815 resultados para Petróleo e gás Indústria. Projetos de Exploração e Produção. Legislação ambiental. Modelagem de equações estruturais. Stakeholders externos. Desempenho ambiental
Objective to establish a methodology for the oil spill monitoring on the sea surface, located at the Submerged Exploration Area of the Polo Region of Guamar, in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, using orbital images of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR integrated with meteoceanographycs products. This methodology was applied in the following stages: (1) the creation of a base map of the Exploration Area; (2) the processing of NOAA/AVHRR and ERS-2 images for generation of meteoceanographycs products; (3) the processing of RADARSAT-1 images for monitoring of oil spills; (4) the integration of RADARSAT-1 images with NOAA/AVHRR and ERS-2 image products; and (5) the structuring of a data base. The Integration of RADARSAT-1 image of the Potiguar Basin of day 21.05.99 with the base map of the Exploration Area of the Polo Region of Guamar for the identification of the probable sources of the oil spots, was used successfully in the detention of the probable spot of oil detected next to the exit to the submarine emissary in the Exploration Area of the Polo Region of Guamar. To support the integration of RADARSAT-1 images with NOAA/AVHRR and ERS-2 image products, a methodology was developed for the classification of oil spills identified by RADARSAT-1 images. For this, the following algorithms of classification not supervised were tested: K-means, Fuzzy k-means and Isodata. These algorithms are part of the PCI Geomatics software, which was used for the filtering of RADARSAT-1 images. For validation of the results, the oil spills submitted to the unsupervised classification were compared to the results of the Semivariogram Textural Classifier (STC). The mentioned classifier was developed especially for oil spill classification purposes and requires PCI software for the whole processing of RADARSAT-1 images. After all, the results of the classifications were analyzed through Visual Analysis; Calculation of Proportionality of Largeness and Analysis Statistics. Amongst the three algorithms of classifications tested, it was noted that there were no significant alterations in relation to the spills classified with the STC, in all of the analyses taken into consideration. Therefore, considering all the procedures, it has been shown that the described methodology can be successfully applied using the unsupervised classifiers tested, resulting in a decrease of time in the identification and classification processing of oil spills, if compared with the utilization of the STC classifier
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Apresenta-se neste trabalho uma anlise da qualidade da energia do sistema de distribuio de uma indústria de petróleo, de modo a avaliar o impacto da instalao de conversores de frequncia no que diz respeito ao fenmeno de distoro harmnica. Os dados de distoro harmnica de tenso foram coletados atravs de duas medies com durao de sete dias consecutivos, sendo uma realizada antes e outra depois da instalao dos conversores de frequncia. Adicionalmente, um estudo computacional utilizando o PTW (Power Tools for Windows) apresentado com o intuito de simular condies futuras de instalao de novos conversores de frequncia e de avaliar a influncia dos bancos de capacitores na amplificao da distoro harmnica no sistema de distribuio.
No interior dos reservatrios petrolferos, o efeito da gravidade produz naturalmente a segregao dos fluidos presentes. Em razo basicamente das foras capilares no existe uma superfcie definida de separao entre cada dois fluidos. No entanto, comum na engenharia de petróleo admitir-se uma superfcie convencional de separao dos fluidos. essa superfcie d-se o nome de interface fluida ou contato fluido. A obteno da localizao dos contatos fluidos no interior dos reservatrios, como os contatos leo-gua, contatos gás-gua e os contatos gás-leo, sem a interpretao completa dos perfis geofsicos ou a realizao dos procedimentos diretos dos testes de formao um problema de difcil soluo para a indústria do petróleo. O posicionamento em profundidade dos contatos pode ser utilizado para a definio dos procedimentos de completao do poo e para o posicionamento do canhoneio nos horizontes produtores dos poos verticais. Temos tambm a aplicao do mapeamento deste parmetro, para os projetos e controle da perfurao no caso dos poos direcionais e horizontais, que utilizam tal informao para o posicionamento do eixo do poo no interior da zona de hidrocarboneto no reservatrio, a fim de se evitar, principalmente, a produção de gua. Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para a identificao e posicionamento dos contatos fluidos, atravs da aplicao da tcnica da estatstica multivariada, chamada de anlise discriminante. Nesta aplicao, faz-se uso direto dos perfis de resistividade (R<sub>T</sub>), de raios gama natural (RG), de densidade (<sub>b</sub>), de porosidade neutrnica (<sub>N</sub>), de caliper (Cal) e do perfil de volume de argila (Vcla), como dados de entrada no programa de anlise discriminante. Para o caso de depsitos clsticos, com seqncias arenito-folhelho, a anlise discriminante fornece ainda a indicao da litologia e as espessuras aparentes dos reservatrios. As curvas de perfis geofsicos aplicadas para a avaliao desta metodologia so provenientes de poos perfurados na bacia do lago Maracaibo, na Venezuela, onde, segundo estudos geolgicos, existe a ocorrncia de seqncias estratigrficas, com camadas de folhelhos e arenitos, sendo tambm confirmada a presena de hidrocarbonetos nos poos utilizados neste trabalho.
