983 resultados para Pig oocytes


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Introduction: In women showing impaired fertility, a decreased response to ovarian stimulation is a major problem, limiting the number of oocytes to be used for assisted reproduction techniques (ART). Despite the several definitions of poor response, it is still a matter of debate whether young poor responder patients also show a decrease in oocyte quality. The objective in this study was to investigate whether poor ovarian response to the superstimulation protocol is accompanied by impaired oocyte quality. Material and methods: This study included 313 patients younger than 35 years old, undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Patients with four or fewer MII oocytes (poor-responder group, PR, n = 57) were age-matched with normoresponder patients (NR, n = 256). Results: A higher rate of oocyte retrieval and a trend towards an increase in MII oocyte rate were observed in the NR group when compared to the PR group (71.6 +/- 1.1% and 74.1 +/- 1.0% vs. 56.3 +/- 2.9% and 66.5 +/- 3.7%; p < 0.0001 and p = 0.056, respectively). A trend toward increased implantation rates was observed in the NR group when compared to the PR group (44 and 24.5 +/- 2.0% vs. 28.8 and 16.4 +/- 3.9%; p = 0.0305 and p = 0.0651, respectively). Conclusions: Low response to ovarian stimulation is apparently not related to impaired oocyte quality. However, embryos produced from poor responder oocytes show impaired capacity to implant and to carry a pregnancy to term.


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Background: The establishment of an in vitro production (IVP) of embryo in swine allows the generation of embryos with the same quality as in vivo produced embryos with less costs and time. In order to achieve successful fertilization under normal circumstances in vivo, mammalian spermatozoa must first undergo capacitation and then acrosome reaction. The purpose of this study was compared the efficacious of IP/CFDA fluorescence and Coomassie Blue G (CB) staining to detect capacitated sperm cells in refrigerated and fresh semen. Morever, it was investigated the efficacious of caffeine and chondroitin sulphate to promote in vitro sperm capacitation and in vitro embryo produced (IVP) of swine embryos. Materials, Methods & Results: A sperm-rich fraction from ejaculate was obtained using the gloved-hand method and the gel-free fraction was separated using sterile gauze. The semen was diluted in BTS at a final concentration of 1.5 x 10(8) cells/mL. The sperm suspension was incubated for 2 h at 25 degrees C, refrigerated and maintained for 1 h at 15-18 degrees C (refrigerated group) or used immediately (fresh group). Sperm capacitation was assessed by IP/CFDA fluorescence and CB staining for both fresh and refrigerated semen. For PI/CFDA evaluation, a final solution containing 1.7 mM formaldehyde, 7.3 mM PI and 20 mM CFDA in 950 mu L saline was prepared. In the dark, 40 mu L PI/CFDA final solution was added to 10 mu L semen and after 8 min, slides were analyzed on epifluorescence microscopy. For CB evaluation, sperm cells were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 10 min and centrifuged twice at 320 x g in ammonium acetate pH 9 for 8 min. A smear was made and stained with 2.75 mg/mL CB in solution containing 12.5% methanol, 25% glacial acetic acid and 62.5% water, for 2 min. The smear was washed in running water, air dried and sealed with Permount (R), diluted 2:1 in xilol to avoid staining oxidation. Our results showed that refrigeration did not affect sperm capacitation and comparing staining methods, the PI/CFDA combination was more efficient to detect capacitated sperm, when compared to CB staining. In experiment 2, we evaluated the effect of different incubation time (1 - 5 h) with chondroitin sulfate and caffeine on sperm capacitation. For in vitro fertilization, oocytes were obtained from slaughterhouse ovaries. Oocytes with a thick and intact cumulus oophurus layer and cytoplasm with homogenous granules were selected for in vitro maturation for 44 h. According to the results of experiment 2, it was used for in vitro fertilization refrigerated semen was capacitated with 50 mu g/mL chondroitin sulfate for 2 h or capacitated with 5 mu g/mL caffeine for 3 h. Six hours after insemination, cumulus oophorus cells were mechanically removed and oocytes were washed and incubated in microdrops of culture medium. Embryo development after fertilization with sperm capacitated with caffeine or chondroitin sulfate was evaluated on days 3, 5 and 7 of culture. No differences were observed in days 3 or 5 of in vitro culture. However, it was observed an increase on blastocyst rate on Day 7 of culture when caffeine was used as the capacitor agent. Discussion: Molecular basis of sperm capacitation is still poor understood. Sperm capacitation can occur in vitro spontaneously in defined media without addition of biological fluids. We observed that sperm capacitation increased as incubation period enlarged and it was observed using Coomassie blue G and PI/CFDA for fresh semen and for refrigerated semen. It can be concluded that the cooling of semen did not change their pattern of sperm capacitation and this is best assessed by IP/CFDA than by CB. In addition to the use of caffeine in sperm capacitation produces more blastocysts than the chondroitin sulfate after in vitro fertilization.


