988 resultados para Ruy Mauro Marini


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We consider the distribution of entanglement from a multimode optical driving source to a network of remote and independent optomechanical systems. By focusing on the tripartite case, we analyse the effects that the features of the optical input states have on the degree and sharing structure of the distributed, fully mechanical, entanglement. This study, which is conducted looking at the mechanical steady state, highlights the structure of the entanglement distributed among the nodes and determines the relative efficiency between bipartite and tripartite entanglement transfer. We discuss a few open points, some of which are directed towards the bypassing of such limitations.


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We use the theory of quantum estimation in two different qubit-boson coupling models to demonstrate that the temperature of a quantum harmonic oscillator can be estimated with high precision by quantum-limited measurements on the qubit. The two models that we address embody situations of current physical interest due to their connection with ongoing experimental efforts on the control of mesoscopic dynamics. We show that population measurements performed over the qubit probe are near optimal for a broad range of temperatures of the harmonic oscillator.


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We consider a Bell-like inequality performed using various instances of multiphoton entangled states to demonstrate that losses occurring after the unitary transformations used in the nonlocality test can be counteracted by enhancing the size of such entangled states. In turn, this feature can be used to overcome detection inefficiencies affecting the test itself: a slight increase in the size of such states, pushing them towards a more macroscopic form of entanglement, significantly improves the state robustness against detection inefficiency, thus easing the closing of the detection loophole. Differently, losses before the unitary transformations cause decoherence effects that cannot be compensated using macroscopic entanglement.


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We investigate periodic optomechanical arrays as reconfigurable platforms for engineering the coupling between multiple mechanical and electromagnetic modes and for exploring many-body phonon dynamics. Exploiting structural resonances in the coupling between light fields and collective motional modes of the array, we show that tunable effective long-range interactions between mechanical modes can be achieved. This paves the way towards the implementation of controlled phononic walks and heat transfer on densely connected graphs as well as the coherent transfer of excitations between distant elements of optomechanical arrays.


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We combine matter-wave interferometry and cavity optomechanics to propose a coherent matter-light interface based on mechanical motion at the quantum level. We demonstrate a mechanism that is able to transfer non-classical features imprinted on the state of a matter-wave system to an optomechanical device, transducing them into distinctive interference fringes. This provides a reliable tool for the inference of quantum coherence in the particle beam. Moreover, we discuss how our system allows for intriguing perspectives, paving the way to the construction of a device for the encoding of quantum information in matter-wave systems. Our proposal, which highlights previously unforeseen possibilities for the synergistic exploitation of these two experimental platforms, is explicitly based on existing technology, available and widely used in current cutting-edge experiments.


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We introduce a tool for the quantitative characterization of the departure from Markovianity of a given dynamical process. Our tool can be applied to a generic N-level system and extended straightforwardly to Gaussian continuous-variable systems. It is linked to the change of the volume of physical states that are dynamically accessible to a system and provides qualitative expectations in agreement with some of the analogous tools proposed so far. We illustrate its predictive power by tackling a few canonical examples.


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Out-of-equilibrium statistical mechanics is attracting considerable interest due to the recent advances in the control and manipulations of systems at the quantum level. Recently, an interferometric scheme for the detection of the characteristic function of the work distribution following a time-dependent process has been proposed [L. Mazzola et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 (2013) 230602]. There, it was demonstrated that the work statistics of a quantum system undergoing a process can be reconstructed by effectively mapping the characteristic function of work on the state of an ancillary qubit. Here, we expand that work in two important directions. We first apply the protocol to an interesting specific physical example consisting of a superconducting qubit dispersively coupled to the field of a microwave resonator, thus enlarging the class of situations for which our scheme would be key in the task highlighted above. We then account for the interaction of the system with an additional one (which might embody an environment), and generalize the protocol accordingly.


