991 resultados para Phaseoulus vulgaris
Low phosphorus supply markedly limits leaf growth and genotypes able to maintain adequate leaf area at low P could adapt better to limited-P conditions. This work aimed to investigate the relationship between leaf area production of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) genotypes during early pod filling and plant adaptation to limited P supply. Twenty-four genotypes, comprised of the four growth habits in the species and two weedy accessions, were grown at two P level applied to the soil (20 and 80 mg kg-1) in 4 kg pots and harvested at two growth stages (pod setting and early pod filling). High P level markedly increased the leaf number and leaf size (leaf area per leaf), slightly increased specific leaf area but did not affect the net assimilation rate. At low P level most genotypic variation for plant dry mass was associated with leaf size, whereas at high P level this variation was associated primarily with the number of leaves and secondarily with leaf size, specific leaf area playing a minor role at both P level. Determinate bush genotypes presented a smaller leaf area, fewer but larger leaves with higher specific leaf area and lower net assimilation rate. Climbing genotypes showed numerous leaves, smaller and thicker leaves with a higher net assimilation rate. Indeterminate bush and indeterminate prostrate genotypes presented the highest leaf area, achieved through intermediate leaf number, leaf size and specific leaf area. The latter groups were better adapted to limited P. It is concluded that improved growth at low P during early pod filling was associated with common bean genotypes able to maintain leaf expansion through leaves with greater individual leaf area.
Seeds with a high concentration of P or Mo can improve the growth and N accumulation of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), but the effect of enriched seeds on biological N2 fixation has not been established yet. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of seeds enriched with P and Mo on growth and biological N2 fixation of the common bean by the 15N isotope dilution technique. An experiment was carried out in pots in a 2 x 3 x 2 x 2 factorial design in randomized blocks with four replications, comprising two levels of soil applied P (0 and 80 mg kg-1), three N sources (without N, inoculated with rhizobia, and mineral N), two seed P concentrations (low and high), and two seed Mo concentrations (low and high). Non-nodulating bean and sorghum were used as non-fixing crops. The substrate was 5.0 kg of a Red Latosol (Oxisol) previously enriched with 15N and mixed with 5.0 kg of sand. Plants were harvested 41 days after emergence. Seeds with high P concentration increased the growth and N in shoots, particularly in inoculated plants at lower applied P levels. Inoculated plants raised from high P seeds showed improved nodulation at both soil P levels. Higher soil P levels increased the percentage of N derived from the atmosphere (%Ndfa) in bean leaves. Inoculation with the selected strains increased the %Ndfa. High seed P increased the %Ndfa in inoculated plants at lower soil P levels. High seed Mo increased the %Ndfa at lower soil P levels in plants that did not receive inoculation or mineral N. It is concluded that high seed P concentration increases the growth, N accumulation and the contribution of the biological N2 fixation in the common bean, particularly in inoculated plants grown at lower soil P availability.
No ano agrícola de 2006/07, no município de Selvíria (MS), foi analisada a produtividade do feijão em função de alguns atributos físicos de um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, cultivado nas condições de elevado nível tecnológico de manejo pelo sistema plantio direto irrigado com pivô central. O objetivo foi selecionar, entre os atributos pesquisados do solo, aquele com a melhor representatividade para explicar a variabilidade da produtividade agrícola. Foi instalada a malha geoestatística, para a coleta de dados do solo e da planta, com 117 pontos amostrais, numa área de 2.025 m² e declive homogêneo de 0,055 m m-1. Do ponto de vista linear e espacial, a produtividade de feijão foi explicada em função da densidade de partículas e da umidade gravimétrica do solo, respectivamente. Assim, os valores de densidade de partículas entre 1,95 e 2,20 kg dm-3 e de umidade gravimétrica entre 0,205 e 0,239 kg kg-1; ambas coletadas na camada intermediária, resultaram em sítios com as mais elevadas produtividades (2.200-2.600 kg ha-1). Entretanto, para as condições do elevado nível tecnológico de manejo empregado, a produtividade média do feijão não atingiu seu máximo potencial, uma vez que o agravado estado de compactação no qual o solo se encontrava proporcionou à produtividade redução de 26,6 %. Dessa forma, os valores médios da densidade do solo e da resistência do solo à penetração, respectivamente nas faixas de 1,36-1,41 kg dm-3 e de 1,56-3,24 MPa, típicos de solos argilosos compactados, atestaram a substancial queda da produtividade de grãos de feijão.
