737 resultados para Propositional attitudes
The relative influence of race, income, education, and Food Stamp Program participation/nonparticipation on the food and nutrient intake of 102 fecund women ages 18-45 years in a Florida urban clinic population was assessed using the technique of multiple regression analysis. Study subgroups were defined by race and Food Stamp Program participation status. Education was found to have the greatest influence on food and nutrient intake. Race was the next most influential factor followed in order by Food Stamp Program participation and income. The combined effect of the four independent variables explained no more than 19 percent of the variance for any of the food and nutrient intake variables. This would indicate that a more complex model of influences is needed if variations in food and nutrient intake are to be fully explained.^ A socioeconomic questionnaire was administered to investigate other factors of influence. The influence of the mother, frequency and type of restaurant dining, and perceptions of food intake and weight were found to be factors deserving further study.^ Dietary data were collected using the 24-hour recall and food frequency checklist. Descriptive dietary findings indicated that iron and calcium were nutrients where adequacy was of concern for all study subgroups. White Food Stamp Program participants had the greatest number of mean nutrient intake values falling below the 1980 Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs). When Food Stamp Program participants were contrasted to nonparticipants, mean intakes of six nutrients (kilocalories, calcium, iron, vitamin A, thiamin, and riboflavin) were below the 1980 RDA compared to five mean nutrient intakes (kilocalories, calcium, iron, thiamin and riboflavin) for the nonparticipants. Use of the Index of Nutritional Quality (INQ), however, revealed that the quality of the diet of Food Stamp Program participants per 1000 kilocalories was adequate with exception of calcium and iron. Intakes of these nutrients were also not adequate on a 1000 kilocalorie basis for the nonparticipant group. When mean nutrient intakes of the groups were compared using Student's t-test oleicacid intake was the only significant difference found. Being a nonparticipant in the Food Stamp Program was found to be associated with more frequent consumption of cookies, sweet rolls, doughnuts, and honey. The findings of this study contradict the negative image of the Food Stamp Program participant and emphasize the importance of education. ^
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) is a hereditary cancer syndrome characterized by tumors of the endocrine system. Tumors most commonly develop in the parathyroid glands, pituitary gland, and the gastro-entero pancreatic tract. MEN1 is a highly penetrant condition and age of onset is variable. Most patients are diagnosed in early adulthood; however, rare cases of MEN1 present in early childhood. Expert consensus opinion is that predictive genetic testing should be offered at age 5 years, however there are no evidence-based studies that clearly establish that predictive genetic testing at this age would be beneficial since most symptoms do not present until later in life. This study was designed to explore attitudes about the most appropriate age for predictive genetic testing from individuals at risk of having a child with MEN1. Participants who had an MEN1 mutation were invited to complete a survey and were asked to invite their spouses to participate as well. The survey included several validated measures designed to assess participants’ attitudes about predictive testing in minors. Fifty-eight affected participants and twenty-two spouses/partners completed the survey. Most participants felt that MEN1 genetic testing was appropriate in healthy minors. Younger age and increased knowledge of MEN1 genetics and inheritance predicted genetic testing at a younger age. Additionally, participants who saw more positive than negative general outcomes from genetic testing were more likely to favor genetic testing at younger ages. Overall, participants felt genetic testing should be offered at a younger age than most adult onset conditions and most felt the appropriate time for testing was when a child could understand and participate in the testing process. Psychological concerns seemed to be the primary focus of participants who favored later ages for genetic testing, while medical benefits were more commonly cited for younger age. This exploratory study has implications for counseling patients whose children are at risk of developing MEN1 and illustrates issues that are important to patients and their spouses when considering testing in children.
Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) is an inherited cancer syndrome that is associated with mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Carriers of BRCA mutations, both men and women, are at an increased risk for developing certain cancers. Carriers are most notably at an increased risk to develop breast and ovarian cancers; however an increased risk for prostate cancer, melanoma, and pancreatic cancers has also been associated with these mutations. In 2009 the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) released a practice bulletin stating that evaluating a patient’s risk for HBOC should be a routine part of obstetric and gynecologic practice. A survey was created and completed by 83 obstetricians and gynecologists in the greater Houston, TX area. The survey consisted of four sections designed to capture demographic information, attitudes towards HBOC and BRCA testing, utilization of BRCA testing, and the overall knowledge of respondents with regards to HBOC and BRCA testing. This study found that the majority of participants indicated that they felt that obstetricians and gynecologists should have the primary responsibility of identifying patients who may be at increased risk of carrying a BRCA mutation. Moreover, this study found that the majority of participants indicated that they felt comfortable or very comfortable in identifying patients at an increased risk of carrying a BRCA mutation. However, only about a quarter of participants indicated that they order BRCA genetic testing one to two times per month or more. Lastly, this study demonstrates that the overall knowledge of HBOC and BRCA testing among this population of obstetricians and gynecologists is poor. The results of this study stress the need for more education regarding HBOC, genetic testing, and strategies for identifying patients that may be at risk for having a mutation in a BRCA gene. Furthermore, it reiterates the importance of raising awareness to current practice guidelines and recommendations that can assist obstetricians and gynecologist to better identify and manage patients that may be at an increased risk of having HBOC.
Objectives. The purpose of this study was to elucidate behavioral determinants (prevailing attitudes and beliefs) of hand hygiene practices among undergraduate dental students in a dental school. ^ Methods. Statistical modeling using the Integrative Behavioral Model (IBM) prediction was utilized to develop a questionnaire for evaluating behavioral perceptions of hand hygiene practices by dental school students. Self-report questionnaires were given to second, third and fourth year undergraduate dental students. Models representing two distinct hand hygiene practices, termed "elective in-dental school hand hygiene practice" and "inherent in-dental school hand hygiene practice" were tested using linear regression analysis. ^ Results. 58 responses were received (24.5%); the sample mean age was 26.6 years old and females comprised 51%. In our models, elective in-dental school hand hygiene practice and inherent in-dental school hand hygiene practice, explained 40% and 28%, respectively, of the variance in behavioral intention. Translation of community hand hygiene practice to the dental school setting is the predominant driver of elective hand hygiene practice. Intended elective in-school hand hygiene practice is further significantly predicted by students' self-efficacy. Students' attitudes, peer pressure of other dental students and clinic administrators, and role modeling had minimal effects. Inherent hand hygiene intent was strongly predicted by students' beliefs in the benefits of the activity and, to a lesser extent, role modeling. Inherent and elective community behaviors were insignificant. ^ Conclusions. This study provided significant insights into dental student's hand hygiene behavior and can form the basis for an effective behavioral intervention program designed to improve hand hygiene compliance.^
Advance care planning has the potential to create positive outcomes in the realm of end-of-life health care. The completion of advance directives and living wills are vital in equipping patients with autonomy and ensuring that their end-of-life wishes are respected. However, there remains a lack of knowledge and low completion rates of advance directives despite their possible improvements and ramifications on health care at the end of life. This study seeks to determine the knowledge of and attitudes towards end-of-life decision-making in South Texas. The study is designed as a cross-sectional, exploratory survey using a descriptive survey instrument to query 71 subjects in South Texas. The setting for the study includes three distinct groups, two in San Antonio, Texas and one in Brownsville, Texas. Unique differences in demographics between the three groups, such as variability in age, ethnicity, language and religious affiliation allowed for preliminary associations to be concluded in describing the results of the survey instrument. Ultimately, this study describes the attitudes and perceptions of advance care planning in South Texas and reveals the need for further education and awareness of the topic, perhaps indicating the need for a public health initiative in this regard.^
