909 resultados para Radio frequency identification sytems


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The purpose of this work is the deposition of films in order to increase the corrosion resistance of AISI 304 steel, which is a material used to construct the reactors for bioethanol production. This deposition inhibits the permeation of corrosive species to the film-metal interface. Thin films were prepared by radio-frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (RF-PECVD) method using plasmas of hexamethyldisiloxane/argon/oxygen mixtures excited by signals of different powers. The plasma was generated by the application of RF power of 13.56 MHz to the sample holder while keeping grounded the topmost electrode and the chamber walls. The effect of the RF power on the properties of the samples was investigated by perfilometry, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), contact angle, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The results of the corrosion resistance tests of the AISI 304 steel were interpreted in terms of the energy delivered to the growing layer by plasma excitation power.


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The use of Information and Communication Technology has grown in most agricultural activities. As a consequence, it has changed the way of thinking and acting of the farmer who wants to establish a more and more competitive market. However, the high costs of acquisition and maintenance of those technologies may be a factor which can inhibit its spread and acceptance, mainly to a large number of small grain Brazilian farmers. In this context, there is a need for innovative solutions that are proper for this universe of farmers. Starting from this premise, this paper presents the development of a low cost prototype to the monitoring process of temperature and humidity values of grains stored in silos, using communication based on wireless technology by radio frequency. Therefore, the economic implications of cost/benefit ratio of innovative application of wireless transmission in the process of thermometry of grains were analysed. The prototype was made of two electronic units, one of acquisition and another one of data reception, as well as computational software, which offered the farmer more precise information for the control of aeration. By means of stability, integrity and reliability tests of data transmission via radio, using low cost electronic components, the development system can be considered as potentially viable. It presented the difference regarding the wireless communication via radio in the process of grains thermometry, providing mobility, reducing cabling costs and maintenance, and also offering an easy system expansion; it was also appropriate to temperature and humidity monitoring in grain silos; and revealed operational viability, besides the low cost development when compared to similar products available in the Brazilian market.


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New technologies and sterilization agents for heat-sensitive materials are under intense investigation. Plasma sterilization, an atoxic low-temperature substitute for conventional sterilization, uses various gases that are activated by an electrical discharge, generating reactive species that promote lethality in microorganisms. Here, assays were performed using pure O-2 and O-2 + H2O2 mixture gas plasmas against a standard load of Bacillus atrophaeus spores inoculated on glass carriers inside PVC catheters. The sterilization efficiency was studied as a function of plasma system (reactive ion etching or inductively coupled plasma), biological monitor lumen diameter, gas, radio frequency power, and sub-lethal exposition time. After sterilization, the biological monitors were disassembled and the surviving bacteria were grown in trypticase soy broth using the most probable number technique. Plasma antimicrobial activity depended on the catheter's internal diameter and radio frequency powers. The N-2 + H2O2 mixture exhibited higher microbial efficacy than pure N-2 in both plasma systems.


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Oxygen-deficient TiO2 films with enhanced visible and near-infrared optical absorption have been deposited by reactive sputtering using a planar diode radio frequency magnetron configuration. It is observed that the increase in the absorption coefficient is more effective when the O-2 gas supply is periodically interrupted rather than by a decrease of the partial O-2 gas pressure in the deposition plasma. The optical absorption coefficient at 1.5 eV increases from about 1 x 10(2) cm(-1) to more than 4 x 10(3) cm(-1) as a result of the gas flow discontinuity. A red-shift of similar to 0.24 eV in the optical absorption edge is also observed. High resolution transmission electron microscopy with composition analysis shows that the films present a dense columnar morphology, with estimated mean column width of 40nm. Moreover, the interruptions of the O-2 gas flow do not produce detectable variations in the film composition along its growing direction. X-ray diffraction and micro-Raman experiments indicate the presence of the TiO2 anatase, rutile, and brookite phases. The anatase phase is dominant, with a slight increment of the rutile and brookite phases in films deposited under discontinued O-2 gas flow. The increase of optical absorption in the visible and near-infrared regions has been attributed to a high density of defects in the TiO2 films, which is consistent with density functional theory calculations that place oxygen-related vacancy states in the upper third of the optical bandgap. The electronic structure calculation results, along with the adopted deposition method and experimental data, have been used to propose a mechanism to explain the formation of the observed oxygen-related defects in TiO2 thin films. The observed increase in sub-bandgap absorption and the modeling of the corresponding changes in the electronic structure are potentially useful concerning the optimization of efficiency of the photocatalytic activity and the magnetic doping of TiO2 films. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4724334]