Os diferentes tempos de cultivo e as diferentes formas de manejo podem influenciar na disponibilidade dos nutrientes, entre os quais o P. Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar a resposta do feijoeiro à adubação com diferentes doses de P, em quatro Latossolos de Cerrado sob diferentes históricos de uso. As amostras dos Latossolos - (LVd1) textura argilosa, (LVd2) textura média alta, (LVAd1) textura média e (LVAd2) textura média baixa - foram coletadas na camada de 0-20 cm de profundidade em locais cultivados há vários anos e, também, em áreas adjacentes não cultivadas (sob cerrado nativo). Com as amostras superficiais dos solos de cada área, foi conduzido um experimento em casa de vegetação, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, num esquema fatorial 2 x 4 (dois históricos de uso cultivado e não cultivado, e quatro doses de P), com quatro repetições. As doses de P, equivalentes a 0, 120, 240 e 480 mg dm-3, foram aplicadas na forma de superfosfato triplo. A adição de doses crescentes de P aos solos promoveu aumento dos componentes relacionados ao crescimento do feijoeiro, principalmente matéria seca e conteúdo de P. A condição de solo já cultivado potencializou as respostas do feijoeiro à adubação, sobretudo na menor dose de P, e, nessa condição, houve maior absorção de P pelas plantas. O histórico de uso do solo influencia tanto a absorção quanto a eficiência de utilização de P pelas plantas; no entanto, as condições que promovem maior absorção são opostas àquelas que permitem maior eficiência de utilização do nutriente, sobretudo nas condições de solo já cultivado. A disponibilidade de P no solo foi mais dependente das características físicas, químicas e mineralógicas do que do histórico de uso do solo.
No sistema plantio direto existe tendência de melhor aproveitamento do P, sobretudo em áreas cultivadas há mais tempo, mas há, ainda, necessidade de confirmação deste fato. Este trabalho teve como objetivo quantificar as frações inorgânicas e orgânicas de P e avaliar as respostas a diferentes doses de P do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) e braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens) cultivados em sucessão, em amostras de um Latossolo com diferentes históricos de uso. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação com amostras de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico textura argilosa e oxídico, coletadas na profundidade de 0-20 cm. O experimento foi disposto em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 x 4 com quatro repetições, com dois históricos de uso (solo agrícola cultivado por longos períodos com calagem e adubações fosfatadas periódicas; e solo adjacente sob vegetação de cerrado nativo) e quatro doses de P (0, 120, 240 e 480 mg dm-3, na forma de superfosfato triplo, com base no teor de P2O5 total). Foi realizado cultivo de feijão até a colheita dos grãos e, posteriormente, cultivo de braquiária com dois cortes no momento de florescimento das plantas. As frações de P foram determinadas em amostras de solo das unidades experimentais, antes e após a incubação dos tratamentos e após os cultivos do feijoeiro e da braquiária. A adubação fosfatada aumentou as formas inorgânicas de P no solo, as quais foram maiores nos solos com histórico de cultivo e adubação. Ela também aumentou as formas orgânicas de P no solo, as quais foram maiores nos solos adjacentes sem histórico de cultivo e adubação, nas maiores doses de P e após cultivo de feijoeiro e braquiária. As respostas do feijoeiro e da braquiária à adubação fosfatada foram menores nos solos com histórico de cultivo e adubação.
