962 resultados para Plant-water relationships


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Alterações na densidade do substrato durante o cultivo das plantas modificam suas propriedades físicas. O trabalho teve como objetivos caracterizar fisicamente dois substratos hortícolas e avaliar o efeito da densidade na relação ar/água dos mesmos, elaborando funções matemáticas que permitam estimar tal relação a partir da densidade do substrato. Para tanto, determinou-se a distribuição do tamanho das partículas, a densidade e a curva de retenção de água. Procedeu-se o acondicionamento dos substratos em três valores de densidade: 10 (D1), 20 (D2) e 30% (D3) maior que a densidade (D) determinada na fase de caracterização. Partindo das amostras com diferentes densidades, determinou-se a curva de retenção de água dos substratos. A influência do aumento da densidade do substrato na porosidade total (PT), no espaço de aeração (EA), na água disponível (AD), na água facilmente disponível (AFD), na água tamponante (AT) e na água remanescente (AR) foi avaliada pela análise de regressão linear simples e análise polinomial. A composição granulométrica e a curva de retenção de água foram significativamente diferentes para os dois substratos. O aumento da densidade diminuiu a PT e o EA e aumentou a AT e AR. Os maiores valores de AD e AFD foram observados para D1. Foram obtidas equações de regressão que podem auxiliar na escolha da relação ar/água mais adequada para cada condição.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A cigarrinha-das-raízes Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stål) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) tornou-se uma praga importante da cultura da cana-de-açúcar na região centro-sul do Brasil. Estratégias de controle têm sido desenvolvidas, mas os danos promovidos por essa praga e sua interação com a cana-de-açúcar ainda são pouco caracterizados. em altos níveis de infestação da praga, os sintomas nas plantas são muito semelhantes à restrição hídrica severa. Este trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de determinar se o estresse promovido pela infestação de ninfas de cigarrinha-das-raízes resulta em acúmulo de prolina livre, além de comparar dois genótipos de cana-de-açúcar quanto à tolerância ao déficit hídrico. Dois experimentos foram conduzidos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 x 4 com duas cultivares (SP80-1816 e RB72454), dois níveis de estresse (controle e dez ninfas por planta ou 50% de restrição hídrica) e quatro épocas. O déficit hídrico promovido por M. fimbriolata não resultou em acúmulo de prolina, ilustrando a existência de mecanismos distintos para a percepção do estresse hídrico promovido pela praga e pela variação no potencial osmótico nas células das raízes. A cultivar RB72454 acumula maiores teores de prolina livre, e o acúmulo de massa seca e o crescimento dos colmos são menos afetados nessa cultivar sob restrição hídrica. Os teores de solutos compatíveis provavelmente não podem ser utilizados para quantificar o estresse promovido por M. fimbriolata em cana-de-açúcar. A cultivar RB72454 é mais tolerante ao déficit hídrico do que a cultivar SP80-1816.


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Groundwater samples from different aquifers occurring at center/northeast portion of São Paulo State, Brazil, were collected and chemically analyzed. The waters leaching Mesozoic sediments are generally more acid (pH(average) = 5.9) and have lower values for total dissolved solids (TDSaverage = 105 mg/L) than those obtained for waters leaching Paleozoic sediments of Tubarao Group. First-degree trend surfaces revealed that the deeper tubular wells occur towards east/southeast and exploit Paleozoic sediments as well fractured/fissured diabases/basalts, whereas the tubular wells in the west/northwest region are shallower. Piper diagrams indicated that the majority of the waters are a blend of waters from different lithologies. Significant correlations were found among nitrate, chloride and bicarbonate, suggesting the occurrence of some anthropogenic inputs, whereas elevated alpha activity of geogenic Ra-226 indicated the need of a broad radiometric survey in the area.


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The water produced by the Cristais River Drinking Water Treatment Plant (CR-DWTP) repeatedly produced mutagenic responses that could not be explained by the presence of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) generated by the reaction of humic acids and chlorine. In order to determine the possible role of chlorinated dye products in this mutagenic activity, solutions of a black dye commercial product (BDCP) composed of C. I. Disperse Blue 373, C. I. Disperse Orange 37, C. I. Disperse Violet 93, and chemically reduced BDCP (R-BDCP) were chlorinated in a manner similar to that used by the CR-DWTP. The resulting solutions were extracted with XAD-4 along with one drinking water sample collected from the CR-DWTP. All extracts showed mutagenic activity in the Salmonella/microsome assay. Dye components of the BDCP as well as its reduced chlorinated (Cl-R-BDCP) derivative were detected in the drinking water sample by analysis with a high performance liquid chromatography/diode array detector (HPLC/DAD). The mutagenicity results of these products suggest that they are, at least in part, accounting for the mutagenic activity detected in the drinking water samples from the Cristais River. The data obtained in this study have environmental and health implications because the chlorination of the BDCP and the R-BDCP leads to the formation of mutagenic compounds (Cl-BDCP and Cl-R-BDCP), which are potentially important disinfection byproducts that can contaminate the drinking water as well as the environment.


