854 resultados para SALMON SALMO-SALAR
This is the third Annual report of the Cumberland River Authority on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1967, to the end of March 1968. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, which includes periodical surveys, hydrometric schemes, acceptable flows, conservation works and a review of rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes, floods, charges and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Glenderamackin, Marron, Eden, Caldew, and Lyvennet. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Ellen, Derwent and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as fisheries protection and licence duties. The fourth section on pollution deals with water quality, and the results of samples taken from rivers Eden, Eamont, Petteril, Caldew, Calder, Derwent, Ehen, Ellen, Wampool and Waver are also given. It also covers information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Authorities preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the fourth Annual report of the Cumberland River Authority on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1968, to the end of March 1969. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, which includes periodical surveys, hydrometric schemes, acceptable flows, conservation works and a review of rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes, floods, charges and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Marron, Ellen, Eden, Caldew, Esk, Annas, Irt and Glenderamackin. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Ellen, Derwent and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, Brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as fisheries protection and licence duties. The fourth section on pollution covers water quality, and the results of samples taken from rivers Eden, Eamont, Petteril, Caldew, Calder, Derwent, Ehen, Ellen, Wampool and Waver are also given. It also covers information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Authorities preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the fifth Annual report of the Cumberland River Authority on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1969, to the end of March 1970. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, wich includes periodical surveys, hydrometric schemes, acceptable flows, conservation works and a review of rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes, floods, charges and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Derwent, Ellen, Mite, Bleng, Eden, Caldew and Petteril. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Ellen, Derwent and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as fisheries protection and licence duties. The fourth section on pollution deals with water quality, and the results of samples taken from rivers Eden, Eamont, Petteril, Caldew, Calder, Bleng, Derwent, Ehen, Ellen, Wampool and Waver are also given. It also covers information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Authorities preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the sixth Annual report of the Cumberland River Authority on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1970, to the end of March 1971. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, which includes periodical surveys, hydrometric schemes, acceptable flows, conservation works and a review of rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes, floods, charges and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Derwent, Eden, Mite, Bleng, Annas and Irt. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Ellen, Derwent and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as fisheries protection and licence duties. The fourth section on pollution deals with water quality, and the results of samples taken from rivers Eden, Eamont, Petteril, Caldew, Calder, Irt, Derwent, Ehen, Ellen, Wampool and Waver are also given. It also covers information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Authorities preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the seventh Annual report of the Cumberland River Authority on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1971, to the end of March 1972. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, which includes periodical surveys, hydrometric schemes, acceptable flows, conservation works and a review of rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes, floods, charges and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Derwent and Eden. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Ellen, Derwent and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as fisheries protection and licence duties. The fourth section on pollution deals with water quality, and the results of samples taken for chemical analysis from rivers Eden, Eamont, Petteril, Caldew, Calder, Irthing, Esk, Irt, Mite, Derwent, Ehen, Wampool and Waver are also given. It also covers information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Authorities preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the eighth Annual report of the Cumberland River Authority on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1972, to the end of March 1973. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, including periodical surveys, hydrometric schemes, acceptable flows, conservation works and a review of rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes, floods, charges and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Derwent, Eden and Caldew. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Ellen, Derwent and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as fisheries protection and licence duties. The fourth section on pollution deals with water quality, and the results of samples taken for chemical analysis from rivers Eden, Eamont, Leith, Lowther, Lyne, Petteril, Caldew, Calder, Irthing, Esk, Irt, Mite, Derwent, Ehen, Ellen, Annas, Wampool and Waver are also given. It also covers information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Authorities preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the ninth Annual report of the Cumberland River Authority on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1973, to the end of March 1974. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, which includes periodical surveys, hydrometric schemes, acceptable flows, conservation works and a review of rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes, floods, charges and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Glenderamackin and Lyvennet. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Ellen, Derwent and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as fisheries protection and licence duties. The fourth section on pollution deals with water quality, and the results of samples taken for chemical analysis from rivers Eden, Eamont, Leith, Lowther, Lyne, Petteril, Caldew, Calder, Marron, Irthing, Esk, Irt, Mite, Derwent, Ehen, Ellen, Annas, Wampool and Waver are also given. It also covers information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Authorities preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the ninth Annual report of the Cumberland River Board on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1959, to the end of March 1960. