974 resultados para Partido liberal colombiano


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Este trabalho busca resgatar a origem e história de uma das organizações de esquerda que surgiu no período de 1968 a partir das dissidências dentro do Partido Comunista Brasileiro. Inúmeras organizações irão surgir nesse período, sendo que a maioria das mesmas irá aderir ao processo de luta armada contra o regime militar. Entre as diversas diferenças políticas e ideológicas entre elas, uma se destacava: a manutenção de uma estrutura de partido ou a criação de organizações sem estrutura de partido e com liberdade de ação por parte dos comandos militares da organização. O fundo dessa discordância era proveniente da influência da Revolução Cubana entre os militantes de esquerda na América Latina através da Teoria do Foco, onde a ação de partido era considerada desnecessária. Por outro lado, também é fruto da retomada dos debates sobre concepção de partido revolucionário e a relação dos partidos com os movimentos de massas, debate presente no pensamento marxista europeu durante toda a primeira metade do século XX. O PCBR buscou aliar a concepção leninista de partido com as posições de defesa da autonomia do movimento de massas frente aos partidos, concepção defendida pela marxista alemã Rosa Luxemburgo. O trabalho, portanto, busca estudar o contexto em que este debate se realizou na esquerda brasileira durante o período militar. Por fim, o presente estudo buscou também contribuir com a reconstituição histórica de alguns fatos relevante relacionados à ação política do PCBR durante o período militar.


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Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo, suscitar o debate acadêmico acerca do binômio raça e poder. Nesse aspecto, é pretendido no decorrer desse trabalho, analisar a participação dos negros no Partido dos Trabalhadores, no que se refere às formas democráticas de acesso ao poder disponibilizado pelo partido em toda sua estrutura. É importante observar que, os negros no Brasil, assim como no sistema social e econômico, no âmbito político, também sofreu pela discriminação racial. Todavia, a partir do surgimento do Partido dos Trabalhadores em 1979, no cenário político brasileiro, a expectativa de obtenção de poder político por este segmento historicamente discriminado tomou proporção. Vale acrescentar que esse partido tornou-se uma novidade no sistema partidário brasileiro por que rompeu com os padrões do modelo político até então vigentes, quais sejam, clientelismo, conservadorismo e elitismo. Além disso, trata-se de um partido socialista formado pelas bases sociais completamente externo aos compêndios do Estado, cujo programa partidário, tem o compromisso com o combate a discriminação e o aperfeiçoamento da democracia. Assim, o movimento negro organizado brasileiro vislumbra a partir dessa agremiação, a chance real de conquista de poder, visto que, os negros, formam uma parcela consistente da base social brasileira que corroborou para a formação inicial do Partido dos Trabalhadores Portanto, esta análise da participação política e de poder dos negros no Partido dos Trabalhadores é realizada à luz de quatro mandatos consecutivos desse partido no governo do município de Porto Alegre, capital do Rio Grande do Sul, destacada pela democracia participativa e, como referência do socialismo para o mundo. Para isso, esse estudo realizou uma pesquisa de campo, com os servidores que ocupam cargos de confiança na administração municipal, no sentido de verificar a participação dos negros e a qualidade dos cargos exercidos por eles num governo administrado por um partido de origem socialista. É importante observar, também, que esse estudo ancorou-se nos pressupostos teóricos sobre elites partidárias dos autores Robert Michels e Ângelo Panebianco. Assim, o objetivo principal desse estudo, é averiguar até que ponto o discurso de um partido socialista originário das bases sociais, é realizado na prática quando o tema é a democratização de poder com os negros.