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The objective was to determine whether aging of sperm caused by incubation at normothermic (38.5 C) or heat shock (40 C) temperatures for 4 h prior to oocyte insemination affects sperm motility, fertilizing ability, competence of the resultant embryo to develop to the blastocyst stage and blastocyst sex ratio. In the first experiment, the percent of sperm that were motile was reduced by aging (P<0.001) and the reduction in motility was greater for sperm at 40 C compared to sperm at 38.5 C (P<0.01). In the second experiment, oocytes were inseminated with aged sperm. A smaller percent of oocytes fertilized with sperm aged at either temperature cleaved by Day 3 after insemination than oocytes fertilized with fresh sperm (P<0.05). There was no effect of sperm aging on the percent of oocytes or cleaved embryos that developed to the blastocyst stage. Aging of sperm before fertilization at 38.5 C reduced the percent of blastocysts that were male (P=0.08). In the third experiment, incubation of sperm at 38.5 C or 40 C for 4 h did not reduce fertilizing ability of sperm as determined by pronuclear formation at 18 h post insemination. In conclusion, aging of sperm reduced cleavage rate and the percent of blastocysts that were males but had no effect on the developmental capacity of the. embryo. The effect of aging on cleavage rate may represent reduced motility and errors occurring after fertilization and pronuclear formation. Aging at a temperature characteristic of maternal hyperthermia had little additional effect except that polyspermy was reduced. Results indicate that embryo competence for development to the blastocyst stage is independent of sperm damage as a result of aging for 4 h at normothermic or hyperthermic temperatures.


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Background: Descending pronociceptive pathways may be implicated in states of persistent pain. Paw skin incision is a well-established postoperative pain model that causes behavioral nociceptive responses and enhanced excitability of spinal dorsal horn neurons. The number of spinal c-Fos positive neurons of rats treated intrathecally with serotonin, noradrenaline or acetylcholine antagonists where evaluated to study the descending pathways activated by a surgical paw incision. Results: The number of c-Fos positive neurons in laminae I/II ipsilateral, lamina V bilateral to the incised paw, and in lamina X significantly increased after the incision. These changes: remained unchanged in phenoxybenzamine-treated rats; were increased in the contralateral lamina V of atropine-treated rats; were inhibited in the ipsilateral lamina I/II by 5-HT(1/2B/2C) (methysergide), 5-HT(2A) (ketanserin) or 5-HT(1/2A/2C/5/6/7) (methiothepin) receptors antagonists, in the ipsilateral lamina V by methysergide or methiothepin, in the contralateral lamina V by all the serotonergic antagonists and in the lamina X by LY 278,584, ketanserin or methiothepin. Conclusions: We conclude: (1) muscarinic cholinergic mechanisms reduce incision-induced response of spinal neurons inputs from the contralateral paw; (2) 5-HT(1/2A/2C/3) receptors-mediate mechanisms increase the activity of descending pathways that facilitates the response of spinal neurons to noxious inputs from the contralateral paw; (3) 5-HT(1/2A/2C) and 5-HT(1/2C) receptors increases the descending facilitation mechanisms induced by incision in the ipsilateral paw; (4) 5-HT(2A/3) receptors contribute to descending pronociceptive pathways conveyed by lamina X spinal neurons; (5) alpha-adrenergic receptors are unlikely to participate in the incision-induced facilitation of the spinal neurons.


