798 resultados para Refusal self-efficacy


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Studies have shown family planning adoption is likely to be more effective for women when men are actively involved. The transtheoretical model of behavior change was used to examine men's involvement in general contraception and intrauterine device (IUD) use by their wives. The study was carried out in rural Vietnam with 651 eligible participants. Cons of IUD use for men in precontemplation and contemplation/preparation were significantly higher than those in the action/maintenance stages, whereas the reverse was true for pros of IUD. The self-efficacy for convincing wife to have IUD in precontemplation was significantly lower than for those in higher stages. Women's education and ages, spontaneous recall of modem contraceptive method, cons for IUD, and self-efficacy for contraception and for convincing wives to get IUD inserted (or continue use) were significant predictors of men's readiness to accept IUD. Interventions are targeted to reduce cons and increase self-efficacy for IUD use.


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The present study evaluated the effectiveness of attendance at a clinically based, short-term, in-patient group CBT program largely based on Monti, Abrams, Kadden, and Cooney(1) to treat problem drinking. Participants were 37 males and 34 females diagnosed with alcohol dependence. Patients attended 42 CBT sessions over three weeks, with each session being one hour in duration. Measures included the Khavari Alcohol Test (KAT), the Short Alcohol Dependence Data Questionnaire (SADD), the Beck Anxiety Index (BAI), the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90), a General Self-Efficacy scale (GSE), and the Drinking Expectancy Profile (DEP). Group attendance rates were monitored daily. Two structured phone calls were conducted at one month and three months post-discharge. Results showed that attendance rates at CBT group sessions were not associated with improvements found at the end of therapy or in drinking behaviors at three-month follow-up. Full support could not be found for the effectiveness of group CBT and cognitive models of problem drinking.


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Time period analysis was used in an international sample of clients ( N = 106) to demonstrate that cognitive - behavioral therapy (CBT) for panic disorder is associated with specific changes in both negative and positive cognitions during the treatment period. In the first 6 weeks of the treatment phase, working alliance failed to predict changes in panic severity, whereas changes in panic self-efficacy and catastrophic misinterpretation of bodily sensations predicted rapid symptom relief. In the last 6 weeks of treatment, higher doses of CBT were associated with further changes in positive and negative cognitions. The findings can be interpreted as suggesting that the role of the working alliance in CBT for panic disorder is to facilitate cognitive change.


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This study tested the utility of a stress and coping model of employee adjustment to a merger Two hundred and twenty employees completed both questionnaires (Time 1: 3 months after merger implementation; Time 2: 2 years later). Structural equation modeling analyses revealed that positive event characteristics predicted greater appraisals of self-efficacy and less stress at Time 1. Self-efficacy, in turn, predicted greater use of problem-focused coping at Time 2, whereas stress predicted a greater use of problem-focused and avoidance coping. Finally, problem-focused coping predicted higher levels of job satisfaction and identification with the merged organization (Time 2), whereas avoidance coping predicted lower identification.


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Aim To test whether addition of moderation-orientated cue exposure (CE) or CE after dysphoric mood induction ( emotional CE, ECE) improved outcomes above those from cognitive-behaviour therapy alone (CBT) in people who drank when dysphoric. Design Multi-site randomized controlled trial comparing CBT with CBT + CE and CBT + ECE. Setting Out-patient rooms in academic treatment units in Brisbane and Sydney, Australia. Participants People with alcohol misuse and problems controlling consumption when dysphoric (n = 163). Those with current major depressive episode were excluded. Intervention Eight weekly 75-minute sessions of individual treatment for alcohol problems were given to all participants, with CBT elements held constant across conditions. From session 2, CBT + CE participants resisted drinking while exposed to alcohol cues, with two priming doses of their preferred beverage being given in some sessions. After an initial CE session, CBT + ECE participants recalled negative experiences before undertaking CE, to provide exposure to emotional cues of personal relevance. Measurements Alcohol consumption, related problems, alcohol expectancies, self-efficacy and depression. Results Average improvements were highly significant across conditions, with acceptable maintenance of effects over 12 months. Both treatment retention and effects on alcohol consumption were progressively weaker in CBT + CE and CBT + ECE than in CBT alone. Changes in alcohol dependence and depression did not differ across conditions. Conclusions These data do not indicate that addition of clinic-based CE to standard CBT improves outcomes. A different approach to the management of craving may be required.