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O processo de constituição do magistério colombiano como ator social inicia-se quando os problemas do magistério deixam de ser considerados problemas pertencentes ao âmbito individual-privado e passam a se converter em problemas de caráter coletivo e público. Esta mudança implica a identificação do magistério como coletivo de um nível de ensino e uma região determinada, e a conformação das organizações sindicais correspondentes. O processo surge num momento de grandes reformas estatais orientadas à modernização e consolidação do capitalismo como modo de produção dominante no país. Neste contexto se produz a consolidação das demandas e das organizações regionais, a emergência de novos conteúdos comuns e formas de resistência social e a organização de todo o magistério colombiano na Federación Colombiana de Educadores. A participação na formulação de um Plano de Carreira Docente constitui a reivindicação central do magistério, o uso da força, o traço predominante na relação com o Estado e a articulação com outros atores sociais a alternativa. Com a multiplicação dos conflitos e dos espaços de intervenção o magistério enfrenta as novas exigências do momento histórico: o exercício da persuasão e a direção intelectual e moral da sociedade através do Movimiento Pedagógico, Democrático y Popular.


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Se trata de um modelo teórico-práctico que tomando la estructura científica y administrativa de instituciones hospitalares universitarias colombianas de caracter privado, permitan identificar, capturar y analizar en términos económicos la información producida.


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Starting from the perspective of heterodox Keynesian-Minskyian-Kindlebergian financial economics, this paper begins by highlighting a number of mechanisms that contributed to the current financial crisis. These include excess liquidity, income polarisation, conflicts between financial and productive capital, lack of intelligent regulation, asymmetric information, principal-agent dilemmas and bounded rationalities. However, the paper then proceeds to argue that perhaps more than ever the ‘macroeconomics’ that led to this crisis only makes analytical sense if examined within the framework of the political settlements and distributional outcomes in which it had operated. Taking the perspective of critical social theories the paper concludes that, ultimately, the current financial crisis is the outcome of something much more systemic, namely an attempt to use neo-liberalism (or, in US terms, neo-conservatism) as a new technology of power to help transform capitalism into a rentiers’ delight. And in particular, into a system without much ‘compulsion’ on big business; i.e., one that imposes only minimal pressures on big agents to engage in competitive struggles in the real economy (while inflicting exactly the opposite fate on workers and small firms). A key component in the effectiveness of this new technology of power was its ability to transform the state into a major facilitator of the ever-increasing rent-seeking practices of oligopolistic capital. The architects of this experiment include some capitalist groups (in particular rentiers from the financial sector as well as capitalists from the ‘mature’ and most polluting industries of the preceding techno-economic paradigm), some political groups, as well as intellectual networks with their allies – including most economists and the ‘new’ left. Although rentiers did succeed in their attempt to get rid of practically all fetters on their greed, in the end the crisis materialised when ‘markets’ took their inevitable revenge on the rentiers by calling their (blatant) bluff.


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Latin America’s economic performance since the beginning of neo-liberal reforms has been poor; this not only contrasts with its own performance pre-1980, but also with what has happened in Asia since 1980. I shall argue that the weakness of the region’s new paradigm is rooted as much in its intrinsic flaws as in the particular way it has been implemented. Latin America’s economic reforms were undertaken primarily as a result of the perceived economic weaknesses of the region — i.e., there was an attitude of ‘throwing in the towel’ vis-à-vis the previous state-led import substituting industrialisation strategy, because most politicians and economists interpreted the 1982 debt crisis as conclusive evidence that it had led the region into a cul-de-sac. As Hirschman has argued, policymaking has a strong component of ‘path-dependency’; as a result, people often stick with policies after they have achieved their aims, and those policies have become counterproductive. This leads to such frustration and disappointment with existing policies and institutions that is not uncommon to experience a ‘rebound effect’. An extreme example of this phenomenon is post-1982 Latin America, where the core of the discourse of the economic reforms that followed ended up simply emphasising the need to reverse as many aspects of the previous development (and political) strategies as possible. This helps to explain the peculiar set of priorities, the rigidity and the messianic attitude with which the reforms were implemented in Latin America, as well as their poor outcome. Something very different happened in Asia, where economic reforms were often intended (rightly or wrongly) as a more targeted and pragmatic mechanism to overcome specific economic and financial constraints. Instead of implementing reforms as a mechanism to reverse existing industrialisation strategies, in Asia they were put into practice in order to continue and strengthen ambitious processes of industrialisation.