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The Josephson junction model is applied to the experimental implementation of classical bifurcation in a quadrupolar nuclear magnetic resonance system. There are two regimes, one linear and one nonlinear, which are implemented by the radio-frequency and the quadrupolar terms of the Hamiltonian of a spin system, respectively. These terms provide an explanation of the symmetry breaking due to bifurcation. Bifurcation depends on the coexistence of both regimes at the same time in different proportions. The experiment is performed on a lyotropic liquid crystal sample of an ordered ensemble of 133Cs nuclei with spin I = 7/2 at room temperature. Our experimental results confirm that bifurcation happens independently of the spin value and of the physical system. With this experimental spin scenario, we confirm that a quadrupolar nuclei system could be described analogously to a symmetric two-mode Bose-Einstein condensate.


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This thesis deals with two important research aspects concerning radio frequency (RF) microresonators and switches. First, a new approach for compact modeling and simulation of these devices is presented. Then, a combined process flow for their simultaneous fabrication on a SOI substrate is proposed. Compact models for microresonators and switches are extracted by applying mathematical model order reduction (MOR) to the devices finite element (FE) description in ANSYS c° . The behaviour of these devices includes forms of nonlinearities. However, an approximation in the creation of the FE model is introduced, which enables the use of linear model order reduction. Microresonators are modeled with the introduction of transducer elements, which allow for direct coupling of the electrical and mechanical domain. The coupled system element matrices are linearized around an operating point and reduced. The resulting macromodel is valid for small signal analysis around the bias point, such as harmonic pre-stressed analysis. This is extremely useful for characterizing the frequency response of resonators. Compact modelling of switches preserves the nonlinearity of the device behaviour. Nonlinear reduced order models are obtained by reducing the number of nonlinearities in the system and handling them as input to the system. In this way, the system can be reduced using linear MOR techniques and nonlinearities are introduced directly in the reduced order model. The reduction of the number of system nonlinearities implies the approximation of all distributed forces in the model with lumped forces. Both for microresonators and switches, a procedure for matrices extraction has been developed so that reduced order models include the effects of electrical and mechanical pre-stress. The extraction process is fast and can be done automatically from ANSYS binary files. The method has been applied for the simulation of several devices both at devices and circuit level. Simulation results have been compared with full model simulations, and, when available, experimental data. Reduced order models have proven to conserve the accuracy of finite element method and to give a good description of the overall device behaviour, despite the introduced approximations. In addition, simulation is very fast, both at device and circuit level. A combined process-flow for the integrated fabrication of microresonators and switches has been defined. For this purpose, two processes that are optimized for the independent fabrication of these devices are merged. The major advantage of this process is the possibility to create on-chip circuit blocks that include both microresonators and switches. An application is, for example, aswitched filter bank for wireless transceiver. The process for microresonators fabrication is characterized by the use of silicon on insulator (SOI) wafers and on a deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) step for the creation of the vibrating structures in single-crystal silicon and the use of a sacrificial oxide layer for the definition of resonator to electrode distance. The fabrication of switches is characterized by the use of two different conductive layers for the definition of the actuation electrodes and by the use of a photoresist as a sacrificial layer for the creation of the suspended structure. Both processes have a gold electroplating step, for the creation of the resonators electrodes, transmission lines and suspended structures. The combined process flow is designed such that it conserves the basic properties of the original processes. Neither the performance of the resonators nor the performance of the switches results affected by the simultaneous fabrication. Moreover, common fabrication steps are shared, which allows for cheaper and faster fabrication.


