732 resultados para Processament de senyals


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En aquest projecte fem un estudi de diferents mètodes per a la segmentació i extracció de línies de mapes de metro com a suport per a daltònics. Hem aplicat dos mètodes amb intervenció de l’usuari i cinc mètodes automàtics on fem servir K-means per a la segmentació de color i Hough per a l’extracció de línies. Dels mètodes amb intervenció obtenim millors resultats amb un mètode d’assignació aproximada del color, i entre els autoàatics tenim com a millor una solució ad-hoc sense paràmetres aplicada sobre l’espai RGB. D’acord amb els resultats experimentals, aquests mètodes ens permeten fer una bona segmentació i extracció de les línies de metro.


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El trabajo expuesto en la presente memoria tiene como objetivo la creación de un prototipo de avisos para gente sorda. El sistema se encargará de facilitar la interactuación entre una persona con problemas auditivos y los señales sonoros que pueden hallarse en una casa. El prototipo se ha desarrollado a partir de la plataforma hardware Arduino, un Smartphone con sistema operativo Android y la tecnología de comunicaciones inalámbricas Bluetooth y ZigBee.


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This project proposes a preliminary architectural design for a control and data processing center, also known as 'ground segment', for Earth observation satellites.


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The resource utilization level in open laboratories of several universities has been shown to be very low. Our aim is to take advantage of those idle resources for parallel computation without disturbing the local load. In order to provide a system that lets us execute parallel applications in such a non-dedicated cluster, we use an integral scheduling system that considers both Space and Time sharing concerns. For dealing with the Time Sharing (TS) aspect, we use a technique based on the communication-driven coscheduling principle. This kind of TS system has some implications on the Space Sharing (SS) system, that force us to modify the way job scheduling is traditionally done. In this paper, we analyze the relation between the TS and the SS systems in a non-dedicated cluster. As a consequence of this analysis, we propose a new technique, termed 3DBackfilling. This proposal implements the well known SS technique of backfilling, but applied to an environment with a MultiProgramming Level (MPL) of the parallel applications that is greater than one. Besides, 3DBackfilling considers the requirements of the local workload running on each node. Our proposal was evaluated in a PVM/MPI Linux cluster, and it was compared with several more traditional SS policies applied to non-dedicated environments.


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In this work, we present an integral scheduling system for non-dedicated clusters, termed CISNE-P, which ensures the performance required by the local applications, while simultaneously allocating cluster resources to parallel jobs. Our approach solves the problem efficiently by using a social contract technique. This kind of technique is based on reserving computational resources, preserving a predetermined response time to local users. CISNE-P is a middleware which includes both a previously developed space-sharing job scheduler and a dynamic coscheduling system, a time sharing scheduling component. The experimentation performed in a Linux cluster shows that these two scheduler components are complementary and a good coordination improves global performance significantly. We also compare two different CISNE-P implementations: one developed inside the kernel, and the other entirely implemented in the user space.


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Background: Parallel T-Coffee (PTC) was the first parallel implementation of the T-Coffee multiple sequence alignment tool. It is based on MPI and RMA mechanisms. Its purpose is to reduce the execution time of the large-scale sequence alignments. It can be run on distributed memory clusters allowing users to align data sets consisting of hundreds of proteins within a reasonable time. However, most of the potential users of this tool are not familiar with the use of grids or supercomputers. Results: In this paper we show how PTC can be easily deployed and controlled on a super computer architecture using a web portal developed using Rapid. Rapid is a tool for efficiently generating standardized portlets for a wide range of applications and the approach described here is generic enough to be applied to other applications, or to deploy PTC on different HPC environments. Conclusions: The PTC portal allows users to upload a large number of sequences to be aligned by the parallel version of TC that cannot be aligned by a single machine due to memory and execution time constraints. The web portal provides a user-friendly solution.


