714 resultados para Pterygoalar ligament
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The morphology of the gas bladder and associated structures in sea catfishes (Siluriformes: Ariidae) is studied. The most simple gas bladder, exclusive to Galeichthys Valenciennes, is apple-shaped with weakly developed internal trabeculae, has smooth walls externally and a short Mullerian window associated with a broad, short Mullerian ramus that is firmly attached to Baudelot`s ligament and supracleithrum. Most genera of Ariidae have a cordiform bladder with well-developed trabeculae, smooth walls externally, an elongate Mullerian window and an elongate Mullerian ramus with an acute tip that is free from the Baudelot`s ligament and supracleithrum. Sciades proops (Valenciennes) and S. parkeri (Traill) have a similar gas bladder but with a well-developed secondary chamber. Other genera of Ariidae also have a cordiform bladder with well-developed trabeculae and elongate Mullerian window, but with lateral diverticula present as shallow rounded bulges or blister-like swellings along the peripheral margins of the bladder. The degree of development of lateral diverticula varies among and within species, with Osteogeneiosus Bleeker having the most highly-developed diverticula. Bagre pinnimaculatus (Steindachner) and Bagre bagre (Linnaeus) have unusual depressed gas bladders with complex network of internal trabeculae. The implications of gas bladder morphology for the taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships of the family are discussed.
We describe the occurrence of non-marine bivalves in exposures of the Middle Permian (Capitanian) Brenton Loch Formation on the southern shore of Choiseul Sound, East Falklands. The bivalves are associated with ichnofossils and were collected from a bed in the upper part of the formation, within a 25 cm thick interval of dark siltstones and mudstones with planar lamination, overlain by massive sandstones. The shells are articulated, with the valves either splayed open or closed. At the top of the succession, mudstone beds nearly 1.5 m above the bivalve-bearing layers yielded well-preserved Glossopteris sp. cf. G. communis leaf fossils. The closed articulated condition of some shells indicates preservation under high sedimentation rates with low residence time of bioclasts at the sediment/water interface. However, the presence of specimens with splayed shells is usually correlated to the slow decay of the shell ligament in oxygen-deficient bottom waters. The presence of complete carbonized leaves of Glossopteris associated with the bivalve-bearing levels also suggests a possibly dysoxic-anoxic bottom environment. Overall, our data suggest that the bivalves were preserved by abrupt burial, possibly by distal sediment flows into a Brenton Loch lake, and may represent autochthonous to parautochthonous fossil accumulations. The shells resemble those of anthracosiids and are herein assigned to Palaeanodonta sp. aff. P. dubia, a species also found in the Permian succession of the Karoo Basin, South Africa. Our results confirm that (a) the true distributions in space and time of all Permian non-marine (freshwater) bivalves are not yet well known, and (b) there is no evidence for marine conditions in the upper part of the Brenton Loch Formation.
Knowledge of anatomical variations of the musculoskeletal system is important for interpreting unusual clinical presentations. We observed the presence of an abnormal extensor indicis muscle in the left hand of an adult male cadaver. In this case, the muscle comes from the ligament and over the scaphoideum and trapezoideum bones and continues after the short muscle belly; it is attached to the dorsal aponeurosis of the indicis. This muscular disposition was described in other studies which demonstrated approximately 1.0% of incidence. Clinically, this anatomical variation may be associated with pain and swelling at the back of the hand. In these cases symptoms tend to increase due to mechanical stress and can be confused with the presence of a dorsal synovial cyst. This report will help clinicians, surgeons, occupational and physical therapists formulate better clinical or surgical decisions when presented with a rare anatomical variation.
Low-level laser therapy is a tool employed in the management of post-operative inflammation process and in the enhancement of reparative process. The aim of the study was to perform histological evaluation of dental and periodontal ligament of rats central upper-left incisor teeth re-implanted and irradiated with low-level laser (InGaAl, 685 nm, 50 J/cm(2)) 15, 30, and 60 days after re-implantation. Seventy-two male rats had the central upper left incisor removed and kept for 15 min on dry gauze before replantation. Laser was irradiated over the root surface and empty alveolus prior replantation and over surrounding mucosa after the re-implantation. After histological procedures, all slices were analyzed regarding external resorption area and histological aspects. We observed an increase of root resorption (p < 0.05) in the control group compared to the laser group at 15, 30, and 60 days. These results showed that the laser groups developed less root resorption areas than the control group in all experimental periods. Additionally, histological analysis revealed less inflammatory cells and necrotic areas in laser groups.
