898 resultados para Rear wing
Over the last years, in a context of international tax competition, international and regional institutions such as the G20, the OECD, and the European Union are redefining what is acceptable in terms of corporate fiscal policy. Certain Swiss preferential tax treatments are considered by the above-mentioned institutions as harmful tax practices. As a consequence, the Swiss government has planned a third corporate tax reform (CTR III). The objective of this reform is to ensure international acceptability of the corporate tax system without prejudicing local public finances and Swiss corporate tax attractiveness. Therefore, we can posit that the CTR III is an internationalized object influenced by both regulation trends and tax competition framework. The main purpose of this paper is to provide elements of answer on how the currently discussed CTR III is influenced by the international environment, by focusing on its content as well as the reactions and positions of local stakeholders. With the help of internationalization literature, two distinct internationalization processes have been identified through the propositions of compliance measures with internationally-defined standards and competitiveness-enhancing measures. With regard to the configuration of local actors, the degree of conflict seems to be rather high. The current content of the reform is supported by the business community and right-wing parties and rejected by the unions and the Socialist Party.
This paper explores the construction of female abject beings in Colombian contemporary media and culture comparing a character in the 2010 telenovela Chepe Fortuna named Venezuela, and the cultural representation of Piedad Córdoba. I argue that the construction of these two characters as abject beings is coherent with the dominant discourse of Alvaro Uribe's national project, which relied on a strong nationalist rhetoric based on binary oppositions of the type "we/other." In this context both Chepe Fortuna's Venezuela and Piedad Córdoba are constructed as "other." While Venezuela's abjection is partly effected on the basis of her being fat and black, Córdoba's is on the basis of her being a left-wing politician, and mediated through her being a black female. These two instances evidence an approach to femaleness that goes hand-in-hand with particular understandings of female subjectivity within current post-feminist paradigms.
Integraatio on ajankohtainen aihe, koska Suomeen tulee jatkuvasti lisää maahanmuuttajia. Integroituminen tapahtuu vuorovaikutuksessa suomalaisten ja maahanmuuttajien välillä. Suomeen muutti 1990-luvun alusta lähtien somalialaisia turvapaikanhakijoita. Minua kiinnostaa tietää, miten he ovat integroituneet Suomessa. Opinnäytetyöni tavoitteena on hahmottaa, miten somalialaiset naiset ovat löytäneet täältä oman paikkansa ja miten he ovat ystävystyneet suomalaisten kanssa. Opinnäytetyössäni käytän perustana kulttuuri-identiteetin mallia, jonka ovat kehittäneet psykologian professorit Derald Wing Sue ja David Sue. Tässä mallissa integraatiota tarkastellaan prosessina yksilön kulttuuri-identiteetin kehityksen kannalta. Mallin mukaan vähemmistöryhmän jäsen elää elämässään erilaisia kehitysvaiheita, joista integraatiovaihetta pidetään optimaalisena. Työni on kvalitatiivinen ja aineistoni olen kerännyt haastatellen somalialaisia naisia. Haastattelukysymykset olen laatinut teemoittain, joiden perustana on kulttuuri-identiteetin mallin mukaiset kehitysvaiheeet. Haastattelin kolmea somalialaista naista pääkaupunkiseudulla suomen kielellä. Haastateltavat sain käyttäen lumipallo-otantaa. Analyysimenetelminä käytin sisällön analyysia. Suomessa asuessaan haastateltavilla naisilla oli ollut muutoksia kulttuuri-identiteetissään. Lapsina he olivat kokeneet olevansa kahden kulttuurin välissä, koulussa suomalaisina ja kotona somalialaisina. Yläasteella he ystävystyivät somalialaisten nuorten kanssa. Silloin he alkoivat myös pohtimaan omaa identiteettiään ja tulivat siihen tulokseen, että he ovat somalialaisia.Työelämässä ja vapaa-aikana he eivät olleet löytäneet suomalaisia ystäviä. He sanoivat, että somalialainen ja suomalainen kulttuuri ovat hyvin erilaisia. Haastattelussa he kertoivat myös monista syrjintäkokemuksista, joita heillä oli ollut koulussa. He tunsivat olevansa jäseninä suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa sekä somaliyhteisössä. Haastateltavat kokivat kollektiivisen kulttuurin merkityksen erittäin tärkeänä. Islamin uskonto ja heidän perheensä olivat vahvoina tukipilareina heidän elämässään. Kulttuuri-identiteetin mallin mukaiset kehitysvaiheet voisivat olla työvälineenä esimerkiksi sosionomeille työskennellessään maahanmuuttajien kanssa. Koska maahanmuuttajat tarvitsevat erityistä tukea identiteettinsä rakentamisessa integroituessaan uuteen kulttuuriin.
