988 resultados para Prematura barn


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Contient : Testaments des comtes de Cerdagne et de Roussillon ; Donation par Louis IX à Nuño Sanche, comte de Roussillon, de la vicomté de Fenouillet ; Extraits des registres de la Chambre des comptes concernant la Navarre ; Enquête faite à la Bastide-Clairence contre Jean de Frecho, drapier ; Extraits de diverses chroniques ; Sentence rendue par les enquêteurs et réformateurs du roi, en faveur de Ponce de Mortagne, contre les villes de Navarre ; Confirmation par Charles IV le Bel de l'accord conclu entre Gaston II, comte de Foix, et Jeanne d'Artois ; Privilège d'Alfonse XI de Castille pour les gens d'Alava ; Accord entre les habitants de Vittoria et la reine Jeanne de Navarre ; Concession par Charles, prince de Béarn, à Jean de Beaumont de la vicomté d'Arberoue ; Capitulation de Fontarabie ; Confirmation des biens et droits des maréchaux de Navarre ; Charte de Sanche V de Navarre ; Fondation du monastère de Saint-Pierre hors les murs de Pampelune ; Notice de la fondation de l'abbaye de Roncevaux ; Lettre de Martin Burges à Oihénart ; Documents relatifs à l'histoire de Roncevaux ; Privilèges de la vallée de Bastan ; Confirmation de privilèges des pays de basques ; Mémoire sur les droits du doyen de Tudela (imprimé, in-4° ) ; Notes diverses relatives à la Navarre ; Privilège de Catherine, reine de Navarre, pour le maréchal Philippe de Navarre


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Contient : Maisons de Dreux et de La Mark ; Généalogie de la maison d'Alençon, composée au temps de Charles III, comte d'Alençon ; « Le lignage de Coucy, Dreux, de Bourbon et de Courtenay » ; Sommaire de la « Grandeur et excellence de la maison d'Anjou », par François Balduin (cf. Le Long, Bibl. hist., n° 35690) ; « Brief discours sur l'excellence... du pays d'Anjou », par Robin Du Fau (imprimé à Paris, en 1582 ; pet. in-8°) ; Chronique de Perceval de Cagny, copie de la main d'A. Duchesne (publiée en 1902 par M. H. Moranvillé pour la Société de l'histoire de France) ; Chronique des comtes et ducs d'Alençon jusqu'en 1473 (Le Long, Bibl. hist., n° 25393) ; Concession par Louis XI à René d'Alençon de la jouissance du comté du Perche ; Fragments divers relatifs à l'histoire d'Alençon ; Chronique des comtes d'Eu, de 1130 à 1390 (publiée dans les Hist. de France, t. XXIII, p. 439) ; Pièces relatives au comté d'Eu ; Généalogie des comtes d'Eu, provenant de l'abbaye d'Eu ; Chroniques de la maison d'Eu ; « Chroniques de Vitré », par Pierre Le Baud ; Additions à la chronique précédente, par Jean Gesland, avocat fiscal de Laval ; Comtes de Dreux ; Comtes de Provence ; Dauphins de Viennois ; Comtes de Beaujolais ; Extrait de chroniques de Limoges ; Extraits de Bernard Gui ; Extraits du Petit Thalamus de Montpellier ; Histoire des comtes de Foix jusqu'en 1490, en français (cf. ms. fr. 5404) ; Extrait de l'inventaire du Trésor des chartes de Béarn ; Mémoire sur la souveraineté de Béarn, par Marca ; Description des pays entre l'Adour, les Pyrénées et la mer ; Note sur les premiers vicomtes de Béarn ; Lettre de Suavius, abbé de Saint-Sever en Gascogne, au pape Pascal II ; Extraits de lettres de Besly à Dupuy (18 janvier 1621) et au P. Sirmond (1 novembre 1620), sur les vicomtes de Béarn ; Extrait d'un mémoire de Marca sur les premiers vicomtes de Béarn