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the short term effect of ethanol administration on periodontal disease in rats. Design: Rats received either ethanol 2 g/kg or water by gastric gavage twice a day. On the fifth day ligatures were tied around the molars of half of the rats to induce periodontitis. After 7 days gingival tissue was removed and assayed for inflammatory markers. Finally, hemi-mandibles were extracted to evaluate bone loss by histomorphometrical techniques. Results: The experimental periodontitis increased significantly the mRNA expression (p < 0.001) and activity (p < 0.001) of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in the gingival tissue, whilst short time ethanol administration increased iNOS activity (p < 0.05) and produced an additive effect on iNOS mRNA expression augmented by periodontitis (p < 0.01). The short time ethanol administration also potentiated the periodontitis stimulatory effect on the mRNA expression of interleukin (IL)-1 beta (p < 0.01 and p < 0.001, in semi-quantitative and real time PCR, respectively) and on the height of periodontal ligament (p < 0.05). However, the ligature-induced periodontitis, but not ethanol administration, increased the prostaglandin E-2 content (p < 0.05) and, diminished the alveolar bone volume (p < 0.05), as compared to sham rats. Conclusion: The present results suggest that ethanol consumption could represent a risk indicator for periodontal disease since augments the expression of inflammatory markers, in healthy rats, and increases them, at short term, during the illness. However, scale longitudinal investigation and more case-control studies are needed to confirm this statement. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Introduction: The ankle sprain is one of the most common injuries in athletes. Direct evaluation of the ligament laxity can be obtained through the objective measurement of extreme passive inversion and eversion movements, but there are few studies on the use of the evaluation of the passive resistive torque of the ankle to assess the capsule and ligaments resistance. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the inversion and eversion passive torque in athletes with and without ankle sprains history. Method: 32 female basketball and volleyball athletes (16.06 +/- 0.8 years old; 67.63 +/- 8.17 kg; 177.8 +/- 6.47 cm) participated in this study. Their ankles were divided into two groups: control group (29), composed of symptom-free ankles, and ankle sprain group, composed of ankles which have suffered injury (29). The resistive torque at maximum passive ankle movement was measured by the isokinetic dynamometer and the muscular activity by electromyography system. The athletes performed 2 repetitions of inversion and eversion movement at 5, 10 and 20 degrees/s and the same protocol only at maximum inversion movement. Results: The resistive passive torque during the inversion and eversion was lower in the ankle sprain group. This group also showed lower torques at the maximum inversion movement. No differences were observed between inversion and eversion movement. Conclusions: Ankle sprain leads to lower passive torque, indicating reduction of the resistance of the lateral ankle ligaments and mechanical laxity.
NAKAGAWA, T. H., E. T. U. MORIYA, C. D. MACIEL, and F. V. SERRAO. Frontal Plane Biomechanics in Males and Females with and without Patellofemoral Pain. Med. Sci. Sports &ere., Vol. 44, No. 9, pp. 1747-1755, 2012. Purpose: The study's purpose was to compare trunk, pelvis, hip, and knee frontal plane biomechanics in males and females with and without patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) during stepping. Methods: Eighty recreational athletes were equally divided into four groups: female PFPS, female controls, male PFPS, and male controls. Trunk, pelvis, hip, and knee frontal plane kinematics and activation of the gluteus medius were evaluated at 15 degrees, 30 degrees, 45 degrees, and 60 degrees of knee flexion during the downward and upward phases of the stepping task. Isometric hip abductor torque was also evaluated. Results: Females showed increased hip adduction and knee abduction at all knee flexion angles, greater ipsilateral trunk lean and contralateral pelvic drop from 60 degrees of knee flexion till the end of the stepping task (P = 0.027-0.001), diminished hip abductor torque (P < 0.001), and increased gluteus medius activation than males (P = 0.008-0.001). PFPS subjects presented increased knee abduction at all the angles evaluated; greater trunk, pelvis, and hip motion from 45 of knee flexion of the downward phase till the end of the maneuver; and diminished gluteus medius activation at 60 degrees of knee flexion, compared with controls (P = 0.034-0.001). Females with PFPS showed lower hip abductor torque compared with the other groups. Conclusions: Females presented with altered frontal plane biomechanics that may predispose them to knee injury. PFPS subjects showed frontal plane biomechanics that could increase the lateral patellofemoral joint stress at all the angles evaluated and could increase even more from 45 degrees of knee flexion in the downward phase untill the end of the maneuver. Hip abductor strengthening and motor control training should be considered when treating females with PFPS.
