971 resultados para Plant production


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Potassium fertilization is very important to alfalfa crop in terms of yield, quality and persistence of forage, especially on soils naturally poor K. Thus, to assess the effects of K fertilization in alfalfa production and nutritional status, was carried out an experiment in a greenhouse using samples of a Dystrophic Oxisol medium texture (LV) (0.6 mmol(c) dm(-3) K) and a Dystrophic Ultisol sandy/medium texture (PVA) (2.2 mmol(c) dm(-3) K). A completely randomized design in a factorial arrangement 6 x 2 (six K rates and two soils) was used, with four replications. The K rates used were: 0, 25, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg kg(-1) K. Potassium fertilization increased K content in soil and shoots. Dry matter production was increased with the K addition. However, in the PVA, this occurred only in the second cut. In LV, potassium fertilization increased N concentration in alfalfa shoots in both cuts. Plants with K concentration around 10 g kg(-1) had typical symptoms of this nutrient deficiency. The K critical levels of K in soil and shoots were 1.8 mmolc dm(-3) and 16.7 g kg(-1), respectively.


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The hydrogen gas is regarded as clean and renewable energy source, since it generates only water during combustion when used as fuel. It shows 2.75 times more energy content than any hydrocarbon and it can be converted into electrical, mechanical energy or heat. Inoculum sources have been successfully tested for hydrogen biological production in temperate climate countries as sludge treatment plants sewage, sludge treatment plant wastewater, landfill sample, among others. However, hydrogen biologic production with inoculum from environmental samples such as sediment reservoirs, especially in tropical countries like Brazil, is rarely investigated. Reservoirs and fresh water lake sediment may contain conditions for the survival of a wide variety of microorganisms which use different carbon sources mainly glucose and xylose, in the fermentation. Glucose is an easily biodegradable, present in most of the industrial effluents and can be obtained abundantly from agricultural wastes. A wide variety of wastewater resulting from agriculture, industry and pulp and paper processed from wood may contain xylose in its constitution. Such effluent contains glucose and xylose concentrations of about 2 g/L. In this sense, this work verified hydrogen biological production in anaerobic batch reactor (1L), at 37 ° C, initial pH 5.5, headspace with N2 (100%), Del Nery medium, vitamins and peptone (1 g/L), fed separately with glucose (2g/L) and xylose (2 g/L). The inoculum was taken from environmental sample (sediment reservoir Itupararanga - Ibiúna - SP-Brazil). It was previously purified in serial dilutions at H2 generation (10-5, 10-7, 10-10), and heat treated (90º C - 10 min) later to inhibited the H2 consumers. The maximum H2 generations obtained in both tests were observed at 552 h, as described below. At the reactors fed with glucose and xylose were observed, respectively, 9.1 and 8.6 mmol H2/L, biomass growth (0.2 and 0.2 nm); consumption of sugar concentrations 53.6% (1.1 glucose g/L) and 90.5% (1.8 xylose g/L); acetic acid generation (124.7 mg/L and 82.7 mg/L), butyric acid (134.0 mg/L and 230.4 mg/L) and there wasn’t methane generation in the reactors. Microscopic analysis of biomass in anaerobic reactors showed the predominance of Gram positive rods and rods with endospores, whose morphology is characteristic of H2-generating bacteria, in both tests. These species were selected from the natural environment. In DGGE analysis performed difference were observed between populations from inoculum and in tests. This analysis confirmed that some species of bacteria were selected which remained under the conditions imposed on the experiment. The efficiency of the pre-treatment of inoculum and the imposition of pH 5.5 inhibited methane-producing microorganisms and the consumers of H2. Therefore, the experimental conditions imposed allowed the attainment of bacterial consortium of producer H2 taken from an environmental sample with concentration of xylose and glucose similar to the ones of the industrial effluents.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of three plant growth inhibitors on the development and emission of floral rachis of Saint Augustine grass [Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntzel] plants. The study was carried out in a 15 month old lawn with the experimental plots being distributed in accordance with a complete randomized block design with four replications. The treatments consisted of sole application of trinexapac-ethyl (113, 226, 452, 678, and 904 g ai ha(-1)), prohexadione-calcium (100 and 200 g ai ha(-1)), and bispyribac-sodium (40 and 60 g ai ha(-1)) plus a check treatment in which the plants were not submitted to any of the plant growth inhibitors. The effects of those products were evaluated in terms of visual signs of plant intoxication, plant height, emission and height of floral rachises, and chip total dry matter production. All the plant growth inhibitors resulted in visible injury to the plants but these intoxication signs practically disappeared 28 days after the application. Trinexapac-ethyl at the dose of 904 g ai ha(-1) reduced plant height by 59.7%, the emission of floral rachis by 96.4%, and the amount of chip dry matter production by 87.7%. Plant growth inhibitors may reduce the number of times of lawn plants cutting up to 119 days after their application with no harmful effects on the plants visual aspect.