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This work proposes the development of an embedded real-time fruit detection system for future automatic fruit harvesting. The proposed embedded system is based on an ARM Cortex-M4 (STM32F407VGT6) processor and an Omnivision OV7670 color camera. The future goal of this embedded vision system will be to control a robotized arm to automatically select and pick some fruit directly from the tree. The complete embedded system has been designed to be placed directly in the gripper tool of the future robotized harvesting arm. The embedded system will be able to perform real-time fruit detection and tracking by using a three-dimensional look-up-table (LUT) defined in the RGB color space and optimized for fruit picking. Additionally, two different methodologies for creating optimized 3D LUTs based on existing linear color models and fruit histograms were implemented in this work and compared for the case of red peaches. The resulting system is able to acquire general and zoomed orchard images and to update the relative tracking information of a red peach in the tree ten times per second.


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This work proposes the detection of red peaches in orchard images based on the definition of different linear color models in the RGB vector color space. The classification and segmentation of the pixels of the image is then performed by comparing the color distance from each pixel to the different previously defined linear color models. The methodology proposed has been tested with images obtained in a real orchard under natural light. The peach variety in the orchard was the paraguayo (Prunus persica var. platycarpa) peach with red skin. The segmentation results showed that the area of the red peaches in the images was detected with an average error of 11.6%; 19.7% in the case of bright illumination; 8.2% in the case of low illumination; 8.6% for occlusion up to 33%; 12.2% in the case of occlusion between 34 and 66%; and 23% for occlusion above 66%. Finally, a methodology was proposed to estimate the diameter of the fruits based on an ellipsoidal fitting. A first diameter was obtained by using all the contour pixels and a second diameter was obtained by rejecting some pixels of the contour. This approach enables a rough estimate of the fruit occlusion percentage range by comparing the two diameter estimates.


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This article introduces a new interface for T-Coffee, a consistency-based multiple sequence alignment program. This interface provides an easy and intuitive access to the most popular functionality of the package. These include the default T-Coffee mode for protein and nucleic acid sequences, the M-Coffee mode that allows combining the output of any other aligners, and template-based modes of T-Coffee that deliver high accuracy alignments while using structural or homology derived templates. These three available template modes are Expresso for the alignment of protein with a known 3D-Structure, R-Coffee to align RNA sequences with conserved secondary structures and PSI-Coffee to accurately align distantly related sequences using homology extension. The new server benefits from recent improvements of the T-Coffee algorithm and can align up to 150 sequences as long as 10 000 residues and is available from both http://www.tcoffee.org and its main mirror http://tcoffee.crg.cat.


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En este trabajo se hace una evaluación de la solución Big Data Hadoop como alternativa de almacenamiento y procesado de elevados volúmenes de datos en comparación con modelos relacionales tradicionales en un Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) corporativo, y de cómo ésta es capaz de integrarse con las herramientas de visualización típicas de las suites Business Intelligence.


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Location information is becoming increasingly necessary as every new smartphone incorporates a GPS (Global Positioning System) which allows the development of various applications based on it. However, it is not possible to properly receive the GPS signal in indoor environments. For this reason, new indoor positioning systems are being developed. As indoors is a very challenging scenario, it is necessary to study the precision of the obtained location information in order to determine if these new positioning techniques are suitable for indoor positioning.


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L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és desenvolupar una App per Android OS capaç de prevenir a l'usuari de conductes de risc, tenint en compte els senyals WI-FI captats pels diversos smartphones, així com les hipotètiques relacions d'amistat existents entre els contactes de l'agenda.


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DnaSP, DNA Sequence Polymorphism, is a software package for the analysis of nucleotide polymorphism from aligned DNA sequence data. DnaSP can estimate several measures of DNA sequence variation within and between populations (in noncoding, synonymous or nonsynonymous sites, or in various sorts of codon positions), as well as linkage disequilibrium, recombination, gene flow and gene conversion parameters. DnaSP can also carry out several tests of neutrality: Hudson, Kreitman and Aguadé (1987), Tajima (1989), McDonald and Kreitman (1991), Fu and Li (1993), and Fu (1997) tests. Additionally, DnaSP can estimate the confidence intervals of some test-statistics by the coalescent. The results of the analyses are displayed on tabular and graphic form.