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The Ph.D. thesis describes the simulations of different microwave links from the transmitter to the receiver intermediate-frequency ports, by means of a rigorous circuit-level nonlinear analysis approach coupled with the electromagnetic characterization of the transmitter and receiver front ends. This includes a full electromagnetic computation of the radiated far field which is used to establish the connection between transmitter and receiver. Digitally modulated radio-frequency drive is treated by a modulation-oriented harmonic-balance method based on Krylov-subspace model-order reduction to allow the handling of large-size front ends. Different examples of links have been presented: an End-to-End link simulated by making use of an artificial neural network model; the latter allows a fast computation of the link itself when driven by long sequences of the order of millions of samples. In this way a meaningful evaluation of such link performance aspects as the bit error rate becomes possible at the circuit level. Subsequently, a work focused on the co-simulation an entire link including a realistic simulation of the radio channel has been presented. The channel has been characterized by means of a deterministic approach, such as Ray Tracing technique. Then, a 2x2 multiple-input multiple-output antenna link has been simulated; in this work near-field and far-field coupling between radiating elements, as well as the environment factors, has been rigorously taken into account. Finally, within the scope to simulate an entire ultra-wideband link, the transmitting side of an ultrawideband link has been designed, and an interesting Front-End co-design technique application has been setup.


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Statistical modelling and statistical learning theory are two powerful analytical frameworks for analyzing signals and developing efficient processing and classification algorithms. In this thesis, these frameworks are applied for modelling and processing biomedical signals in two different contexts: ultrasound medical imaging systems and primate neural activity analysis and modelling. In the context of ultrasound medical imaging, two main applications are explored: deconvolution of signals measured from a ultrasonic transducer and automatic image segmentation and classification of prostate ultrasound scans. In the former application a stochastic model of the radio frequency signal measured from a ultrasonic transducer is derived. This model is then employed for developing in a statistical framework a regularized deconvolution procedure, for enhancing signal resolution. In the latter application, different statistical models are used to characterize images of prostate tissues, extracting different features. These features are then uses to segment the images in region of interests by means of an automatic procedure based on a statistical model of the extracted features. Finally, machine learning techniques are used for automatic classification of the different region of interests. In the context of neural activity signals, an example of bio-inspired dynamical network was developed to help in studies of motor-related processes in the brain of primate monkeys. The presented model aims to mimic the abstract functionality of a cell population in 7a parietal region of primate monkeys, during the execution of learned behavioural tasks.


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The g-factor is a constant which connects the magnetic moment $vec{mu}$ of a charged particle, of charge q and mass m, with its angular momentum $vec{J}$. Thus, the magnetic moment can be writen $ vec{mu}_J=g_Jfrac{q}{2m}vec{J}$. The g-factor for a free particle of spin s=1/2 should take the value g=2. But due to quantum electro-dynamical effects it deviates from this value by a small amount, the so called g-factor anomaly $a_e$, which is of the order of $10^{-3}$ for the free electron. This deviation is even bigger if the electron is exposed to high electric fields. Therefore highly charged ions, where electric field strength gets values on the order of $10^{13}-10^{16}$V/cm at the position of the bound electron, are an interesting field of investigations to test QED-calculations. In previous experiments [H"aff00,Ver04] using a single hydrogen-like ion confined in a Penning trap an accuracy of few parts in $10^{-9}$ was obtained. In the present work a new method for precise measurement of magnetic the electronic g-factor of hydrogen-like ions is discussed. Due to the unavoidable magnetic field inhomogeneity in a Penning trap, a very important contribution to the systematic uncertainty in the previous measurements arose from the elevated energy of the ion required for the measurement of its motional frequencies. Then it was necessary to extrapolate the result to vanishing energies. In the new method the energy in the cyclotron degree of freedom is reduced to the minimum attainable energy. This method consist in measuring the reduced cyclotron frequency $nu_{+}$ indirectly by coupling the axial to the reduced cyclotron motion by irradiation of the radio frequency $nu_{coup}=nu_{+}-nu_{ax}+delta$ where $delta$ is, in principle, an unknown detuning that can be obtained from the knowledge of the coupling process. Then the only unknown parameter is the desired value of $nu_+$. As a test, a measurement with, for simplicity, artificially increased axial energy was performed yielding the result $g_{exp}=2.000~047~020~8(24)(44)$. This is in perfect agreement with both the theoretical result $g_{theo}=2.000~047~020~2(6)$ and the previous experimental result $g_{exp1}=2.000~047~025~4(15)(44).$ In the experimental results the second error-bar is due to the uncertainty in the accepted value for the electron's mass. Thus, with the new method a higher accuracy in the g-factor could lead by comparison to the theoretical value to an improved value of the electron's mass. [H"af00] H. H"affner et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 (2000) 5308 [Ver04] J. Verd'u et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) 093002-1


