952 resultados para Poetic of expression


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Telomerase, a ribonucleoprotein complex, adds hexameric repeats called “telomeres” to the growing ends of chromosomal DNA. Characterization of mammalian telomerase has been elusive because of its low level of expression. We describe a bioinformatics approach to enrich and characterize the human telomerase complex. Using local sequence homology search methods, we detected similarity of the Tetrahymena p80 subunit of telomerase with the autoantigen Ro60. Antibodies to Ro60 immunoprecipitated the telomerase activity. Ro60 and p80 proteins were cross-recognizable by antibodies to either protein. Telomerase activity and the RNA component of telomerase complex were localized to a doublet in a native gel from the Ro60 antibody-precipitated material. The enriched material showed specific binding to a TTA GGG probe in vitro in an RNA template-dependent manner. Polyclonal antibodies to the doublet also immunoprecipitated the telomerase activity. These results suggest an evolutionary conservation of the telomerase proteins.


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Immune responses of the malaria vector mosquito Anopheles gambiae were monitored systematically by the induced expression of five RNA markers after infection challenge. One newly isolated marker encodes a homologue of the moth Gram-negative bacteria-binding protein (GNBP), and another corresponds to a serine protease-like molecule. Additional previously described markers that respond to immune challenge encode the antimicrobial peptide defensin, a putative galactose lectin, and a putative serine protease. Specificity of the immune responses was indicated by differing temporal patterns of induction of specific markers in bacteria-challenged larvae and adults, and by variations in the effectiveness of different microorganisms and their components for marker induction in an immune-responsive cell line. The markers exhibit spatially distinct patterns of expression in the adult female mosquito. Two of them are highly expressed in different regions of the midgut, one in the anterior and the other in the posterior midgut. Marker induction indicates a significant role of the midgut in insect innate immunity. Immune responses to the penetration of the midgut epithelium by a malaria parasite occur both within the midgut itself and elsewhere in the body, suggesting an immune-related signaling process.


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A cDNA encoding a cytochrome P450 enzyme was isolated from a cDNA library of the corpora allata (CA) from reproductively active Diploptera punctata cockroaches. This P450 from the endocrine glands that produce the insect juvenile hormone (JH) is most closely related to P450 proteins of family 4 and was named CYP4C7. The CYP4C7 gene is expressed selectively in the CA; its message could not be detected in the fat body, corpora cardiaca, or brain, but trace levels of expression were found in the midgut and caeca. The levels of CYP4C7 mRNA in the CA, measured by ribonuclease protection assays, were linked to the activity cycle of the glands. In adult females, CYP4C7 expression increased immediately after the peak of JH synthesis, reaching a maximum on day 7, just before oviposition. mRNA levels then declined after oviposition and during pregnancy. The CYP4C7 protein was produced in Escherichia coli as a C-terminal His-tagged recombinant protein. In a reconstituted system with insect NADPH cytochrome P450 reductase, cytochrome b5, and NADPH, the purified CYP4C7 metabolized (2E,6E)-farnesol to a more polar product that was identified by GC-MS and by NMR as (10E)-12-hydroxyfarnesol. CYP4C7 converted JH III to 12-trans-hydroxy JH III and metabolized other JH-like sesquiterpenoids as well. This ω-hydroxylation of sesquiterpenoids appears to be a metabolic pathway in the corpora allata that may play a role in the suppression of JH biosynthesis at the end of the gonotrophic cycle.


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Development of the central nervous system requires proliferation of neuronal and glial cell precursors followed by their subsequent differentiation in a highly coordinated manner. The timing of neuronal cell cycle exit and differentiation is likely to be regulated in part by inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases. Overlapping and sustained patterns of expression of two cyclin-dependent kinases, p19Ink4d and p27Kip1, in postmitotic brain cells suggested that these proteins may be important in actively repressing neuronal proliferation. Animals derived from crosses of Ink4d- null with Kip1-null mice exhibited bradykinesia, proprioceptive abnormalities, and seizures, and died at about 18 days after birth. Metabolic labeling of live animals with bromodeoxyuridine at postnatal days 14 and 18, combined with immunolabeling of neuronal markers, showed that subpopulations of central nervous system neurons were proliferating in all parts of the brain, including normally dormant cells of the hippocampus, cortex, hypothalamus, pons, and brainstem. These cells also expressed phosphorylated histone H3, a marker for late G2 and M-phase progression, indicating that neurons were dividing after they had migrated to their final positions in the brain. Increased proliferation was balanced by cell death, resulting in no gross changes in the cytoarchitecture of the brains of these mice. Therefore, p19Ink4d and p27Kip1 cooperate to maintain differentiated neurons in a quiescent state that is potentially reversible.