Há necessidade de se avaliar a contribuição de plantas de cobertura e do seu manejo na manutenção ou melhoria da qualidade física do solo em áreas sob produção orgânica. Este trabalho objetivou determinar a influência das plantas de cobertura crotalária (Crotalaria juncea), guandu (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp), mucuna-preta (Mucuna aterrima), sorgo-vassoura (Sorgum technicum) e pousio nos atributos físicos de solo cultivado com feijão e milho orgânicos, sob semeadura direta (SD) e preparo convencional (PC). O trabalho foi conduzido em Santo Antônio de Goiás-GO, em Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, no delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Em novembro de 2003 foram instalados quatro experimentos, dois em SD e dois em PC, sendo um com feijão e outro com milho em cada sistema. Amostragens do solo das parcelas e de uma mata próxima aos experimentos foram realizadas em novembro de 2007, nas camadas de 0,00-0,10 e 0,10-0,20 m, para determinação do teor de matéria orgânica (MO) e de atributos físicos do solo. O uso desse solo para a produção agrícola, independentemente do sistema de preparo, resultou em redução no teor de MO e em modificações nos seus atributos físicos, aumentando sua densidade (Ds) e resistência à penetração (RP) e reduzindo a macroporosidade (Mp), porosidade total (Pt) e diâmetro médio ponderado dos agregados (DMP). Entretanto, a Ds e a Mp não atingiram os valores críticos preconizados na literatura como limitantes ao desenvolvimento das culturas. Os sistemas de preparo do solo divergiram quanto ao DMP e à RP. Os atributos físicos do solo foram alterados favoravelmente pela MO. O índice S correlacionou-se com os atributos físicos do solo e com o teor de MO, mostrando-se adequado como indicador da qualidade física do solo.
A adequada disponibilidade de N durante do ciclo do feijoeiro é fundamental para garantir elevada produtividade e qualidade dos grãos produzidos. Esse nutriente pode ser absorvido pelas raízes e folhas da planta. Contudo, ainda existem dúvidas sobre a eficiência da aplicação via foliar de N no feijoeiro e sobre a influência dessa prática na qualidade dos grãos. Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar o efeito da adubação nitrogenada em cobertura e via foliar sobre a produtividade e qualidade dos grãos da cultura do feijão. O experimento foi conduzido durante a safra "da seca", em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, no município de Botucatu-SP. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições, num esquema fatorial 3 x 4, constituído por três doses de N (0, 45 e 90 kg ha-1) em cobertura e quatro épocas de aplicação de N via foliar (1 - sem aplicação de N via foliar, 2 - pulverização estádio R5 (pré-floração), 3 - pulverização no estádio R7 (início da formação das vagens) e 4 - pulverizações nos estádios R5 e R7). Em cada aplicação de N via foliar foram utilizados 200 L ha-1 de uma solução com 10 % de ureia. Quando foi realizada a adubação nitrogenada de cobertura, a aplicação de N via foliar, independentemente da época, não alterou os componentes da produção, a produtividade e a qualidade dos grãos do feijoeiro. Na ausência da adubação nitrogenada de cobertura, a aplicação de N via foliar na fase reprodutiva aumentou a massa e o tamanho dos grãos, a produtividade de grãos e o teor de proteínas nos grãos do feijoeiro. A aplicação de N via foliar no estádio R5 foi mais eficiente em aumentar a produtividade de grãos do feijoeiro que a aplicação em R7.
In Brazil, plant-available micronutrients in the soil can be determined by several chemical extractants, the most common of which are dilute acid and chelating solutions. The purpose of this study was to assess the extractants 0.1 mol L-1 HCl, Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3 and DTPA for analysis of the micronutrients Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn in soils from the state of Paraná. In samples from 12 soils (0-20 cm layer), wheat was planted (Triticum aestivum), grown for 42 days after emergence, and then bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) for 38 days. At the end of each planting period, the soil was sampled again. All extractants tested to assess the availability of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn correlated with each other. The efficiency of the extractants HCl, Mehlich-3 and DTPA in assessing plant-available Cu was similar, unlike Mehlich-1, which proved less efficient. The extractants HCl, Mehlich-1 and Mehlich-3 were less efficient in estimating plant-available Zn and Fe, and the most indicated extractant is DTPA. The efficiency of the extractants HCl, Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3 and DTPA in assessing plant-available Mn in soils from Paraná was similar.
