714 resultados para Oxoketenimine Rearrangement


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Oxygen- and carbon-isotope ratios in the carbonate of benthic ostracodes (Pseudocandona marchica) and molluscs (Pisidium ssp.) were measured across the transitions bordering the Younger Dryas chronozone in littoral lacustrine cores from Gerzensee (Switzerland). The specific biogenic carbonate records confirm the major shifts already visible in the continuous bulk-carbonate oxygen-isotope record (δ18OCc). If corrected for their vital offsets, oxygen-isotope ratios of Pisidium and juvenile P. marchica, both formed in summer, are almost identical to δ18OCc. This bulk carbonate is mainly composed of encrustations of benthic macrophythes (Chara ssp.), also mainly produced during summer. Adult P. marchica, which calcify in winter, show consistently higher δ18O, larger shifts across both transitions, and short positive excursions compared with the summer forms, especially during early Preboreal. Despite such complexity, the δ18O of adult P. marchica probably reflects more accurately the variations of the δ18O of former lake water because, during winter, calcification temperatures are less variable and the water column isotopically uniform. The difference between normalised δ18O of calcite precipitated in winter to that formed in summer can be used to estimate the minimum difference between summer and winter water temperatures. In general, the results indicate warmer summers during the late Allerød and early Preboreal compared with the Younger Dryas. Altogether, the isotopic composition of lake water (δ18OL) and of the dissolved inorganic carbonate (δ13CDIC) reconstructed from adult Pseudocandona marchica, as well as the seasonal water temperature contrasts, indicate that the major shifts in the δ18O of local precipitation at Gerzensee were augmented by changes of the lake's water balance, with relatively higher evaporative loss occurring during the Allerød compared with the Younger Dryas. It is possible that during the early Preboreal the lake might even have been hydrologically closed for a short period. We speculate that such hydrologic changes reflect a combination of varying evapotranspiration and a rearrangement of groundwater recharge during those climatic shifts.


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When a tree is chopped to bits, or a sweater unraveled, its matter still exists. Since antiquity, it has sometimes been inferred that nothing really has been destroyed: what has happened is just that this matter has assumed new form. Contemporary versions hold that apparent destruction of a familiar object is just rearrangement of microparticles or of 'physical simples' or 'world stuff'. But if destruction of a familiar object is genuinely to be reduced to mere alteration of something else, we must identify an alternation proper to the career, the course of existence, of this something else; relatedly, the alteration must be characterizable without asserting the existence of the familiar object. All contemporary views fail one of these requirements.


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Translation termination as a result of premature nonsense codon-incorporation in a RNA transcript can lead to the production of aberrant proteins with gain-of-function or dominant negative properties that could have deletrious effects on the cell. T-cell Receptor (TCR) genes acquire premature termination codons two-thirds of the time as a result of the error-prone programmed rearrangement events that normally occur during T-cell development. My studies have focused on the fate of TCR precursor mRNAs in response to in-frame nonsense mutations. ^ Previous published studies from our laboratory have shown that TCR precursor mRNAs are subject to nonsense mediated upregulation of pre-mRNA (NMUP). In this dissertation, I performed substitution and deletion analysis to characterize specific regions of TCR which are required to elicit NMUP. I performed frame- and factor-dependence studies to determine its relationship with other nonsense codon induced responses using several approaches including (i) translation dependence studies (ii) deletion and mutational analysis, as well as (iii) siRNA mediated knockdown of proteins involved. I also addressed the underlying molecular mechanism for this pre-mRNA upregulation by (i) RNA half-life studies using a c-fos inducible promoter, and (ii) a variety of assays to determine pre-mRNA splicing efficiency. ^ Using these approaches, I have identified a region of TCR that is both necessary and sufficient to elicit (NMUP). I have also found that neither cytoplasmic translation machinery nor the protein UPF1 are involved in eliciting this nuclear event. I have shown that the NMUP can be induced not only by nonsense and frameshift mutations, but also missense mutations that disrupt a cis splicing element in the exon that contains the mutation. However, the effect of nonsense mutations on pre-mRNA is unique and distinguishable from that of missense mutations in that nonsense mutations can upregulate pre-mRNA in a frame-dependent manner. Lastly, I provide evidence that NMUP occurs by a mechanism in which nonsense mutations inhibit the splicing of introns. In summary, I have found that TCR precursor mRNAs are subject to multiple forces involving both RNA splicing and translation that can either increase or decrease the levels of these precursor mRNAs. ^