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Neuronal signaling requires that synaptic proteins be appropriately localized within the cell and regulated there. In mammalian neurons, polyribosomes are found not just in the cell body, but also in dendrites where they are concentrated within or beneath the dendritic spine. The α subunit of Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKIIα) is one of only five mRNAs known to be present within the dendrites, as well as in the soma of neurons. This targeted subcellular localization of the mRNA for CaMKIIα provides a possible cell biological mechanism both for controlling the distribution of the cognate protein and for regulating independently the level of protein expression in individual dendritic spines. To characterize the cis-acting elements involved in the localization of dendritic mRNA we have produced two lines of transgenic mice in which the CaMKIIα promoter is used to drive the expression of a lacZ transcript, which either contains or lacks the 3′-untranslated region of the CaMKIIα gene. Although both lines of mice show expression in forebrain neurons that parallels the expression of the endogenous CaMKIIα gene, only the lacZ transcripts bearing the 3′-untranslated region are localized to dendrites. The β-galactosidase protein shows a variable level of expression along the dendritic shaft and within dendritic spines, which suggests that neurons can control the local biochemistry of the dendrite either through differential localization of the mRNA or variations in the translational efficiency at different sites along the dendrite.


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Cell proliferation is regulated by the induction of growth promoting genes and the suppression of growth inhibitory genes. Malignant growth can result from the altered balance of expression of these genes in favor of cell proliferation. Induction of the transcription factor, c-Myc, promotes cell proliferation and transformation by activating growth promoting genes, including the ODC and cdc25A genes. We show that c-Myc transcriptionally represses the expression of a growth arrest gene, gas1. A conserved Myc structure, Myc box 2, is required for repression of gas1, and for Myc induction of proliferation and transformation, but not for activation of ODC. Activation of a Myc-estrogen receptor fusion protein by 4-hydroxytamoxifen was sufficient to repress gas1 gene transcription. These findings suggest that transcriptional repression of growth arrest genes, including gas1, is one step in promotion of cell growth by Myc.


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The biosynthesis of DIMBOA, a pesticidal secondary metabolite of maize, branches off the tryptophan pathway. We have previously demonstrated that indole is the last intermediate common to both the tryptophan and hydroxamic acid pathways. The earliest discovered mutant in the DIMBOA pathway, bxbx (benzoxazineless), is deficient in the production of DIMBOA and related compounds. This paper presents evidence that a gene identified by Kramer and Koziel [Kramer, V. C. & Koziel, M. G. (1995) Plant Mol. Biol. 27, 1183–1188] as maize tryptophan synthase α (TSA) is the site of the genetic lesion in the DIMBOA-deficient mutant maize line bxbx. We demonstrate that the TSA gene has sustained a 924-bp deletion in bxbx compared with its counterpart in wild-type maize. We report that the TSA gene maps to the same location as the bxbx mutation, on the short arm of chromosome 4. We present evidence that the very early and very high level of expression of TSA corresponds to the timing and level of DIMBOA biosynthesis but is strikingly different from the expression of the maize tryptophan synthase β (TSB) genes. We show that feeding indole to bxbx seedlings restores their ability to synthesize DIMBOA. We conclude that the maize enzyme initially named tryptophan synthase α in fact is a DIMBOA biosynthetic enzyme, and we propose that it be renamed indole synthase. This work confirms and enlarges upon the findings of Frey et al. [Frey, M. Chomet, P., Glawischniq, E., Stettner, C., Grün, S., Winklmair, A., Eisenreich, W., Bacher, A., Meeley, R. B., Briggs, S. P., Simcox, K. & Gierl, A. (1997) Science 277, 696–699], which appeared while the present paper was in review.