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Fractal geometry would appear to offer promise for new insight on water transport in unsaturated soils, This study was conducted to evaluate possible fractal influence on soil water diffusivity, and/or the relationships from which it arises, for several different soils, Fractal manifestations, consisting of a time-dependent diffusion coefficient and anomalous diffusion arising out of fractional Brownian motion, along with the notion of space-filling curves were gleaned from the literature, It was found necessary to replace the classical Boltzmann variable and its time t(1/2) factor with the basic fractal power function and its t(n) factor, For distinctly unsaturated soil water content theta, exponent n was found to be less than 1/2, but it approached 1/2 as theta approached its sated value, This function n = n(theta), in giving rise to a time-dependent, anomalous soil water diffusivity D, was identified with the Hurst exponent H of fractal geometry, Also, n approaching 1/2 at high water content is a behavior that makes it possible to associate factal space filling with soil that approaches water saturation, Finally, based on the fractally interpreted n = n(theta), the coalescence of both D and 8 data is greatly improved when compared with the coalescence provided by the classical Boltzmann variable.


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This work shows the chemical characterization of a dye processing plant effluent that was contributing to the mutagenicity previously detected in the Cristais river, São Paulo, Brazil, that had an impact on the quality of the related drinking water. The mutagenic dyes Disperse Blue 373, Disperse Orange 37 and Disperse Violet 93, components of a Black Dye Commercial Product (BDCP) frequently used by the facility, were detected by thin layer chromatography (TLC). The blue and orange dyes were quantified by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC/DAD) in a raw and treated effluent samples and their contribution to the mutagenicity was calculated based on the potency of each dye for the Salmonella YG1041. In the presence of S9 the Disperse Blue 373 accounted for 2.3% of the mutagenic activity of the raw and 71.5% of the treated effluent. In the absence of S9 the Disperse Blue 373 accounted for 1.3% of the mutagenic activity of the raw and 1.5% of the treated effluent. For the Disperse Orange 37, in the presence of S9, it contributed for 0.5% of the mutagenicity of the raw and 6% of the treated effluent. In the absence of S9; 11.5% and 4.4% of the raw and treated effluent mutagenicity, respectively. The contribution of the Disperse Violet 93 was not evaluated because this compound could not be quantified by HPLC/DAD. Mutagenic and/or carcinogenic aromatic amines were also preliminary detected using gas chromatograph/mass spectrometry in both raw and treated and are probably accounting for part of the observed mutagenicity. The effluent treatment applied by the industry does not seem to remove completely the multagenic compounds. The Salmomella/microsome assay coupled with TLC analysis seems to be an important tool to monitor the efficiency of azo dye processing plant effluent treatments. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper evaluates the efficiency of geotextile filters for sludge from a compact water treatment plant (WTP). The key aspects required in the methodology of selection and designing geotextile filters for sludge from dewatering was investigated based on laboratory tests results. The analyses were supported by the measured filtrated volume of water and turbidity resulting from variable head permeability tests carried out in two geotextiles and using the conventional granular filter (sand and gravel). The results of the present study showed that more than 75% of the dewatering sludge can be filtrated with low turbidity, which permits that this water can return to the treatment plan in order to be reuse in another cycle. The reduced volume of sludge retained by the geotextile that is transferred to the drying pound increases its efficiency by reducing the drying time. The low volume of the dry waste can be removed and the geotextile can be easily cleaned or replaced when needed. These procedures significantly reduce the volume of water needed in dewatering and also avoids waste discharges in the environment.


