802 resultados para Peculiarities
The Codex Biblioteca Casanatense 1409 which has for a long time been neg- lected in Parzival scholarship, transmits German translations of three continuations of Chre ́tien de Troyes‘ Roman de Perceval ou Le Conte du Graal together with the last two books (XV/XVI) of Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival. This article supports the for- merly casually made assumption that the Casanatense manuscript is in fact a direct copy of Codex Donaueschingen 97, the so called Rappoltsteiner Parzifal. As is to be shown, marks in the Donaueschingen codex, as well as significant copying errors in the Casanatense text and its treatment of initials suggest a direct relationship of the two witnesses. The notion of ,writing scene‘ (Schreibszene) with its implications of linguistic semantics, instrumentality, gesture and self reflection, proposed in modern literary scholarship, can help to understand peculiarities of the copying process in the Casanatensis, such as the numerous conceptual abbreviations and the adaptations in the handling of headings. In the final part of the article, the hypothesis is corroborated, that the copy of the Casa- natensis might have been produced in the surroundings of Lamprecht von Brunn (ca. 1320–1399), bishop of Strasburg and Bamberg, and counsellor of the emperor Charles IV.
Hintergrund: Bei der Durchführung von summativen Prüfungen wird üblicherweise eine Mindestreliabilität von 0,8 gefordert. Bei praktischen Prüfungen wie OSCEs werden manchmal 0,7 akzeptiert (Downing 2004). Doch was kann man sich eigentlich unter der Präzision einer Messung mit einer Reliabilität von 0,7 oder 0,8 vorstellen? Methode: Mittels verschiedener statistischer Methoden wie dem Standardmessfehler oder der Generalisierbarkeitstheorie lässt sich die Reliabilität in ein Konfidenzintervall um eine festgestellte Kandidatenleistung übersetzen (Brennan 2003, Harvill 1991, McManus 2012). Hat ein Kandidat beispielsweise bei einer Prüfung 57 Punkte erreicht, schwankt seine wahre Leistung aufgrund der Messungenauigkeit der Prüfung um diesen Wert (z.B. zwischen 50 und 64 Punkte). Im Bereich der Bestehensgrenze ist die Messgenauigkeit aber besonders wichtig. Läge die Bestehensgrenze in unserem Beispiel bei 60 Punkten, wäre der Kandidat mit 57 Punkten zwar pro forma durchgefallen, allerdings könnte er aufgrund der Schwankungsbreite um seine gemessene Leistung in Wahrheit auch knapp bestanden haben. Überträgt man diese Erkenntnisse auf alle KandidatInnen einer Prüfung, kann man die Anzahl der Grenzfallkandidaten bestimmen, also all jene Kandidatinnen, die mit Ihrem Prüfungsergebnis so nahe an der Bestehensgrenze liegen, dass ihr jeweiliges Prüfungsresultate falsch positiv oder falsch negativ sein kann. Ergebnisse: Die Anzahl der GrenzfallkandidatInnen in einer Prüfung ist, nicht nur von der Reliabilität abhängig, sondern auch von der Leistung der KandidatInnen, der Varianz, dem Abstand der Bestehensgrenze zum Mittelwert und der Schiefe der Verteilung. Es wird anhand von Modelldaten und konkreten Prüfungsdaten der Zusammenhang zwischen der Reliabilität und der Anzahl der Grenzfallkandidaten auch für den Nichtstatistiker verständlich dargestellt. Es wird gezeigt, warum selbst eine Reliabilität von 0.8 in besonderen Situationen keine befriedigende Präzision der Messung bieten wird, während in manchen OSCEs die Reliabilität fast ignoriert werden kann. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Berechnung oder Schätzung der Grenzfallkandidaten anstatt der Reliabilität verbessert auf anschauliche Weise das Verständnis für die Präzision einer Prüfung. Wenn es darum geht, wie viele Stationen ein summativer OSCE benötigt oder wie lange eine MC-Prüfung dauern soll, sind Grenzfallkandidaten ein valideres Entscheidungskriterium als die Reliabilität. Brennan, R.L. (2003) Generalizability Theory. New York, Springer Downing, S.M. (2004) ‘Reliability: on the reproducibility of assessment data’, Medical Education 2004, 38, 1006–12 Harvill, L.M. (1991) ‘Standard Error of Measurement’, Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 33-41 McManus, I.C. (2012) ‘The misinterpretation of the standard error of measurement in medical education: A primer on the problems, pitfalls and peculiarities of the three different standard errors of measurement’ Medical teacher, 34, 569 - 76
The problem of information overload on Facebook is exacerbating as users expand their networks. Growing quantity and increasingly poor quality of information on the Newsfeed may interfere with the hedonic experience of users resulting in frustration and dissatisfaction. In the long run, such developments threaten to undermine sustainability of the platform. To address these issues, our study adopts a grounded theory approach to explore the phenomenon of information overload on Facebook. We investigate main sources of information overload, identify strategies users adopt to deal with it as well as possible consequences. In-depth analysis of the phenomenon allows us to uncover individual peculiarities for identification of relevant information. Based on them we provide valuable recommendations for network providers.