Hypophosphatasia (HPP) is the inborn error of metabolism characterized by deficiency of alkaline phosphatase activity, leading to rickets or osteomalacia and to dental defects. HPP occurs from loss-of-function mutations within the gene that encodes the tissue-nonspecific isozyme of alkaline phosphatase (TNAP). TNAP knockout (Alpl-/-, aka Akp2-/-) mice closely phenocopy infantile HPP, including the rickets, vitamin B6-responsive seizures, improper dentin mineralization, and lack of acellular cementum. Here, we report that lack of TNAP in Alpl-/- mice also causes severe enamel defects, which are preventable by enzyme replacement with mineral-targeted TNAP (ENB-0040). Immunohistochemistry was used to map the spatiotemporal expression of TNAP in the tissues of the developing enamel organ of healthy mouse molars and incisors. We found strong, stage-specific expression of TNAP in ameloblasts. In the Alpl-/- mice, histological, mu CT, and scanning electron microscopy analysis showed reduced mineralization and disrupted organization of the rods and inter-rod structures in enamel of both the molars and incisors. All of these abnormalities were prevented in mice receiving from birth daily subcutaneous injections of mineral-targeting, human TNAP at 8.2?mg/kg/day for up to 44 days. These data reveal an important role for TNAP in enamel mineralization and demonstrate the efficacy of mineral-targeted TNAP to prevent enamel defects in HPP. (C) 2012 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.
Styloid syndrome is characterized by an elongated styloid process or calcification of the stylomandibular and stylohyoid ligament. This study describes a case of a 65-year-old woman who presented to the Stomatology Clinic, University of Marilia with temporomandibular joint pain, ear ringing and a reduced ability to open the mouth. Panoramic and posteroanterior digital radiographs showed bilateral elongation of the styloid processes, especially of the right side, whose length extended beyond the mandible angle. The diagnosis was confirmed with the association of clinical data and image examinations. The treatment options for styloid Syndrome include clinical follow-up, surgical removal of the styloid process or fracture of the elongated process. The case was managed by providing prosthetic rehabilitation and clinical follow-up, observing the level of discomfort and the benefit that could be achieved by the therapy, and avoiding surgical intervention.
Introduction: This study evaluated the in vivo response of apical and periapical tissues of dogs' teeth with apical periodontitis after one-session endodontic treatment with and without antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT). Methods: Sixty root canals with experimentally induced apical periodontitis were instrumented and assigned to 4 groups receiving aPDT and root canal filling (RCF) or not: group aPDT+/RCF- (n = 20): aPDT (photosensitizer phenothiazine chloride at 10 mg/mL for 3 minutes and diode laser [2 = 660 nm, 60 mW/cm(2)] for 1 minute) and RCF in the same session; group aPDT+/RCF (n = 10); group aPDT /RCF+ (n = 20), and group aPDT /RCF (n = 10). Teeth were restored, and the animals were killed after 90 days. Sections from the maxillas and mandibles were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Mallory trichrome and examined under light microscopy. Descriptive (ie, newly formed apical mineralized tissue, periapical inflammatory infiltrate, apical periodontal ligament thickness, and mineralized tissue resorption) and quantitative (ie, periapical lesion size and number of inflammatory cells) microscopic analysis was performed. Quantitative data were analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests (alpha =.05). Results: In the aPDT-treated groups, the periapical region was moderately/severely enlarged with no inflammatory cells, moderate neoangiogenesis and fibrogenesis, and the smallest periapical lesions. Conclusions: Although apical closure by mineralized tissue deposition was not achieved, the absence of inflammatory cells, moderate neoangiogenesis, and fibrogenesis in the periapical region in the groups treated with aPDT indicate that this can be a promising adjunct therapy to cleaning and shaping procedures in teeth with apical periodontitis undergoing one-session endodontic treatment. (J Endod 2012;38:360-366)