Cette thèse étudie l'engagement des intellectuels de gauche dans la vie politique suisse, de 1945 à 1968. D'une part, il s'agit de retracer l'évolution du statut des intellectuels, que ce soit dans ou hors des partis. D'autre part, il est question d'analyser les débats politiques au sein desquels ces intellectuels furent impliqués, et la manière dont ces débats suscitèrent des clivages entre eux. De ce point de vue, nous mettons en lumière les différents courants et groupes formés par les intellectuels progressistes, souvent structurés autour de revues ; il s'agit aussi bien d'étudier l'engagement de personnalités sociales-démocrates que des communistes prosoviétiques, sans oublier les chrétiens pacifistes ou les intellectuels proches de la gauche radicale antistalinienne. S'agissant de l'évolution du statut des acteurs étudiés, ce travail souligne le déclin de la figure de l'intellectuel de gauche organiquement lié à son parti, souvent issu du milieu ouvrier, au profit d'intellectuels critiques, généralement au bénéfice d'une formation académique et revendiquant une certaine autonomie par rapport aux organisations politiques. Du point de vue des débats politiques, l'engagement des intellectuels de gauche est envisagé à la lumière de trois périodes. Tout d'abord, nous étudions la phase de l'immédiat après-guerre (1945-1949), marquée par une poussée de la gauche, y compris prosoviétique, qui met en cause le conservatisme politique issu des années de Mobilisation. Nous étudions ensuite les années les plus tendues de la guerre froide, entre 1950 et 1962, durant lesquelles la vie politique et intellectuelle en Suisse est dominée par un fort anticommunisme, auquel se rallient les dirigeants du Parti socialiste. Pourtant, l'engagement de certains intellectuels progressistes, en particulier dans le mouvement pacifiste, met en cause le consensus politique de guerre froide. Enfin, dans une troisième partie, nous montrons comment la critique intellectuelle de gauche se renforce après 1962, à la faveur de la détente Est-Ouest sur le plan international, et avec l'essor, en Suisse même, du mouvement des « non- conformistes ». Ce mouvement est animé par des intellectuels qui dénoncent le conservatisme helvétique, les excès de l'anticommunisme ou qui affirment leur solidarité avec les travailleurs immigrés en Suisse, aussi bien qu'avec les mouvements sociaux dans les pays du tiers-monde. Nous montrons en particulier comment l'engagement de ces intellectuels progressistes contribue à préparer le terrain pour les mobilisations de la jeunesse qui surviendront dans les « années 1968 ». -- This thesis adresses the political commitment of left-wing intellectuals in Switzerland between 1945 and 1968. It aims, on the one hand, to examine how the status of intellectuals developed within and outside of political parties. On the other hand, it endeavours to understand the political debates that involved and sometimes split these intellectuals. In this intent, we examine the various political orientations and formations that brought left-wing intellectuals together - often around dedicated periodicals - such as the Social-democratic, the Communist, the Christian Progressist or the anti-Stalinist Marxist movements. Regarding the evolving status of left-wing opinion leaders, we observe the decline of the organic, party-affiliated intellectuals - often from a working class background. By contrast, critical academics - left-wing oriented but.not directly linked to a political formation - became prevailing figures. Concerning left-wing intellectuals' involvement in the political debate, we differentiate three historical periods. Firstly, the immediate postwar years (1945-1949) were characterised by the strengthening of a left-wing faction, including pro-Soviet forces, which criticized the conservative political consensus built up during the War. Secondly, during the most tense years of the Cold War (1950-1962), the Swiss political and intellectual life became widely dominated by a strong anticommunism, supported by the Social-Democratic leaders. Still, the commitment of certain progressist intellectuals, particularly in the pacifist movement, called into question the political consensus resulting from the Cold War. This questioning strengthened after 1962, in the context of the Détente, corresponding to the rise of the "non-conformist" movement. This movement stemmed from progressist intellectuals, who criticized the Swiss conservatism, and the excesses of official anticommunism, while declaring their solidarity with immigrant workers or with the social movements in the Third World. We show in particular how these intellectuals paved the way for the youth mobilization due to occur in the "1968 years".