Background: HIV/AIDS has remained one of Nigeria's biggest health and social issues for decades. People aged between 10 and 24 are the most affected. Research into why this population subset is affected is very pertinent. We therefore conducted a systematic review of the Knowledge and Attitudes of young people in Nigeria about HIV/AIDS to understand where the gaps between knowledge and attitudes can be bridged. ^ Methods: We conducted searches in Medline, PubMed, African Index Medicus, Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health. WHO and UNAIDS documents were also searched. Other journals were hand searched. Searches were for studies between 1986 (when HIV/AIDS was first reported in Nigeria) till date. In addition, data abstraction and quality assessment were done. ^ Results: 279 titles and abstracts were found and 33 articles in full text were appraised critically and 17 articles were selected based on our criteria. This revealed a dearth of well conducted studies in the literature despite the enormity of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Constructs for Knowledge and attitudes were itemized on two tables for each article based on the Health Belief Model. Even though many of the studies showed high level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS, it did not impact attitudes about the disease. Also fear and anxiety prevented participants from acquiring knowledge. These recurring themes arguably were not limited to any region or area, background or group. ^ Conclusion: There is a need for future research to be culturally sensitive with a focus on attitudes and correction of misconceptions about HIV/AIDS among our youth.^
Children investigated by child welfare are at significant risk for poor cognitive, emotional, social, behavioral and economic outcomes. In 2000, California formed the Child Welfare Services Group to propose changes in how child welfare services are delivered, the CWS Redesign. California State University, Long Beach’s child welfare training program developed its complement. Fundamentally, Redesign calls for partnering with families and communities to strengthen families, prevent unnecessary placements or re-unite families successfully. These changes are a paradigm shift in attitudes toward birth families and communities. In a qualitative study, interns logged their observations and subsequent impressions of CWS-Client encounters to explore how attitudes are learned. Majority of interns observed positive, collaborative encounters and perceived birth parents as motivated. Their impressions support introducing interns to birth families on the front-end of CWS training.
Prenatal diagnosis is traditionally made via invasive procedures such as amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS). However, both procedures carry a risk of complications, including miscarriage. Many groups have spent years searching for a way to diagnose a chromosome aneuploidy without putting the fetus or the mother at risk for complications. Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for chromosome aneuploidy became commercially available in the fall of 2011, with detection rates similar to those of invasive procedures for the common autosomal aneuploidies (Palomaki et al., 2011; Ashoor et al. 2012; Bianchi et al. 2012). Eventually NIPT may become the diagnostic standard of care and reduce invasive procedure-related losses (Palomaki et al., 2011). The integration of NIPT into clinical practice has potential to revolutionize prenatal diagnosis; however, it also raises some crucial issues for practitioners. Now that the test is clinically available, no studies have looked at the physicians that will be ordering the testing or referring patients to practitioners who do. This study aimed to evaluate the attitudes of OB/GYN’s and how they are incorporating the test into clinical practice. Our study shows that most physicians are offering this new, non-invasive technology to their patients, and that their practices were congruent with the literature and available professional society opinions. Those physicians who do not offer NIPT to their patients would like more literature on the topic as well as instructive guidelines from their professional societies. Additionally, this study shows that the practices and attitudes of MFMs and OBs differ. Our population feels that the incorporation of NIPT will change their practices by lowering the amount of invasive procedures, possibly replacing maternal serum screening, and that it will simplify prenatal diagnosis. However, those physicians who do not offer NIPT to their patients are not quite sure how the test will affect their clinical practice. From this study we are able to glean how physicians are incorporating this new technology into their practice and how they feel about the addition to their repertoire of tests. This knowledge gives insight as to how to best move forward with the quickly changing field of prenatal diagnosis.
