984 resultados para Positions Éthiques


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In mixed sediment beds, erosion resistance can change relative to that of beds composed of a uniform sediment because of varying textural and/or other grain-size parameters, with effects on pore water flow that are difficult to quantify by means of analogue techniques. To overcome this difficulty, a three-dimensional numerical model was developed using a finite difference method (FDM) flow model coupled with a distinct element method (DEM) particle model. The main aim was to investigate, at a high spatial resolution, the physical processes occurring during the initiation of motion of single grains at the sediment-water interface and in the shallow subsurface of simplified sediment beds under different flow velocities. Increasing proportions of very fine sand (D50=0.08 mm) were mixed into a coarse sand matrix (D50=0.6 mm) to simulate mixed sediment beds, starting with a pure coarse sand bed in experiment 1 (0 wt% fines), and proceeding through experiment 2 (6.5 wt% fines), experiment 3 (10.5 wt% fines), and experiment 4 (28.7 wt% fines). All mixed beds were tested for their erosion behavior at predefined flow velocities varying in the range of U 1-5=10-30 cm/s. The experiments show that, with increasing fine content, the smaller particles increasingly fill the spaces between the larger particles. As a consequence, pore water inflow into the sediment is increasingly blocked, i.e., there is a decrease in pore water flow velocity and, hence, in the flow momentum available to entrain particles. These findings are portrayed in a new conceptual model of enhanced sediment bed stabilization.


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This thesis is a conceptual examination of the positions from which we teach in public education. As it is philosophical in nature, it takes no qualitative or quantitative data. It offers a review of selected relevant literature and an analysis of personal and professional experience, with the intent to pose critical questions about teaching and learning. The framework of this thesis represents the following contentions: First, from its inception, public schooling served capital by preparing skilled labour for emerging industrial markets. This history is the hegemonic shadow that hangs over public education today. Second, movements toward the standardization of funding, curriculum, and evaluation support the further commodification of public schooling. The “accountability” that standardization offers, the “back to basics” that it aims for, is counter to the potential that public education might critically inform citizens and seek social justice. Third, movements toward the privatization of public schooling under the guise of “choice” and “mobility”, brought on by manufactured crisis, serve only to widen socio-economic inequities as capitalist neoliberal interests seek profit in both the product of public schools and in schooling itself. If we recognize and understand the power of public education to inform vast numbers of citizens who will, in turn, either maintain or reform society, we must ask: What do we want public education to be? What are the effects of continuing down historically conventional and increasingly standardized paths? What do progressive pedagogies offer? How might teachers destandardize their pedagogy and pursue equitable opportunities for marginalized students? How might students name themselves and their world, that they might play a part in its reimagining? For whom do we teach, and under what conditions? From where do we teach, and why? For educators to ask these questions, and to employ what they discover, will necessitate taking substantial risks. It will necessitate taking a stand and cannot be done alone. Teachers must seek out the collaboration of their students. They must offer students the time and the space to find their own voices, to create their own selves, and to envision previously uncharted paths on which we might walk together.


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This paper presents an extension to the energy vector, well known in the Ambisonics literature, to improve its predictions of localisation at off-centre listening positions. In determining the source direction, a perceptual weight is assigned to each loudspeaker gain, taking into account the relative arrival times, levels, and directions of the loudspeaker signals. The proposed model is evaluated alongside the original energy vector and two binaural models through comparison with the results of recent perceptual studies. The extended version was found to provide results that were at least 50% more accurate than the second best predictor for two experiments involving off-centre listeners with first- and third-order Ambisonics systems.


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The purpose was to determine the magnitude of aerobic and anaerobic performance factors among elite male football players in different team positions. Thirty-nine players from the highest Swedish division classified as defenders (n=18), midfield players (n=12) or attackers (n=9) participated. Their mean (± sd) age, height and body mass (bm) were 24.4 (±4.7) years, 1.80 (±5.9)m and 79 (±7.6)kg, respectively. Running economy (RE) and anaerobic threshold (AT) was determined at 10, 12, 14, and 16km/h followed by tests of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). Maximal strength (1RM) and average power output (AP) was performed in squat lifting. Squat jump (SJ), counter-movement jump with free arm swing (CMJa), 45m maximal sprint and the Wingate test was performed. Average VO2max for the whole population (WP) was 57.0mL O2•kg-1min-1 . The average AT occurred at about 84% of VO2max. 1RM per kg bm0.67 was 11.9±1.3kg. Average squat power in the whole population at 40% 1RM was 70±9.5W per kg bm0.67 . SJ and CMJa were 38.6±3.8cm and 48.9±4.4cm, respectively. The average sprint time (45m) was 5.78± 0.16s. The AP in the Wingate test was 10.6±0.9W•kg-1 . The average maximal oxygen uptake among players in the highest Swedish division was lower compared to international elite players but the Swedish players were better off concerning the anaerobic threshold and in the anaerobic tests. No significant differences were revealed between defenders, midfielders or attackers concerning the tested parameters presented above.