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'Brasilia' is a cultivar of carrot with characteristics suiting cultivation under hot conditions but with problems in seed production, arising from the conflicting requirements of root and seed production. One solution is to select cultivars requiring vernalisation and then to use GA(3) to induce flowering where the climate prevents this. There is, however, little information on plant population, seed maturity and harvesting time on which to base such a procedure. Accordingly this research was carried out to study the physiological quality and production of the seeds in plant populations from 25,000 to 800,000 plants/ha, in the seed-to-seed method of cv. Brasilia in Anapolis, GO, Brazil. In each population, two harvest methods (from first and second orders of umbels, or selected harvest, and remaining orders, or total harvest) and two stages of maturity (brownish, or mature seeds, and yellowish, or immature ones) were also evaluated. Two trials were carried out, with and without gibberellic acid. Seed was evaluated for physical characters, germination, vigour, 1000-seed weight, water content, dry matter and productivity. Seed was produced in both experiments (with or without GA3 spraying). Mature seed showed germination at least 30% greater than immature, and seed from the selected harvest showed germination 16% greater than from the total harvest. In increasing plant population to 200,000 plants/ha, seed quality was not affected, but productivity increased.


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Eleocharis (Cyperaceae) is a morphologically and physiologically diverse lineage of 250 + species with a cosmopolitan distribution. We here explore phylogenetic relationships in this lineage using maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference analyses of nrDNA ITS and cpDNA trnC-ycf6 and ycf6-psbM sequence data with the goals of comparing our phylogenetic hypotheses to previous classifications, morphological variation, and photosynthetic pathway variation. Our results suggest that in Eleocharis C, photosynthesis has been derived at least three times, with several cases of possible reversion to C-3-like or intermediate pathways and several additional origins of C-3-C-4 intermediate photosynthetic pathways, as inferred by carbon isotope ratio measurements. Many classification units currently recognized in Eleocharis are not monophyletic, however, E. subgenus Limnochloa and E. subgenus Scirpidium are monophyletic. Other classification units largely corresponding to clades include E. subgenus Zinserlingia, E. subseries Chaetariae, and E. series Maculosae. Problems with species circumscription and morphological variation in several groups are discussed in light of the phylogeny, particularly in the context of species membership of seven focal clades found in the analyses.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Vegetated riparian buffer strips have been established in Southern Quebec (Canada) in order to intercept nutrients such as nitrate (NO(3)(-)) and protect water quality near agricultural fields. Buffer strips may also favour denitrification through a combination of high soil moisture, NO(3)(-) and carbon supply, which could lead to the production of nitrous oxide (N(2)O), a greenhouse gas. Denitrification could be further amplified by the presence of earthworms, or by plant species that promote earthworm and bacterial activity in soils. Soils from four farms, comprising maize fields and adjacent buffer strips, were sampled in the fall of 2008. A total of six earthworm species were found, but average earthworm biomass did not differ between buffer strips and maize agroecoecosystems. Nitrate concentrations and net nitrification rates were higher in the maize fields than in the buffer strips: there was no difference in N(2)O production in soils collected from the two sampling locations. Potential denitrification, measured by acetylene inhibition, varied by two orders of magnitude, depending on experimental conditions: when amended with H(2)O or with H(2)O + NO3-, potential denitrification was higher (P < 0.05) in soils from buffer strips than from maize fields. Potential denitrification was highest in soils amended with H(2)O+glucose, or with H(2)O+ NO(3)(-) + glucose. Using microcosms, we tested the effect of litter-soil mixtures on earthworm growth, and the effect of earthworm-litter-soil mixtures on potential denitrification. Based on four categories of chemical assays, litters of woody species (oak, apple, Rhododendron) were generally of lower nutritional quality than litter from agronomic species (alfalfa, switchgrass, corn stover). Alfalfa litter had the most positive effect, whereas apple litter had the most negative effect, on earthworm growth. Potential denitrification was 2-4 times higher in earthworm-litter-soil mixtures than in plain soil. Litter treatments that included corn stover had lower potential denitrification than those that included alfalfa or switchgrass, whereas litter treatments that included oak had lower potential denitrification than those that included apple or Rhododendron. Results suggest that potential N(2)O emissions may be higher in riparian buffer strips than in adjacent maize fields, that N(2)O emissions in buffer strips may be amplified by comminuting earthworms, and that plant litters that reduce earthworm growth may not be best at mitigating N(2)O emissions. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Salt stress decreases the osmotic potential of soil solution causing water stress, causing toxic effects in the plants resulting in injuries on the metabolism and nutritional disorders, thus compromising the plant growth, resulting in lower production. The calcium silicate and magnesium can perform the same function as limestone, besides providing silicon to plants, may also contribute to the resistance of plants to salt stress. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of calcium and magnesium silicate on the growth of the castor oil plant BRS Energia cultivated under saline conditions. This study evaluated plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf area, dry weight of shoot and root, and soil chemical characteristics. There was no interaction between factors of salinity level and of silicate level regarding the evaluated variables. There was a direct relationship between salinity levels and plant growth in height and stem diameter. The K concentration in soil were affected by salinity levels.