A identificação de genótipos com elevada acumulação de biomassa e nutrientes, mas com baixo índice de colheita de nutrientes (razão entre conteúdo de nutrientes nos grãos e na parte aérea), pode reduzir a remoção pelas colheitas e aumentar a sustentabilidade agrícola. Evidências de reduzida variabilidade nos índices de colheita em feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) demandam a avaliação de uma ampla gama de genótipos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a variabilidade dos índices de colheita de nutrientes e sua relação com a produção de grãos em genótipos de feijoeiro. Foi conduzido um experimento de campo em Seropédica - RJ, com 64 genótipos de feijoeiro em quatro repetições, incluindo 41 cultivares, 12 linhagens de melhoramento e 10 cultivares locais da região Sul. Os índices de colheita foram mensurados a partir das quantidades acumuladas de biomassa e nutrientes nos grãos, caules e palha de vagens produzidos após trilhagem dos grãos. A média da produção de grãos foi de 205 g m-2, com índices de colheita médios de biomassa, N, P, K, Ca e Mg de 0,62, 0,83, 0,89, 0,58, 0,33 e 0,51 g g-1, respectivamente, denotando intensa translocação de N e P para os grãos, sendo relativamente estreita a variabilidade desses índices. A massa seca de resíduos após trilhagem dos grãos foi em média de 107 g m-2, contendo 2,0, 0,15, 3,6, 2,8 e 1,3 g m-2 de N, P, K, Ca e Mg, respectivamente, o que indica que esses materiais podem restituir quantidades relativamente elevadas de nutrientes em comparação com as demandas do cultivo. Foram obtidas elevadas correlações fenotípicas e genéticas (p < 0,001): positivas entre produção de grãos e índices de colheita de biomassa e N e negativas entre produção e teores de N e P nos grãos. Como as correlações fenotípicas e genéticas entre rendimento e índice de colheita de P foram menos significativas (p < 0,01), foi possível identificar alguns genótipos com baixo índice de colheita de P e bom rendimento. A seleção de genótipos de feijoeiro para maior rendimento de grãos pode resultar em maiores índices de colheita de biomassa e de N, assim como em maiores quantidades de nutrientes nos grãos e menores teores de N e P nos grãos.
Chlorophyll determination with a portable chlorophyll meter can indicate the period of highest N demand of plants and whether sidedressing is required or not. In this sense, defining the optimal timing of N application to common bean is fundamental to increase N use efficiency, increase yields and reduce the cost of fertilization. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the efficiency of N sufficiency index (NSI) calculated based on the relative chlorophyll index (RCI) in leaves, measured with a portable chlorophyll meter, as an indicator of time of N sidedressing fertilization and to verify which NSI (90 and 95 %) value is the most appropriate to indicate the moment of N fertilization of common bean cultivar Perola. The experiment was carried out in the rainy and dry growing seasons of the agricultural year 2009/10 on a dystroferric Red Nitosol, in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design with five treatments, consisting of N managements (M1: 200 kg ha-1 N (40 kg at sowing + 80 kg 15 days after emergence (DAE) + 80 kg 30 DAE); M2: 100 kg ha-1 N (20 kg at sowing + 40 kg 15 DAE + 40 kg 30 DAE); M3: 20 kg ha-1 N at sowing + 30 kg ha-1 when chlorophyll meter readings indicated NSI < 95 %; M4: 20 kg ha-1 N at sowing + 30 kg ha-1 N when chlorophyll meter readings indicated NSI < 90 % and, M5: control (without N application)) and four replications. The variables RCI, aboveground dry matter, total leaf N concentration, production components, grain yield, relative yield, and N use efficiency were evaluated. The RCI correlated with leaf N concentrations. By monitoring the RCI with the chlorophyll meter, the period of N sidedressing of common bean could be defined, improving N use efficiency and avoiding unnecessary N supply to common bean. The NSI 90 % of the reference area was more efficient to define the moment of N sidedressing of common bean, to increase N use efficiency.