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, which includes information on the completion of a gauging station on the River Eden, and an approval for a similar station on the River Derwent. It also gives information on rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Wiza, Ellen, Cocker, Irt, Esk, Annas, Marron, Eden, Eamont, Caldew and Petteril. The fisheries section covers 4 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Derwent and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as re-stocking and fisheries protection. The fourth section on pollution deals with water quality and information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Boards preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the tenth Annual report of the Cumberland River Board on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1960, to the end of March 1961. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, which includes information on the completion of gauging stations on the River Derwent and Eamont, and the building of a similar station on the River Esk. It also gives information on rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Wiza, Ellen, Cocker, Irt, Annas, Mite, Ehen, Marron, Eden, Caldew and Petteril. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Derwent, Ellen and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as re-stocking and fisheries protection. The fourth section on pollution deals with water quality and information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Boards preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the eleventh Annual report of the Cumberland River Board on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1961, to the end of March 1962. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, which includes information on the building of gauging stations, abstraction of water, and rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Wiza, Ellen, Cocker, Irt, Mite, Keekle, Eden, Esk, Caldew and Petteril. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Derwent, Ellen and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, Brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as Byelaws and fisheries protection. The fourth section on pollution deals with water quality and information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Boards preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the twelfth Annual report of the Cumberland River Board on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1962, to the end of March 1963. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, which includes information on the completion of gauging stations, abstraction of water and rainfall. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes, floods and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Wiza, Ellen, Cocker, Greta, Marron, Ehen, Keekle, Esk, Bleng, Mite, Annas, Eden, Caldew and Petteril. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Derwent, Ellen and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as Byelaws and fisheries protection. The fourth section on pollution covers water quality and information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Boards preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the thirteenth Annual report of the Cumberland River Board on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1963, to the end of March 1964. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, which includes information on the completion of gauging stations, abstraction of water and rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes, floods and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Wiza, Derwent, Cocker, Keekle, Marron, Ehen, Irt, Esk, Mite, Lowther, Eden, Caldew and Petteril. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Derwent, Ellen and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as Byelaws and fisheries protection. The fourth section on pollution deals with water quality and information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Boards preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the fourteenth Annual report of the Cumberland River Board on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1964, to the end of March 1965. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, which includes information on the completion of gauging stations, abstraction of water and rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes, floods and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Wiza, Ellen, Cocker, Keekle, Marron, Ehen, Bleng, Esk, Mite, Caldew and Petteril. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Derwent, Ellen and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as Byelaws and fisheries protection. The fourth section on pollution deals with water quality and information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Boards preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the report from the Lune, Wyre and Furness Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 9th December 1974. The report looks at information on the Water Bailiffs establishment, including the organisation and the duties of both the Fisheries Inspector and the Senior Bailiff. It also covers the comments from the Regional Fisheries Officer on the report on 'Coarse Fisheries', and the report by the Unit Fisheries Officer on fisheries activities. This looks at coarse fish salvage and stocking, fisheries management, biological work carried out, which include initial studies of the utilisation of sonic tagging methods in the monitoring of salmon in estuaries, fish mortalities, and the fish monitoring figures for areas on the Rivers Lune and Leven. The last section looks at bank erosion on the River Lune. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the report from the Eden and District Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 13th January 1976. The report contains information on the land drainage representation on local committees, fisheries activities report, salmon stocking on the River Eden, status of Haweswater and Castle Carrock Reservoir, fisheries byelaws, licensing provisions for the River Esk and progress made in implementing the recommendations contained in the 'Taking Stock' publication. The section on fisheries activities reported by area fisheries officers looks at fishing, spawning disease and poaching of migratory fish and coarse fishing. It also contains description of ova obtained at Holmwrange hatchery and provisions of new equipment, biological work carried on Eden and Blackrack Beck and suggestions for new fish counters and traps. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.