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This thesis deal with the design of advanced OFDM systems. Both waveform and receiver design have been treated. The main scope of the Thesis is to study, create, and propose, ideas and novel design solutions able to cope with the weaknesses and crucial aspects of modern OFDM systems. Starting from the the transmitter side, the problem represented by low resilience to non-linear distortion has been assessed. A novel technique that considerably reduces the Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) yielding a quasi constant signal envelope in the time domain (PAPR close to 1 dB) has been proposed.The proposed technique, named Rotation Invariant Subcarrier Mapping (RISM),is a novel scheme for subcarriers data mapping,where the symbols belonging to the modulation alphabet are not anchored, but maintain some degrees of freedom. In other words, a bit tuple is not mapped on a single point, rather it is mapped onto a geometrical locus, which is totally or partially rotation invariant. The final positions of the transmitted complex symbols are chosen by an iterative optimization process in order to minimize the PAPR of the resulting OFDM symbol. Numerical results confirm that RISM makes OFDM usable even in severe non-linear channels. Another well known problem which has been tackled is the vulnerability to synchronization errors. Indeed in OFDM system an accurate recovery of carrier frequency and symbol timing is crucial for the proper demodulation of the received packets. In general, timing and frequency synchronization is performed in two separate phases called PRE-FFT and POST-FFT synchronization. Regarding the PRE-FFT phase, a novel joint symbol timing and carrier frequency synchronization algorithm has been presented. The proposed algorithm is characterized by a very low hardware complexity, and, at the same time, it guarantees very good performance in in both AWGN and multipath channels. Regarding the POST-FFT phase, a novel approach for both pilot structure and receiver design has been presented. In particular, a novel pilot pattern has been introduced in order to minimize the occurrence of overlaps between two pattern shifted replicas. This allows to replace conventional pilots with nulls in the frequency domain, introducing the so called Silent Pilots. As a result, the optimal receiver turns out to be very robust against severe Rayleigh fading multipath and characterized by low complexity. Performance of this approach has been analytically and numerically evaluated. Comparing the proposed approach with state of the art alternatives, in both AWGN and multipath fading channels, considerable performance improvements have been obtained. The crucial problem of channel estimation has been thoroughly investigated, with particular emphasis on the decimation of the Channel Impulse Response (CIR) through the selection of the Most Significant Samples (MSSs). In this contest our contribution is twofold, from the theoretical side, we derived lower bounds on the estimation mean-square error (MSE) performance for any MSS selection strategy,from the receiver design we proposed novel MSS selection strategies which have been shown to approach these MSE lower bounds, and outperformed the state-of-the-art alternatives. Finally, the possibility of using of Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) in the Broadband Satellite Return Channel has been assessed. Notably, SC-FDMA is able to improve the physical layer spectral efficiency with respect to single carrier systems, which have been used so far in the Return Channel Satellite (RCS) standards. However, it requires a strict synchronization and it is also sensitive to phase noise of local radio frequency oscillators. For this reason, an effective pilot tone arrangement within the SC-FDMA frame, and a novel Joint Multi-User (JMU) estimation method for the SC-FDMA, has been proposed. As shown by numerical results, the proposed scheme manages to satisfy strict synchronization requirements and to guarantee a proper demodulation of the received signal.


