627 resultados para Regularity lemma
∗Partially supported by Grant MM 409/94 of the Mininstry of Education, Science and Technology, Bulgaria. ∗∗Partially supported by Grants MM 521/95, MM 442/94 of the Mininstry of Education, Science and Technology, Bulgaria.
We prove that if f is a real valued lower semicontinuous function on a Banach space X and if there exists a C^1, real valued Lipschitz continuous function on X with bounded support and which is not identically equal to zero, then f is Lipschitz continuous of constant K provided all lower subgradients of f are bounded by K. As an application, we give a regularity result of viscosity supersolutions (or subsolutions) of Hamilton-Jacobi equations in infinite dimensions which satisfy a coercive condition. This last result slightly improves some earlier work by G. Barles and H. Ishii.
* This work was completed while the author was visiting the University of Limoges. Support from the laboratoire “Analyse non-linéaire et Optimisation” is gratefully acknowledged.
* The work is partially supported by Grant no. NIP917 of the Ministry of Science and Education – Republic of Bulgaria.
The long-term foetal surveillance is often to be recommended. Hence, the fully non-invasive acoustic recording, through maternal abdomen, represents a valuable alternative to the ultrasonic cardiotocography. Unfortunately, the recorded heart sound signal is heavily loaded by noise, thus the determination of the foetal heart rate raises serious signal processing issues. In this paper, we present a new algorithm for foetal heart rate estimation from foetal phonocardiographic recordings. A filtering is employed as a first step of the algorithm to reduce the background noise. A block for first heart sounds enhancing is then used to further reduce other components of foetal heart sound signals. A complex logic block, guided by a number of rules concerning foetal heart beat regularity, is proposed as a successive block, for the detection of most probable first heart sounds from several candidates. A final block is used for exact first heart sound timing and in turn foetal heart rate estimation. Filtering and enhancing blocks are actually implemented by means of different techniques, so that different processing paths are proposed. Furthermore, a reliability index is introduced to quantify the consistency of the estimated foetal heart rate and, based on statistic parameters; [,] a software quality index is designed to indicate the most reliable analysis procedure (that is, combining the best processing path and the most accurate time mark of the first heart sound, provides the lowest estimation errors). The algorithm performances have been tested on phonocardiographic signals recorded in a local gynaecology private practice from a sample group of about 50 pregnant women. Phonocardiographic signals have been recorded simultaneously to ultrasonic cardiotocographic signals in order to compare the two foetal heart rate series (the one estimated by our algorithm and the other provided by cardiotocographic device). Our results show that the proposed algorithm, in particular some analysis procedures, provides reliable foetal heart rate signals, very close to the reference cardiotocographic recordings. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Mathematics Subject Classification 2010: 26A33, 33E12, 35S10, 45K05.
MSC 2010: 45DB05, 45E05, 78A45
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46A30, 54C60, 90C26.
The logic of ‘time’ in modern capitalist society appears to be a fixed concept. Time dictates human activity with a regularity, which as long ago as 1944, George Woodcock referred to as The Tyranny of the Clock. Seventy years on, Hartmut Rosa suggests humans no longer maintain speed to achieve something new, but simply to preserve the status quo, in a ‘social acceleration’ that is lethal to democracy. Political engagement takes time we no longer have, as we rush between our virtual spaces and ‘non-places’ of higher education. I suggest it’s time to confront the conspirators that, in partnership with the clock, accelerate our social engagements with technology in the context of learning. Through Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) I reveal an alarming situation if we don’t. With reference to Bauman’s Liquid Modernity, I observe a ‘lightness’ in policy texts where humans have been ‘liquified’ Separating people from their own labour with technology in policy maintains the flow of speed a neoliberal economy demands. I suggest a new ‘solidity’ of human presence is required as we write about networked learning. ‘Writing ourselves back in’ requires a commitment to ‘be there’ in policy and provide arguments that decelerate the tyranny of time. I am though ever-mindful that social acceleration is also of our own making, and there is every possibility that we actually enjoy it.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 35S05, 35J60; Secondary 35A20, 35B08, 35B40.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 35S05; Secondary 35A17.
We study the limit behaviour of the sequence of extremal processes under a regularity condition on the norming sequence ζn and asymptotic negligibility of the max-increments of Yn.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60G18, 60E07
2002 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35L80
2002 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35G20, 47H30