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Background: Placentas of guinea pig-related rodents are appropriate animal models for human placentation because of their striking similarities to those of humans. To optimize the pool of potential models in this context, it is essential to identify the occurrence of characters in close relatives. Methods: In this study we first analyzed chorioallantoic placentation in the prea, Galea spixii, as one of the guinea pig's closest relatives. Material was collected from a breeding group at the University of Mossoro, Brazil, including 18 individuals covering an ontogenetic sequence from initial pregnancy to term. Placentas were investigated by means of histology, electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry (vimentin, alpha-smooth muscle actin, cytokeration) and proliferation activity (PCNA). Results: Placentation in Galea is primarily characterized by an apparent regionalization into labyrinth, trophospongium and subplacenta. It also has associated growing processes with clusters of proliferating trophoblast cells at the placental margin, internally directed projections and a second centre of proliferation in the labyrinth. Finally, the subplacenta, which is temporarily supplied in parallel by the maternal and fetal blood systems, served as the center of origin for trophoblast invasion. Conclusion: Placentation in Galea reveals major parallels to the guinea pig and other caviomorphs with respect to the regionalization of the placenta, the associated growing processes, as well as trophoblast invasion. A principal difference compared to the guinea pig occurred in the blood supply of the subplacenta. Characteristics of the invasion and expanding processes indicate that Galea may serve as an additional animal model that is much smaller than the guinea pig and where the subplacenta partly has access to both maternal and fetal blood systems.


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In early development, female embryos (XX) produce twice the transcripts of X-linked genes compared with male embryos (XY). During the course of development, inactivation of the X chromosome equilibrates gene dosage, making the development of female embryos viable. Moreover, the biotechnologies used for producing embryos in vitro seem to work better with male embryos, making it easier for them to reach the blastocyst stage and allow for complete gestation. We investigated the expression of three X-linked genes that are involved in development, XIST, G6PD, and HPRT, and of the transcript interferon-tau, in male and female bovine blastocysts produced by nuclear transfer (NT) and by in vitro fertilization (IVF). Oocytes that had been matured in vitro were enucleated and reconstructed with somatic cells from adult animals at 18 h post-maturation. After fusion (two pulses of 2.25 kv/cm) and chemical activation (5.0 mu M ionomycin for 5 min and 2.0 mM 6-DMAP for 3 h), the oocytesomatic cell units were cultivated in CR2 with a monolayer of granulosa cells at 38.8 degrees C, in a humidified 5% CO(2) atmosphere. IVF embryos were inseminated, after centrifugation in a Percoll gradient, with 2 x 10(6) sperm/mL TALP medium supplemented with BSA and PHE and cultivated under the same conditions as the cloned embryos. We used real-time PCR to analyze the gene expression of individual blastocysts compared to expression of the housekeeping gene, GAPDH. The gene XIST was expressed in female embryos and not in male embryos produced by IVF, though it was expressed at low levels in male embryos produced by NT. Unlike previous reports, we found lower levels of the transcript of G6PD in females than in males, suggesting double silencing or other mechanisms of control of this gene. Female embryos produced by IVF expressed the HPRT gene at a higher level than female embryos produced by NT, suggesting that gene silencing proceeds faster in NT-produced female embryos due to ""inactivation memory"" from the nucleus donor. In conclusion, male and female embryos express different levels of X-chromosome genes and failures of these genes that are essential for development could reduce the viability of females. Nuclear transfer can modify this relation, possibly due to epigenetic memory, leading to frequent failures in nuclear reprogramming.


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The relationship between the level of cell confluence near the plateau phase of growth and blastocyst yield following somatic cell cloning is not well understood. We examined the effect of distinct cell culture confluence levels on in vitro development of cloned bovine embryos. In vitro-matured bovine oocytes were manually bisected and selected by DNA staining. One or two enucleated hemi-cytoplasts were paired and fused with an adult skin somatic cell. Cultured skin cells from an adult Nellore cow harvested at three distinct culture confluence levels (70-80, 80-90, and > 95%) were used for construction of embryos and hemi-embryos. After activation, structures were cultured in vitro as one embryo (1 x 100%) or as aggregates of two hemi-embryos (2 x 50%) per microwell. Fusion, cleavage and blastocyst rates were compared using the chi(2) test. The fusion rate for hemi-embryos (51.4%) was lower than for embryos (67.6%), with no influence of degree of cell confluence. However, blastocyst rates improved linearly (7.0, 17.5, and 29.4%) with increases in cell confluence. We conclude that degree of cell culture confluence significantly influences subsequent embryo development; use of a cell population in high confluence (> 90%) for nuclear transfer significantly improved blastocyst yield after cloning.


