950 resultados para Online services using open-source NLP tools
Engineering of negotiation model allows to develop effective heuristic for business intelligence. Digital ecosystems demand open negotiation models. To define in advance effective heuristics is not compliant with the requirement of openness. The new challenge is to develop business intelligence in advance exploiting an adaptive approach. The idea is to learn business strategy once new negotiation model rise in the e-market arena. In this paper we present how recommendation technology may be deployed in an open negotiation environment where the interaction protocol models are not known in advance. The solution we propose is delivered as part of the ONE Platform, open source software that implements a fully distributed open environment for business negotiation
Els objectius del TFM consisteixen en canviar el model de negoci de programari lliure per a serveis webs.
Repaso de los avances tecnológicos que más han influido en la evolución de las bibliotecas universitarias, y descripción de las actuaciones realizadas para adaptarse a los mismos: repositorios y acceso abierto, renovación de espacios, servicios a los investigadores, instrumentos de descubrimiento, y libro electrónico. Se concluye que en general las bibliotecas académicas gozan de buena salud gracias a que han sabido anticiparse a los cambios, y tienen buenas perspectivas de futuro.
El propòsit d'aquest TFC és investigar i fer una instal·lació des de zero d'un model de negoci basat en l'allotjament web fent servir tecnologies de Cloud Computing. El software open-source que es farà servir per aquesta finalitat serà Openstack el qual es basa en un model de servei com infraestructura (IaaS). La nostra finalitat és poder implementar el model IaaS basat en Openstack. Per duu a terme aquest desplegament es farà servir dos hipervisors (KVM i VMware ESXi) per tal de testejar diferents sistemes d¿hipervisors treballant conjuntament.
This project is about the development of a web that uses the tools offered by the Geographic Information Systems based in open source in order to monitoring and detect legionella clusters in Barcelona. This web also produces thematic maps for the study of epidemiologic diseases and has been made with the colaboration of the Barcelona public health agency.
In this paper, we are proposing a methodology to determine the most efficient and least costly way of crew pairing optimization. We are developing a methodology based on algorithm optimization on Eclipse opensource IDE using the Java programming language to solve the crew scheduling problems.
El projecte Integració del motor APIS de qüestionaris on-line en una plataformad'eLearning basada en serveis descriu el procés d'anàlisi i implementació del codi necessari per integrar dins de la plataforma d'eLearning SLeD tot el motor d'APIS de manera que SLeD pugui reproduir preguntes o items i exàmens complets o tests dins d'una UOL o unitat d'aprenentatge. Això permetrà dotar a APIS d'un control de sessió d'usuari i permetrà una utilitat que fins ara no tenia, la possibilitat de entrar al món online mitjançant SLeD. Tot aixòs’implementa gràcies a la connexió WebServices amb el mòdul CCSI de CopperCore i SLeD que s'encarrega de donar facilitats al programador de cara a ampliar el ventall d'eines que ofereix aquesta plataforma i fomentar encara més la idea del codi lliure (open source) i la utilitat globalitzadora d'e-Learning.
Objective: The vascular access steal syndrome is a complication occurring in 1-6% after native arterio-venous (AV) fistulas, often due to huge diameter of the vein. This results in very high flow, which could also be responsible for cardiac overload. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficiency of a new approach in the treatment of this pathology using open-pore external scaffolding prosthesis.Methods: This a retrospective review of all patients presenting symptomatic high flow after native AV fistula between January 2007 and December 2009 in 3 vascular centers. Pre-operative duplex exam confirmed the diagnosis of high flow. The operation consisted in preparation of the whole fistula, measurement of the flow and section on the venous side. The vein was wrapped with this 6 to 8 mm open-pore external scaffolding prosthesis (ProVena, BBraun, Germany) according to its diameter and to the flow and then sutured. Measurement of the flow was repeated. Patients were followed by duplex exam at 1 week and at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months. Procedural success was defined as complete implantation of the prosthesis and reduction of the flow. Primary outcomes were reduction of the flow and recovery of the symptoms and secondary endpoint was patency of the fistula.Results: During the study period, 14 patients, with a mean age of 65・8 years old, have been operated with this technique.There were 2 native forearmfistulas and 12 on the armwith a mean pre-operative flow of 2600 ml/min (1800-3800). The mode of presentation was pain in 6 patients, neurological disorders in 10 and necrosis in 4. Moreover, 3 patients had cardiac insufficiency due to high flow in the fistula. The procedure was technically successful in 100% of cases. Re-intervention was necessary in 2 patients due to hematoma. Recovery of the initial symptoms occurred in 13 patients (93%). The mean flow reduction was 1200 ml/min (600-2000). In 1 patient, a persistent steal syndrome despite flow reduction to 1400 ml/min resulted in fistula closure 2 months later. At a mean follow-up of 22 months (4-35), all remaining patients (13/14) presented a patent fistula without recurrence.Conclusion: This new approach seems to be safe and effective in the treatment of symptomatic high flow native AV fistulas by significantly reducing the flow and avoiding closure of the vascular access. Longer follow-up with more patients are necessary to evaluate the risk of recurrence.
