality and the city economic development, because Itu is a touristic city that has a mixed economy with activities in business dealing, agriculture and industrial department, all conect to water consumption.


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The sustainable development is the center of many discussions about the environment, economy and society. Environmental issues bring out problems with the fauna and flora, water resources, land use, population growth, residues, basic sanitation, and others. In this sense, the aim of the present work was to develop an environmental diagnostics and propose measures to mitigate the most significant environmental impacts generated by four enterprises in Antonio Crepaldi Industrial District, located at the city of Presidente Prudente/SP. In the study, it was used the methodology proposed by Moreira (2006), and it was done the following activities: monitoring and analyses of the production process, identification of potential environmental aspects and impacts; assessment of the impacts according to its nature, relevance and significance; proposition of measures to mitigate the critical impacts. As a final result, it was obtained an environmental diagnosis about the situation of each of the four companies studied, and it was possible to know the level of criticality of the impacts in each one, and proposing mitigation measures to control or minimizing them, bringing many benefits to the organization


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Health Care Waste (HCW) represents 1%, and it has presently gained a lot of importance. Adequate management is one of the great challenges to be faced by health care centers. It has gained distinction and been widely discussed by members of the sectors involved with sanitation, public health and environmental issues due to waste physical, chemical biological characteristics, which pose potential risk to the environment and public health. The present study aims at evaluating HCW internal management by following all its phases, determining indicators, classifying and quantifying, establishing production rates (kg /patient/day) for the sector and designing materials to disseminate appropriate HCW disposal in the Emergency Room of the UNESP University Hospital in the city of Botucatu according to the guidelines presently in force. : From June to October 2011, the waste flow was observed from its production to final disposal. Four weight measurements were performed on four consecutive days in the month of August by using a properly calibrated (in grams) digital scale at the times scheduled for collection of the produced waste. Hence, the daily and monthly amounts were estimated according to their classification. All the waste packaged in the bags in garbage cans in the Emergency Room for a 24-hour period was considered to be a sample. Separation was not adequately performed in that sector, and waste from Group A was mixed with that from Group D. The amount of infectious waste produced in the sector corresponded to 87.80 %, common waste to 10.93 % and recyclable waste to 1.27%. The mean daily HCW production was of 123.300 kg/day, and the total monthly production was of 3,822 kg/month, which was distributed as follows: Group A 3,355,750 kg/month; Group D 417,570 kg/month and recyclables 48,670 kg/month. The production rate corresponded to 0.47 kg/patient/day, thus showing... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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A escassez de água para a manutenção dos processos naturais ou para abastecimento humano e em empreendimentos seja em quantidade ou qualidade, corrobora a necessidade e a urgência de comprometimento efetivo de responsabilidade do ser humano com os recursos hídricos e com o ambiente. Falar em Gestão Ambiental (GA), entretanto, especialmente no Brasil, tornou-se lugar comum no discurso de diversos segmentos da sociedade, e em muitos casos desprovido de sentido efetivo. No meio empresarial, ações e discurso ambiental veiculados são reflexo da atuação de diferentes perfis de profissionais, com diferentes tipos de treinamento, e regidos por interesses que nem sempre remontam preocupação com o meio. A regulamentação sobre como devem ser exercida a atuação na área de ambiental, entretanto, bem como monitoramento institucional desta atuação, ainda se encontram em estágio de construção. Mas, a crescente pressão da demanda socioeconômica na iniciativa privada responde por crescente consumo de água e produção de águas residuárias. Para que o desenvolvimento atingido seja sustentável nestes empreendimentos é, portanto, urgente que haja disseminação de informação a gestores ambientais e a comunidade, disponibilizando ferramentas para um gerenciamento mais adequado – com entendimento da situação, de alternativas para amenizar impactos gerados, de como o empreendimento se insere neste cenário e com acompanhamento do desenvolvimento institucional. Assim, este trabalho tem como proposta a produção de material de referência na contextualização da situação dos mecanismos da gestão de recursos hídricos superficiais no estado de São Paulo para empreendimentos, dentro do foco do saneamento básico. Isso foi realizado através de revisão bibliográfica em livros e artigos científicos, teses acadêmicas, levantamento...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The actual work broaches a study about the collection and treatment of sanitary sewage from the municipality of Ubatuba in its operational aspects and the tariff policy from the service. Themes related to the subject like the history of collection and treatment of sewage, its development in Brazil and its importance for public health and environmental preservation, as well as historical and geographical aspects of Ubatuba/SP, are present in the literature review. The methodology consists in guided visit in the colletion and treatment of sewage facilities and interview with technical managers. With the technical data obtained, it is made a discussion of the results and possible recommendations


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Water is an essential element for life. The use of this element, to support the community, defines it as water resource. This feature is being misused and degraded by the dumping of highly contaminated effluents. The impoverishment of its quality poses a risk to human consumption. The necessity to manage this resource, treating the wastewater properly, requires the constant improvement of treatment systems. Another need is to adjust the cost of systems to the demands of communities with less financial clout. This study aimed to adapt and understand the systems of wetlands, improving its efficiency, in an attempt to collaborate with the enrichment of this technology. The practical evidence, with lab-scale prototypes, assembled in ETE Piracicamirim with urban sewage effluent contributed to highlight the problems and operating system design. The bibliographic review showed that several studies had effectiveness for treatment. But it was evident the need for better understanding of dimensioning definitions that better attempted to the answers into the project. Moreover, standardization of system conditions for the specific wastewater treatment is an interesting field, identified, for future studies yet contribute to environmental engineering and sanitation