809 resultados para Piirainen, Timo: Towards a new social order in Russia
166 countries have some kind of public old age pension. What economic forcescreate and sustain old age Social Security as a public program? We document some of the internationally and historically common features of Social Security programs including explicit and implicit taxes on labor supply, pay-as-you-go features, intergenerational redistribution, benefits which areincreasing functions of lifetime earnings and not means-tested. We partition theories of Social Security into three groups: "political", "efficiency" and "narrative" theories. We explore three political theories in this paper: the majority rational voting model (with its two versions: "the elderly as the leaders of a winning coalition with the poor" and the "once and for all election" model), the "time-intensive model of political competition" and the "taxpayer protection model". Each of the explanations is compared with the international and historical facts. A companion paper explores the "efficiency" and "narrative" theories, and derives implicationsof all the theories for replacing the typical pay-as-you-go system with a forced savings plan.
First report of interspecific facultative social parasitism in the paper wasp genus Mischocyttarus Saussure (Hymenoptera, Vespidae). Parasitism of colonies of the social wasp Mischocyttarus cerberus Ducke, 1918 by females of Mischocyttarus consimilis Zikán, 1949 was observed in a rural area of Dourados, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. In all monitored cases, the invasion occurred in the pre-emergence colony stage, generally by a single female of M. consimilis. The period of establishment of the foreign female in the host colony was marked by antagonistic behaviors between the host female and the invasive. In general, the architecture of the parasitized nest was modified from the typical architecture of the host species nest.
Polistine wasps are important in Neotropical ecosystems due to their ubiquity and diversity. Inventories have not adequately considered spatial attributes of collected specimens. Spatial data on biodiversity are important for study and mitigation of anthropogenic impacts over natural ecosystems and for protecting species. We described and analyzed local-scale spatial patterns of collecting records of wasp species, as well as spatial variation of diversity descriptors in a 2500-hectare area of an Amazon forest in Brazil. Rare species comprised the largest fraction of the fauna. Close range spatial effects were detected for most of the more common species, with clustering of presence-data at short distances. Larger spatial lag effects could also be identified in some species, constituting probably cases of exogenous autocorrelation and candidates for explanations based on environmental factors. In a few cases, significant or near significant correlations were found between five species (of Agelaia, Angiopolybia, and Mischocyttarus) and three studied environmental variables: distance to nearest stream, terrain altitude, and the type of forest canopy. However, association between these factors and biodiversity variables were generally low. When used as predictors of polistine richness in a linear multiple regression, only the coefficient for the forest canopy variable resulted significant. Some level of prediction of wasp diversity variables can be attained based on environmental variables, especially vegetation structure. Large-scale landscape and regional studies should be scheduled to address this issue.
A new therapeutic era opened for multiple sclerosis (MS) with the appearance of molecules given p.o. and/or molecules with greater efficiency. Early diagnosis is critical, as the time and the choice of therapeutic intervention. The initiation of treatments must be personalized, including the risks associated with MS and those potentially related to the treatment chosen, answering the question <Who, when and how to treat?>. Monitoring tools that allow to objectively evaluate: I) MS activity and aggressiveness for each patient and 2) the safety of treatments and their risks of complications, must be further investigated.
The rate of overweight and obese children and adolescents is rapidly increasing in developed countries. Although a decrease in sport practice may be one of the several factors implicated, data on recent trends are scarce. This article presents the trends in sport practice among Swiss adolescents between 1993 and 2002, comparing data from two surveys.
Doctoral dissertation, University of Tampere
Colony social organization in the fire ant Solenopsis invicta appears to be under strong genetic control. In the invasive USA range, polygyny (multiple queens per colony) is marked by the presence of the Gp-9(b) allele in most of a colony's workers, whereas monogyny (single queen per colony) is associated with the exclusive occurrence of the Gp-9(B) allele. Ross and Keller, Behav Ecol Sociobiol 51:287-295 (2002) experimentally manipulated social organization by cross-fostering queens into colonies of the alternate form, thereby changing adult worker Gp-9 genotype frequencies over time. Although these authors showed that social behavior switched predictably when the frequency of b-bearing adult workers crossed a threshold of 5-10%, the possibility that queen effects caused the conversions could not be excluded entirely. We addressed this problem by fostering polygyne brood into queenright monogyne colonies. All such treatment colonies switched social organization to become polygyne, coincident with their proportions of b-bearing workers exceeding 12%. Our results support the conclusion that polygyny in S. invicta is induced by a minimum frequency of colony workers carrying the b allele, and further confirm that its expression is independent of queen genotype or history, worker genotypes at genes not linked to Gp-9, and colony genetic diversity.
The link between social inequalities and health has been known for many years, as attested by Villermé's work on the "mental and physical status of the working class" (1840). We have more and more insight into the nature of this relationship, which embraces not only material deprivation, but also psychological mechanisms related to social and interpersonal problems. Defining our possible role as physicians to fight against these inequalities has become a public health priority. Instruments and leads, which are now available to help us in our daily practice, are presented here.