The subdivision of cell populations in compartments is a key event during animal development. In Drosophila, the gene apterous (ap) divides the wing imaginal disc in dorsal vs ventral cell lineages and is required for wing formation. ap function as a dorsal selector gene has been extensively studied. However, the regulation of its expression during wing development is poorly understood. In this study, we analyzed ap transcriptional regulation at the endogenous locus and identified three cis-regulatory modules (CRMs) essential for wing development. Only when the three CRMs are combined, robust ap expression is obtained. In addition, we genetically and molecularly analyzed the trans-factors that regulate these CRMs. Our results propose a three-step mechanism for the cell lineage compartment expression of ap that includes initial activation, positive autoregulation and Trithorax-mediated maintenance through separable CRMs.
This study analyzes the capillarity and fibre-type distribution of six locomotory muscles of gulls. The morphological basis and the oxygen supply characteristics of the skeletal muscle of a species with a marked pattern of gliding flight are established, thus contributing to a better understanding of the physiology of a kind of flight with low energetic requirements. The four wing muscles studied (scapulotriceps, pectoralis, scapulohumeralis, and extensor metacarpi) exhibited higher percentages of fast oxidative glycolytic fibres (>70%) and lower percentages of slow oxidative fibres (<16%) than the muscles involved in nonflight locomotion (gastrocnemius and iliotibialis). Capillary densities ranged from 816 to 1,233 capillaries mm(-2), having the highest value in the pectoralis. In this muscle, the fast oxidative glycolytic fibres had moderate staining for succinate dehydrogenase and relatively large fibre sizes, as deduced from the low fibre densities (589-665 fibres mm(-2)). All these findings are seen as an adaptive response for gliding, when the wing is held outstretched by isometric contractions. The leg muscles studied included a considerable population of slow oxidative fibres (>14% in many regions), which suggests that they are adapted to postural activities. Regional variations in the relative distributions of fibre types in muscle gastrocnemius may reflect different functional demands placed on this muscle during terrestrial and aquatic locomotion. The predominance of oxidative fibres and capillary densities under 1,000 capillaries mm(-2) in leg muscles is probably a consequence of an adaptation for slow swimming and maintenance of the posture on land rather than for other locomotory capabilities, such as endurance or sprint activities.
PURPOSE: Pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) has two common histologic subtypes: embryonal (ERMS) and alveolar (ARMS). PAX-FOXO1 fusion gene status is a more reliable prognostic marker than alveolar histology, whereas fusion gene-negative (FN) ARMS patients are clinically similar to ERMS patients. A five-gene expression signature (MG5) previously identified two diverse risk groups within the fusion gene-negative RMS (FN-RMS) patients, but this has not been independently validated. The goal of this study was to test whether expression of the MG5 metagene, measured using a technical platform that can be applied to routine pathology material, would correlate with outcome in a new cohort of patients with FN-RMS. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Cases were taken from the Children's Oncology Group (COG) D9803 study of children with intermediate-risk RMS, and gene expression profiling for the MG5 genes was performed using the nCounter assay. The MG5 score was correlated with clinical and pathologic characteristics as well as overall and event-free survival. RESULTS: MG5 standardized score showed no significant association with any of the available clinicopathologic variables. The MG5 signature score showed a significant correlation with overall (N = 57; HR, 7.3; 95% CI, 1.9-27.0; P = 0.003) and failure-free survival (N = 57; HR, 6.1; 95% CI, 1.9-19.7; P = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: This represents the first, validated molecular prognostic signature for children with FN-RMS who otherwise have intermediate-risk disease. The capacity to measure the expression of a small number of genes in routine pathology material and apply a simple mathematical formula to calculate the MG5 metagene score provides a clear path toward better risk stratification in future prospective clinical trials. Clin Cancer Res; 21(20); 4733-9. ©2015 AACR.