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The PC cell line is a highly tumorigenic, insulin-independent, teratoma-derived cell line isolated from the nontumorigenic, insulin-dependent 1246 cell line. Studies of the PC cell growth properties have led to the purification of an 88-kDa secreted glycoprotein called PC cell-derived growth factor (PCDGF), which has been shown to stimulate the growth of PC cells as well as 3T3 fibroblasts. Sequencing of PCDGF cDNA demonstrated its identity to the precursor of a family of 6-kDa double-cysteine-rich polypeptides called epithelins or granulins (epithelin/granulin precursor). Since PCDGF was isolated from highly tumorigenic cells, its level of expression was examined in PC cells as well as in nontumorigenic and moderately tumorigenic cells from which PC cells were derived. Northern blot and Western blot analyses indicate that the levels of PCDGF mRNA and protein were very low in the nontumorigenic cells and increased in tumorigenic cell lines in a positive correlation with their tumorigenic properties. Experiments were performed to determine whether the autocrine production of PCDGF was involved in the tumorigenicity of PC cells. For this purpose, we examined the in vivo growth properties in syngeneic C3H mice of PC cells where PCDGF expression had been inhibited by transfection of antisense PCDGF cDNA. The results show that inhibition of PCDGF expression resulted in a dramatic inhibition of tumorigenicity of the transfected cells when compared with empty-vector control cells. These data demonstrate the importance in tumor formation of overexpression of the novel growth factor PCDGF.


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Cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage play a central role in both innate and acquired immunity of the host. However, the acquisition of functional competence and the ability to respond to a variety of activating or modulating signals require maturation and differentiation of circulating monocytes and entail alterations in both biochemical and phenotypic profiles of the cells. The process of activation also confers survival signals essential for the functional integrity of monocytes enabling the cells to remain viable in microenvironments of immune or inflammatory lesions that are rich in cytotoxic inflammatory mediators and reactive free-radical species. However, the molecular mechanisms of activation-induced survival signals in monocytes remain obscure. To define the mechanistic basis of activation-induced resistance to apoptosis in human monocytes at the molecular level, we evaluated the modulation of expression profiles of genes associated with the cellular apoptotic pathways upon activation and demonstrate the following: (i) activation results in selective resistance to apoptosis particularly to that induced by signaling via death receptors and DNA damage; (ii) concurrent with activation, the most apical protease in the death receptor pathway, caspase-8/FLICE is rapidly down-regulated at the mRNA level representing a novel regulatory mechanism; and (iii) activation of monocytes also leads to dramatic induction of the Bfl-1 gene, an anti apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 family. Our findings thus provide a potential mechanistic basis for the activation-induced resistance to apoptosis in human monocytes.


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Recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors have been used to transduce murine skeletal muscle as a platform for secretion of therapeutic proteins. The utility of this approach for treating alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency was tested in murine myocytes in vitro and in vivo. AAV vectors expressing the human AAT gene from either the cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter (AAV-C-AT) or the human elongation factor 1-α promoter (AAV-E-AT) were examined. In vitro in C2C12 murine myoblasts, the expression levels in transient transfections were similar between the two vectors. One month after transduction, however, the human elongation factor 1 promoter mediated 10-fold higher stable human AAT expression than the CMV promoter. In vivo transduction was performed by injecting doses of up to 1.4 × 1013 particles into skeletal muscles of several mouse strains (C57BL/6, BALB/c, and SCID). In vivo, the CMV vector mediated higher levels of expression, with sustained serum levels over 800 μg/ml in SCID and over 400 μg/ml in C57BL/6 mice. These serum concentrations are 100,000-fold higher than those previously observed with AAV vectors in muscle and are at levels which would be therapeutic if achieved in humans. High level expression was delayed for several weeks but was sustained for over 15 wk. Immune responses were dependent upon the mouse strain and the vector dosage. These data suggest that recombinant AAV vector transduction of skeletal muscle could provide a means for replacing AAT or other essential serum proteins but that immune responses may be elicited under certain conditions.


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Adult Xenopus laevis frogs made transgenic by restriction enzyme-mediated integration were bred to test the feasibility of establishing lines of frogs that express transgenes. All of the 19 animals raised to sexual maturity generated progeny that expressed the transgene(s). The patterns and levels of expression of green fluorescent protein transgenes driven by a viral promoter, rat promoter, and four X. laevis promoters were all unaffected by passage through the germ line. These results demonstrate the ease of establishing transgenic lines in X. laevis.


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Biochemically active wheat thioredoxin h has been overexpressed in the endosperm of transgenic barley grain. Two DNA constructs containing the wheat thioredoxin h gene (wtrxh) were used for transformation; each contained wtrxh fused to an endosperm-specific B1-hordein promoter either with or without a signal peptide sequence for targeting to the protein body. Twenty-two stable, independently transformed regenerable lines were obtained by selecting with the herbicide bialaphos to test for the presence of the bar herbicide resistance gene on a cotransformed plasmid; all were positive for this gene. The presence of wtrxh was confirmed in 20 lines by PCR analysis, and the identity and level of expression of wheat thioredoxin h was assessed by immunoblots. Although levels varied among the different transgenic events, wheat thioredoxin h was consistently highly expressed (up to 30-fold) in the transgenic grain. Transgenic lines transformed with the B1-hordein promoter with a signal peptide sequence produced a higher level of wheat thioredoxin h on average than those without a signal sequence. The overexpression of thioredoxin h in the endosperm of germinated grain effected up to a 4-fold increase in the activity of the starch debranching enzyme, pullulanase (limit dextrinase), the enzyme that specifically cleaves α-1,6 linkages in starch. These results raise the question of how thioredoxin h enhances the activity of pullulanase because it was found that the inhibitor had become inactive before the enzyme showed appreciable activity.