Hemophilia is a hereditary bleeding disorder which requires lifelong specialized care. A network of Hemophilia Treatment Centers (HTCs) exists to meet the medical needs of patients affected by hemophilia. Genetic counseling services are an integral part of the HTC model of care; however, many HTCs do not have genetic counselors on staff. As a result, the duty to provide these services must fall to other healthcare providers within the HTC. To assess the knowledge and attitudes of these providers we developed a 49 question survey that was distributed electronically to hematologists and nurses at U.S. HTCs. The survey consisted of a three sections: demographic information, knowledge of hemophilia genetics, and attitudes towards genetic services. A total of 111 complete responses were received and analyzed. The average knowledge score among all participants was 74.8% with a total of 81 participants receiving a passing score of 70% or above. Thirty participants scored below 70% in the knowledge section. In general, attitude scores were high indicating that the majority of hematologists and nurses in HTCs feel confident in their ability to provide genetic counseling services. Over 90% of participants reported that they have some form of access to genetic counseling services at their center. Hematologists and nurses practicing in U.S. HTCs demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the genetics of hemophilia, and they generally feel confident in their ability to provide genetic counseling services to their patients. While their knowledge is sufficient, the average knowledge score was lower than 75%. Certain questions covering new genetic technologies and testing practices were more commonly missed than questions asking about more basic aspects of hemophilia genetics, such as inheritance and carrier testing. Finally, many clinics report having access to a counselor, but it is oftentimes a hematologist or nurse who is providing genetic counseling services to patients. Given the inconsistency in knowledge among providers coupled with the high confidence in one’s ability to counsel patients, it leaves room to question whether information about the genetics of hemophilia is being communicated to patients in the most appropriate and accurate manner.
Li- Fraumeni Syndrome (LFS) is a rare autosomal dominant hereditary cancer syndrome caused by mutations in the TP53 gene that predisposes individuals to a wide variety of cancers, including breast cancer, soft tissue sarcomas, osteosarcomas, brain tumors, and adrenocortical carcinomas. Individuals found to carry germline mutations in TP53 have a 90% lifetime cancer risk, with a 20% chance to develop cancer under the age of 20. Despite the significant risk of childhood cancer, predictive testing for unaffected minors at risk for LFS historically has not been recommended, largely due to the lack of available and effective screening for the types of cancers involved. A recently developed screening protocol suggests an advantage to identifying and screening children at risk for LFS and we therefore hypothesized that this alongside with the availability of new screening modalities may substantiate a shift in recommendations for predictive genetic testing in minors at risk for LFS. We aimed to describe current screening recommendations that genetic counselors provide to this population as well as explore factors that may have influenced genetic counselors attitude and practice in regards to this issue. An online survey was emailed to members of the National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC) and the Canadian Association of Genetic Counsellors (CAGC). Of an estimated 1000 eligible participants, 172 completed surveys that were analyzed. Genetic counselors in this study were more likely to support predictive genetic testing for this population as the minor aged (p
The quadrivalent HPV vaccine was developed primarily for the prevention of cervical cancer. The vaccine, originally approved for females, was recently approved by the American Committee for Immunization Practices to be administered to males, allowing federal programs to pay for the vaccination for both males and females. However, uptake for this vaccination has been low. Studies show that physicians have great influence over whether or not parents decide to vaccinate their children. In this study, a survey was mailed out asking physicians about their attitude towards the HPV vaccination and what they believed to be the barriers to the vaccination of their patients. The analysis of the data included descriptive statistics and chi-square analysis in order to compare the differences in responses between male and female patients. The vast majority of physicians supported the vaccination of both females and males. However, the perceived barriers to vaccinating females differed from males, with physicians believing that parents' concern about sexual promiscuity was a greater barrier to vaccination in girls than boys (p=0.007). The other major significant difference in perceived barriers among physicians is the belief that physicians in general are less likely to promote the vaccination in males compared to females (p=0.01). Despite evidence to the contrary, it seems more patient education is needed regarding sexual promiscuity and its association with the HPV vaccine. There may also be a need for increased physician education regarding the use of the HPV vaccine for male patients.^
