909 resultados para Roca i Junyent, Miquel -- Interviews


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While health-related stigma has been the subject of considerable research in other conditions (obesity and HIV/AIDS), it has not received substantial attention in diabetes. The aim of the current study was to explore the social experiences of Australian adults living with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), with a particular focus on the perception and experience of diabetes-related stigma.

Design A qualitative study using semistructured interviews, which were audio recorded, transcribed and subject to thematic analysis.

Setting This study was conducted in non-clinical settings in metropolitan and regional areas in the Australian state of Victoria. Participants were recruited primarily through the state consumer organisation representing people with diabetes.

Participants All adults aged ≥18 years with T2DM living in Victoria were eligible to take part. Twenty-five adults with T2DM participated (12 women; median age 61 years; median diabetes duration 5 years).

Results A total of 21 (84%) participants indicated that they believed T2DM was stigmatised, or reported evidence of stigmatisation. Specific themes about the experience of stigma were feeling blamed by others for causing their own condition, being subject to negative stereotyping, being discriminated against or having restricted opportunities in life. Other themes focused on sources of stigma, which included the media, healthcare professionals, friends, family and colleagues. Themes relating to the consequences of this stigma were also evident, including participants’ unwillingness to disclose their condition to others and psychological distress. Participants believed that people with type 1 diabetes do not experience similar stigmatisation.

Conclusions Our study found evidence of people with T2DM experiencing and perceiving diabetes-related social stigma. Further research is needed to explore ways to measure and minimise diabetes-related stigma at the individual and societal levels, and also to explore perceptions and experiences of stigma in people with type 1 diabetes


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Most experimental studies examining the use of pre-interview instructions (ground rules) show that children say "I don't know" more often when they have been encouraged to do so when appropriate. However, children's "don't know" responses have not been studied in more applied contexts, such as in investigative interviews. In the present study, 76 transcripts of investigative interviews with allegedly abused children revealed patterns of "don't know" responding, as well as interviewers' reactions to these responses. Instructions to say "I don't know" when appropriate did not affect the frequency with which children gave these responses. Interviewers rejected "don't know" responses nearly 30% of the time, and typically continued to ask about the same topic using more risky questions. Children often answered these follow-up questions even though they had previously indicated that they lacked the requested information. There was no evidence that "don't know" responses indicated reluctance to talk about abuse. Implications for forensic interviewers are discussed.


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Guidelines for conducting investigative interviews with children often include instructions that explain the conversational rules of the interview. Despite the widespread and international use of such instructions (also referred to as "ground rules"), the body of research characterizing children's understanding of these rules and documenting the impact of instruction on memory reports is relatively small. We review the use of ground rules in investigative interviews, the developmental differences that likely underlie children's ability to make sense of these rules, and research pertaining to the effects of the ground rules commonly included in interview guidelines on the reports of 3- to 13-year-old children. We then present a study space analysis concerning the five ground rules reviewed: (a) a statement about interviewer naïveté regarding the target events, (b) instructions to tell the interviewer when a mistake has been made, (c) cautions that some questions may be repeated, and instructions to say (d) "I don't understand" and (e) "I don't know." The results demonstrate obvious gaps in this body of literature, with only the "I don't know" ground rule having received significant attention. In addition to exploring how individual rules impact interview performance, we encourage more process-oriented studies that relate developmental differences in ground rules benefits to the cognitive processes that underlie rule understanding and implementation. Optimally, this research should identify the most suitable format and placement of instruction in interviews and broaden to more often include field studies of child witnesses.


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Background: Sexuality and relationship education for adults with an intellectual disability has failed to include them in roles other than as learners. This paper reports findings from a study of the experiences of peer educators with an intellectual disability who co-facilitated a respectful relationships education program. Method: Qualitative data were collected about the experiences of 16 peer educators through in-depth interviews and observations of their work in delivering the program. These data were thematically analysed. Findings: Peer educators reported that peer education gave them a sense of empowerment, positioned them as credible sources of information about relationships, enabled them to help others, and gave them an opportunity to learn new knowledge about respectful relationships, community resources and supports, and new skills. Conclusions: This study presents an alternative approach to relationship education that involves people with an intellectual disability as peer educators and that benefits these people. © 2014 © 2014 Australasian Society for Intellectual Disability, Inc.