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AIM: To investigate the effects of malnutrition and refeeding on the P2X(2) receptor, nitric oxide synthase (NOS), calretinin, calbindin and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) in neurons of the rat ileum. METHODS: We analyzed the co-localization, numbers and sizes of P2X(2)-expressing neurons in relation to NOS-IR (immunoreactive), calbindin-IR, ChAT-IR, and calretinin-IR neurons of the myenteric and submucosal plexus. The experimental groups consisted of: (1) rats maintained on normal feed throughout pregnancy until 42 d post-parturition (N); (2) rats deprived of protein throughout pregnancy and 42 d post-parturition (D); and (3) rats undernourished for 21 d post-parturition and then given a protein diet from days 22 to 42 (DR). The myenteric and submucosal plexuses were evaluated by double labeling by immunohistochemical methods for P2X(2) receptor, NOS, ChAT, calbindin and calretinin. RESULTS: We found similar P2X(2) receptor immunoreactivity in the cytoplasm and surface membranes of myenteric and submucosal neurons from the N, D and DR groups. Double labeling of the myenteric plexus demonstrated that approximately 100% of NOS-IR, calbindin-IR, calretinin-IR and ChAT-IR neurons in all groups also expressed the P2X(2) receptor. In the submucosal plexus, the calretinin-IR, ChAT-IR and calbindinIR neurons were nearly all immunoreactive for the P2X(2) receptor. In the myenteric plexus, there was a 19% increase in numbers per cm(2) for P2X(2) receptor-IR neurons, 64% for NOS-IR, 84% for calretinin-IR and 26% for ChAT-IR neurons in the D group. The spatial density of calbindin-IR neurons, however, did not differ among the three groups. The submucosal neuronal density increased for calbindin-IR, calretinin-IR and ChAT-IR neurons. The average size of neurons in the myenteric plexus neurons in the D group was less than that in the controls and, in the re-fed rats; there was a 34% reduction in size only for the calretinin-IR neurons. CONCLUSION: This work demonstrates that expression of the P2X(2) receptor is present in inhibitory, intrinsic primary afferent, cholinergic secretomotor and vasomotor neurons. Undernutrition affected P2X(2) receptor expression in the submucosal plexus, and neuronal and size. These changes were rescued in the re-fed rats. (C) 2010 Baishideng. All rights reserved.


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The highly expressed D7 protein family of mosquito saliva has previously been shown to act as an anti-inflammatory mediator by binding host biogenic amines and cysteinyl leukotrienes (CysLTs). In this study we demonstrate that AnSt-D7L1, a two-domain member of this group from Anopheles stephensi, retains the CysLT binding function seen in the homolog AeD7 from Aedes aegypti but has lost the ability to bind biogenic amines. Unlike any previously characterized members of the D7 family, AnSt-D7L1 has acquired the important function of binding thromboxane A(2) (TXA(2)) and its analogs with high affinity. When administered to tissue preparations, AnSt-D7L1 abrogated Leukotriene C(4) (LTC(4))-induced contraction of guinea pig ileum and contraction of rat aorta by the TXA(2) analog U46619. The protein also inhibited platelet aggregation induced by both collagen and U46619 when administered to stirred platelets. The crystal structure of AnSt-D7L1 contains two OBP-like domains and has a structure similar to AeD(7). In AnSt-D7L1, the binding pocket of the C-terminal domain has been rearranged relative to AeD7, making the protein unable to bind biogenic amines. Structures of the ligand complexes show that CysLTs and TXA(2) analogs both bind in the same hydrophobic pocket of the N-terminal domain. The TXA(2) analog U46619 is stabilized by hydrogen bonding interactions of the omega-5 hydroxyl group with the phenolic hydroxyl group of Tyr 52. LTC(4) and occupies a very similar position to LTE(4) in the previously determined structure of its complex with AeD7. As yet, it is not known what, if any, new function has been acquired by the rearranged C-terminal domain. This article presents, to our knowledge, the first structural characterization of a protein from mosquito saliva that inhibits collagen mediated platelet activation.