Stata is a general purpose software package that has become popular among various disciplines such as epidemiology, economics, or social sciences. Users like Stata for its scientific approach, its robustness and reliability, and the ease with which its functionality can be extended by user written programs. In this talk I will first give a brief overview of the functionality of Stata and then discuss two specific features: survey estimation and predictive margins/marginal effects. Most surveys are based on complex samples that contain multiple sampling stages, are stratified or clustered, and feature unequal selection probabilities. Standard estimators can produce misleading results in such samples unless the peculiarities of the sampling plan are taken into account. Stata offers survey statistics for complex samples for a wide variety of estimators and supports several variance estimation procedures such as linearization, jackknife, and balanced repeated replication (see Kreuter and Valliant, 2007, Stata Journal 7: 1-21). In the talk I will illustrate these features using applied examples and I will also show how user written commands can be adapted to support complex samples. Complex can also be the models we fit to our data, making it difficult to interpret them, especially in case of nonlinear or non-additive models (Mood, 2010, European Sociological Review 26: 67-82). Stata provides a number of highly useful commands to make results of such models accessible by computing and displaying predictive margins and marginal effects. In my talk I will discuss these commands provide various examples demonstrating their use.
We study a real-world scheduling problem arising in the context of a rolling ingots production. First we review the production process and discuss peculiarities that have to be observed when scheduling a given set of production orders on the production facilities. We then show how to model this scheduling problem using prescribed time lags between operations, different kinds of resources, and sequence-dependent changeovers. A branch-and-bound solution procedure is presented in the second part. The basic principle is to relax the resource constraints by assuming infinite resource availability. Resulting resource conflicts are then stepwise resolved by introducing precedence relationships among operations competing for the same resources. The algorithm has been implemented as a beam search heuristic enumerating alternative sets of precedence relationships.
New technologies, in particular those stemming from digitization, allow amongst other things the production of perfect copies, instantaneous and ubiquitous distribution of and easy access to information with no real location restrictions. The effects of these technological advances have largely been perceived as negative for the protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions (TCE), both because of the peculiarities of the digital networked environment and because of the lack of appropriate intellectual property protection models for TCE. The purpose of this article is, while accounting for the diversity and complexity of issues related to TCE, to reveal a more positive side of digital technologies. It shows the potential of these to be proactively applied and the further reaching possibilities for designing an efficient multi-level and multi-faceted toolbox for the protection and promotion of TCE in the digital ecology.