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Soil gas emissions of methane and carbon dioxide on brownfield sites are usually attributed to anthropogenic activities; however geogenic sources of soil gas are often not considered during site investigation and risk management strategies. This paper presents a field study at a redeveloped brownfield site on a flood plain to identify accumulations of methane biogas trapped in underlying sediments. The investigation is based on a multidisciplinary approach using direct multi-level sampling measurements and Earth resistivity tomography . Resistivity imaging was applied to evaluate the feasibility of identifying the size and spatial continuity of soil gas accumulations in anthropogenic and naturally occurring deposits. As a result, biogas accumulations are described within both anthropogenic deposits and pristine organic sediments. This result is important to identify the correct approaches to identify and manage risks associated with soil gas emissions on brownfield and pristine sites. The organic-rich sediments in Quaternary fluvial environments of São Paulo Basin in particular the Tietê River, biogas reservoirs can be generated and trapped beneath geogenic and anthropogenic layers, potentially requiring the management of brownfield developments across this region.


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We report the experimental reconstruction of the nonequilibrium work probability distribution in a closed quantum system, and the study of the corresponding quantum fluctuation relations. The experiment uses a liquid-state nuclear magnetic resonance platform that offers full control on the preparation and dynamics of the system. Our endeavors enable the characterization of the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of a quantum spin from a finite-time thermodynamics viewpoint.


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We consider the dynamics of an array of mutually interacting cavities, each containing an ensemble of N two-level atoms. By exploring the possibilities offered by ensembles of various dimensions and a range of atom-light and photon-hopping values, we investigate the generation of multisite entanglement, as well as the performance of excitation transfer across the array, resulting from the competition between on-site nonlinearities of the matter-light interaction and intersite photon hopping. In particular, for a three-cavity interacting system it is observed that the initial excitation in the first cavity completely transfers to the ensemble in the third cavity through the hopping of photons between the adjacent cavities. Probabilities of the transfer of excitation of the cavity modes and ensembles exhibit characteristics of fast and slow oscillations governed by coupling and hopping parameters, respectively. In the large-hopping case, by seeding an initial excitation in the cavity at the center of the array, a tripartite W state, as well as a bipartite maximally entangled state, is obtained, depending on the interaction time. Population of the ensemble in a cavity has a positive impact on the rate of excitation transfer between the ensembles and their local cavity modes. In particular, for ensembles of five to seven atoms, tripartite W states can be produced even when the hopping rate is comparable to the cavity-atom coupling rate. A similar behavior of the transfer of excitation is observed for a four-coupled-cavity system with two initial excitations.


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Critical phenomena involve structural changes in the correlations of its constituents. Such changes can be reproduced and characterized in quantum simulators able to tackle medium-to-large-size systems. We demonstrate these concepts by engineering the ground state of a three-spin Ising ring by using a pair of entangled photons. The effect of a simulated magnetic field, leading to a critical modification of the correlations within the ring, is analysed by studying two- and three-spin entanglement. In particular, we connect the violation of a multipartite Bell inequality with the amount of tripartite entanglement in our ring.


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We study the competing effects of simultaneous Markovian and non-Markovian decoherence mechanisms acting on a single spin. We show the existence of a threshold in the relative strength of such mechanisms above which the spin dynamics becomes fully Markovian, as revealed by the use of several non-Markovianity measures. We identify a measure-dependent nested structure of such thresholds, hinting at a causality relationship among the various non-Markovianity witnesses used in our analysis. Our considerations are then used to argue the unavoidably non-Markovian evolution of a single-electron quantum dot exposed to both intrinsic and Markovian technical noise, the latter of arbitrary strength. 


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We show that the use of a recently proposed iterative collision model with interenvironment swaps displays a signature of strongly non-Markovian dynamics that is highly dependent on the establishment of system-environment correlations. Two models are investigated: one in which such correlations are canceled iteratively and one in which they are kept all across the dynamics. The degree of non-Markovianity, quantified using a measure based on the trace distance, is found to be much greater for all coupling strengths, when system-environment correlations are maintained.


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We analyse a proposal that we have recently put forward for an interface between matter-wave and optomechanical technologies from the perspective of macroscopic quantumness. In particular, by making use of a measure of macroscopicity in quantum superpositions that is particularly well suited for continuous variables systems, we demonstrate the existence of working points for our interface at which a quantum mechanical superposition of genuinely mesoscopic states is achieved. Our proposal thus holds the potential to affirm itself as a viable atom-to-mechanics transducer of quantum coherences.