907 resultados para Raymond Schmidgall
Abstract: Critical source area approaches to catchment management are increasingly being recognised as effective tools to mitigate sediment and nutrient transfers. These approaches often assume hydrological connectivity as a driver for environmental risk, however this assumption has rarely been tested. Using high resolution monitoring, 14 rainfall events of contrasting intensity were examined in detail for spatial and temporal dynamics of overland flow generation at a hydrologically isolated grassland hillslope in Co. Down, Northern Ireland. Interactions between overland flow connectivity and nutrient transfers were studied to test the critical source area hypothesis. While total and soluble phosphorus loads were found to be representative of the size of the overland flow contributing area (P=
To examine the relationship between short-wavelength-sensitive (SWS) resolution acuity and epidemiologically defined stages of early age-related maculopathy (ARM).
A detailed understanding of flow and contaminant transfer along each of the key hydrological pathways within a catchment is critical for designing and implementing cost effective Programmes of Measures under the Water
Framework Directive.
The Contaminant Movement along Pathways Project (’The Pathways Project’) is an Irish, EPA STRIVE funded, large multi-disciplinary project which is focussed on understanding and modelling flow and attenuation along each of these pathways for the purposes of developing a catchment management tool. The tool will be used by EPA and RBD catchment managers to assess and manage the impacts of diffuse contamination on stream aquatic ecology. Four main contaminants of interest — nitrogen, phosphorus, sediment and pathogens — are being
investigated in four instrumented test catchments. In addition to the usual hydrological and water chemistry/quality parameters typically captured in catchment studies, field measurements at the test catchments include ecological
sampling, sediment dynamics, soil moisture dynamics, and groundwater levels and chemistry/quality, both during and between significant rainfall events. Spatial and temporal sampling of waters directly from the pathways of
interest is also being carried out.
Sixty-five percent of Ireland is underlain by poorly productive aquifers. In these hydrogeological settings, the main pathways delivering flow to streams are overland flow, interflow and shallow bedrock flow. Little is
known about the interflow pathway and its relative importance in delivery of flow and contaminants to the streams. Interflow can occur in both the topsoil and subsoil, and may include unsaturated matrix flow, bypass or macropore
flow, saturated flow in locally perched water tables and artificial field drainage.
Results to date from the test catchment experiments show that artificial field drains play an important role in the delivery of interflow to these streams, during and between rainfall events when antecedent conditions are
favourable. Hydrochemical mixing models, using silica and SAC254 (the absorbance of UV light at a wavelength of 254 nm which is a proxy for dissolved organic matter) as tracers, show that drain flow is an important end
member contributing to the stream and that proportionally, its contribution is relatively high.
Results from the study also demonstrate that waters originating from one pathway often mix with the waters from another, and are subsequently delivered to the stream at rates, and with chemical/quality characteristics,
that are not typical of either pathway. For example, pre-event shallow groundwater not far from the catchment divide comes up to the surface as rejected recharge during rainfall events and is rapidly delivered to the stream
via overland flow and/or artificial land drainage, bringing with it higher nitrate than would often be expected from a quickflow pathway contribution. This is contrary to the assumption often made in catchment studies that the
deeper hydrological pathways have slower response times in stream hydrographs during a rainfall event, and it emphasizes that it is critical to have a strong three-dimensional conceptual model as the basis for the interpretation
of catchment data.
Effective implementation of the Water Framework Directive requires a reappraisal of conventional approaches to water quality monitoring. Quantifying the impact of domestic wastewater treatment systems (DWWTS) in Irish catchments is further complicated by high levels of natural heterogeneity. This paper presents a numerical model that couples attenuation to flow along different hydrological pathways contributing to river discharge; this permits estimation of the impact of DWWTS to overall nutrient fluxes under a range of geological conditions. Preliminary results suggest high levels of attenuation experienced
before DWWTS effluent reaches bedrock play a significant role in reducing its ecological impact on aquatic receptors. Conversely, low levels of attenuation in systems discharging directly to surface water may affect water quality more significantly, particularly during prolonged dry periods in areas underlain by low productivity aquifers (>60% of Ireland), where dilution capacity is limited.