Interest in public accountability and government transparency is increasing worldwide. The literature on the determinants of transparency is evolving but is still in its early stages. So far, it has typically focused on national or regional governments while neglecting the local government level. This paper builds on the scarce knowledge available in order to examine the economic, social, and institutional determinants of local government transparency in Spain. We draw on a 2010 survey and the transparency indexes constructed by the NGO Transparency International (Spain) in order to move beyond the fiscal transparency addressed in previous work. In so doing, we broaden the analysis of transparency to the corporate, social, fiscal, contracting, and planning activities of governments. Our results on overall transparency indicate that large municipalities and left-wing local government leaders are associated with better transparency indexes; while the worst results are presented by provincial capitals, cities where tourist activity is particularly important and local governments that enjoy an absolute majority. The analysis of other transparency categories generally shows the consistent impact of these determinants and the need to consider a wider set of variables to capture their effect.
El present treball es centra en l’estudi de les situacions de superioritat numèrica generades al llarg de la temporada 2013-2014 de l’equip Juvenil A del Futbol Club Barcelona. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és esbrinar quina incidència té el sistema de joc 1-4-3-3 en la creació d’aquestes situacions ofensives en el joc de l’equip. Per tal d’enregistrar múltiples situacions de joc i diferenciar la seva complexitat, s’han establert tres variables d’estudi: la zona del camp on es crea la superioritat numèrica (dividint el camp en 12 zones), el tipus de superioritat produïda (2 contra 1, 3 contra 1, 3 contra 2, 4 contra 2 i 4 contra 3), i la freqüència d’interacció dels jugadors en les situacions de superioritat en relació al networking (jugadors que intervenen en les situacions de superioritat per tal de poder establir relacions entre posicions del sistema de joc 1-4-3-3). El mètode utilitzat és notacional (ja que s’enregistra la freqüència en què succeeix un fenomen a partir d’unes taules creades especialment per l’enregistrament de dades), on fent ús de la proposta de Gréhaigne (2001) s’analitzen 8 partits al llarg de la temporada 2013-2014. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que es produeixen més superioritats a les zones 4 i 6 (20,37% respectivament), seguides de les zones 7 (14,81%) i 5 (13,89%). El major tipus de superioritat ha estat el 2 contra 1 (48,15%) seguit del 3 contra 2 (39,81%). La interacció més freqüent entre jugadors en les situacions de 2 contra 1 ha estat: lateral dret i central dret (26,92%) i lateral esquerre i central esquerre (21,15%). En les situacions de tres jugadors (3 contra 1) ha estat: entre el central dret, central esquerre i el pivot (28,57%) i entre el central dret, el lateral dret i el pivot (28,75%). En les situacions de 3 contra 2: lateral dret, l’interior dret i l’extrem dret (18,60%) i entre el central esquerre, el lateral esquerre i l’interior esquerre (18,60%). Pel que fa a les situacions de 4 contra 2 no se n’ha produït cap, i les de 4 contra 3 hi ha una igualtat entre diverses posicions(16,67%), però no s’observen dades molt significatives en quan a la intervenció, excepte la posició del pivot que intervé en gairebé totes. Aquestes dades, s’assimilen al que diuen Sans i Frattarola (2009) sobre el fet que en la zona d’inici es creen més situacions de superioritat que en la zona de progressió i finalització. També Castelo (1999) aporta un estudi sobre els percentatges d’aportacions ofensives dels jugadors en funció de l’espai i la demarcació, però tot i que en aquest cas no ho compara amb situacions de superioritat numèrica, les dades extretes son interessants per la comparativa amb l’estudi que es presenta.
The scaling of body parts is central to the expression of morphology across body sizes and to the generation of morphological diversity within and among species. Although patterns of scaling-relationship evolution have been well documented for over one hundred years, little is known regarding how selection acts to generate these patterns. In part, this is because it is unclear the extent to which the elements of log-linear scaling relationships-the intercept or mean trait size and the slope-can evolve independently. Here, using the wing-body size scaling relationship in Drosophila melanogaster as an empirical model, we use artificial selection to demonstrate that the slope of a morphological scaling relationship between an organ (the wing) and body size can evolve independently of mean organ or body size. We discuss our findings in the context of how selection likely operates on morphological scaling relationships in nature, the developmental basis for evolved changes in scaling, and the general approach of using individual-based selection experiments to study the expression and evolution of morphological scaling.