Background: The Institute of Medicine estimates that only a maximum of 25% of clinical research findings are incorporated into practice by physicians. To improve clinical practice, efforts have been made to promote evidence-based medicine and the use of clinical guidelines. Despite these efforts, the gap between research and clinical practice remains wide.^ Objective: To systematically review the literature describing the factors which influence the use of clinical research recommendations by American physicians.^ Hypothesis: Barriers exist in the application of clinical research into clinical practice, and are multifactorial. The establishment of the Clinical and Translational Awards (CTSA; special federal grants awarded to selected institutions to support clinical and translational research) has reduced the effect of these barriers and improved the process of clinical research translation into practice among American physicians.^ Aims: Identify barriers and facilitators of the use of research findings in clinical practice by American physicians. Contrast studies published six years before and after the creation of the CTSA.^ Methods: The sources of data include published literature from Medline, PubMed and PsycINFO. Selected studies must be qualitative, a survey of American clinicians, based on evidence-based medicine practice, clinical guidelines or treatment pathways. Systematic reviews and reports were excluded, as well as studies with less than 100 respondents.^ Results: In total, 1036 abstracts were reviewed; 115 full text potential articles were identified and reviewed, and a total of 31 studies met all criteria for inclusion in the final review.^ Conclusions: The barriers against the application of clinical research findings, in the forms of clinical guidelines, evidence-based medicine guides and clinical pathways, can be divided broadly into physician barriers, practice/system barriers and patient barriers. Physician barriers are the most common barriers, especially the lack of familiarity with guidelines and the lack of time. Of the factors which improve the use of research based guidelines, physician factors such as younger age, lower duration of clinical practice, specialty training, and practice in large group Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) settings with fewer patients seen were the most commonly cited.^
The management of HIV infection with antiretroviral drugs has succeeded in increasing survival rates, but the subject of pregnancy in HIV-positive women continues to garner debate. Discrimination and stigma have been identified as barriers to health care, suggesting that women with HIV may be disinclined to seek prenatal care if health-care workers exhibit negative attitudes toward the women's pregnancies. To optimize prenatal and medical care for women with HIV infection, it is important to understand the general social conditions and cultural context in which these women have children. Goffman's treatise on stigma, Foucault's discussion of the knowledge/power matrix, and Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory offer theoretical perspectives by which we can evaluate the gender, race, and class issues that are inherent in pregnancy decision-making for women with HIV infection. It is also necessary to evaluate prevailing attitudes on childbearing toward HIV-positive women and to review the historical background of prejudice in which HIV-positive women make decisions regarding childbearing. ^ This qualitative study used a survey instrument and one-on-one interviews with HIV-infected women to elicit their perceptions of how they were treated by care providers when they became pregnant. It also included interviews with health-care workers to determine what their feelings are about pregnancy within the context of HIV infection. Results of the ethnographic inquiry reveal that most of the women had negative experiences at some point during a pregnancy, but that the situation improved when they sought care from a provider who was familiar with HIV infection. The health-care providers interviewed were firm in their belief that HIV-positive women deserved optimal care and treated the women with respect, but these are individuals who are also experts in providing care to HIV-positive patients. The question remains as to what kind of care HIV-positive women are receiving generally and what types of attitudes they are being subjected to if they see less experienced providers. Further research is also needed to determine whether HIV-positive women from a broader ethnic representation and higher socioeconomic status experience similar negative attitudes. ^
Sediment accumulation rates, computed using agesediment thickness curves obtained from DSDP cores, are rarely corrected for compaction or bedding attitude to better approximate true sediment accumulation rates (c.f. van Andel et al., 1975; Davies et al., 1977; and Whitman and Davies, 1979). Variations with depth in either of these factors can hinder interpreting relative rates of sedimentary processes associated with a particular depositional environment. This problem becomes particularly relevant for convergent margin sediments, which often display variable bedding attitudes and pronounced changes in porosity, bulk density, and other parameters related to the compaction process at shallow depth. These rapid shallow changes render correlation of sedimentation rates within a single transect of holes very difficult. Two techniques have been applied to data collected from a transect of holes along the southwestern Mexico continental margin, DSDP Leg 66 (Fig. 1), to correct sediment accumulation rates for variations in compaction and bedding attitude. These corrections should help resolve true fluctuations in accumulation rates and their implications regarding convergent margin processes.