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The tropical soil acidity is one of the main limiting factors for crop productivity. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of application of limestone dose to soil fertility, nutritional status of the crop, and productivity and quality of the fruits of mango, cultivar Keitt. The study was carried out at Selviria, state of Mato Grosso Sul, Brazil, in a Typic Haplustox (pH in CaCl2=4.7), cultivated with mango cultivar Keitt grafted on Coquinho pattern in the production phase (13years old). Treatments were composed of limestone doses (0, 1.55, 3.10, 4.65, and 6.20tha(-1)), arranged in blocks at random with three repetitions. The limestone was applied and incorporated in the surface layer of 0 to 5cm deep in the total area. We evaluated the chemical attributes of the soil [pH, hydrogen (H+) aluminum (Al), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), and sum of bases and base saturation] at 16 and 28months after liming (layer 0 to 20cm deep), the nutrition of plants at 12months after liming, and quality of the fruit in two crop years. Liming promoted improvements in soil chemical attributes, reflected in the nutritional status, productivity, and quality of mango fruit. Also, there was a linear effect with the application of lime dose on the productivity of the fruit, but after the second year of evaluation.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Propolis has been used in folk medicine in different regions of the world including Latin America. Propolis is a resinous mixture of substances collected by honey bees from several botanical sources, and its composition contains a rich chemical variety, depending on the geographical area and plant sources. Our aim was to compare the modulatory effect of propolis samples from three different countries of Latin America (Brazil, Cuba and Mexico) on pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine production (tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interleukin (IL)-10, respectively) by human monocytes. Cells were incubated with propolis for 18 h at 37°C. Cell viability was assessed by 3-(4,5-dimethyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide method, and cytokine production was determined by ELISA. All samples did not affect monocyte viability. Brazilian propolis stimulated both TNF-α and IL-10 production by monocytes. Cuban propolis stimulated TNF-α and inhibited IL-10 production, while Mexican sample exerted the opposite effect, inhibiting TNF-α and stimulating IL-10 production. The major compounds found in Brazilian, Cuban and Mexican propolis samples were artepillin C, isoflavonoids and pinocembrin, respectively. Brazilian, Cuban and Mexican propolis contained different components that may exert pro- and anti-inflammatory activity depending on concentration, what may provide a novel approach to the development of immunomodulatory drugs containing propolis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Vegetative propagation is considered the best choice for the rapid multiplication of plant species, however, rooting may still present difficulties. Substances, such as auxins, phenolic compounds and hydrogen peroxide, are recognized as able to improve this process. The aim of the present work was to determine if hydrogen peroxide in combination with quercetin or indole butyric acid, can modify some characteristics related to rooting and development in cuttings of Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla. Cuttings were periodically evaluated at 30, 60 and 90 days according to the following criteria: height, diameter and survival percentage. After planting (90 days), a destructive evaluation was performed to determine rooting percentage, average size and number of roots. Polyamines content and polyamine oxidase activity, as biochemical markers of plant development, were determined. No statistically significant differences in height, diameter, survival and rooting percentage, root length and number of roots per cuttings were found. Treatments induced a decrease in putrescine levels and polyamine oxidase activity in roots. For absence of positive responses, the use of these substances as a treatment to improve cutting production is economically unviable.


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The carbohydrates translocation and consequently growth and production of fig tree (Ficuscarica L.) vary according to the different management on cultivation conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes in the levels and total carbohydrates accumulation together with growth and “Roxo de Valinhos” fig trees production onimplementation of orchards in initial phase, cultivated with and without irrigation. We adopted a factorial arrangement (2 x 7) with four repetitions distributed in installments (with and without irrigation) subdivided in time (collect time). Destructive analyzes were performed at 40, 80, 120, 160, 200, 240 and 280 days after pruning (DAP) and are measured: stem diameter and branch, stem length and branch, number of leaves, internodes and fruit. Subsequently, the plant parts were sectioned to obtain the leaf area, length and roots volume, fresh and dry matter weight. The number, weight and total productivity of fruits were evaluated. The media of all growth attributes and production characteristics were higher in treatments with water irrigation. The total carbohydrate content was higher at 120 and 160 DAP and the carbohydrates accumulation was increasing for most institutions over the plants development, except for the leaves that showed a decrease in the levels at 160 DAP. The fruits showed greater carbohydrates accumulation in relation to the other evaluated organs.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Tifton 419' bermudagrass cultivar [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. x C. transvaalensis Burtt-Davy] is the most preferred turfgrass for sportive, commercial and residential lawns. On similar species, such as Stenotaphrum secundatum and Zoysia japonica, gibberellic acid-inhibiting plant growth regulators (PGRs) are used to decrease mowing frequency. A very limited research has been reported yet on the PGRs regarding seasonal effects of single vs. multiple applications of these products on turfgrass quality and clipping production on South America. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of sequential applications of different plant growth inhibitors during re-growth and flower rachis emission of 'Tifton 419' Bermudagrass. The treatment pattern includes an initial application followed by one sequential application at 14 days intervals, according to the following: prohexadione-calcium at 100+100 or 200+200 g a.i. ha-1, bispyribac-sodium at 40+40 or 60+60 g a.i. ha-1, trinexapac-ethyl at 113+113, 226+113, 226+226, 452+113, 452+226, 452+452, 678+0 or 904+0 g a.i. ha-1, and untreated control. The treatment effect was evaluated based on measurements of visual injury, height of plants, height and number of flower rachis, and clipping total dry mass production. The results showed that only bispyribac-sodium provided visual injury on 'Tifton 419' Bermudagrass, but the symptoms quickly tend towards zero at 21 days after second application (DASA). 'Tifton 419' Bermudagrass greens could be better handle by sequential application of trinexapac-ethyl, or prohexadione-calcium or bispyribac-sodium, once the height of plants, seedhead emission and total clipping dry mass reduction were over than 37%, 91% and 88%, respectively, for a period up to 60 DASA.