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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) often results in disruption of the blood brain barrier (BBB), which is an integral component to maintaining the central nervous system homeostasis. Recently cytosolic calcium levels ([Ca2+]i), observed to elevate following TBI, have been shown to influence endothelial barrier integrity. However, the mechanism by which TBI-induced calcium signaling alters the endothelial barrier remains unknown. In the present study, an in vitro BBB model was utilized to address this issue. Exposure of cells to biaxial mechanical stretch, in the range expected for TBI, resulted in a rapid cytosolic calcium increase. Modulation of intracellular and extracellular Ca2+ reservoirs indicated that Ca2+ influx is the major contributor for the [Ca2+]i elevation. Application of pharmacological inhibitors was used to identify the calcium-permeable channels involved in the stretch-induced Ca2+ influx. Antagonist of transient receptor potential (TRP) channel subfamilies, TRPC and TRPP, demonstrated a reduction of the stretch-induced Ca2+ influx. RNA silencing directed at individual TRP channel subtypes revealed that TRPC1 and TRPP2 largely mediate the stretch-induced Ca2+ response. In addition, we found that nitric oxide (NO) levels increased as a result of mechanical stretch, and that inhibition of TRPC1 and TRPP2 abolished the elevated NO synthesis. Further, as myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation and actin cytoskeleton rearrangement are correlated with endothelial barrier disruption, we investigated the effect mechanical stretch had on the myosin-actin cytoskeleton. We found that phosphorylated MLC was increased significantly by 10 minutes post-stretch, and that inhibition of TRP channel activity or NO synthesis both abolished this effect. In addition, actin stress fibers formation significantly increased 2 minutes post-stretch, and was abolished by treatment with TRP channel inhibitors. These results suggest that, in brain endothelial cells, TRPC1 and TRPP2 are activated by TBI-mechanical stress and initiate actin-myosin contraction, which may lead to disruption of the BBB.


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El artículo se refiere a la propuesta de la Secretaría de Planeamiento de la Municipalidad de Rosario para el reordenamiento urbanístico del área central y primer anillo perimetral expuesta públicamente en marzo 2007 y al proceso de discusión previo a su elevación al Concejo Municipal para su tratamiento en la ciudad de Rosario. Se trata de dar cuenta acerca de las dificultades encontradas –y los intereses manifestados– para arribar a una propuesta consensuada acerca de la transformación y futuro de la ciudad y del valor otorgado a su patrimonio construido. En el trabajo a presentar se abordará las siguientes cuestiones: situación en el momento en que se formula la propuesta, la propuesta de reordenamiento urbanístico, los mecanismos de discusión, la reacción de los actores, la oposición del mercado inmobiliario (Cámara Argentina de la Construcción, Asociación de empresarios de la Vivienda, Cámara Inmobiliaria, Colegio de Arquitectos), la opinión y participación de los concejales y del mundo académico, las propuestas de los vecinos y la opinión del comité de expertos convocados para la audiencia pública. El trabajo se basa fundamentalmente en el análisis del discurso de los distintos actores en base notas oficiales, comunicados de prensa, apuntes de reuniones, información periodística, presentaciones escritas ante la audiencia pública, documentos de expertos. Para la interpretación de la dinámica del proceso de construcción de tiene en cuenta la documentación municipal respecto de la dinámica de la construcción en la ciudad en los últimos años, la opinión de economistas especializados en el tema y la opinión de agentes inmobiliarios.