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The purpose was to determine the magnitude of aerobic and anaerobic performance factors among elite male football players in different team positions. Thirty-nine players from the highest Swedish division classified as defenders (n=18), midfield players (n=12) or attackers (n=9) participated. Their mean (± sd) age, height and body mass (bm) were 24.4 (±4.7) years, 1.80 (±5.9)m and 79 (±7.6)kg, respectively. Running economy (RE) and anaerobic threshold (AT) was determined at 10, 12, 14, and 16km/h followed by tests of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). Maximal strength (1RM) and average power output (AP) was performed in squat lifting. Squat jump (SJ), counter-movement jump with free arm swing (CMJa), 45m maximal sprint and the Wingate test was performed. Average VO2max for the whole population (WP) was 57.0mL O2•kg-1min-1. The average AT occurred at about 84% of VO2max. 1RM per kg bm0.67 was 11.9±1.3kg. Average squat power in the whole population at 40% 1RM was70±9.5W per kg bm0.67. SJ and CMJa were 38.6±3.8cm and 48.9±4.4cm,respectively. The average sprint time (45m) was 5.78± 0.16s. The AP in the Wingate test was 10.6±0.9W•kg-1. The average maximal oxygen uptake among players in the highest Swedish division was lower compared to international elite players but the Swedish players were better off concerning the anaerobic threshold and in the anaerobic tests. No significant differences were revealed between defenders, midfielders or attackers concerning the tested parameters presented above.


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The exhibition was of sketches and a photograph from my PhD practice research. The practice-research was comprised of observing opera singers in rehearsal and sketching them as they moved. As well as records of body position, and to some degree dynamic flow, the exhibited sketches were regarded as kinaesthetic responses in and of themselves – responses to the environment of the rehearsal, in particular responding to the sounds of the orchestra. These sketches were, in part, generated through an embodiment of the music, which was occurring in the same moment as the singer was engaged in embodying the music. These sketches were then used as tools that therefore contained kinaesthetic information which could be unlocked through a process of Butoh derived embodiment techniques alongside reference to the sketched image. This ultimately allowed me to move from a spectatorial position to a performance maker position, bringing a sense of the operatic into the non-singing body, whether that was my own or the bodies of other performers. In this way, and combined with rigorous observation of the corporeal restrictions of singing operatically, choreographies were created that employed operatic ways of moving in non-singing bodies and the operatic was extracted from opera and employed in movement based practice. The aspect of the practice-research exhibited is the correspondence between sketched documentation of the singers in rehearsal and photographic documentation of the dancer (researcher) in performance.


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L’actualité est dominée par les questions d’éthique, dans le secteur économique entre autres où les actions des investisseurs comme celles des dirigeants d’organisations doivent répondre aux normes éthiques de leur domaine. C’est le cas aussi en éducation où l’attention est portée sur la professionnalisation de l’enseignement. Celle-ci est axée sur la formation et le travail des enseignantes et des enseignants. Elle vise à les former à des normes éthiques élevées et aux compétences professionnelles spécifiques au travail. L’une des composantes de la professionnalisation est l’éthique. L’éthique de la profession enseignante sous-tend les actions de l’enseignante et de l’enseignant dans sa pratique en ce qui a trait au contenu enseigné, aux étudiantes et aux étudiants, aux collègues et à soi. Or, la formation en éthique et en pédagogie n’est pas une condition à l’embauche des enseignantes et des enseignants des secteurs pré-universitaires et techniques du collégial qui sont recrutés comme des professionnels ou des spécialistes disciplinaires. Cette recherche vise à explorer sur le terrain les pratiques et les conceptions éthiques des enseignantes et des enseignants au collégial. Il s’agit de répertorier les pratiques éthiques en vue de connaître les raisons sur lesquelles ces derniers se basent pour les justifier. Pour situer le contexte de la problématique à l’origine de cette recherche, les facteurs suivants ont été pris en considération : les réductions des ressources financières qui caractérisent le milieu professionnel collégial depuis plus d’une décennie, les changements organisationnels et pédagogiques importants tels que l’approche-programme, la finalité de l’éducation, la nature de la tâche enseignante, le manque de formation en éthique et en pédagogie, l’insuffisance de l’encadrement des nouveaux enseignantes et enseignants qui arrivent en grand nombre, session après session, au collégial. Pour rendre compte des pratiques et des conceptions éthiques des enseignantes et des enseignants, il a été nécessaire de considérer et de préciser les éléments qui constituent le cadre de référence. Il s’agit de l’éthique, de la compétence éthique (MEQ, 2001), de l’éthique appliquée, de l’éthique réflexive, de la finalité de l’éducation, de la complexité de la tâche d’enseignement, de la compétence professionnelle au collégial (Dorais, Laliberté, 1999), des principales préoccupations éthiques au collégial (Desautels, Gohier, Jutras, 2009) et du cycle de vie de la carrière enseignante. Étant donné que la recherche porte sur les pratiques et les conceptions éthiques des enseignantes et des enseignants en lien avec la compétence éthique, une méthodologie qualitative a été utilisée. Un questionnaire de renseignements sociodémographiques et une entrevue semi-dirigée ont permis d’obtenir des données qualitatives à partir desquelles les récits des enseignantes et des enseignants ont été analysés afin de dresser un répertoire de leurs pratiques éthiques. Cette méthodologie a été privilégiée puisqu’elle permet de comprendre la signification que donnent les enseignantes et les enseignants à leurs pratiques et à leurs conceptions éthiques. L’interprétation des résultats comprend une analyse descriptive et une analyse compréhensive des données. Le travail a d’abord consisté à regrouper les données selon les principaux enjeux éthiques qui sont en fait des thèmes relevant de la compétence éthique. Par exemple, la préparation des cours, l’évaluation des apprentissages des étudiantes et des étudiants, les préoccupations éthiques des enseignantes et des enseignants en rapport aux collègues, etc. Une fois le portrait d’un thème fait, une analyse compréhensive est réalisée pour en trouver le sens à partir de l’explication des pratiques professionnelles des enseignantes et des enseignants. Les résultats de la recherche ont permis de constater la présence constante chez les enseignantes et les enseignants du souci d’amener les étudiantes et les étudiants à la réussite scolaire. Cela se traduit par la recherche de l’amélioration des moyens d’enseignement, les mises à jour des contenus enseignés, la recherche d’activités d’apprentissage qui ont un sens pour les étudiantes et les étudiants et le courage professionnel (essayer de nouvelles pratiques professionnelles). Les résultats montrent aussi que, malgré l’absence d’une structure permanente pour développer la compétence éthique, c’est-à-dire l’absence de balises administratives en matière d’éthique, les enseignantes et enseignantes développent bien la compétence éthique. Parmi les moyens qu’ils se donnent pour améliorer le développement de l’éthique, ils privilégient la sensibilisation à travers des groupes de discussion avec les pairs.