Given their central role in mercury (Hg) excretion and suitability as reservoirs, bird feathers are useful Hg biomonitors. Nevertheless, the interpretation of Hg concentrations is still questioned as a result of a poor knowledge of feather physiology and mechanisms affecting Hg deposition. Given the constraints of feather availability to ecotoxicological studies, we tested the effect of intra-individual differences in Hg concentrations according to feather type (body vs. flight feathers), position in the wing and size (mass and length) in order to understand how these factors could affect Hg estimates. We measured Hg concentration of 154 feathers from 28 un-moulted barn owls (Tyto alba), collected dead on roadsides. Median Hg concentration was 0.45 (0.076-4.5) mg kg(-1) in body feathers, 0.44 (0.040-4.9) mg kg(-1) in primary and 0.60 (0.042-4.7) mg kg(-1) in secondary feathers, and we found a poor effect of feather type on intra-individual Hg levels. We also found a negative effect of wing feather mass on Hg concentration but not of feather length and of its position in the wing. We hypothesize that differences in feather growth rate may be the main driver of between-feather differences in Hg concentrations, which can have implications in the interpretation of Hg concentrations in feathers. Finally, we recommend that, whenever possible, several feathers from the same individual should be analysed. The five innermost primaries have lowest mean deviations to both between-feather and intra-individual mean Hg concentration and thus should be selected under restrictive sampling scenarios.
Dispersal, i.e. individual movement between breeding sites, is a key process for metapopulation dynamics and gene flow. Its success can be modulated by phenotypic differences between dispersing and philopatric individuals, or dispersal syndromes. However, the environmental (external) and physiological (internal) constraints underlying such syndromes remain poorly known. This project aimed at clarifying the impact of environmental variation and oxidative constraints, linked to the reactive oxygen species produced during respiration, on phenotypes associated to dispersal in a passerine bird, the collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis. Energetic demand was experimentally (i) increased through a wing load manipulation or (ii) relieved through food supplementation. The oxidative balance of breeding flycatchers was influenced by complex interactions of dispersal status and extrinsic factors (breeding density, year, experimental treatments). Interestingly, antioxidant capacity was influenced both by permanent individual differences and by food availability, whereas measures of pro-oxidants were highly variables within individuals. Environmental variation and energetic constraints also modulated the differences in reproduction associated with dispersal: dispersing and philopatric birds differ in their management of the oxidative balance when it is competing with reproductive investment. This thesis highlights that reaction norms, rather than fixed differences, often shape traits associated to dispersal. ----- Le déplacement d'un individu entre sites de reproduction, ou dispersion, est un processus clé pour la dynamique des métapopulations et les flux de gènes. Son succès peut être modulé par des différences de phénotype, ou syndromes de dispersion. Cependant, les contraintes environnementales et physiologiques qui sous-tendent ces syndromes restent mal connues. Ce projet vise à clarifier l'impact des variations environnementales et des contraintes oxydatives (liées aux espèces réactives de l'oxygène produites durant la respiration) sur les phénotypes associés à la dispersion chez un passereau, le gobemouche à collier Ficedula albicollis. La demande énergétique a été expérimentalement (i) augmentée en manipulant la surface alaire ou (ii) diminuée par une supplémentation en nourriture. L'équilibre oxydo-réducteur des gobemouches en reproduction est influencé par des interactions complexes entre statut de dispersion et facteurs extrinsèques (densité de couples reproducteurs, année, traitement expérimental). La capacité antioxydante dépend principalement de différences permanentes entre individus, alors que les pro-oxydants présentent de grandes variations intra-individu. Environnement et contraintes énergétiques modulent aussi les différences de reproduction liées à la dispersion : les oiseaux dispersants et philopatriques diffèrent dans leur gestion de l'équilibre oxydo-réducteur lorsqu'il est en compétition avec l'investissement reproducteur. Ce travail souligne que les traits associés à la dispersion sont souvent déterminés par des normes de réaction à l'environnement et non des différences fixées entre individus.
Nitrophorins represent a unique class of heme proteins that are able to perform the delicate transportation and release of the free-radical gaseous messenger nitric oxide (NO) in a pH-triggered manner. Besides its ability to bind to phospholipid membranes, the N-terminus contains an additional Leu-Pro-Gly stretch, which is a unique sequence trait, and the heme cavity is significantly altered with respect to other nitrophorins. These distinctive features encouraged us to solve the X-ray crystallographic structures of NP7 at low and high pH and bound with different heme ligands (nitric oxide, histamine, imidazole). The overall fold of the lipocalin motif is well preserved in the different X-ray structures and resembles the fold of other nitrophorins. However, a chain-like arrangement in the crystal lattice due to a number of head-to-tail electrostatic stabilizing interactions is found in NP7. Furthermore, the X-ray structures also reveal ligand-dependent changes in the orientation of the heme, as well as in specific interactions between the A-B and G-H loops, which are considered to be relevant for the biological function of nitrophorins. Fast and ultrafast laser triggered ligand rebinding experiments demonstrate the pH-dependent ligand migration within the cavities and the exit route. Finally, the topological distribution of pockets located around the heme as well as from inner cavities present at the rear of the protein provides a distinctive feature in NP7, so that while a loop gated exit mechanism to the solvent has been proposed for most nitrophorins, a more complex mechanism that involves several interconnected gas hosting cavities is proposed for NP7.