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Mycoplasma suis, the causative agent of porcine infectious anemia, has never been cultured in vitro and mechanisms by which it causes disease are poorly understood. Thus, the objective herein was to use whole genome sequencing and analysis of M. suis to define pathogenicity mechanisms and biochemical pathways. M. suis was harvested from the blood of an experimentally infected pig. Following DNA extraction and construction of a paired end library, whole-genome sequencing was performed using GS-FLX (454) and Titanium chemistry. Reads on paired-end constructs were assembled using GS De Novo Assembler and gaps closed by primer walking; assembly was validated by PFGE. Glimmer and Manatee Annotation Engine were used to predict and annotate protein-coding sequences (CDS). The M. suis genome consists of a single, 742,431 bp chromosome with low G+C content of 31.1%. A total of 844 CDS, 3 single copies, unlinked rRNA genes and 32 tRNAs were identified. Gene homologies and GC skew graph show that M. suis has a typical Mollicutes oriC. The predicted metabolic pathway is concise, showing evidence of adaptation to blood environment. M. suis is a glycolytic species, obtaining energy through sugars fermentation and ATP-synthase. The pentose-phosphate pathway, metabolism of cofactors and vitamins, pyruvate dehydrogenase and NAD(+) kinase are missing. Thus, ribose, NADH, NADPH and coenzyme A are possibly essential for its growth. M. suis can generate purines from hypoxanthine, which is secreted by RBCs, and cytidine nucleotides from uracil. Toxins orthologs were not identified. We suggest that M. suis may cause disease by scavenging and competing for host nutrients, leading to decreased life-span of RBCs. In summary, genome analysis shows that M. suis is dependent on host cell metabolism and this characteristic is likely to be linked to its pathogenicity. The prediction of essential nutrients will aid the development of in vitro cultivation systems.


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The free H(2)xspa ligands [xspa = pspa, Clpspa, tspa or fspa where p = 3-(phenyl), Clp = 3-(2-chlorophenyl), t = 3-(2-thienyl), f = 3-(2-furyl) and spa = 2-sulfanylpropenoato], their Zn(II) complexes of formula [HQ](2)[Zn(xspa)(2)] (HQ=diisopropylammonium) and the Cd(II) equivalents were prepared and characterized by elemental analysis and by IR, Raman and NMR ((1)H, (13)C) spectroscopy. X-Ray studies of the crystal structures of [HQ](2)[Zn(pspa)(2)], [HQ](2)[Zn(Clpspa)2], [HQ](2)[Zn(tspa)(2)] and [HQ](2)[Zn(fspa)(2)] show that the zinc atom is coordinated to two O atoms and two S atoms of the ligands in a distorted tetrahedral ZnO(2)S(2) environment. In the structures of [HQ](2)[Cd(pspa)(2)] and [HQ](2)[Cd(Clpspa)(2)] the cadmium atom is coordinated to three S atoms and two carboxylato O atoms of the ligands in a distorted trigonal bipyramidal environment. The interchange of ligands between Zn( II) and Cd( II) was studied by (113)Cd NMR spectroscopy. The in vitro protective effect of H(2)xspa and their Zn( II) complexes against Cd toxicity was investigated using the human hepatocarcinoma HepG2 cell line and the pig renal proximal tubule LLC-PK1 cell line. The incorporation of Zn( II) was found to be relevant in the case of H(2)pspa, with an increase observed in the cell viability of the LCC-PK1 cells with respect to the value for the free ligand.