Background: The patellar tendon has limited ability to heal after harvesting its central third. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) could improve patellar tendon healing. Hypothesis: Adding PRP to the patellar tendon harvest site would improve donor site healing and improve clinical outcome at 6 months after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction with a patellar tendon graft. Study Design: Randomized controlled trial; Level of evidence, 1. Methods: Twenty-seven patients were randomly divided to receive (n = 12) or not receive (n = 15) PRP in the patellar tendon harvest site during ACL reconstruction. The primary outcome was magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) assessment of patellar tendon healing (gap area) after 6 months. Secondary outcomes were questionnaires and isokinetic testing of ACL reconstruction with a patellar tendon graft comparing both groups. Results: Patellar tendon gap area was significantly smaller in the PRP group (4.9 +/- 5.3 mm(2); 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.1-8.8) than in the control group (9.4 +/- 4.4 mm(2); 95% CI, 6.6-12.2; P = .046). Visual analog scale score for pain was lower in the PRP group immediately postoperatively (3.8 +/- 1.0; 95% CI, 3.18-4.49) than in the control group (5.1 +/- 1.4; 95% CI, 4.24-5.90; P = .02). There were no differences after 6 months in questionnaire and isokinetic testing results comparing both groups. Conclusion: We showed that PRP had a positive effect on patellar tendon harvest site healing on MRI after 6 months and also reduced pain in the immediate postoperative period. Questionnaire and isokinetic testing results were not different between the groups at 6 months.
Introduction: Wound healing process involves the activation of extracellular matrix components, remodeling enzymes, cellular adhesion molecules, growth factors, cytokines and chemokines genes. However, the molecular patterns underlying the healing process periapical environment remain unclear. Here we hypothesized that endodontic infection might result in an imbalance in the expression of wound healing genes involved in the pathogenesis of periapical lesions. Furthermore, we suggest that differential expression of wound healing markers in active and latent granulomas could account for different clinical outcomes for such lesions. Methods: Study samples consisted of 93 periapical granulomas collected after endodontic surgeries and 24 healthy periodontal ligament tissues collected from premolars extracted for orthodontic purposes as control samples. Of these, 10 periapical granulomas and 5 healthy periapical tissues were used for expression analysis of 84 wound healing genes by using a pathway-specific real-time polymerase chain reaction array. The remaining 83 granulomas and all 24 control specimens were used to validate the obtained array data by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Observed variations in expression of wound healing genes were analyzed according to the classification of periapical granulomas as active/progressive versus inactive/stable (as determined by receptor activator for nuclear factor kappa B ligand/osteoprotegerin expression ratio). Results: We observed a marked increase of 5-fold or greater in SERPINE1, TIMP1, COL1A1, COL5A1, VTN, CTGF, FGF7, TGFB1, TNF, CXCL11, ITGA4, and ITGA5 genes in the periapical granulomas when compared with control samples. SERPINE1, TIMP1, COL1A1, TGFB1, and ITGA4 mRNA expression was significantly higher in inactive compared with active periapical granulomas (P < .001), whereas TNF and CXCL11 mRNA expression was higher in active lesions (P < .001). Conclusions: The identification of novel gene targets that curb the progression status of periapical lesions might contribute to a more accurate diagnosis and lead to treatment modalities more conducive to endodontic success. (J Endod 2012;38:185-190)
Purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of miniscrew dental root proximity on its late stability degree. 40 miniscrews were inserted between maxillary second premolars and first molars for anterior retraction. Post-surgical radiographs were used to measure the septum width in the insertion site, insertion height, distal and mesial distance from miniscrew to dental root, and the smallest distance between miniscrew and dental root. The miniscrews were divided in two groups according to septum width: ?3 mm (20 miniscrews) and >3 mm (20 miniscrews). The soft tissue in the insertion site, sensitivity during load, plaque around the miniscrew, and evaluation period were also considered. The results showed no significant difference in miniscrew mobility degree and success rate between groups. Miniscrew dental root proximity did not influence the stability and success rate when the distance between the miniscrew and dental root indicated no periodontal ligament invasion. The overall success rate was 90% and no variable was associated with miniscrew failure. Nevertheless, patient sensitivity was frequently associated with some degree of mini-implant mobility. The septum width did not influence the stability and success rate of this anchorage system, but the extreme root proximity did.