BACKGROUND: Bullous pemphigoid (BP), pemphigus vulgaris (PV) and pemphigus foliaceus (PF) are autoimmune bullous diseases characterized by the presence of tissue-bound and circulating autoantibodies directed against disease-specific target antigens of the skin. Although rare, these diseases run a chronic course and are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. There are few prospective data on gender- and age-specific incidence of these disorders. OBJECTIVES: Our aims were: (i) to evaluate the incidence of BP and PV/PF in Swiss patients, as the primary endpoint; and (ii) to assess the profile of the patients, particularly for comorbidities and medications, as the secondary endpoint. METHODS: The protocol of the study was distributed to all dermatology clinics, immunopathology laboratories and practising dermatologists in Switzerland. All newly diagnosed cases of BP and pemphigus occurring between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2002 were collected. In total, 168 patients (73 men and 95 women) with these autoimmune bullous diseases, with a diagnosis based on clinical, histological and immunopathological criteria, were finally included. RESULTS: BP showed a mean incidence of 12.1 new cases per million people per year. Its incidence increased significantly after the age of 70 years, with a maximal value after the age of 90 years. The female/male ratio was 1.3. The age-standardized incidence of BP using the European population as reference was, however, lower, with 6.8 new cases per million people per year, reflecting the ageing of the Swiss population. In contrast, both PV and PF were less frequent. Their combined mean incidence was 0.6 new cases per million people per year. CONCLUSIONS; This is the first comprehensive prospective study analysing the incidence of autoimmune bullous diseases in an entire country. Our patient cohort is large enough to establish BP as the most frequent autoimmune bullous disease. Its incidence rate appears higher compared with other previous studies, most likely because of the demographic characteristics of the Swiss population. Nevertheless, based on its potentially misleading presentations, it is possible that the real incidence rate of BP is still underestimated. Based on its significant incidence in the elderly population, BP should deserve more public health concern.
Loss-of-function mutations in human profilaggrin gene have been identified as the cause of ichthyosis vulgaris (IV), and as a major predisposition factor for atopic dermatitis (AD). Similarly, flaky tail (a/a ma ft/ma ft/J) mice were described as a model for IV, and shown to be predisposed to eczema. The aim of this study was to correlate the flaky tail mouse phenotype with human IV and AD, in order to dissect early molecular events leading to atopic dermatitis in mice and men, suffering from filaggrin deficiency. Thus, 5-days old flaky tail pups were analyzed histologically, expression of cytokines was measured in skin and signaling pathways were investigated by protein analysis. Human biopsies of IV and AD patients were analyzed histologically and by real time PCR assays. Our data show acanthosis and hyperproliferation in flaky tail epidermis, associated with increased IL1β and thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) expression, and Th2-polarization. Consequently, NFκB and Stat pathways were activated, and IL6 mRNA levels were increased. Further, quantitative analysis of late epidermal differentiation markers revealed increased Small proline-rich protein 2A (Sprr2a) synthesis. Th2-polarization and Sprr2a increase may result from high TSLP expression, as shown after analysis of 5-days old K14-TSLP tg mouse skin biopsies. Our findings in the flaky tail mouse correlate with data obtained from patient biopsies of AD, but not IV. We propose that proinflammatory cytokines are responsible for acanthosis in flaky tail epidermis, and together with the Th2-derived cytokines lead to morphological changes. Accordingly, the a/a ma ft/ma ft/J mouse model can be used as an appropriate model to study early AD onset associated with profilaggrin deficiency.
Seeds of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) with high molybdenum (Mo) concentration can supply Mo plant demands, but to date no studies have concomitantly evaluated the effects of Mo-enriched seeds on plants inoculated with rhizobia or treated with N fertilizer. This work evaluated the effects of seed Mo on growth and N acquisition of bean plants fertilized either by symbiotic N or mineral N, by measuring the activities of nitrogenase and nitrate reductase and the contribution of biological N2 fixation at different growth stages. Seeds enriched or not with Mo were sown with two N sources (inoculated with rhizobia or fertilized with N), in pots with 10 kg of soil. In experiment 1, an additional treatment consisted of Mo-enriched seeds with Mo applied to the soil. In experiment 2, the contribution of N2 fixation was estimated by 15N isotope dilution. Common bean plants grown from seeds with high Mo concentration flowered one day earlier. Seeds with high Mo concentration increased the leaf area, shoot mass and N accumulation, with both N sources. The absence of effects of Mo application to the soil indicated that Mo contents of Mo-enriched seeds were sufficient for plant growth. Seeds enriched with Mo increased nitrogenase activity at the vegetative stage of inoculated plants, and nitrate reductase activity at late growth stages with both N sources. The contribution of N2 fixation was 17 and 61 % in plants originating from low- or high-Mo seeds, respectively. The results demonstrate the benefits of sowing Mo-enriched seeds on growth and N nutrition of bean plants inoculated with rhizobia or fertilized with mineral N fertilizer.