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Progetto di un circuito convertitore di potenza ottimizzato per essere alimentato da un antenna a RF in grado di estrarre potenza dalle bande a 900Mhz, 1750 MHz e 2450 MHz


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Graphene, that is a monolayer of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice, has been isolated only recently from graphite. This material shows very attractive physical properties, like superior carrier mobility, current carrying capability and thermal conductivity. In consideration of that, graphene has been the object of large investigation as a promising candidate to be used in nanometer-scale devices for electronic applications. In this work, graphene nanoribbons (GNRs), that are narrow strips of graphene, for which a band-gap is induced by the quantum confinement of carriers in the transverse direction, have been studied. As experimental GNR-FETs are still far from being ideal, mainly due to the large width and edge roughness, an accurate description of the physical phenomena occurring in these devices is required to have valuable predictions about the performance of these novel structures. A code has been developed to this purpose and used to investigate the performance of 1 to 15-nm wide GNR-FETs. Due to the importance of an accurate description of the quantum effects in the operation of graphene devices, a full-quantum transport model has been adopted: the electron dynamics has been described by a tight-binding (TB) Hamiltonian model and transport has been solved within the formalism of the non-equilibrium Green's functions (NEGF). Both ballistic and dissipative transport are considered. The inclusion of the electron-phonon interaction has been taken into account in the self-consistent Born approximation. In consideration of their different energy band-gap, narrow GNRs are expected to be suitable for logic applications, while wider ones could be promising candidates as channel material for radio-frequency applications.


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This study is focused on radio-frequency inductively coupled thermal plasma (ICP) synthesis of nanoparticles, combining experimental and modelling approaches towards process optimization and industrial scale-up, in the framework of the FP7-NMP SIMBA European project (Scaling-up of ICP technology for continuous production of Metallic nanopowders for Battery Applications). First the state of the art of nanoparticle production through conventional and plasma routes is summarized, then results for the characterization of the plasma source and on the investigation of the nanoparticle synthesis phenomenon, aiming at highlighting fundamental process parameters while adopting a design oriented modelling approach, are presented. In particular, an energy balance of the torch and of the reaction chamber, employing a calorimetric method, is presented, while results for three- and two-dimensional modelling of an ICP system are compared with calorimetric and enthalpy probe measurements to validate the temperature field predicted by the model and used to characterize the ICP system under powder-free conditions. Moreover, results from the modeling of critical phases of ICP synthesis process, such as precursor evaporation, vapour conversion in nanoparticles and nanoparticle growth, are presented, with the aim of providing useful insights both for the design and optimization of the process and on the underlying physical phenomena. Indeed, precursor evaporation, one of the phases holding the highest impact on industrial feasibility of the process, is discussed; by employing models to describe particle trajectories and thermal histories, adapted from the ones originally developed for other plasma technologies or applications, such as DC non-transferred arc torches and powder spherodization, the evaporation of micro-sized Si solid precursor in a laboratory scale ICP system is investigated. Finally, a discussion on the role of thermo-fluid dynamic fields on nano-particle formation is presented, as well as a study on the effect of the reaction chamber geometry on produced nanoparticle characteristics and process yield.