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The work that follows is dedicated to the study of the historic time experience by the political militancy from our time. The political militant from the left-wing is the one that denies the state of current things, recovering a historic experience located far before its time and projecting a future beyond the incessant reproduction of the present relations. We chosen the Landless Workers Movement, not as study object, but as specific place where this consciousness is made and can be comprehended. The historic consciousness study of the landless militancy is, for us, the best starting point to understand the magnification of the historical time operated on the change of social relations lived inside an organization. The time division between before and after, as well as the history being understood as a progress isn t a natural given data, but a construction that obeys the contradictions of the present. It, therefore, must understand how the present lived by the militancy operates changes on the consciousness of time. From documents, reference books, formation notebooks and several materials produced by MST, we try to understand the way that the movement tells his history and lists with this wider experience of the struggle for the change of the current social order. Similarly, when we hear reports of history of several militants, we try to comprehend how this wider narrative re-orients the sight over history himself, over the experience of contradictions on before and after making the landless militant


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Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a dinâmica das relações entre Colômbia e EUA, com ênfase no governo de Álvaro Uribe (2002-...). Para tanto, são examinadas a estratégia de internacionalização do conflito armado colombiano e os aspectos da intervenção dos EUA mediante o Plano Colômbia. Como conclusão, o trabalho sugere que as recentes mudanças políticas nos EUA têm causado impacto nas diretrizes das relações das relações entre EUA e Colômbia.


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This work studies the dispute by Party Communist s memory in Brazil during and after division which it resulted in the appearance of two parties entitled communists, in the brazilian political context, in the final of the fifties and beginning of the sixties: the Brazilian Communist Party (in Portuguese, Partido Comunista Brasileiro) and the Communist Party of Brazil (in portuguese, Partido Comunista do Brasil). Along of yours three chapters, the author tries to answer some questions as: what were the elements which constituted the Communist Party s memory, in the period from 1922 to 1956? At which moment did this memory pass to be fiercely contested? Who and which documents reveal this? How did it happen the dispute by this memory? The approach to topic consider which the production of memory by Communist Party and the dispute for your possession by communists of PCB and of PCdoB happened in scope of national reality and of party, spaces notions understand from concept of memory developed for authors as Halbwachs, Le Goff, Pollack and Pierre Nora. To explain the objectives of historical research it has used as methodology the exam and the interpretation of documentary and bibliographical sources, with priority for the party s documents then it was depicted a collective interpretation about the events considered more importants. The sites of Partido Comunista do Brasil (www.pcdob.org.br or vermelho.org.br) and of Partido Popular Socialista (www.pps.org.br) also went consulted


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The bovine Herpesvirus type 1 and type 5 (BoHV-1 and BoHV-5), causing diseases and significant economic losses in farms of worldwide. Both affect the nervous system of cattle, although BoHV-5 has been the most associated with this type of pathogenesis. Given the death of animals with nervous symptoms and negative diagnoses for rabies virus in the area of study, this research focused on the detection of positive reactors to bovine herpes virus serum neutralization. We collected 518 blood samples from animals without Herpesvirus vaccine, in the municipalities of Caparrapi, Cimitarra, Honda and Victoria, in the Middle Magdalena River Region. In addition, epidemiological information useful to discuss neurological disease was collected through primary and secondary sources. For the analysis of data was used chi-square test by identification of relationship between evidence of viral infection and the variables recorded. The results revealed that 286 cases were positive for Herpesvirus infection, corresponding to a prevalence of 55.5%, however, there was no statistical relationship (p < 0.05) between the presence of antibodies and the variables analyzed. In conclusion, some cases of neurological disease in cattle in this region could be due to infection with herpes viruses. We discussed about the presence of BoHV-1 and BoHV-5 in the ambient, diagnosis and monitoring plans, as well as economic losses, which may cause in herds in this area.