The use of cultivars with a higher yield potential and the adoption of new technology have achieved high grain yields in common bean, which probably changed the demand for nutrients in this crop. However, there is almost no information about the periods of the cycle in which nutrients are most demanded at which quantities by the main cultivars. The objective of this study was to evaluate the macronutrient extraction and exportation by the common bean cultivars Pérola and IAC Alvorada, under different levels of NPK fertilization, on a dystroferric Red Nitosol, in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block (split plot) design with four replications. The plots consisted of six treatments based on a 2 x 3 factorial model, represented by two cultivars and three NPK levels (PD0 - 'Pérola' without fertilization, PD1 - 'Pérola' with 50 % of recommended fertilization, PD2 - 'Pérola' with 100 % of recommended fertilization, AD0 - 'IAC Alvorada' without fertilization, AD1 - 'IAC Alvorada' with 50 % of recommended fertilization, and AD2 - 'IAC Alvorada' with 100 % of recommended fertilization) and subplots sampled seven times during the cycle. At higher levels of NPK fertilization, the grain yield and macronutrient extraction and exportation of both cultivars were higher, but without statistical differences. Macronutrient absorption was higher in the treatments with 100 % of recommended NPK fertilization (average amounts per hectare: 140 kg N, 16.5 kg P, 120 kg K, 69 kg Ca, 17.9 kg Mg, and 16.3 kg S). Regardless of the treatment, the demand for N, P, K, Ca, and Mg was highest from 45 to 55 days after emergence (DAE), i.e., in the R7 stage (pod formation), while the highest S absorption rates were concentrated between 55 and 65 DAE. More than 70 % of P, between 58 and 69 % of N, 40 and 52 % of S, 40 and 48 % of K, and 35 and 45 % of Mg absorbed during the cycle was exported with grains, whereas less than 15 % of Ca was exported.
Where the level of agricultural technology is higher, common bean cultivars with a higher yield potential possibly require greater amounts of micronutrients. In Brazil however, there is a lack of information about the micronutrient extraction and exportation by the main grown cultivars. The objective of this study was to evaluate micronutrient (B, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn) extraction and exportation by common bean cultivars Pérola and IAC Alvorada, under different levels of NPK fertilization, on a dystroferric Red Nitosol, in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block (split plot) design with four replications. The plots consisted of six treatments based on a 2 x 3 factorial model, represented by two cultivars and three NPK levels (PD0 - 'Pérola' without fertilization, PD1 - 'Pérola' with 50 % of recommended fertilization, PD2 - 'Pérola' with 100 % of recommended fertilization, AD0 - 'IAC Alvorada' without fertilization, AD1 - 'IAC Alvorada' with 50 % of recommended fertilization, and AD2 - 'IAC Alvorada' with 100 % of recommended fertilization) and subplots sampled seven times during the cycle. Higher levels of NPK fertilization increased micronutrient extraction by both cultivars, and treatments with 100 % of recommended NPK fertilization extracted on average 167 g B, 58 g Cu, 1,405 g Fe, 1,213 g Mn and 211 g Zn per hectare. Regardless of the treatment, the highest demand period for B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in both cultivars occurred at the R7 stage (pod formation), i.e. 42 to 55 days after emergence (DAE). The amount of B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn exported depended mainly on the level of NPK fertilization used, with values per hectare ranging from 38 to 90 g of B, 12 to 26 g of Cu, 222 to 568 g of Fe 234 to 467 g of Mn, and 40 to 96 g of Zn.