BACKGROUND/AIMS In a questionnaire survey, we identified 36 (9%) of 417 Parkinson's disease (PD) patients with sleepwalking (SW); 72% of them also had a history of REM sleep behaviour disorder (RBD). We aimed to assess the clinical and polysomnographic characteristics of SW in PD and to compare them to patients with PD with and without a history of RBD. METHODS We performed video-polysomnography and detailed clinical examination in 30 PD patients from the above-mentioned survey: 10 patients with a history of SW, 10 patients with a history of RBD, and 10 patients with no history of either SW or RBD. RESULTS PD patients with SW had higher depression, anxiety and Hoehn & Yahr scores and lower activities of daily living scores than patients without a history of RBD but did not differ from patients with RBD. Patients with SW and RBD also had more often dyskinesia and hallucinations. By polysomnography, RBD was observed in 8 patients with SW and in all patients with a history of RBD. A total of 5 patients without a history of either SW or RBD had REM sleep without atonia without behavioural peculiarities. CONCLUSION SW in PD is associated with depression, higher disease severity and functional disability. The simultaneous occurrence of SW and RBD (overlap parasomnia) in most patients suggests a common underlying disturbance of motor control during sleep in PD, with variable manifestations in different sleep stages.
Commonly conceptualized as neurodevelopmental disorders of yet poorly understood aetiology, schizophrenia and other nonorganic psychoses remain one of the most debilitating illnesses with often poor outcome despite all progress in treatment of the manifest disorder. Drawing on the frequent poor outcome of psychosis and its association with the frequently extended periods of untreated first-episode psychosis (FEP) including its prodrome, an early detection and treatment of both the FEP and the preceding at-risk mental state (ARMS) have been increasingly studied. Thereby both approaches are confronted with different problems, for example, treatment engagement in FEP and predictive accuracy in ARMS. They share, however, the problems related to the lack of understanding of developmental, that is, age-related, peculiarities and of the presentation and natural course of their cardinal symptoms in the community. Most research on early detection and intervention in FEP and ARMS is still related to clinical psychiatric samples, and little is known about symptom presentation and burden and help-seeking in the general population related to these experiences. Furthermore, in particular in the early detection of an ARMS, studies often address adolescents and young adults alike without consideration of developmental characteristics, thereby applying risk criteria that have been developed predominately in adults. Combining our earlier experiences described in this paper in child and adolescent, and general psychiatry as well as in both lines of research, that is, on early psychosis and its treatment and on the early detection of psychosis, in particular in its very early states by subjective disturbances in terms of basic symptoms, age-related developmental and epidemiological aspects have therefore been made the focus of our current studies in Bern, thus making our line of research unique
Complementarity that leads to more efficient resource use is presumed to be a key mechanism explaining positive biodiversity–productivity relationships but has been described solely for experimental set-ups with controlled environmental settings or for very short gradients of abiotic conditions, land-use intensity and biodiversity. Therefore, we analysed plant diversity effects on nitrogen dynamics across a broad range of Central European grasslands. The 15N natural abundance in soil and plant biomass reflects the net effect of processes affecting ecosystem N dynamics. This includes the mechanism of complementary resource utilization that causes a decrease in the 15N isotopic signal. We measured plant species richness, natural abundance of 15N in soil and plants, above-ground biomass of the community and three single species (an herb, grass and legume) and a variety of additional environmental variables in 150 grassland plots in three regions of Germany. To explore the drivers of the nitrogen dynamics, we performed several analyses of covariance treating the 15N isotopic signals as a function of plant diversity and a large set of covariates. Increasing plant diversity was consistently linked to decreased δ15N isotopic signals in soil, above-ground community biomass and the three single species. Even after accounting for multiple covariates, plant diversity remained the strongest predictor of δ15N isotopic signals suggesting that higher plant diversity leads to a more closed nitrogen cycle due to more efficient nitrogen use. Factors linked to increased δ15N values included the amount of nitrogen taken up, soil moisture and land-use intensity (particularly fertilization), all indicators of the openness of the nitrogen cycle due to enhanced N-turnover and subsequent losses. Study region was significantly related to the δ15N isotopic signals indicating that regional peculiarities such as former intensive land use could strongly affect nitrogen dynamics. Synthesis. Our results provide strong evidence that the mechanism of complementary resource utilization operates in real-world grasslands where multiple external factors affect nitrogen dynamics. Although single species may differ in effect size, actively increasing total plant diversity in grasslands could be an option to more effectively use nitrogen resources and to reduce the negative environmental impacts of nitrogen losses.