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Ps-graduao em Engenharia Mecnica - FEG
Oil is a hydrocarbon mixture of various sizes, including saturated and aromatic compounds. Natural gas is a mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons and its main component is methane. In our society, the great demand for these fuels requires fast extraction, transportation and refining, increasing the number of accidents that compromise the environment. Oil is a finite resource and it is necessary to reduce the problems related to the question concerning environmental pollution which has encouraged the search for alternative fuel sources in our country. So today we have two major biofuels: ethanol and biodiesel. Concurrently, many studies have been done directed toward the isolation of microorganisms capable of degrading petrochemical industrial wastes, most of them using as a source of isolation soil and water collected in a contaminated environment. Isolation from alternative substrates has emerged as a new strategy that has provided satisfactory results. In this work, we present the leaf-cutter ants of the Attini tribe as a source for the isolation of micro-fungi with the potential for hydrocarbon degradation. These insects have a social way of life and a highly specialized system of intra and interspecific communication, which is based on the recognition of individuals through volatile chemical compounds, the majority hydrocarbons, stored in their exoskeleton. The micro-environment exoskeleton of Attini ants (genus Atta) used in this work proved to be a rich source of microbial biodiversity, as other studies have found. The flotation isolation technique applied here allowed the achievement of 214 micro-fungi, 118 representatives of the dematiaceous fungi group and 96 hyaline filamentous fungi. They were submitted to toluene degradation tests and at least one strain of each genus presented good results, namely Teratosphaeria, Exophiala, Cladosporium, Penicillium, Aspergillus... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
L'un des facteurs ncessaires pour quune entreprise reste comptitive sur le march est la cration ou l'amlioration d'un produit afin quil rponde aux besoins et aux attentes des clients, ainsi, le Processus de Dveloppement de Produits (PDP) est essentiel. Pour la russite du PDP, il est souhaitable de suivre un systme standard de gestion de projet. L'objectif de cette tude est d'analyser la gestion de projets dans le processus de dveloppement de produits dans l'industrie automobile afin d'identifier les possibilits damlioration. Par consquent, nous avons procd une revue de littrature sur le sujet, analys les lignes directrices et les pratiques du processus de dveloppement de produit dans lentreprise. Comme rsultat, il a t obtenu que le systme de dveloppement de produits cr par lentreprise requiert la clarification des outils utiles la gestion de projet. Un problme de communication et de gestion des cots a galement t constat dans le domaine du dveloppement du moteur lourd
Ps-graduao em Engenharia Mecnica - FEG
The gas turbine (GT) is known to have: low cost of capital over the amount of energy, high flexibility, high reliability, short delivery time, commissioning and commercial operation at the beginning and quick departure. The gas turbine is also recognized for its superior environmental performance, manifested in air pollution containment and reducing greenhouse gases (Mahi, 1994). Gas turbines in simple cycle mode (SC) have long been used by utilities to limited power generation peak. In addition, manufacturing facilities use gas turbines for power generation units on site, often in combination with the process of heat production, such as hot water and steam process. In recent years, the performance of industrial gas turbines has been improved due to significant investments in research and development, in terms of fuel to electricity conversion efficiency, plant capacity, availability and reliability. The greater availability of energy resources such as natural gas (NG), the significant reduction of capital costs and the introduction of advanced cycles, have also been a success factor for the increased use of gas turbines to load applications base (Poulikas, 2004). Open Cycle Gas Turbine with a greater degree of heat to the atmosphere may alternatively be used to produce additional electricity using a steam cycle, or to compose a cogeneration process. The combined cycle (CC) uses the heat from the gas turbine exhaust gas to increase the power output and increase the overall efficiency of more than 50% second (Najjar, 2001). The initial discovery of these cycles in the commercial power generation market was possible due to the development of the gas turbine. Only from the 1970s that gas turbine inlet temperature and therefore the exhaust gas temperature was sufficiently high to allow a better efficiency in the combined cycle ... (Complete Abstract click electronic access below)
This paper presents a study based on literature and examples found on literature of the potential of petroleum gas to be used as a primary source to generate electricity. The steady increase electricity demand in Brazil makes desirable an effective use of all available primary sources, combined with this need the momentum of the country with the discovery of the presalt reserves becomes interesting the use of this gas, often wasted, for generating electricity. The electricity generation in this work is illustrated by the cogeneration in oil refining plants that have the combined cycle thermal operation. The ultimate goal is to provide a text to identify the advantages, disadvantages and trends of this type of generation
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)