In animal psychology, the open-field (OF) test is a traditional method for studying different aspects of rodent behavior, with thigmotaxis (i.e., wallseeking behavior) being one of the best validated OF parameters employed to measure emotionality. The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the selection response in mice selectively bred for high and low levels of OF thigmotaxis (the HOFT and LOFT lines, respectively). The mice (N = 2048) were selected for 23 generations, resulting in bidirectional phenotypic divergence between the two lines; that is, the HOFT mice were more thigmotactic (i.e., more emotional) than the LOFT mice across the different generations. The origin of the line difference in thigmotaxis was further investigated by using the crossfostering paradigm, with the results suggesting that the divergence between the two lines was primarily innate in origin and not influenced by differing maternal behavior. The stability of the selection trait was examined by testing the animals at different ages as well as in varying conditions. The results indicated that the line difference in thigmotaxis was not affected by age at the time of testing, and it also persisted in the different OF testing situations as well as during pregnancy and lactation. The examination of a possible coselection of other characteristics revealed that the more thigmotactic HOFT mice lived longer than the less thigmotactic LOFT mice. In addition, the HOFT mice tended to rear and explore less than the LOFT mice, supporting the general assumption that emotionality and exploration are inversely related. The two lines did not generally differ in ambulation and defecation, that is, in the traditional OF indexes of emotionality, conforming to the suggestion that emotionality is a multidimensional construct. The effects of sex on different OF parameters were also assessed, with the results suggesting that among the HOFT and LOFT lines, the female mice were more emotional than the male mice. The examination of the temporal changes in the HOFT and LOFT lines’ OF behavior revealed some contradictory findings that also partially conflicted with general assumptions. Although this study did not show prominent differences in maternal responsiveness between the HOFT and LOFT mothers, the results suggested that the line divergence in emotionality was more pronounced in the presence of a pup after parturition than during pregnancy. The present study clearly demonstrates that OF thigmotaxis is a strong characteristic for producing two diverging lines of mice. The difference in thigmotaxis between the selectively bred HOFT and LOFT mice seemed to be a stable and robust feature of these animals, and it appeared to stem from a genetic background.
From the Jaseur Bank, off the Brazilian coast at 20º 30' S - 35º 50' W, were collected a few specimens of one of the less known species of the Heteropoda: Firoloida lesueuri (d'Orbigny). A detailed anatomical description follows aiming at the elucidation of some obscure points in the litterature on the subject and at showing the identity of most of the previously described "species" of the genus Firoloida. Special care was taken with the study of the nervous system of which most of the descriptions found were discordant. The author arrived at the conclusion that the pleural ganglia are either missing of fused to the cerebral ganglia, that the supraintestinal ganglion (left parietal ganglion) is present in the posterior region and is close to the subintestinal or right parietal ganglion, being both located near the rear end of the body. The innervations are described and discussed as well as the fusion of extensive tracts of the connectives. The present material is shown to be identical to F. kowalewskyi, well described by Vayssière and Tesch; F. desmaresti (Lesueur 1817) is shown to be undistinguishable from F. blainvilleana and F. gracilis. F. aculeata and F. gaimardi are here considered as "nomina nuda". F. liguriae Issel 1907 is admitted as separate species in spite of its insufficient description and, finally, F. vigilans (Troschel 1855), unsatisfactorily described from only one specimen is perhaps a valid species. A table is presented to show the slight differences between the 4 species which are undoubtedly very similar. F. desmaresti is found only in the Atlantic north of the line and a few points south and close to it as well as in dependent seas, while F. lesueuri is common to the south Atlantic, south Indie and south Pacific oceans, extending north only up to the Azores Islands. F. liguriae is from the south western Atlantic. ?F. vigilans would be an endemic species from Messina (Mediterranean).