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Contient : Registres de la connétablie de Bordeaux ; Privilèges de Muret ; Testament de Gérard d'Armagnac, vicomte de Fezensaguet ; État des châtellenies du pays de Comminges ; Lettre de Payen à Oihénart ; Notice sur Trie ; Pièces concernant Toulouse ; Titres des comtes de Foix ; Fragments de l'obituaire de l'église de Tarbes et de divers registres de la même ville ; Testament de Bernard Aton, vicomte de Carcassonne ; Extrait du Registrum curiae Franciae des archives de Carcassonne ; Registres concernant la même ville ; Fragments relatifs au Béarn et à la Gascogne ; Registre de Saint-Sever


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Contient : Registres du Parlement de Paris ; Mss. de M. de Thou ; « Liber principum » de la Chambre des comptes de Paris ; Notes généalogiques sur les comtes d'Astarac ; État des services dus au roi de Navarre dans le comté de Bigorre ; Pièces sur l'abbaye de Moissac ; Documents concernant diverses familles de Gascogne ; États de Béarn ; Généalogies diverses ; Mémoire adressé au comte de Turenne sur la maison de l'Isle-Jourdain ; Testament de Matha de l'Isle, comtesse de Comminges ; Testament de Bernard, comte de Comminges ; Accord entre les habitants du pays de Soule et ceux du pays de Josbaig ; Pièces relatives au commerce des Espagnols dans le pays de Comminges ; Cartulaire de Champagne ; Notice sur Saint-Savin (de la main d'A. Duchesne) ; « Notitia provinciarum Galliae » ; Chronique d'Adémar de Chabannes ; Gesta pontificum et comitum Engolismensium ; Gesta Francorum ; Chronique de Geoffroi de Vigeois et chroniques diverses ; Archives de la Chambre des comptes


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Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the Town of St. Catharines. Identified structures associated with the Canal include Lock 4, Lock House, Lock 5, Small Lock House, the towing path, and Gasometer for Canal. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks are also identified and include streets and roads (ex. Geneva Street, Queenston Street, and Academy Street), C. Phelps Mill and Store House, St. Catharines and Welland Canal Gas Works, William Mahony's Tannery, Cooper Shop, a barrel shed, barn, and gas tanks. Properties and property owners of note are: Concession 6 Lots 14, 14, and 16, Concession 7 Lots 14, 15, and 16, C. Phelps, R. M. Clement, Orson Phelps, R. Collier, D. P. Haynes, W. Chace, and John Soper.


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Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the Grantham Township just southeast of the Town of St. Catharines. Identified structures associated with the Canal include Locks 5, 6, and 7, two Lock House Lots, Small Lock House, waste weir, and the towing path. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks are also identified and include roads (ex. Road to Thorold), Dicks Creek, R. Collier's Saw Mill, a gate yard, paper mill, grist mill, store house, and a barn. Properties and property owners of note are: Concession 7 Lots 13, 14, and 15, R. Collier, Orson Phelps, and a Mill Lot leased to Richard Collier.


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Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the Back Water bodies in Thorold Township. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. A number of trees along the shores presumably used in the measurements are labelled. Local area landmarks are also identified and include streets and roads(ex. Road to Beaverdams), Shriner's Dwelling Home, a barn, and the Back Water bodies. Properties and property owners of note are: Lots 27, 28, and 29, W. Bouck, D. Shriner, and Rev. T. B. Fuller.


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Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the canal in Thorold Township. Identified structures associated with the Canal include the towing path. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks are also identified and include streets and roads (ex. Road to Allanburgh), Higgins Flume, Spoil Bank, a creek, a pond, a culvert, and a barn. Properties and property owners of note are: Lots 73, 74, and 75, G. Keefer Sr., James Gibson, Malum Swayze, Henry Higgins, S. Merithew, and Robert Smith.


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Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the canal in Thorold Township northwest of Allanburgh. Identified structures associated with the Canal include the towing path. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks are also identified and include streets and roads (ex. Holland Road), Higgins Flume, Davis Culvert, J. Upper Tavern, a barn, creek, bridge, ditch, fence, and several unnamed ponds. Properties and property owners of note are: Lots 96, 97, and 98, Joseph Upper, A. Church, and T. Higgins.