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Many homeobox genes control essential developmental processes in animals and plants. In this report, we describe the first cDNA corresponding to a homeobox gene isolated from a gymnosperm, the HBK1 gene from the conifer Picea abies (L.) Karst (Norway spruce). The sequence shows distinct similarities specifically to the KNOX (knotted-like homeobox) class of homeobox genes known from different angiosperm plants. The deduced amino acid sequence of HBK1 is strikingly similar within the homeodomain (84% identical) to the maize gene Knotted1 (Kn1), which acts to regulate cell differentiation in the shoot meristem. This similarity suggested that the phylogenetic association of HBK1 with the KNOX genes might be coupled to a conservation of gene function. In support of this suggestion, we have found HBK1 to be expressed in the apical meristem in the central population of nondifferentiated stem cells, but not in organ primordia developing at the flanks of the meristem. This pattern of expression is similar to that of Kn1 in the maize meristem. We show further that HBK1, when expressed ectopically in transgenic Arabidopsis plants, causes aberrations in leaf development that are similar to the effects of ectopic expression of angiosperm KNOX genes on Arabidopsis development. Taken together, these data suggest that HBK1 has a role, similar to the KNOX genes in angiosperms, in the control of cellular differentiation in the apical meristem of spruce. The data also indicate that KNOX-gene regulation of vegetative development is an ancient feature of seed plants that was present in the last common ancestor of conifers and angiosperms.


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Human RIN1 was first characterized as a RAS binding protein based on the properties of its carboxyl-terminal domain. We now show that full-length RIN1 interacts with activated RAS in mammalian cells and defines a minimum region of 434 aa required for efficient RAS binding. RIN1 interacts with the “effector domain” of RAS and employs some RAS determinants that are common to, and others that are distinct from, those required for the binding of RAF1, a known RAS effector. The same domain of RIN1 that binds RAS also interacts with 14-3-3 proteins, extending the similarity between RIN1 and other RAS effectors. When expressed in mammalian cells, the RAS binding domain of RIN1 can act as a dominant negative signal transduction blocker. The amino-terminal domain of RIN1 contains a proline-rich sequence similar to consensus Src homology 3 (SH3) binding regions. This RIN1 sequence shows preferential binding to the ABL–SH3 domain in vitro. Moreover, the amino-terminal domain of RIN1 directly associates with, and is tyrosine phosphorylated by, c-ABL. In addition, RIN1 encodes a functional SH2 domain that has the potential to activate downstream signals. These data suggest that RIN1 is able to mediate multiple signals. A differential pattern of expression and alternate splicing indicate several levels of RIN1 regulation.


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The E2F family of transcription factors plays a crucial role in cell cycle progression. E2F activity is tightly regulated by a number of mechanisms, which include the timely synthesis and degradation of E2F, interaction with retinoblastoma protein family members (“pocket proteins”), association with DP heterodimeric partner proteins, and phosphorylation of the E2F/DP complex. Here we report that another mechanism, subcellular localization, is important for the regulation of E2F activity. Unlike E2F-1, -2, or -3, which are constitutively nuclear, ectopic E2F-4 and -5 were predominantly cytoplasmic. Cotransfection of expression vectors encoding p107, p130, or DP-2, but not DP-1, resulted in the nuclear localization of E2F-4 and -5. Moreover, the transcriptional activity of E2F-4 was markedly enhanced when it was invariably nuclear. Conversely, it was reduced when the protein was excluded from the nucleus, implying that E2F-4 transcription function depends upon its cytological location. In keeping with this, the nuclear/cytoplasmic ratios of endogenous E2F-4 changed as cells exited G0, with high ratios in G0 and early G1 and a progressive increase in cytoplasmic E2F-4 as cells approached S phase. Thus, the subcellular location of E2F-4 is regulated in a cell cycle-dependent manner, providing another potential mechanism for its functional regulation.