985 resultados para Royan (Charente-Maritime)
This paper investigates the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the Channel Islands. It presents a new synthesis of all known evidence from the islands c. 5000-4300 BC, including several new excavations as well as find spot sites that have not previously been collated. It also summarises – in English – a large body of contemporary material from north-west France. The paper presents a new high-resolution sea level model for the region, shedding light on the formation of the Channel Islands from 9000-4000 BC. Through comparison with contemporary sites in mainland France, an argument is made suggesting that incoming migrants from the mainland and the small indigenous population of the islands were both involved in the transition. It is also argued that, as a result of the fact the Channel Islands witnessed a very different trajectory of change to that seen in Britain and Ireland c. 5000-3500 BC, this small group of islands has a great deal to tell us about the arrival of the Neolithic more widely.
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Few studies have examined the effects of temperature on spatial and temporal trends in soil CO2-C emissions in Antarctica. In this work, we present in situ measurements of CO2-C emissions and assess their relation with soil temperature, using dynamic chambers. We found an exponential relation between CO2 emissions and soil temperature, with the value of Q10 being close to 2.1. Mean emission rates were as low as 0.026 and 0.072 g of CO2-C m-2 h-1 for bare soil and soil covered with moss, respectively, and as high as 0.162 g of CO2-C m-2 h-1 for soil covered with grass, Deschampsia antarctica Desv. (Poaceae). A spatial variability analysis conducted using a 60-point grid, for an area with mosses (Sannionia uncianata) and D. antarctica, yielded a spherical semivariogram model for CO2-C emissions with a range of 1 m. The results suggest that soil temperature is a controlling factor on temporal variations in soil CO2-C emissions, although spatial variations appear to be more strongly related to the distribution of vegetation types. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. and NIPR.
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Includes bibliography
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Polar Regions are the most important soil carbon reservoirs on Earth. Monitoring soil carbon storage in a changing global climate context may indicate possible effects of climate change on terrestrial environments. In this regard, we need to understand the dynamics of soil organic matter in relation to its chemical characteristics. We evaluated the influence of chemical characteristics of humic substances on the process of soil organic matter mineralization in selected Maritime Antarctic soils. A laboratory assay was carried out with soils from five locations from King George Island. We determined the contents of total organic carbon, oxidizable carbon fractions of soil organic matter, and humic substances. Two in situ field experiments were carried out during two summers, in order to evaluate the CO2-C emissions in relation to soil temperature variations. The overall low amounts of soil organic matter in Maritime Antarctic soils have a low humification degree and reduced microbial activity. CO2-C emissions showed significant exponential relationship with temperature, suggesting a sharp increase in CO2-C emissions with a warming scenario, and Q10 values (the percentage increase in emission for a 10°C increase in soil temperature) were higher than values reported from elsewhere. The sensitivity of the CO2-C emission in relation to temperature was significantly correlated with the humification degree of soil organic matter and microbial activity for Antarctic soils. © 2012 Antarctic Science Ltd.
Informe de las reuniones subregionales sobre coordinacion de los servicios de busqueda y salvamento maritimo, convocadas por la Organizacion Maritima Internacional y CEPAL: 1) Reunion del Caribe Sur-Central (Kingston, Jamaica, 6-8 octubre de 1982); 2) Reunion del Caribe Oeste (Ciudad de Mexico, 13-15 octubre de 1982); y 3) Reunion del Caribe Sur (Puerto Espana, 8-11 noviembre de 1982).
Presenta las resoluciones adoptadas en la reunion que tuvo por objetivo promover la cooperacion regional, con la colaboracion de organismos internacionales, para enfrentar los problemas maritimos de la region. Incluye lista de participantes y de documentos presentados.
Presenta la organizacion, el resumen de las presentaciones y las resoluciones adoptadas en el seminario que tuvo como objetivo facilitar la aplicacion de un sistema uniforme de estadisticas de transporte maritimo en America Latina y el Caribe.
Presenta los acuerdos propuestos en la reunion, acerca de los limites desde la costa hasta la frontera con los paises vecinos, en lo que se refiere a responsabilidad en los servicios de busqueda y salvamento maritimo en America Central.