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Las plantas son organismos sésiles que han desarrollado la capacidad para detectar variaciones sutiles en su ambiente y producir respuestas adaptativas mediante rutas de señalización. Los estímulos causados por el estrés biótico y abiótico son numerosos y dependiendo del tiempo de exposición y su intensidad, pueden reducir la tasa de crecimiento de las plantas y la producción. Los cambios en la concentración del calcio citosólico libre constituyen una de las primeras reacciones intracelulares a las situaciones de estrés abiótico. En esta situación, el calcio actúa como segundo mensajero y las variaciones en su concentración son descodificadas por proteínas de unión a calcio. Las más conocidas son las manos-EF y los dominios C2. Los dominios C2 han sido descritos como dominios de unión a lípidos dependientes de calcio. Estos dominios se consideran proteínas periféricas solubles en agua que se asocian de manera reversible a los lípidos de la membrana mediante una o dos regiones funcionales: el sitio de unión a calcio y el sitio polibásico. A pesar de que se conoce la estructura molecular de algunos dominios C2, se desconocen aspectos relacionados como las reglas que dirigen su forma de interaccionar con los diferentes fosfolípidos y proteínas, la posición que ocupan en la bicapa lipídica y su papel en la transmisión de señales. En esta tesis se ha estudiado una proteína de Arabidopsis thaliana (At3g17980) representativa de una nueva familia de proteínas con dominios C2, que consiste únicamente de un dominio C2. Esta proteína, llamada AtC2.1, ha sido clonada en el vector pETM11, expresada en E. coli y purificada a homogeneidad en dos pasos cromatográficos. Se obtuvieron cristales de AtC2.1 de buena calidad mediante técnicas de difusión de vapor. La proteína fue co-cristalizada con calcio, fosfocolina (POC) y el fosfolípido 1,2-dihexanoil-sn-glicero-3-fosfo-L-serina (PSF). Se recogieron ocho conjuntos de datos de difracción de rayos X empleando radiación sincrotrón. Los cristales difractaron hasta 1.6 Å de resolución. Siete de ellos pertenecían al grupo ortorrómbico P212121, con las dimensiones de la celdilla unidad a = 35.3, b = 88.9, c = 110.6 Å, y un cristal pertenecía al grupo espacial monoclínico C2, con a = 124.84, b = 35.27, c = 92.32 Å y = 121.70º. La estructura se resolvió mediante la técnica MR-SAD utilizando el cinc como dispersor anómalo. La estructura cristalina mostró que la molécula forma un dímero en el que cada protómero se pliega como un dominio C2 típico, con la topología tipo II y presenta una inserción de 43 aminoácidos que la diferencia de los dominios C2 conocidos. El mapa de densidad electrónica mostró dos átomos de calcio por protómero. Se resolvieron las estructuras de AtC2.1 en complejo con POC o PSF. En ambos complejos, el análisis cristalográfico detectó máximos de densidad electrónica en la región correspondiente al sitio polibásico formado por las hebras 2, 3 5 y el lazo 3. Éstos se interpretaron correctamente como dos moléculas de POC y un átomo de cinc, en un complejo, y como la cabeza polar del PSF en el otro. AtC2.1 define un sitio de interacción con lípidos dependiente de cinc. En conclusión, en este trabajo se presenta la estructura tridimensional de AtC2.1, miembro representativo de una familia de proteínas de Arabidopsis thaliana, identificadas como proteínas que interaccionan con los receptores de ABA. Estas proteínas están constituidas únicamente por un dominio C2. El análisis conjunto de los datos biofísicos y cristalográficos muestra que AtC2.1 es un sensor de calcio que une lípidos usando dos sitios funcionales. Estos datos sugieren un mecanismo de inserción en membrana dependiente de calcio que trae consigo la disociación de la estructura dimérica y, por consiguiente, un cambio en las propiedades de superficie de la molécula. Este mecanismo proporciona las bases del reconocimiento y transporte de los receptores de ABA y/o otras moléculas a la membrana celular. Plants are sessile organisms that have developed the capacity to detect slight variations of their environment. They are able to perceive biotic and abiotic stress signals and to transduce them by signaling pathways in order to trigger adaptative responses. Stress factors are numerous and, depending on their exposition time and their concentration, can reduce plant growth rate, limiting the productivity of crop plants. Changes in the cytosolic free calcium concentration are observed as one of the earliest intracellular reactions to abiotic stress signals. Calcium plays a key role as a second messenger, and calcium concentration signatures, called calcium signals, are decodified by calcium binding proteins. The main calcium binding structures are the EF-hand motif and the C2 domains. C2 domain is a calcium dependent lipid-binding domain of approximately 130 amino acids. C2 domain displays two functional regions: the Ca-binding region and the polybasic cluster. Both of them can interact with the membrane phospholipids. Despite the number of C2 domain 3D structures currently available, questions about how they interact with the different target phospholipids, their precise spatial position in the lipid bilayer, interactions with other proteins and their role in transmitting signals downstream, have not yet been explored. In this work we have studied an uncharacterized protein from Arabidopsis thaliana (At3g17980) consisting of only a single C2 domain, as member of a new protein C2-domain family. This protein called AtC2.1 was cloned into the pETM11 vector and expressed in E. coli, allowing the purification to homogeneity in two chromatographic steps. Good quality diffracting crystals were obtained using vapor-diffusion techniques. Crystals were co-crystalized with calcium; phosphocholine (POC) and/or the phospholipid 1,2-dihexanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine (PSF). Eight data set were collected with synchrotron radiation. Crystals diffracted up to 1.6 Å resolution and seven of them belong to the orthorhombic space group P212121, with unit-cell parameters a = 35.3, b = 88.9, c = 110.6 Å. Another crystal was monoclinic, space group C2, with a = 124.84, b = 35.27, c = 92.32 Å and = 121.70º. The structural model was solved by MR-SAD using Zn2+ as anomalous scatterer. The crystal structure shows that the molecule is a dimer. Each monomer was folded as a canonical C2 domain with the topology II with a 43 residues insertion. The electron density map reveals two calcium ions per molecule. Structures of AtC2.1, complexed with POC and PSF, have been solved. Well-defined extra electron densities were found, in both complexes, within the concave surface formed by strands 2, 3, 5 and loop 3 of AtC2.1. These densities were clearly explained by the presence of the two POC molecules, one zinc atom and head groups of PSF, occupying the cavity of the polybasic site. AtC2.1 defines a new metal dependent lipid-binding site into the polybasic site. In conclusion, in this thesis it is presented the molecular structure of AtC2.1, a representative member of a family of Arabidopsis thaliana C2 domain proteins, of unknown function, but identified as a molecular interacting unit of the ABA receptors. The joint analyses of the biophysical and crystallographic data show that AtC2.1 is a calcium sensor that binds lipids in two sites and suggest a model of calcium-dependent membrane insertion mechanism that will involve either dimer dissociation or a strong rearrangement of the dimeric structure. This mechanism may be the basis for the recognition and delivery of ABA receptors or other protein molecules to cell membranes.