Poorly functioning on-site wastewater treatment systems (OSWTS) can be among the many sources of pollution to groundwater and surface water, which are of critical concern owing to potential human and ecological health risks. An investigation into the effects of on-site wastewater treatment systems (OSWTS) on surface water quality has been undertaken at several sites within a catchment in Co. Monaghan. The study sites were located in areas of 'low’ permeability, suggesting that run-off usually dominates over infiltration. Poor treatment performance of OSWTS within the catchment were found to be the result of several factors, including location in areas with unsuitable soil and site characteristics, incorrect installation, poor maintenance and inappropriate operation by the home owner.
Proteins and humic acids are common constituents of waste water. Latex colloids (colloids) acted as surrogates for microorganisms in multiple pulse dynamic column experiments (MPEs) that permitted colloid mobility to be quantified before and after the injection of either BSA (a protein), or Suwannee River humic acid (SRHA).
At low OM coverage colloid breakthrough curves demonstrated both BSA and SRHA reduced colloid deposition rates, but did not affect colloid irreversible deposition mechanisms. By contrast, high levels of SRHA surface coverage not only further reduced the matrix’s ability to attenuate colloids, but also resulted in reversible adsorption of a significant fraction of colloids deposited. Modelling of colloid responses using random sequential adsorption modelling suggested that 1 microgram of SRHA had the same effect as the deposition of 5.90±0.14 x109 colloids; the model suggested that adsorption of the same mass of BSA was equivalent to the deposition of between 7.1x108 and 2.3x109 colloids.
Colloid responses in MPEs where BSA coverage of colloid deposition sites approached saturation demonstrated the sand matrix remained capable of adsorbing colloids. However, in contrast to responses observed in MPEs at low surface coverage, continued colloid injection showed that the sand’s attenuation capacity increased with time, i.e. colloid concentrations declined as more were deposited (filter ripening).
Importance: Study results highlight the contrasting responses that may arise due to the interactions between colloids and OM in porous media. Results not only underscore that colloids can interact differently with various forms of deposited OM, but also that a single type of OM may generate dramatically different responses depending on the degree of surface coverage. The MPE method provides a means of quantifying the influence of OM on microorganism mobility in porous media such as filter beds, which may be used for either drinking water treatment or waste water treatment. In the wider environment study findings have potential to allow more confident predictions of the mobility of sewage derived pathogens discharging to groundwater.
A groundwater programme monitoring flow and quality of a potable water spring in a slum district in Kampala, Uganda revealed that although latrines acted as the principal means of organic waste disposal for the 1000 plus people living in the spring’s catchment, levels of faecal indicator bacteria (TVC 45 Deg C) in spring discharge remained at or below detection during the dry season, despite the presence of high levels of chloride (45mg/l-56mg/l) and nitrate (23mg/l – 30mg/l NO3-N), indicating sewage impacts. A programme of column and batch testing of laterite underlying the area provided a means of investigating the soil’s attenuation capacity under more controlled conditions.
X-ray diffraction analyses revealed the laterite to be dominated by quartz and kaolinite with minor (<5% by volume) quantities of haematite. Batch studies revealed that over 99% of bacteriophage adsorbed to haematite in less than 5 minutes. By contrast batch tests on haematite-free soil samples from the Blue Hills in Australia showed that although they had comparable dominant mineralogy and iron coverage on their surfaces (determined from Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence) they had negligible ability to adsorb H40/1.
Based on the results of the batch studies using natural soils, a programme of batch studies, undertaken using pure haematite showed the mineral to have an extremely high capacity to adsorb bacteriophage, and suggested that it was responsible for the levels of attenuation observed.
The results of column studies were in keeping with the findings of batch experiments. Injection of 20 pore volumes of 300 pfu/mL of the bacteriophage H40/1 into a 20mm diameter glass column packed with sand sized (Ø>500µm) laterite revealed that the column could irreversibly remove over 2.5 log10 bacteriophage over its 10cm length.
Mineralogical and batch test data provide convincing evidence to show that laterite can potentially act as an inexpensive means of removing micro organisms from water. The material, particularly in nodular form, displays considerable potential to act as an alternative filter material to conventional quartz filter sands.
In-situ passive gradient comparative artificial tracer testing, undertaken using solutes (Uranine and Iodide), Bacteria (E.coli and P.putida) and bacteriophage (H40/1), permitted comparison of the mobility of different sized microorganisms relative to solutes in the sand and gravel aquifer underlying Dornach, Germany.
