960 resultados para Plasma cell neoplasms
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Described is a case of squamous-cell carcinoma arising in a residual cyst in a 60-year-old edentulous woman. The clinical and radiographic diagnosis was residual cyst, and the treatment employed was conservative surgical enucleation. The cause of these changes is unknown. Theoretically, the inflammatory reaction may have been a predisposing factor.
Chromosome analysis of short-term culture of a basal cell carcinoma showed five clonal chromosome abnormalities, t(9;14)(q12 or q13;p11), del(1)(q23 or q25), trisomy 5, trisomy 7, and monosomy X. In addition, several nonclonal structural and numerical changes were seen in the tumor cells.
Chromosome analysis of short-term cultures from a basal cell carcinoma was performed. The analyzed karyotypes showed a pseudodiploid clone characterized by a der(4)t(4;14)(p14;p11) and a concomitant inversion of the same chromosome 4 involved in the t(4;14) with the breakpoints at p14 and q25.
Transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the bladder is a neoplasm with variability in its clinical behavior. Although there are several studies correlating stage and ABO isoantigen expression with invasiveness, there is no single predictor factor to assess the potential invasiveness, especially in the low grade, non-invasive TCC. In the present study we evaluated the correlation of histological grade plus stage and the expression of beta human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-hCG), in 100 cases of TCC, with the clinical behavior. These features were correlated with tumor progression in patients with at least two years of follow up. We observed more aggressiveness in G4 group (high grade and invasive) (93% had tumor progression) when compared to G1 group (low grade and superficial) (11% had tumor progression). However in 25.5% of the TCC cases (groups G2: low grade and invasive and G3: high grade and superficial) the clinical behavior was intermediate, showing some limitation in using grading and staging only, as a predictive factor. There was an expression of beta-hCG in 21.4% of the cases in up to 25% of the tumor cells without any trophoblastic morphology. These beta-hCG producing TCC had a strong correlation with aggressiveness: 39.1% and 12.8% of the TCC expressed beta-hCG with and without tumor progression, respectively.
We describe the cytogenetic study of two basal cell carcinomas. Only single chromosomally abnormal clones could be detected in both. In addition, many nonclonal changes were seen in the samples, which may represent small neoplastic clones or the result of a basic molecular defect induced by carcinogens.
The aim of the present investigation was to study the distribution of T-cell subsets in peripheral blood defined by monoclonal antibodies and by the lymphocyte proliferative response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) in 30 children with febrile seizures and in 14 age-matched control subjects. Frequent respiratory, urinary and dermatologic infections were observed in 22 patients. The immunologic parameters showed that 64% of the patients presented an increased number of CD8+ cells and a low helper/suppressor ratio was observed in 60% of the patients. In addition, the proliferative response of lymphocytes to PHA was impaired in the patients It was observed the presence of inhibitory activity on lymphocyte function in the plasma of 33% of children with febrile seizures. These results suggest that patients with febrile seizures have an impairment of cellular immunity that may be connected with this epileptic syndrome and explain the infections observed.
The different potential of initiated and non-initiated urinary bladder mucosa (UBM) to develop neoplasia was quantitatively evaluated in the male Wistar rat. Initiation of carcinogenesis was accomplished with N-butyl-N-(4- hydroxybutyl)-nitrosamine (BBN). Stimuli for cell proliferation and apoptosis were obtained by exposure followed by withdrawal of 3% Uracil in the diet. The proliferation index (PI) was estimated in UBM immunostained for the proliferating nuclear cell antigen (PCNA). The apoptotic index (AI) and the density of papillary/nodular hyperplasia (PNH) were estimated in hematoxilin- eosin stained sections. PNH was the main proliferative response to the mechanical irritation by uracil, irrespective of previous initiation with BBN. Uracil exposure induced higher PI and PNH density in the initiated rats. After uracil withdrawal, there was a significant increase of the AI in both uracil-treated groups, which correlated well to the respective PNH density. However, at the end of the experiment, PNH incidence and density were significantly higher in the BBN-initiated mucosa, which also presented 18% incidence of papillomas and 27% of carcinomas. Therefore, under prolonged uracil calculi trauma, the UBM of BBN-initiated Wistar rats gives rise to epithelial proliferative lesions that progress to neoplasia through acquired resistance to apoptosis.
BACKGROUND: Metastasis of renal cell carcinoma to the vagina is rare, although it may be the first evidence of the existence of the primary tumor. CASE: A metastatic deposit of renal cell carcinoma in the vagina was diagnosed by cytology as clear cell adenocarcinoma, which was confirmed by biopsy. Radiographic and ultrasound examinations confirmed the renal site of origin, which was corroborated by immunohistochemistry of the biopsy specimen. CONCLUSION: When a cytologic diagnosis of vaginal clear cell adenocarcinoma is made, metastasis of renal cell carcinoma should be considered in the differential diagnosis.