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Recently a new recipe for developing and deploying real-time systems has become increasingly adopted in the JET tokamak. Powered by the advent of x86 multi-core technology and the reliability of the JET’s well established Real-Time Data Network (RTDN) to handle all real-time I/O, an official Linux vanilla kernel has been demonstrated to be able to provide realtime performance to user-space applications that are required to meet stringent timing constraints. In particular, a careful rearrangement of the Interrupt ReQuests’ (IRQs) affinities together with the kernel’s CPU isolation mechanism allows to obtain either soft or hard real-time behavior depending on the synchronization mechanism adopted. Finally, the Multithreaded Application Real-Time executor (MARTe) framework is used for building applications particularly optimised for exploring multicore architectures. In the past year, four new systems based on this philosophy have been installed and are now part of the JET’s routine operation. The focus of the present work is on the configuration and interconnection of the ingredients that enable these new systems’ real-time capability and on the impact that JET’s distributed real-time architecture has on system engineering requirements, such as algorithm testing and plant commissioning. Details are given about the common real-time configuration and development path of these systems, followed by a brief description of each system together with results regarding their real-time performance. A cycle time jitter analysis of a user-space MARTe based application synchronising over a network is also presented. The goal is to compare its deterministic performance while running on a vanilla and on a Messaging Real time Grid (MRG) Linux kernel.