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Adults of Pseudopolydora rosebelae sp. nov. inhabit silty tubes on muddy bottoms in shallow water in southern Brazil, states of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. They are rare and extremely delicate, attaining 20 mm long for 55 chaetigers. The worms are distinctive by their colourful yellow and black pigmentation on the anterior part of body and palps, prominent transverse hood on the dorsal anterior edge of chaetiger 3, and lack of coloured respiratory pigment in blood. Of 12 examined individuals, all were females. Oogenesis is intraovarian; oocytes develop from chaetigers 14-15 to chaetigers 24-36. Recently laid oocytes were about 150 mu m in diameter, with embryos and developing larvae found in capsules inside female tubes in March-June. Broods comprised up to 23 capsules with 400 propagules. Capsules were joined to each other in a string and each attached by a single thin stalk to the inner wall of the tube. Larvae hatched at the 4-chaetiger stage and fed on plankton. Pelagic larvae are unique among Pseudopolydora in having large ramified mid-dorsal melanophores from chaetiger 3 onwards. Competent larvae are able to settle and metamorphose at the 15-chaetiger stage, but can remain planktonic up to 18 chaetigers. They have one pair of unpigmented ocelli and three pairs of black eyes in the prostomium, unpaired ramified mid-dorsal melanophores on chaetiger 1 and on the pygidium, ramified lateral melanophores on chaetigers 5-10, prominent yellow chromatophores in the prostomium, peristomium, on dorsal and ventral sides of chaetigers and in the pygidium. Branchiae are present on chaetigers 7-10, and gastrotrochs are arranged on chaetigers 3, 5, 7 and 12. Provisional serrated bristles are present in all notopodia, and hooks are present in neuropodia from chaetiger 8 onwards. Two pairs of provisional protonephridia are present in chaetigers 1 and 2, and adult metanephridia are present from chaetiger 4.


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The utilization of tannery sludge in agricultural areas can be an alternative for its disposal and recycling. Despite this procedure may cause the loss of nitrogen by ammonia volatilization, there is no information about this process in tropical soils. For two years a field experiment was carried out in Rolandia (Parana State, Brazil), to evaluate the amount of NH(3) volatilization due to tannery sludge application on agricultural soil. The doses of total N applied varied from zero to 1200 kg ha(-1), maintained at the surface for 89 days, as usual in this region. The alkalinity of the tannery sludge used was equivalent to between 262 and 361 g CaCO(3) per kg. Michaelis-Menten equation was adequate to estimate NH(3)-N volatilization kinetics. The relation between total nitrogen applied as tannery sludge and the potentially volatilized NH(3)-N, calculated by the chemical-kinetics equation resulted in an average determination coefficient of 0.87 (P > 0.01). In this period, the amount of volatilized NH(3) was more intense during the first 30 days; the time to reach half of the maximum NH(3) volatilization (K(m)) was 13 an 9 days for the first and second experiments, respectively. The total loss as ammonia in the whole period corresponded in average to 17.5% of the total N applied and to 35% of the NH(4)(+)-N present in the sludge. If tannery sludge is to be surface applied to supply N for crops, the amounts lost as NH(3) must be taken into consideration. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aiming to achieve the ideal time of ovum pick-up (OPU) for in vitro embryo production (IVP) in crossbred heifers, two Latin square design studies investigated the effect of ovarian follicular wave synchronization with estradiol benzoate (EB) and progestins. For each experiment, crossbred heifers stage of estrous cycle was synchronized either with a norgestomet ear implant (Experiment 1) or a progesterone intravaginal device (Experiment 2) for 7d, followed by the administration of 150 mu g D-cloprostenol. On Day 7, all follicles >3 mm in diameter were aspirated and implants/devices were replaced by new ones. Afterwards, implant/device replacement was conducted every 14 d. Each experiment had three treatment groups. In Experiment I (n = 12), heifers in Group 2X had their follicles aspirated twice a week and those in Groups 1X and 1X-EB were submitted to OPU once a week for a period of 28 d. Heifers from Group 1X-EB also received 2 mg EB i.m. immediately after each OPU session. In Experiment 2 (n = 11), animals from Group 0EB did not receive EB while heifers in Groups 2EB and 5EB received 2 and 5 mg of EB respectively, immediately after OPU. The OPU sessions were performed once weekly for 28 d. Therefore, in both experiments, four OPU sessions were performed in heifers aspirated once a week and in Experiment 1, eight OPU sessions were done in heifers aspirated twice a week. Additionally, during the 7-d period following follicular aspiration, ovarian ultrasonography examinations were conducted to measure diameter of the largest follicle and blood samples were collected for FSH quantification by RIA. In Experiment 1, all viable oocytes recovered were in vitro matured and fertilized. Results indicated that while progestin and EB altered follicular wave patterns, this treatment did not prevent establishment of follicular dominance on the ovaries of heifers during OPU at 7-d intervals. Furthermore, the proposed stage of follicular wave synchronization strategies did not improve the number and quality of the recovered oocytes, or the number of in vitro produced embryos. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.