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The authors evaluate a model suggesting that the performance of highly neurotic individuals, relative to their stable counterparts, is more strongly influenced by factors relating to the allocation of attentional resources. First, an air traffic control simulation was used to examine the interaction between effort intensity and scores on the Anxiety subscale of Eysenck Personality Profiler Neuroticism in the prediction of task performance. Overall effort intensity enhanced performance for highly anxious individuals more so than for individuals with low anxiety. Second, a longitudinal field study was used to examine the interaction between office busyness and Eysenck Personality Inventory Neuroticism in the prediction of telesales performance. Changes in office busyness were associated with greater performance improvements for highly neurotic individuals compared with less neurotic individuals. These studies suggest that highly neurotic individuals outperform their stable counterparts in a busy work environment or if they are expending a high level of effort.


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The authors investigated sunbathing behavior and intention prospectively using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Before summer, 85 young adults who intended to sunbathe completed a TPB questionnaire. After summer, 46 of them completed a second questionnaire about their summertime sunbathing behavior The proposed model was successful in predicting both behavior and intention to use sun protection, with 45% of the variance of self-reported sunscreen use and 32% of the variance in intention explained by the TPB. Items designed to measure self-efficacy and perceived control loaded onto different factors and demonstrated discriminant validity. Self-efficacy predicted both intention and behavior (after controlling for all other TPB variables), but perceived behavioral control did not. The authors discuss the implications of the findings for potential interventions to improve sun protection behavior.


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An assumption of theory-based physical activity interventions is that active participation positively affects the theoretical constructs upon which the intervention is based. This assumption is rarely tested. This study assessed whether participation, defined as completion of homework, in a lifestyle physical activity intervention was associated with changes over 6 months in constructs the homework addressed: the behavioral and cognitive processes of change, self-efficacy, and decisional balance (the pros and cons). Participants were 244 sedentary adults aged 25 to 75 years. They completed an average of 12 of 20 homework assignments. Those completing at least two-thirds of the homework (n = 113) had greater changes in the theoretical constructs from pretest to posttest than those completing less (n = 90). Post-hoc analyses suggest that completing theory-based homework may impact the processes of change and self-efficacy in lifestyle physical activity interventions and, therefore, are warranted in future interventions.


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This study explores the theoretical and empirical distinction between developmental leadership and supportive leadership, which are currently encompassed in a single sub dimension of transformational leadership, individualized consideration. Items were selected to assess these constructs, and hypotheses regarding the differential effects of developmental and supportive leadership were proposed. Confirmatory factor analyses provided support for the proposed distinction between developmental and supportive leadership, although these leadership factors were very strongly associated. Structural equation modelling and multi-level modelling results indicated that both developmental leadership and supportive leadership displayed unique relationships with theoretically selected outcome measures. Developmental leadership displayed significantly stronger relationships with job satisfaction, career certainty, affective commitment to the organization and role breadth self-efficacy than did supportive leadership. Results provide initial evidence in support of the discriminant validity of these two types of leadership. Discussion focuses on the need to further examine the construct of developmental leadership.


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This study examined employee readiness for fine-tuning changes and for corporate transformation changes. It was proposed that employees would report different degrees of readiness for these two types of change and that different variables would be associated with readiness for the two types of change. Results of regression analyses indicated that trust in peers and logistics and system support displayed strong positive relationships with readiness for fine-tuning changes, while trust in senior leaders and self-efficacy displayed strong positive relationships with readiness for corporate transformation changes. The implications of this study focus on the appropriateness of traditional change management strategies in light of findings that multiple change readiness attitudes exist within an organization.


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Due to the growing popularity of goal setting programs within organisations, an understanding of the mechanisms underlying the dynamic regulation of performance is paramount (Williams, Donovan, & Dodge, 2000). Goals serve as standards or referents by which behaviour is directed and evaluated. Whilst their importance is well established in the existing literature (e.g. Locke & Latham, 1990), more recent research has highlighted the potential importance of goal-performance discrepancies. Moreover, the relationship between goal-performance discrepancies and outcomes such as self-efficacy and personal goals appears to vary between people (Schmidt & Chambers, 2002). Of interest in the current study was how these relationships were impacted by goal orientation. Ninety-seven participants completed 30 two-minute trials of an Air Traffic Control task. Task specific goal orientation was measured prior to commencement of the task and measures of self-efficacy and personal task goals were taken at each trial to assess the within-person relationships between goal performance discrepancies and each of these dependant variables, as well as the moderating effects of goal orientations on these relationships. Analysis supported the existence of a positive relationship between goal-performance discrepancies and outcome variables, with performance-approach and –avoidance orientations significantly moderating these associations. Implications and future directions are discussed.