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When job applicants lie in job interviews, they can deprive a more honest candidate of a job and deprive an organisation of the best employees. To better understand job interview faking, the present study examined the effect of general dispositions and domain-specific beliefs on the intention to fake job interviews. A community sample of 313 participants completed measures of personality (i.e., extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness) and self-monitoring, and a domain-specific measure of beliefs about faking job interviews based on the theory of planned behaviour, which measured attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control. Results indicated that the measure of attitudes was the strongest predictor of intention to fake. In line with the compatibility principle, the domain-specific measures based on the theory of planned behaviour correlated much more strongly with intentions to fake job interviews than did the general measures of personality or self-monitoring. Of the dispositional measures, lower conscientiousness, higher neuroticism, and higher self-monitoring was associated with greater intention to fake job interviews. The findings support a model whereby the effect of personality on intentions is partially mediated by domain-specific beliefs.


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OBJECTIVE: To collect information about the pre-flight experiences of unaccompanied asylum seeking children (UASC) in the UK to increase the understanding of support needed on arrival in the UK. METHODS: Retrospective social services case file and legal statement review and semi-structured in-depth interviews with 100 UASC. RESULTS: Nearly half of all UASC have experienced separation from or loss of parents and/or family members (47%), and a further 41% had personally experienced or witnessed violence. Sexual violence (such as rape) was reported by 24% of African girls. Many children reported complex journeys to the UK. CONCLUSIONS: UASC arrive in the UK with a variety of potentially traumatic experiences. Whilst research is starting to identify some of the experiences of UASC, further culturally appropriate research is needed to identify their health and social needs after arrival. Further research will help to identify the specific experiences of UASC, indicating where services should be improved to deal with their complex and diverse needs.


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INTRODUCTION: This study explores what types of information obese individuals search for on the Internet, their motivations for seeking information and how they apply it in their daily lives. METHOD: In-depth telephone interviews with an Australian community sample of 142 individuals with a BMI ≥ 30 were conducted. Theoretical, purposive and strategic samplings were employed. Data were analysed using a constant comparative method. RESULTS: Of the 142 individuals who participated in the study, 111 (78%) searched for information about weight loss or obesity. Of these, about three quarters searched for weight loss solutions. The higher the individual's weight, the more they appeared to search for weight loss solutions. Participants also searched for information about health risks associated with obesity (n = 28), how to prevent poor health outcomes (n = 30) and for peer support forums with other obese individuals (n = 25). Whilst participants visited a range of websites, including government-sponsored sites, community groups and weight loss companies, they overwhelmingly acted upon the advice given on commercial diet websites. However, safe, non-judgemental spaces such as the Fatosphere (online fat acceptance community) provided much needed solidarity and support. CONCLUSIONS: The Internet provides a convenient source of support and information for obese individuals. However, many turn to the same unsuccessful solutions online (e.g. fad dieting) they turn to in the community. Government and community organisations could draw upon some lessons learned in other consumer-driven online spaces (e.g. the Fatosphere) to provide supportive environments for obese individuals that resonate with their health and social experiences, and address their needs.


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Primary health care (PHC) clinicians have an important role to play in addressing lifestyle risk factors for chronic diseases. However they intervene only rarely, despite the opportunities that arise within their routine clinical practice. Beliefs and attitudes have been shown to be associated with risk factor management practices, but little is known about this for PHC clinicians working outside general practice. The aim of this study was to explore the beliefs and attitudes of PHC clinicians about incorporating lifestyle risk factor management into their routine care and to examine whether these varied according to their self reported level of risk factor management.