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Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing Port Robinson and the canal to Chippewa Creek. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks are also identified and include streets and roads (ex. Front Street, Bridge Street, and Cross Street), the Welland railroad, Dry Dock leased to D. McFarland and Abbey, G. Jordan Tavern, D. McFarland and Co. Burnt Saw Mill, I. Pew Shop, Old Locks, New Lock, Canal to Chippewa Creek, Chippewa Creek, covered drain from dry dock, a barn and several bridges. Properties and property owners of note are: Lots 202, Broken Front lots 202 and 203, D. McFarland, and G. Jordan.


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Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the canal as it passes through Port Robinson. Identified structures associated with the Canal include the Guard Lock, Collector Toll Office, towing path, and the New Cut of the canal. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks are also identified and include streets and roads (ex. Island Street, Bridge Street, John Street, and Cross Street), bridges (Swing Bridge, and several unnamed bridges), Welland Railroad, Canal to Chippewa Creek (and two old locks and one new lock associated with the canal), Chippewa Creek, Back Water, an unnamed Island, Dry Dock leased to McFarland and Abbey, Abbey's Office, D. McFarland and Co. Saw Mill (Burnt), G. Jordan Tavern, Robert Elliot Store House and Wharf, Isaac Pew's Shop, Colemans Hotel, R. Band and Co. Girst Mill, Donaldson and Co. Grist Mill, H. Marlatt Dwelling House and barn, Henry W. Timms Hotel, Methodist Church, Post Office, Blacksmith Shop, a church, a structure labeled B. Patch, and a number of other structures that are not named. Properties and property owners of note are: Lots 202 and 203, S. Hill, D. McFarland, Church Society, G. Jordan, D. Coleman, John Brown, Rob Coulter, Robert Elliot, Isaac Pew, James McCoppen, William Bell, Charles Stuart, Andrew Elliot, Robert Band, Ed. Feney, John Betty, F. Sharp, William B. Hendershot, A. Brownson, H. Marlatt, J. S. Powell, and the School Trustees. Two reserved properties are labeled in red.The current spelling of Chippewa Creek is Chippawa. Although it not possible to make out the entire name of the H. W. Timms hotel located at Front and Bridge Street on the map itself, it was discovered to belong to Henry W. Timms after consulting the 1851-52 Canada Directory.


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Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the canal as it crosses Chippewa Creek in the Thorold Township near Welland. Identified structures and features associated with the Canal include the towing path, the old canal, the aqueduct lock, the new aqueduct, and the waterway itself. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks are also identified and include roads (ex. Aqueduct Road, and Road to Weland), Chippewa Creek, the Spoil Bank, a house and a barn. Properties and property owners of note are: Lots 239, 247, and 248, Joseph Burgar, and Smith Shotwell.


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Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the township of Crowland as well as the Village of Welland-Merritville. Identified structures associated with the Canal include Old Canal, old towing path, water way, bridge, culvert, covered drain, drain, and towing path. Surveyor measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks include E. Seeley's store, W.A. Bald's store, barn, and two ponds. Roads parallel to Canal include the old towing road, towing path, Canal Street, road to Welland_lle, and road to Junction. Roads perpendicular to Canal include Road Allowance between the 5th and 6th Concession, Division Street, Road to Narrows. Properties and property owners are noted as W.A. Bald, E. Seeley, John Price, Eli Mead, Jacob Griffith, John Hellems. Lots noted are: Lots Number 25, 26, 5th Concession.


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Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the border area of the townships of Crowland and Humberstone, as well as the Village of Junction. Identified structures associated with the Canal include ditches, Junction Lock, bridge, feeder to Marshville, and spoil banks. Surveyor measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks include the Gore between Crowland and Humberstone, pond, creek, H. Hellems Wharf Lot, John Toyne property, School House, Tavern, Barn, and House. Roads parallel to Canal include southern Road Allowance and the Road to Port Colborne. Roads perpendicular to Canal include Road Allowance between the 6th and 7th Concession. Properties and property owners are noted as Thomas Street, John Hellems, James Boyd, John Toyne, and F. Holmes. Lots noted are: Lots Number 25, 26, 27, 7th Concession.


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Survey map and description of Philip Shaver's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; locks no. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, ravine, corner stone, St. Catharines ditch, waste weir, concession line, barn. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map. The deed for the land is dated October 1st, 1829.