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The rapid uptake of mobile devices has created the capacity to provide services to consumers while they are on the move, and new mobile services (m-services) are constantly emerging. In past research, personal attributes have been found to be important in the adoption and use of information and communication technology. However, little research has been conducted in the area of m-services. To explore factors influencing the use of these services, this paper examines personal attributes in terms of motivational, attitudinal and demographic characteristics. Specifically, it investigates the influence of innovativeness, self- efficacy, involvement and impulsiveness, as well as age and gender on m-services use. Data were collected from a convenience sample of 250 respondents using an online survey and a modified snowball procedure. Age and gender were quite well balanced in the sample. The multiple regression model was significant and the hypotheses relating to the positive relationship between impulsiveness, involvement and gender and m-services were supported. Findings are discussed, further implications for managers are suggested and directions for future research are proposed.


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Os ativos intangíveis receberam atenção especial de estudiosos nos últimos anos, no contexto organizacional de gestão de pessoas, visto que foram desenvolvidas propostas teóricas para compreendê-los e mensurá-los. Ancorados nesta linha de investigação, encontram-se o capital humano e o capital psicológico. Enquanto o capital humano representa o que os trabalhadores sabem fazer, o capital psicológico compreende um estado mental positivo composto por autoeficácia, esperança, otimismo e resiliência. Este estudo teve, como objetivo geral, analisar as relações entre capital humano e capital psicológico. Tratou-se de um estudo quantitativo do qual participaram 60 trabalhadores, estudantes do último período do Curso de Administração, com idade média de 23,85 anos, sendo a maioria do sexo feminino, solteira e empregada. Os dados para o estudo foram coletados em salas de aula de uma universidade particular, situada na Região do Grande ABC, por meio de um instrumento auto aplicável, contendo uma medida intervalar de capital psicológico com 12 itens, validada para o Brasil, e uma de capital humano com seis questões, sendo duas para medir a dimensão experiência e quatro para aferir educação. Foi criado um banco eletrônico, o qual foi submetido a análises descritivas e de correlação (r de Pearson) por meio do SPSS, versão 19.0. Os resultados revelaram que os participantes detinham um capital humano representado por 4,38 anos médios de experiência de trabalho , e que a maioria (75%) havia revelado possuir no máximo cinco anos neste quesito. Quanto à dimensão educação do capital humano, a maioria (96,70%) não havia concluído nenhum curso de graduação, se dedicou entre 11 a 20 anos aos estudos (81,60%), não realizou intercâmbios de estudos (93%), enquanto 86,70% já incluíram, em seu currículo acadêmico, atividades complementares previstas no Plano Pedagógico do Curso de Administração que cursavam, bem como 73,30% realizaram entre um a três estágios curriculares. As análises indicaram um escore mediano de capital psicológico, acentuado pela dificuldade dos participantes para reconhecerem que estavam em uma fase de sucesso no trabalho e de conseguirem enxergar o lado brilhante das coisas relativas ao trabalho. Ao se investigar as relações entre o capital humano e capital psicológico não foram encontradas correlações significativas. Diante de tais resultados, pareceu provável que os participantes do estudo, por serem predominantemente jovens trabalhadores que ainda não concluíram um curso de graduação, embora tivessem em seu percurso de vida mais de 10 anos dedicados aos estudos e trabalhado por volta de cinco anos em média, ainda não reconheciam, em si, a presença de um consistente capital humano nem psicológico. A ausência de relação observada entre os dois ativos intangíveis preconizados por teóricos como importantes, para que o trabalhador pudesse contribuir com a empresa no alcance de suas metas, pareceu revelar que ainda eram necessários mais estudos e desenvolvimento de teorização, para sustentar não somente as hipóteses acerca de ativos intangíveis, como também permitir identificar a relação de dependência que pudesse existir entre as categorias de capital humano e psicológico.