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Shows fortifications and names of some residents.


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This lists the number of correctional officers and non-security positions at correctional facilities in South Carolina as well as the number of inmates and gives an inmate to correctional officer ratio for each institution.


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This lists the number of correctional officers and non-security positions at correctional facilities in South Carolina as well as the number of inmates and gives an inmate to correctional officer ratio for each institution.


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This lists the number of correctional officers and non-security positions at correctional facilities in South Carolina as well as the number of inmates and gives an inmate to correctional officer ratio for each institution.


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THE PURPOSE OF THIS STUDY WAS TO PROPOSE A SPECIFIC LACTATE MINIMUM TEST FOR ELITE BASKETBALL PLAYERS CONSIDERING THE: Running Anaerobic Sprint Test (RAST) as a hyperlactatemia inductor, short distances (specific distance, 20 m) during progressive intensity and mathematical analysis to interpret aerobic and anaerobic variables. The basketball players were assigned to four groups: All positions (n=26), Guard (n= 7), Forward (n=11) and Center (n=8). The hyperlactatemia elevation (RAST) method consisted of 6 maximum sprints over 35 m separated by 10 s of recovery. The progressive phase of the lactate minimum test consisted of 5 stages controlled by an electronic metronome (8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0 and 12.0 km/h) over a 20 m distance. The RAST variables and the lactate values were analyzed using visual and mathematical models. The intensity of the lactate minimum test, determined by a visual method, reduced in relation to polynomial fits (2nd degree) for the Small Forward positions and General groups. The Power and Fatigue Index values, determined by both methods, visual and 3rd degree polynomial, were not significantly different between the groups. In conclusion, the RAST is an excellent hyperlactatemia inductor and the progressive intensity of lactate minimum test using short distances (20 m) can be specifically used to evaluate the aerobic capacity of basketball players. In addition, no differences were observed between the visual and polynomial methods for RAST variables, but lactate minimum intensity was influenced by the method of analysis.


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To develop Y-shaped plates with different thicknesses to be used in simulated fractures of the mandibular condyle. Ten plates were developed in Y shape, containing eight holes, and 30 synthetic polyurethane mandible replicas were developed for the study. The load test was performed on an Instron Model 4411 universal testing machine, applying load in the mediolateral and anterior-posterior positions on the head of the condyle. Two-way ANOVA with Tukey testing with a 5% significance level was used. It was observed that when the load was applied in the medial-lateral plate of greater thickness (1.5 mm), it gave the highest strength, while in the anteroposterior direction, the plate with the highest resistance was of the lesser thickness (0.6 mm). A plate with a thickness of 1.5 mm was the one with the highest average value for all displacements. In the anteroposterior direction, the highest values of resistance were seen in the displacement of 15 mm. After comparing the values of the biomechanical testing found in the scientific literature, it is suggested that the use of Y plates are suitable for use in subcondylar fractures within the limitations of the study.