BACKGROUND: Mast cell tumor, one of the most common skin tumors in dogs, may also be found in visceral sites (mainly spleen and liver). When a visceral mast cell tumor is present, neoplastic mast cells may be found in any effusion secondary to the tumor. Therefore, the diagnosis may be made by cytologic analysis of the effusion. CASE: An 8-year-old, spayed, female Siberian husky presented with a peritoneal effusion secondary to a visceral mast cell tumor. Seven months earlier, the dog had presented with a cutaneous nodule diagnosed as a well-differentiated mast cell tumor. The peritoneal fluid was classified as a transudate. Numerous neoplastic mast cells were found in the effusion. Although the mast cell tumor presented with characteristics of the well-differentiated tumor, its biologic behavior was that of a malignant tumor. CONCLUSION: Care should be taken to evaluate the prognosis of mast cell tumors in dogs since their biologic behavior is extremely variable.
Basal cell adenoma is a benign epithelial neoplasm with a uniform histologic appearance dominated by basaloid cells. Those cells may be distributed in various arrangements as solid, trabecular, tubular and membranous. Canalicular adenoma is also a benign neoplasm composed by columnar cells arranged in branching and interconnecting cords of single or double cell thick rows. There is some disagreement among investigators about whether canalicular adenoma should be included within the basal cell adenoma histologic spectrum. In the present study we compared the expression of cytokeratins (CK), vimentin and muscle-specific actin, utilizing immunohistochemical technique, in three cases diagnosed as basal cell adenomas predominantly of the solid type, and three cases of canalicular adenomas. The results obtained showed a distinct immunoprofile for both neoplasms. Solid areas of basal cell adenomas did not stain for any of the tested antibodies; only when there was tubular differentiation, those structures expressed CKs 7, 8, 14, and 19 in luminal cells and vimentin in non-luminal cells. On the other hand, canalicular adenomas strongly expressed CKs 7 and 13. The panel of antibodies utilized supports the separation of the two entities. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd.
Background: Frequent loss of heterozygosity (LOH) has been reported in many types of cancer, including head and neck carcinomas. Somatic deletions involving specific chromosomal regions are strongly associated with inactivation of the allele of a tumor suppressor gene located within the deleted region. In most studies concerning LOH in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) the different anatomical sites are not distinguished. The behavior of tumors arising at various sites differs significantly, however, suggesting different intrinsic tumor properties. In this study we compared the LOH on 22q and its relationship to clinicopathological parameters at the three major sites of HNSCC: oral cavity, larynx and pharynx. Material/Methods: LOH and microsatellite instability (MSI) were studied using seven polymorphic microsatellite markers mapped to the 22q11-q13.3 region in 37 oral, 32 laryngeal, and 31 pharyngeal carcinomas. Results: Two separate regions of LOH were identified in the laryngeal (22q11.2-12.1) and oral cavity (22q13.1-13.31) tumors. When the different anatomical sites were compared, a statistically significant difference was found between the presence of LOH at D22S421 (p<0.001), D22S315 (p=0.014) and D22S929 (p=0.026) in the laryngeal tumors. Conclusions: These data suggest that distinct regions on 22q are involved in LOH in oral cavity and laryngeal tumorigenesis but do not support a similar association between the development of pharyngeal tumors and genes located on 22q. These findings implicate the presence of different tumor suppressor genes mapping to distinct regions on chromosome 22q in oral and laryngeal carcinomas.
Neoplasms and tumours related to the odontogenic apparatus may be composed only of epithelial tissue or epithelial tissue associated with odontogenic ectomesenchyme. The immunohistochemical detection of different cytokeratins (CKs) polypeptides and vimentin has made it easier to explain the histogenesis of many epithelial diseases. The present study aimed to describe the immunohistochemical expression of cytokeratins 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 18, 19 and vimentin in the epithelial components of the dental germ and of five types of odontogenic tumours. The results were compared and histogenesis discussed. All cells of the dental germ were positive for CK14, except for the preameloblasts and secreting ameloblasts, in which CK14 was gradually replaced by CK19. CK7 was especially expressed in the cells of the Hertwig root sheath and the stellate reticulum. The dental lamina was the only structure to express CK13. The reduced epithelium of the enamel organ contained CK14 and occasionally CK13. Cells similar to the stellate reticulum, present in the ameloblastoma and in the ameloblastic fibroma, were positive for CK13, which indicates a nature other than that of the stellate reticulum of the normal dental germ. The expression of CK14 and the ultrastructural aspects of the adenomatoid odontogenic tumour probably indicated its origin in the reduced dental epithelium. Calcifying odontogenic epithelial tumour is thought to be composed of primordial cells due to the expression of vimentin. Odontomas exhibited an immunohistochemical profile similar to that of the dental germ. In conclusion, the typical IF of odontogenic epithelium was CK14, while CK8, 10 and 18 were absent. Cytokeratins 13 and 19 labelled squamous differentiation or epithelial cells near the surface epithelium, and CK7 had variable expression.