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As questões do desenvolvimento humano desde tempos remotos são de interesse das diversas áreas do conhecimento. Tendo em vista o aumento da expectativa de vida, as questões relacionadas ao processo de envelhecimento ganharam importância, principalmente no que tange às políticas de saúde. A saúde é preocupação central no campo do envelhecimento, uma vez que problemas de saúde podem acarretar diversas dificuldades para os idosos e para suas famílias. Este estudo teve por objetivo buscar identificar as associações entre percepções de suporte social e autoeficácia em idosos. Suporte social e autoeficácia são variáveis estudadas em contextos diversos. Estudos revelam que ambas são capazes de colaborar para proteger e promover saúde. Suporte social diz respeito ao grupo de informações que leva o indivíduo a acreditar que é valorizado, amado e estimado e que o faz sentir-se pertencente a uma rede social de comunicação recíproca. Autoeficácia pode ser definida como o conjunto de crenças que o indivíduo tem sobre suas capacidades para organizar e executar ações para o cumprimento de tarefas específicas. Portanto, identificar a existência de associações entre as percepções de suporte social e autoeficácia pode contribuir para dar maior solidez aos conhecimentos já existentes sobre esses temas e sobre o processo de envelhecimento. Participaram do estudo 61 idosos de ambos os sexos, com idade média de 67 anos, com grau de escolaridade que variou entre ensino fundamental até pós-graduação e participantes em ações de promoção à saúde. Todos foram voluntários e autorizaram sua participação por meio da assinatura de termo de consentimento. A coleta de dados foi feita mediante a aplicação de questionário contendo escalas para avaliar os construtos, além de questões para caracterização dos participantes. Os dados foram analisados eletronicamente por meio do cálculo de frequências, percentuais, médias e desvios padrão. Para se testar a hipótese, foi calculada a correlação (r de Pearson) entre as variáveis do estudo. Entre os resultados obtidos, a percepção de suporte social, tanto na dimensão emocional quanto na dimensão prática, para os idosos participantes deste estudo, é de que muitas vezes são amados, cuidados, estimados, valorizados e, que pertencem a uma rede de comunicação e obrigações mútuas. Em se tratando da percepção da autoeficácia, constatou-se que esses participantes possuem crenças de que às vezes é verdade que são eficazes e que conseguem organizar e executar ações para o cumprimento de tarefas específicas. Aponta-se ainda que não existem correlações significativas entre percepção de suporte social e autoeficácia, ou seja, os níveis de percepção de suporte social não variam proporcionalmente à variação das crenças de autoeficácia em idosos. Isto significa dizer que para estes participantes, não seria eficaz investir em melhorias do suporte social, pois isto não teria impacto em suas crenças de autoeficácia. Indica-se a realização de novas pesquisas com idosos não participantes de ações de promoção à saúde, pois se pode pensar que idosos não engajados nestes tipos de ações poderiam necessitar de maior suporte social e assim, terem suas crenças de autoeficácia associadas à sua percepção de suporte social.


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Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar e descrever associações entre bem-estar subjetivo, construto formado por satisfação geral com a vida e afetos positivos e negativos,e autoeficáciapara abstinência de drogas em dependentes de cocaína/crack em processo de abstinência. Utilizou, para avaliar as variáveis, as Escalas de Afetos Positivos e Negativos, de Satisfação Geral com a Vida, de Autoeficácia para Abstinência de Drogas, de Avaliação para Mudança da Universidade de Rhode Island e um questionário de dados sócio-demográficos e socioculturais. Participaram 70 homens, dependentes de cocaína/crack, jovens e de baixa escolaridade.Eram pessoas de rendimentos de até três salários mínimos (63%), que foram internadas mais de uma vez (65%), autodeclaradas abstinentes no momento da coleta dos dados. Os participantes possuíam níveis médiosde autoeficácia para abstinência de drogas, níveis baixos de bem-estar subjetivo, e estavam satisfeitos com suas vidas. Cálculos de correlação de Pearson revelaram que não há associação entre bem-estar subjetivoe autoeficácia para abstinência de drogas, entre prontidão para mudança no consumo de drogas e bem-estar subjetivo, nem entre prontidão para mudança no consumo de drogas eautoeficácia para abstinência de drogas. Resultados de análise de variância revelaram que não houve diferençasnos níveis de bem-estar subjetivo entreos diferentes os agrupamentos de prontidão para mudanças nem entre as médias de autoeficácia para abstinência de drogas entre os diferentes agrupamentos de prontidão para mudanças no consumo de drogas. A discussão abordou os resultados diante do fato de a internação dos participantes ter sido involuntária ou voluntária, do tempo de internação, do seu estágio de prontidão para mudar seu comportamento de consumo de drogas e das características de seu grupo de abstinência diante da literatura da área. Finalmente, apontou, em conclusão, limitações e agenda de pesquisa futura.