A cross sectional survey was undertaken with PHC clinicians (n = 59) in three community health teams. Clinicians' beliefs and attitudes were also explored through qualitative interviews with a purposeful sample of 22 clinicians from the teams. Mixed methods analysis was used to compare beliefs and attitudes for those with high and low levels of self reported risk factor management.

Role congruence, perceived client acceptability, beliefs about capabilities, perceived effectiveness and clinicians' own lifestyle were key themes related to risk factor management practices. Those reporting high levels of risk factor screening and intervention had different beliefs and attitudes to those PHC clinicians who reported lower levels.


PHC clinicians' level of involvement in risk factor management reflects their beliefs and attitudes about it. This provides insights into ways of intervening to improve the integration of behavioural risk factor management into routine practice.


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A preocupaçao com a questão da "qualidade e quantidade" no ensino superior no Brasil, e mais, as polêmicas levantadas em torno das funções do Ciclo Básico na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, conduziram ao objetivo de um estudo mais aprofundado, das dificuldades de ensinoaprendizagem sentidas na cadeira de Psicologia I. Uma pesquisa piloto orientou para os aspectos teóricos e metodológicos a serem utilizados. Partiu-se de um referencial teórico, adotando-se Karl Marx, Adam Schaff e Pierre Bourdieu, quando se pretendeu analisar a formação da consciência do homem (sua visão de mundo, de sociedade e de si próprio). A Teoria de Campo de Kurt Lewin foi usada como referencial mais específico à parte referente à aprendizagem. Procurou-se situar o problema num contexto mais amplo, nos 2o e 3o capítulos, com abordagens sobre a expansão do ensino superior no Brasil e um histórico sobre a UFES. O estudo empírico foi realizado em dois semestres letivos. Foram entrevistados professores de Psicologia I com a finalidade de constatar a sua habilitação para a função, sua satisfação profissional e a sua visão de aluno e da disciplina que leciona. Aos alunos do Ciclo Básico foram aplicados questionários e entrevistas visando a coleta de dados sobre: nível sócio-econômico, motivações a respeito da escolha profissional e sua visão da disciplina Psicologia l.Com os mesmos objetivos colheu-se dados, através de questionários, junto aos alunos do Ciclo Profissionalizante. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que, as dificuldades de aprendizagem não se prendiam, essencialmente, ao programa teórico que era desenvolvido como pré-requisito para outras cadeiras de Psicologia, específicas a cada curso profissionalizante. Constatou-se a necessidade de mudanças nos objeti vos e na metodologia a serem adotados pelos professores, de forma a atingir aos alunos (portadores de expectativas, iias, sentimentos, cultura e nível sócio-econômico). Ao final da pesquisa foi proposta uma pedagogia, dirigida à equipe de Psicologia I da UFES.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar os processos de mudanças nos ambientes interno e externo de RECURSOS HUMANOS (sub-divididos em Unidades de Análise - UNAN - especificas, sob os aspectos de Organização, Métodos, Informação e Sistemas ou, simplesmente, O & M -I & S, provocadas pela INFORMÁTICA, na esfera empresarial brasileira. Especificamente, foi realizada uma pesquisa de caráter exploratório junto ao principal responsável pela área de RECURSOS HUMANOS das empresas, que devería, por sua vez, e se quisesse, solicitar a colaboração íntima do profissional responsável pelas políticas de INFORMÁTICA. Em alguns casos os pontos de vista desses profissionais e a visão perceptiva do futuro foram tão conflitantes que resultaram em dois posicionamentos para uma mesma empresa, enriquecendo ainda mais a pesquisa. Em outros momentos o pesquisador atuou como entrevistador, obtendo as colocações reais dos respondentes, fator de uma maior confiabilidade para as réplicas obtidas. O ponto de partida desta tese é o pressuposto de que existiria uma relação intima e uma vinculação subjacente, entre, por um lado as teorias administrativas em geral com as suas inúmeras variáveis (em particular, a sistêmica) e, de outro lado, a epistemologia cibernética, ambas procurando tratar da Organização e dos Métodos de análise e engenharia de manipulação das Informações e estruturação dos Sistemas (OMIS) de uma forma disciplinada e bem pensada. Em resumo, considerando de uma forma ingênua, trata-se do estudo do comportamental versus o instrumental e o que este ocasionou naquele, num período de 20 anos (1980/2000), nos ambientes interno (Ai) e externo (Ae) da Empresa. Os resultados obtidos, bem como os pedidos de profissionais que desejavam participar da pesquisa por dela terem conhecimento através de terceiros, indicaram a crescente consideração por esta forma de estudo, o interesse pelo assunto e, principalmente, o reconhecimento do papel de uma Universidade na criação, desenvolvimento e manutenção de uma consciência comunitária, onde a Empresa desempenha um papel de extrema importância para uma melhor qualidade de vida dos RECURSOS HUMANOS em geral, através da INFORMÁTICA.