Mitempfindung is the referral of a tactile sensation to a location far away from the stimulation site. This brief note reports a 40% incidence of Mitempfindung in a sample of 20 digit-color synaesthetes which contrasts with a 10% incidence in two control groups of non-synaesthetes. Phenomenological similarities between Mitempfindung and synaesthesia are discussed, and we propose that an erratic neural connectivity underlies both phenomena. To better characterize the nature of the purported neurophysiological peculiarities, prospective studies are needed that characterize Mitempfindung in synaesthetes and nonsynaesthetes.
Objective The validity of current ultra-high risk (UHR) criteria is under-examined in help-seeking minors, particularly, in children below the age of 12 years. Thus, the present study investigated predictors of one-year outcome in children and adolescents (CAD) with UHR status. Method Thirty-five children and adolescents (age 9–17 years) meeting UHR criteria according to the Structured Interview for Psychosis-Risk Syndromes were followed-up for 12 months. Regression analyses were employed to detect baseline predictors of conversion to psychosis and of outcome of non-converters (remission and persistence of UHR versus conversion). Results At one-year follow-up, 20% of patients had developed schizophrenia, 25.7% had remitted from their UHR status that, consequently, had persisted in 54.3%. No patient had fully remitted from mental disorders, even if UHR status was not maintained. Conversion was best predicted by any transient psychotic symptom and a disorganized communication score. No prediction model for outcome beyond conversion was identified. Conclusions Our findings provide the first evidence for the predictive utility of UHR criteria in CAD in terms of brief intermittent psychotic symptoms (BIPS) when accompanied by signs of cognitive impairment, i.e. disorganized communication. However, because attenuated psychotic symptoms (APS) related to thought content and perception were indicative of non-conversion at 1-year follow-up, their use in early detection of psychosis in CAD needs further study. Overall, the need for more in-depth studies into developmental peculiarities in the early detection and treatment of psychoses with an onset of illness in childhood and early adolescence was further highlighted.
Minimal residual disease (MRD) is a major hurdle in the eradication of malignant tumors. Despite the high sensitivity of various cancers to treatment, some residual cancer cells persist and lead to tumor recurrence and treatment failure. Obvious reasons for residual disease include mechanisms of secondary therapy resistance, such as the presence of mutant cells that are insensitive to the drugs, or the presence of cells that become drug resistant due to activation of survival pathways. In addition to such unambiguous resistance modalities, several patients with relapsing tumors do not show refractory disease and respond again when the initial therapy is repeated. These cases cannot be explained by the selection of mutant tumor cells, and the precise mechanisms underlying this clinical drug resistance are ill-defined. In the current review, we put special emphasis on cell-intrinsic and -extrinsic mechanisms that may explain mechanisms of MRD that are independent of secondary therapy resistance. In particular, we show that studying genetically engineered mouse models (GEMMs), which highly resemble the disease in humans, provides a complementary approach to understand MRD. In these animal models, specific mechanisms of secondary resistance can be excluded by targeted genetic modifications. This allows a clear distinction between the selection of cells with stable secondary resistance and mechanisms that result in the survival of residual cells but do not provoke secondary drug resistance. Mechanisms that may explain the latter feature include special biochemical defense properties of cancer stem cells, metabolic peculiarities such as the dependence on autophagy, drug-tolerant persisting cells, intratumoral heterogeneity, secreted factors from the microenvironment, tumor vascularization patterns and immunosurveillance-related factors. We propose in the current review that a common feature of these various mechanisms is cancer cell dormancy. Therefore, dormant cancer cells appear to be an important target in the attempt to eradicate residual cancer cells, and eventually cure patients who repeatedly respond to anticancer therapy but lack complete tumor eradication.
(Table 4) Chemical composition of sphalerite from sulfide edifices of the Rainbow hydrothermal field