997 resultados para Relatório anual 1975
In September-October 1982, the Soviet ship "Sebastopolsky Rybak" conducted a cruise on the Sofala Bank in the area between 16°20'S and parallel 19°40'S. Two surveys were made, one from South to North (depth 10-110 meters) and vice versa. The type of coverage used was systematic. The Sofala Bank was divided into seven sub-areas. During this cruise sub-areas 3 and 4 were covered. Sub-area 5 has not been fully covered.
From November 18th to December 17th 1982, the SRTM "Sebastopolsky Rybak" carried out research cruises on the Sofala Bank in the area between 16°20'S and parallel 19°40'S. The authors analyze data collected on biological characteristics, sexual maturity and localization of Penaeus indicus, Metapenaeus monoceros, Penaeus japonicus, Penaeus monodon and Penaeus latisulcatus.
Lake wamala was opened to commercial fishing in 1960. Interviews with the local fishermen during 1975/78 (Okaronon 1975, 1976, 1977, 1989) revealed that fishing for subsistence had been going on long before stocking was done. The subsistence fishing was conducted along rivers and at river mouths using basket traps (mainly made of papyrus stems), weirs and hooks and that the fish species caught were predominantly clarias (mudfish/male) and protopterus Lungfish/Mamba). These interviews did not, however, reveal the presence of tilapiine species in Lake wamala prior to stocking. These interviews did not however reveal the presence of tillapine species in lake wamala prior to stocking. Following the opening of the lake to commercial fishing in 1960, Lake Wamala provided a very profitable commercial fishery throughout the 1960s. However, during the early 1970s the fishermen started complaining of continued decline in catch rates from about 8 kg (15 fish) of O. niloticus per net per night if in 1966 to less than 1 kg per net per night by 1975.
During 1975, two experimental fisheries resource surveys were conducted on lake wamala from 14th to 20th May and 10th to 16th July. The purpose of the experimental fishing on this lake was to provide information required to genrate enough scientific guidelines and advice for rational exploitation, management, development and utilization of the fishery resources in the lake.
This report presents the results of the second (in 1975) fisheries resource survey for Lake Wamala conducted from 10th to 16th July 1975. The first similar survey covered the period 14th to 20th May 1975. The areas sampled consisted of the river-month areas, the papyrus-fringed inshore waters and the open dee offshore waters. In an effort to find the possible major causes of the decline in catch and seasonal disappearance of fish-hence a solution to the problem(s)-a second fisheries resource survey using multifilament nylon gillnets was conducted on Lake Kijanebalola during the period 17th to 21st July 1975. The first survey was similar and covered the period 21st to 27th May 1975.
O relatório de gestão da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura Tropical para 2006, além de atender um requisito normativo da Embrapa, é de grande valiae interesse para gestores e executivos, por permitir a oportunidade de refletir sobre o realizado e as perspectivas de futuro. Importantes ações desenvolvidas pela Unidade estão intimamente vinculadas a uma das exigências do agronegócio: a sustentabilidade econômica, social e ambiental. No caso das fruteiras, destaca-se o desenvolvimento de cultivares e sistemas alternativos de produção além dos Sistemas de Produção Integrada de Frutas - PIF, os quais certamente permitirão inúmeros beneficios para os agentes das cadeias produtivas, seja do ponto de vista comercial ou de melhoria de qualidade das frutas. No caso da mandioca ressalta-se o lançamento de novas cultivares com características desejáveis de produção, resistência à fitossanidade e a ambiente semi-áridos, inclusive biofortificadas bem como o aproveitamento integral da mandioca procurando explorar alternativas inovadoras.
Gestão técnica: mecanismos de gestão; principais resultados de pesquisa alcançados; principais temas de pesquisa em desenvolvimento; perspectivas para futuras tecnologias; Gestão administrativa: Recursos humanos, orçamento e captação de recursos; infra-estrutura, meio ambiente, responsabilidade social, comunicação empresarial, parcerias nacionais e internacionais; reunião do Comitê Acessor Externo (CAE).