952 resultados para Rock magnetism


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Sediment dynamics in limnic, fluvial and marine environments can be assessed by granulometric and rock-magnetic methodologies. While classical grain-size analysis by sieving or settling mainly bears information on composition and transport, the magnetic mineral assemblages reflect to a larger extent the petrology and weathering conditions in the sediment source areas. Here, we combine both methods to investigate Late Quaternary marine sediments from five cores along a transect across the continental slope off Senegal. This region near the modern summer Intertropical Convergence Zone is particularly sensitive to climate change and receives sediments from several aeolian, fluvial and marine sources. From each of the investigated five GeoB sediment cores (494-2956 m water depth) two time slices were processed which represent contrasting climatic conditions: the arid Heinrich Stadial 1 (~ 15 kyr BP) and the humid Mid Holocene (~ 6 kyr BP). Each sediment sample was split into 16 grain-size fractions ranging from 1.6 to 500 µm. Concentration and grain-size indicative magnetic parameters (susceptibility, SIRM, HIRM, ARM and ARM/IRM) were determined at room temperature for each of these fractions. The joint consideration of whole sediment and magnetic mineral grain-size distributions allows to address several important issues: (i) distinction of two aeolian sediment fractions, one carried by the north-easterly trade winds (40-63 µm) and the other by the overlying easterly Harmattan wind (10-20 µm) as well as a fluvial fraction assigned to the Senegal River (< 10 µm); (ii) identification of three terrigenous sediment source areas: southern Sahara and Sahel dust (low fine-grained magnetite amounts and a comparatively high haematite content), dust from Senegalese coastal dunes (intermediate fine-grained magnetite and haematite contents) and soils from the upper reaches of the Senegal River (high fine-grained magnetite content); (iii) detection of partial diagenetic dissolution of fine magnetite particles as a function of organic input and shore distance; (iv) analysis of magnetic properties of marine carbonates dominating the grain-size fractions 63-500 µm.


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Total carbon and carbonate contents, quantitative carbonate mineralogy, trace metal concentrations, and stable isotope compositions were determined on a suite of samples from the Miocene sections at Sites 1006 and 1007. The Miocene section at Site 1007, located at the toe-of-slope, contains a relatively high proportion of bank-derived components and becomes fully lithified at a depth of ~300 meters below seafloor (mbsf). By contrast, Miocene sediments at Site 1006, situated in Neogene drift deposits in the Straits of Florida and composed primarily of pelagic carbonates, do not become fully lithified until a depth of ~675 mbsf. Diagenetic and compositional contrasts between Sites 1006 and 1007 are reflected in geochemical data derived from sediment samples from each site.


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En este trabajo se propone responder al siguiente interrogante: "¿cómo construyen una identidad a través de la corporalidad los músicos de bandas locales de rock del ambiente under?" Para ello se tratará de indagar sobre la visión, prácticas y valores de los músicos de las bandas locales sobre su ambiente y cómo viven ese ambiente a través de las diferentes representaciones corporales que logran construir. Es decir, como montan a través del cuerpo una identidad con marcas características como ser: vestimenta, tatuajes, movimientos corporales, arreglos del cabello, consumo de alcohol y drogas, cuidado del cuerpo, etc. Qué los diferencias de otros ambientes, y que a su vez los hacen propios y muy característicos de su hábitat. La estrategia metodológica elegida para esta propuesta de trabajo que comenzó en el año 2012 y sigue en curso, es de carácter cualitativo (observación y entrevistas), ya que permite recuperar la intencionalidad de los actores, reconocer el contexto en el cual se desarrollan las interacciones y sus diversas actividades. También se están tomando fotografías y videos cortos para un mejor registro y observación analítica de sus prácticas performativas. Se tomó como área de estudio a un conjunto de bares representativos de la ciudad de Posadas: "La Bionda Pub", "La Mexicana Bar", etc. Los casos a tener en cuenta para este trabajo, son músicos de bandas locales de rock con edades que van desde los 14 a los 48 años


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A series of C2-C8 hydrocarbons (including saturated, aromatic, and olefinic compounds) from deep-frozen core samples taken during DSDP Leg 75 (Holes 530A and 532) were analyzed by a combined hydrogen-stripping/thermovaporization method. Concentrations representing both hydrocarbons dissolved in the pore water and adsorbed on the mineral surfaces vary in Hole 530A from about 10 to 15,000 ng/g of dry sediment weight depending on the lithology (organic-carbon-lean calcareous oozes versus "black shales"). Likewise, the organic-carbon-normalized C2-C8 hydrocarbon concentrations vary from 3,500 to 93,100 ng/g Corg, reflecting drastic differences in the hydrogen contents and hence the hydrocarbon potential of the kerogens. The highest concentrations measured of nearly 10**5 ng/g Corg are about two orders of magnitude below those usually encountered in Type-II kerogen-bearing source beds in the main phase of petroleum generation. Therefore, it was concluded that Hole 530A sediments, even at 1100 m depth, are in an early stage of evolution. The corresponding data from Hole 532 indicated lower amounts (3,000-9,000 ng/g Corg), which is in accordance with the shallow burial depth and immaturity of these Pliocene/late Miocene sediments. Significant changes in the light hydrocarbon composition with depth were attributed either to changes in kerogen type or to maturity related effects. Redistribution pheonomena, possibly the result of diffusion, were recognized only sporadically in Hole 530A, where several organic-carbon lean samples were enriched by migrated gaseous hydrocarbons. The core samples from Hole 530A were found to be severely contaminated by large quantities of acetone, which is routinely used as a solvent during sampling procedures on board Glomar Challenger.


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En la década del ochenta, y por varios factores, el universo de sentido (poético/político) del discurso del rock argentino entró en crisis: se difuminaron los límites de lo que había sido una cierta comunidad rockera, el género "conquistó" la masividad en el mercado discográfico y el campo se fragmentó en múltiples tendencias, con diversas estrategias de enunciación. Hacia 1983 se editó el primer disco del grupo Los Twist, La dicha en movimiento, y el objeto de este trabajo será medir su indudable novedad y el valor diferencial que adoptó respecto del contexto que reseñamos. Si bien algunos grupos habían usado ya el humor como recurso (en general, con intención satírica), Los Twist será la primer banda que lo asuma como un programa estético definido; mientras que, por otra parte, llegará incluso a proponer una parodia de su propia imagen "rockera": en este punto, la estrategia paródica no sólo permitirá una distancia irónica, sino que también enfatizará y terminará revelando las líneas centrales que identifican al discurso que se parodia: una actitud ideológica de "contestación", la configuración de un imaginario sobre la juventud como actor social, cierta relación, en fin, con el poder y el mercado de los medios de comunicación