Tracer breakthrough curves reveal that even though uranine initially arrived at observation wells at the same time as microbiological tracers, maximum relative concentrations were sometimes less than those of microbiological tracers, while solute breakthrough curves proved more disperse.
Monitoring uranine breakthrough with depth suggested tracers arrived in observation wells in discrete 0.5m-1m thick intervals, over the aquifer’s 12m saturated thickness. Nearby exposures of aquifer material suggested that the aquifer consisted of sandy gravels enveloping sequences of open framework (OW) gravel up to 1m thick. Detailed examination of OW units revealed that they contained lenses of silty sand up to 1m long x 30cm thick., while granulometric data suggested that the gravel was two to three orders of magnitude more permeable than the enveloping sandy gravel.
Solute and microorganism tracer responses could not be simulated using conventional advective-dispersive equation solutions employing the same velocity and dispersion terms. By contrast solute tracer responses, modelled using a dual porosity approach for fractured media (DP-1D) corresponded well to observed field data. Simulating microorganism responses using the same transport terms, but no dual porosity term, generated good model fits and explained the higher relative concentration of the bacteria, compared to the non-reactive solute, even with first order removal to account for lower RR. Geologically, model results indicate that the silty units within open framework gravels are accessible to solute tracers, but not to microorganisms.
Results highlight the benefits of geological observations developing appropriate conceptual models of solute and micro organism transport and in developing suitable numerical approaches to quantifying microorganism mobility at scales appropriate for the development of groundwater supply (wellhead) protection zones.
Knowledge of groundwater flow/mass transport, in poorly productive aquifers which underlie over 65% of the island of Ireland, is necessary for effective management of catchment water quality and aquatic ecology. This research focuses on a fractured low-grade Ordovician/Silurian greywacke sequence which underlies approximately 25% of the northern half of Ireland. Knowledge of the unit’s hydrogeological properties remain largely restricted to localised single well open hole “transmissivity” values. Current hydrogeological conceptual models of the Greywacke view the bulk of groundwater flowing through fractures in an otherwise impermeable bedrock mass.
Core analysis permits fracture characterisation, although not all identified fractures may be involved in groundwater flow. Traditional in-situ hydraulic characterisation relies on cumbersome techniques such as packer testing or geophysical borehole logging (e.g. flowmeters). Queen’s University Belfast is currently carrying out hydraulic characterization of 16 boreholes at its Greywacke Hydrogeological Research Site at Mount Stewart, Northern Ireland.
Development of dye dilution methods, using a recently-developed downhole fluorometer, provided a portable, user-friendly, and inexpensive means of detecting hydraulically active intervals in open boreholes. Measurements in a 55m deep hole, three days following fluorescent dye injection, demonstrated the ability of the technique to detect two discrete hydraulically active intervals corresponding to zones identified by caliper and heat-pulse flowmeter logs. High resolution acoustic televiewer logs revealed the zones to correspond to two steeply dipping fractured intervals. Results suggest the rock can have effective porosities of the order of 0.1%.
Study findings demonstrate dye dilution’s utility in characterizing groundwater flow in fractured aquifers. Tests on remaining holes will be completed at different times following injection to identify less permeable fractures and develop an improved understanding of the structural controls on groundwater flow in the uppermost metres of competent bedrock.
Short rotation willow coppice (SRWC) treatment of biosolids is limited by the oversupply of biosolid derived phosphorus; this can lead to eventual losses of phosphorus to water. Water treatment residuals (WTR), a by-product of potable water treatment, have been identified as a viable soil amendment for mitigation of phosphorus loss. WTR exploit the capacity of internally held aluminium oxide-hydroxide complexes to immobilise labile phosphorus. However indiscriminate additions to plots can result in inadequate control or excessive immobilization of soluble P, leading to crop deficiencies. Four commercially grown common willow (Salix) genotypes (Terra Nova, Endeavour, Resolution and Tora) were grown in soil amended with WTR at five different application rates (0, 10, 25, 50 and 100 tonne ha-1 air-dry basis) in a glasshouse pot experiment. The effects of application rates on plant yields, tissue P concentrations, P uptake and soil labile P availability were measured. Results indicate labile P was reduced with increasing WTR application rates, without any negative agronomic impacts.