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The discussion about the need of improving the reading and the writing practices of professionals from the most different knowledge areas has caused, in Brazilian and foreign institutions of higher education, a movement of insertion of curricula components whose focus is the reading and the writing in academic formation. To contributing with the reflection about that discussion, this master s degree dissertation has as object of study the situated linguistic formation. Our general objective is to analyze a linguistic formation proposal to graduating students from the Bachelor s degree in Science and Technology (BCT) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). To constructing that analysis, we have established four specific objectives: a) verifying if the ten brazilian Institutions of Higher Education which offer the BCT have curricula components of reading and writing directed to that formation; b) describing how these Bachelor s degree reading and writing curricula components are presented; c) examining differences and similarities which, in general, exist among curricula components related to reading and writing in each one of the researched institutions; d) revealing which categories delineate the linguistic formation developed in the BCT of the UFRN. In order to reaching our goals, this work has been based on the dialogical conception of the language (BAKHTIN [1952-1953] 2010), on the literacy studies (KLEIMAN [1995] 2008; TINOCO, 2008) and on the critical pedagogy (FREIRE, 1980; 2007). Methodologically, this qualitative research of ethnographic direction (ANDRÉ, 1995) is grounded in Applied Linguistics (PEREIRA; ROCA, 2009; PASCHOAL; CELANI (Orgs.), 1992). This research has the contribution of professors, scholars and monitors of the field of Reading and Writing Practices (PLE) and also graduating students from the UFRN BCT which had already studied PLE-I and/or PLE-II. The tools used for data collection/generation were: curricula components programs related to reading and writing in the BCT in the researched higher education institutions (IES), questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and profiles. The generated data allowed us to establish the following analysis categories: situationality (real situation, thematic contemporaneity and thematic focalization) and literacy projects (learning community and protagonism). The results achieved show that most IES which offer BCT worry about improving the reading and writing competences of their graduating students; however, there is still a lot to be done (increase of the number of class hours, contents and methodological aspects review, theoretical referential sophistication) so that the curricula components can be configured as a situated and significant linguistic formation. Finally, we make some suggestions for improving the work which has been made in the BCT of the UFRN, making then the mother tongue teaching in courses of the area of exact and technological sciences stronger


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Descreve-se o processo de amostragem para o levantamento das condições de saúde e de vida da população urbana de Botucatu, SP (Brasil), pelo método de entrevistas domiciliárias. Analisa-se a representatividade da amostra, segundo a distribuição percentual da população por estrato e segundo as variáveis sexo e idade. Comparam-se os critérios externos de estratificação sócio-econômica com a renda familiar e per capita das famílias entrevistadas. Comenta-se as dificuldades de operacionalizar o conceito de classe social através de zonas sócio-espaciais, em investigações domiciliares e em estudos epidemiológicos que utilizam dados de registro rotineiros.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)