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We consider a mathematical model related to the stationary regime of a plasma magnetically confined in a Stellarator device in the nuclear fusion. The mathematical problem may be reduced to an nonlinear elliptic inverse nonlocal two dimensional free{boundary problem. The nonlinear terms involving the unknown functions of the problem and its rearrangement. Our main goal is to determinate the existence and the estimate on the location and size of region where the solution is nonnegative almost everywhere (corresponding to the plasma region in the physical model)


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Scytalone dehydratase (EC catalyzes the dehydration of two important intermediates in the biosynthesis of melanin, and it functions without metal ions or any cofactors. Using molecular orbital theory, we have examined the role of a critical water molecule in the mechanism of scytalone dehydratase. The water, together with an internal hydrogen bonding, contributes significantly to the stabilization of the transition state (or the enolate intermediate). The role of two active site tyrosines (Tyr-50 and Tyr-30) is (i) to hold the critical water in place so that it may stabilize the transition state without much structural rearrangement during the catalytic reaction, and (ii) to polarize the water, making it a better general acid. The stereochemistry of the scytalone dehydratase-catalyzed dehydration is also discussed.


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Splicing of nuclear precursors of mRNA (pre-mRNA) involves dynamic interactions between the RNA constituents of the spliceosome. The rearrangement of RNA–RNA interactions, such as the unwinding of the U4/U6 duplex, is believed to be driven by ATP-dependent RNA helicases. We recently have shown that spliceosomal U5 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) from HeLa cells contain two proteins, U5–200kD and U5–100kD, which share homology with the DEAD/DEXH-box families of RNA helicases. Here we demonstrate that purified U5 snRNPs exhibit ATP-dependent unwinding of U4/U6 RNA duplices in vitro. To identify the protein responsible for this activity, U5 snRNPs were depleted of a subset of proteins under high salt concentrations and assayed for RNA unwinding. The activity was retained in U5 snRNPs that contain the U5–200kD protein but lack U5–100kD, suggesting that the U5–200kD protein could mediate U4/U6 duplex unwinding. Finally, U5–200kD was purified to homogeneity by glycerol gradient centrifugation of U5 snRNP proteins in the presence of sodium thiocyanate, followed by ion exchange chromatography. The RNA unwinding activity was found to reside exclusively with the U5–200kD DEXH-box protein. Our data raise the interesting possibility that this RNA helicase catalyzes unwinding of the U4/U6 RNA duplex in the spliceosome.


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The TEL (ETV6)−AML1 (CBFA2) gene fusion is the most common reciprocal chromosomal rearrangement in childhood cancer occurring in ≈25% of the most predominant subtype of leukemia— common acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The TEL-AML1 genomic sequence has been characterized in a pair of monozygotic twins diagnosed at ages 3 years, 6 months and 4 years, 10 months with common acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The twin leukemic DNA shared the same unique (or clonotypic) but nonconstitutive TEL-AML1 fusion sequence. The most plausible explanation for this finding is a single cell origin of the TEL-AML fusion in one fetus in utero, probably as a leukemia-initiating mutation, followed by intraplacental metastasis of clonal progeny to the other twin. Clonal identity is further supported by the finding that the leukemic cells in the two twins shared an identical rearranged IGH allele. These data have implications for the etiology and natural history of childhood leukemia.