Variability in nitrogen fate and transport in different catchments types is often not considered. This research considers the importance of such nitrogen processes within groundwater pathways in two agricultural catchments in Ireland; a well drained catchment, underlain by karstified Carboniferous limestone, and a poorly drained catchment, underlain by Silurian greywacke.
Depth specific low-flow groundwater sampling was used to evaluate the hydrochemical stratification in groundwater. Groundwater samples, as well as surface water samples, along river courses were analysed for nitrogen species (NO3, NH4 and NO2) and nitrate isotopes (d15N and d18O) as well as field parameters and major ions
The dominant nitrate (NO3) groundwater pathway in the poorly drained greywacke catchment is through the shallow weathered bedrock, as indicated by transmissivity values and the ionic and isotopic signatures, and a clear reduction in NO3 concentration is observed with depth. A similar chloride trend would suggest dilution is a major factor, however d15N and d18O isotopic values producing an enrichment ratio of 1.8 indicate that denitrification is also an important process involved in the fate of the NO3 within the groundwater flow system. This consistent trend with depth is in contrast to the stratification pattern observed in the karstified catchment. NO3 was not detected in the shallow groundwater pathway; the dominant groundwater pathway is in the deeper groundwater where there is little change in the nitrate isotope values with depth (d15N values range between 4.1 and 4.6 ‰). This deeper groundwater contributes the dominant proportion of the river flow through a number of springs. As a result, the deeper groundwater, springs and river have a similar ionic signature and NO3 concentration range (23 ± 3 mg/l). Despite this pattern, the NO3 isotopes show a distinct difference in isotopic values between the deeper groundwater in the diffuse karst and the springs indicating some denitrification is occurring during groundwater discharge into the river. Furthermore the isotopes give an indication of the variability of the spatial extent of the springs and the complexities of the fissures through which they are fed. The results of this study clearly show the importance of the geology in the fate and transport of NO3 in agricultural catchments.
Diffuse contaminants can make their way into rivers via a number of different pathways, including overland flow, interflow, and shallow and deep groundwater. Identification of the key pathway(s) delivering contaminants to a receptor is important for implementing effective water management strategies. The ‘Pathways Project’, funded by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency, is developing a catchment management tool that will enable practitioners to identify the critical source areas for diffuse contaminants, and the key pathways of interest in assessing contaminant problems on a catchment and sub-catchment scale.
One of the aims of the project is to quantify the flow and contaminant loadings being delivered to the stream via each of the main pathways. Chemical separation of stream event hydrographs is being used to supplement more traditional physical hydrograph separation methods. Distinct, stable chemical signatures are derived for each of the pathway end members, and the proportion of flow from each during a rainfall event can be determined using a simple mass balance approach.
Event sampling was carried out in a test catchment underlain by poorly permeable soils and bedrock, which is predominantly used for grazing with a number of one-off rural residential houses. Results show that artificial field drainage, which includes subterranean land drains and collector drains around the perimeters of the 1 to 10 ha fields, plays an important role in the delivery of flow and nutrients to the streams in these types of hydrogeological settings.
Nitrate infiltrates with recharge and is delivered to the stream primarily via the artificial drains and the shallow groundwater pathway. Longitudinal stream profiles show that the nitrate load input is relatively uniform over the 8 km length of the stream at high flows, suggesting widespread diffuse contaminant input. In contrast, phosphorus is adsorbed in the clay-rich soil and is transported mainly via the overland flow pathway and the artificial drains. Longitudinal stream profiles for phosphorus suggest a pattern of more discrete points of phosphorus inputs, which may be related to point sources of contamination.
These techniques have application elsewhere within a toolkit of methods for determining the key pathways delivering contaminants to surface water receptors.
Conventional methods of detecting groundwater flow zones in open boreholes installed in fractured bedrock aquifers rely on either contrasts in water quality or on significant rates of vertical flow. In low productivity boreholes these methods have proced of limited value. Tracer tests completed in six low productivity bedrock boreholes installed into fresh Precambrian crystalline bedrock revealed measurable dilution, despite very low tranmissivities. Fluorescent tracer profiles generated during discharge pumping permitted identification of the principle zones contributing to flow. High resolution acoustic televiewer strike and dip measurements of fractures corresponding to these zones revealed a consistent pattern of regional lineament trends and suggested a strongly anisotropic flow pattern in bedrock.