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Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Bestimmung der Spinpolarisation von der Heusler-Verbindung Co2Cr0,6Fe0,4Al. Dieses Ziel wurde durch die sorgfältige Präparation von Co2Cr0,6Fe0,4Al basierten Tunnelkontakten realisiert. Tunnelwiderstandsmessungen an Co2Cr0,6Fe0,4Al-basiertenrnTunnelkontakten ergaben einen Tunnelmagnetowiderstand von 101% bei 4 K. DieserrnTunnelmagnetowiderstand legt eine untere Grenze von 67% für die Spinpolarisation von Co2Cr0,6Fe0,4Al fest.rnrnCo2Cr0,6Fe0,4Al ist eine Heusler-Verbindung, der die Eigenschaften eines halbmetallischen Ferromagneten zugeschrieben werden. Ein halbmetallischer Ferromagnet hat an der Fermikante nur Elektronenspinzustände mit einer Polarisation. Als Folge davon können bei einem spinerhaltenden Tunnelprozess nur Elektronen einer Spinrichtung in den halbmetallischen Ferromagneten tunneln. Mit einem magnetischen Feld und einer durch einen Antiferromagneten fixierten Gegenelektrode, können an einem Tunnelkontakt mit einem spinpolarisierten Ferromagneten deshalb zwei Zustände, eine hohe und eine niedrige Tunnelleitfähigkeit, erzeugt werden. Daher finden spinpolarisierte Tunnelkontakte in Form von MRAM in der Datenspeicherung Verwendung. Bislang wurde jedoch keine Verbindung gefunden, der eine Spinpolarisation von 100% experimentell eindeutig nachgewiesen werden konnte. Für Co2Cr0,6Fe0,4Al lagen die höchsten gemessenen Spinpolarisationen um 50%.rnrnTunnelspektroskopie ist eine zuverlässige und anwendungsnahe Methode zur Untersuchung der Spinpolarisation. Inelastische Tunnelprozesse und eine reduzierte Ordnung an Grenzflächen bewirken einen reduzierten Tunnelmagnetowiderstand. Eine symmetriebrechende Barriere, wie amorphes AlOx, ist Voraussetzung für die Anwendung des Jullière-Modells zur Bestimmung der Spinpolarisation. Das Jullière-Modell verknüpft die Spin-aufgespaltenenrnZustandsdichten der Elektroden mit dem Tunnelmagnetowiderstand. Ohne einernsymmetriebrechende Barriere, zum Beispiel mit MgO als Isolatorschicht, können höhere Tunnelmagnetowiderstände erzwungen werden. Ein eindeutiger Rückschluss auf die Spinpolarisation ist dann jedoch nicht mehr möglich. Mit Aluminiumoxid-basierten Barrieren liefert die Anwendung des einfachen Jullière-Modells eine Untergrenze der Spinpolarisation.rnrnUm die Spinpolarisation von Co2Cr0,6Fe0,4Al durch Tunnelspektroskopie zu bestimmen, musste die Präparation der Tunnelkontakte verbessert werden. Dies wurde ermöglicht durch den Anbau einer neuen Sputterkammer mit besseren UHV-Bedingungen an ein bestehendes Präparationscluster. Co2Cr0,6Fe0,4Al wird mit Hilfe von Radiofrequenz-Kathodenzerstäuben deponiert. Die resultierenden Schichten verfügen nach ihrer Deposition über einen höheren Ordnungsgrad und über eine geordnete Oberfläche. Durch eine Magnesium-Pufferschicht war es möglich, auf diese Oberfläche eine homogene amorphe AlOx-Barriere zu deponieren. Als Gegenelektrode wurde CoFe als Ferromagnet mit MnFe als Antiferromagnet gewählt. Diese Gegenelektrode ermöglicht Tunnelmessungen bis hin zu Raumtemperatur.rnrnMit den in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten optimierten Analyse- und Präparationsmethoden ist es möglich, die Untergrenze der Spinpolarisation von Co2Cr0,6Fe0,4Al auf 67% anzuheben. Dies ist der bisher höchste veröffentlichte Wert der Spinpolarisation von Co2Cr0,6Fe0,4Al.rn


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In this thesis, we investigate mixtures of quantum degenerate Bose and Fermi gases of neutral atoms in threedimensional optical lattices. Feshbach resonances allow to control interspecies interactions in these systems precisely, by preparing suitable combinations of internal atomic states and applying external magnetic fields. This way, the system behaviour can be tuned continuously from mutual transparency to strongly interacting correlated phases, up to the stability boundary.rnThe starting point for these investigations is the spin-polarized fermionic band insulator. The properties of this non-interacting system are fully determined by the Pauli exclusion principle for the occupation of states in the lattice. A striking demonstration of the latter can be found in the antibunching of the density-density correlation of atoms released from the lattice. If bosonic atoms are added to this system, isolated heteronuclear molecules can be formed on the lattice sites via radio-frequency stimulation. The efficiency of this process hints at a modification of the atom number distribution over the lattice caused by interspecies interaction.rnIn the following, we investigate systems with tunable interspecies interaction. To this end, a method is developed which allows to assess the various contributions to the system Hamiltonian both qualitatively and quantitatively by following the quantum phase diffusion of the bosonic matter wave.rnBesides a modification of occupation number statistics, these measurements show a significant renormalization of the bosonic Hubbard parameters. The final part of the thesis considers the implications of this renormalization effect on the many particle physics in the mixture. Here, we demonstrate how the quantum phase transition from a bosonic superfluid to a Mott insulator state is shifted towards considerably shallower lattices due to renormalization.