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The aim of this study was to elucidate the mechanism of membrane insertion and the structural organization of pores formed by Bacillus thuringiensis δ-endotoxin. We determined the relative affinities for membranes of peptides corresponding to the seven helices that compose the toxin pore-forming domain, their modes of membrane interaction, their structures within membranes, and their orientations relative to the membrane normal. In addition, we used resonance energy transfer measurements of all possible combinatorial pairs of membrane-bound helices to map the network of interactions between helices in their membrane-bound state. The interaction of the helices with the bilayer membrane was also probed by a Monte Carlo simulation protocol to determine lowest-energy orientations. Our results are consistent with a situation in which helices α4 and α5 insert into the membrane as a helical hairpin in an antiparallel manner, while the other helices lie on the membrane surface like the ribs of an umbrella (the “umbrella model”). Our results also support the suggestion that α7 may serve as a binding sensor to initiate the structural rearrangement of the pore-forming domain.


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We performed a comprehensive analysis of T cell receptor (TCR) γ rearrangements in T cell precursors of the mouse adult thymus. Using a sensitive quantitative PCR method, we show that TCRγ rearrangements are present in CD44+CD25+ Pro-T thymocytes much earlier than expected. TCRγ rearrangements increase significantly from the Pro-T to the CD44−CD25+ Pre-T cell transition, and follow different patterns depending on each Vγ gene segment, suggesting that ordered waves of TCRγ rearrangement exist in the adult mouse thymus as has been described in the fetal mouse thymus. Recombinations of TCRγ genes occur concurrently with TCRδ and D-Jβ rearrangements, but before Vβ gene assembly. Productive TCRγ rearrangements do not increase significantly before the Pre-T cell stage and are depleted in CD4+CD8+ double-positive cells from normal mice. In contrast, double-positive thymocytes from TCRδ−/− mice display random proportions of TCRγ rearranged alleles, supporting a role for functional TCRγ/δ rearrangements in the γδ divergence process.


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The rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe grisea, generates enormous turgor pressure within a specialized cell called the appressorium to breach the surface of host plant cells. Here, we show that a mitogen-activated protein kinase, Mps1, is essential for appressorium penetration. Mps1 is 85% similar to yeast Slt2 mitogen-activated protein kinase and can rescue the thermosensitive growth of slt2 null mutants. The mps1–1Δ mutants of M. grisea have some phenotypes in common with slt2 mutants of yeast, including sensitivity to cell-wall-digesting enzymes, but display additional phenotypes, including reduced sporulation and fertility. Interestingly, mps1–1Δ mutants are completely nonpathogenic because of the inability of appressoria to penetrate plant cell surfaces, suggesting that penetration requires remodeling of the appressorium wall through an Mps1-dependent signaling pathway. Although mps1–1Δ mutants are unable to cause disease, they are able to trigger early plant-cell defense responses, including the accumulation of autofluorescent compounds and the rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton. We conclude that MPS1 is essential for pathogen penetration; however, penetration is not required for induction of some plant defense responses.


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Chlorophyll b is an ubiquitous accessory pigment in land plants, green algae, and prochlorophytes. Its biosynthesis plays a key role in the adaptation to various light environments. We isolated six chlorophyll b-less mutants by insertional mutagenesis by using the nitrate reductase or argininosuccinate lyase genes as tags and examined the rearrangement of mutant genomes. We found that an overlapping region of a nuclear genome was deleted in all mutants and that this encodes a protein whose sequence is similar to those of methyl monooxygenases. This coding sequence also contains putative binding domains for a [2Fe-2S] Rieske center and for a mononuclear iron. The results demonstrate that a chlorophyll a oxygenase is involved in chlorophyll b formation. The reaction mechanism of chlorophyll b formation is discussed.