Developing countries face serious problems on building and using digital libraries (DL) due to low computer and Internet penetration rates, lack of financial resources, etc. Thus, since mobile phones are much more used than computers in these countries, they might be a good alternative for accessing DL. Moreover, in the developed world there has been an exponential growth on the usage of mobile phones for data traffic, establishing a good ground for accessing DL on mobile devices. This paper presents a design proposal for making DSpace-based digital libraries accessible on mobile phones. Since DSpace is a popular free and open source DL system used around the world, making it accessible through mobile devices might contribute for improving the global accessibility of scientific and academic publications.
[ANGLÈS] This project introduces GNSS-SDR, an open source Global Navigation Satellite System software-defined receiver. The lack of reconfigurability of current commercial-of-the-shelf receivers and the advent of new radionavigation signals and systems make software receivers an appealing approach to design new architectures and signal processing algorithms. With the aim of exploring the full potential of this forthcoming scenario with a plurality of new signal structures and frequency bands available for positioning, this paper describes the software architecture design and provides details about its implementation, targeting a multiband, multisystem GNSS receiver. The result is a testbed for GNSS signal processing that allows any kind of customization, including interchangeability of signal sources, signal processing algorithms, interoperability with other systems, output formats, and the offering of interfaces to all the intermediate signals, parameters and variables. The source code release under the GNU General Public License (GPL) secures practical usability, inspection, and continuous improvement by the research community, allowing the discussion based on tangible code and the analysis of results obtained with real signals. The source code is complemented by a development ecosystem, consisting of a website (http://gnss-sdr.org), as well as a revision control system, instructions for users and developers, and communication tools. The project shows in detail the design of the initial blocks of the Signal Processing Plane of the receiver: signal conditioner, the acquisition block and the receiver channel, the project also extends the functionality of the acquisition and tracking modules of the GNSS-SDR receiver to track the new Galileo E1 signals available. Each section provides a theoretical analysis, implementation details of each block and subsequent testing to confirm the calculations with both synthetically generated signals and with real signals from satellites in space.
14C dating models are limited when considering recent groundwater for which the carbon isotopic signature of the total dissolved inorganic carbon (TDIC) is mainly acquired in the unsaturated zone. Reducing the uncertainties of dating thus implies a better identification of the processes controlling the carbon isotopic composition of the TDIC during groundwater recharge. Geochemical interactions between gas, water and carbonates in the unsaturated zone were investigated for two aquifers (the carbonate-free Fontainebleau sands and carbonate-bearing Astian sands, France) in order to identify the respective roles of CO2 and carbonates on the carbon isotopic signatures of the TDIC; this analysis is usually approached using open or closed system terms. Under fully open system conditions, the seasonality of the 13C values in the soil CO2 can lead to important uncertainties regarding the so-called "initial 14C activity" used in 14C correction models. In a carbonate-bearing unsaturated zone such as in the Astian aquifer, we show that an approach based on fully open or closed system conditions is not appropriate. Although the chemical saturation between water and calcite occurs rapidly within the first metre of the unsaturated zone, the carbon isotopic contents (δ13C) of the CO2 and the TDIC evolve downward, impacted by the dissolution-precipitation of the carbonates. In this study, we propose a numerical approach to describe this evolution. The δ13C and the A 14C (radiocarbon activity) of the TDIC at the base of the carbonate-hearing unsaturated zone depends on (i) the δ13C and the A 14C of the TDIC in the soil determined by the soil CO2, (ii) the water's residence time in the unsaturated zone and (iii) the carbonate precipitation-dissolution fluxes. In this type of situation, the carbonate δ13C-A 14C evolutions indicate the presence of secondary calcite and permit the calculation of its accretion flux, equal to ~ 4.5 ± 0.5 x 10-9 mol grock-1 yr-1. More generally, for other sites under temperate climate and with similar properties to the Astian sands site, this approach allows for a reliable determination of the carbon isotopic composition at the base of the unsaturated zone as the indispensable "input function" data of the carbon cycle into the aquifer.
En els últims anys, la popularitat de les xarxes sensefils (WIFI) ha anat en augment a un ritme incansable. Des de petits aparells instal•lats a les cases amb aquesta tecnologia com a complement dels routers d’accés a internet instal•lats per diverses companyies, fins a empreses fent petits desplegaments per comunicar entre si les seves seus. Al marge d’aquests escenaris, s’ha produït un fenomen social d’acolliment d’aquesta tecnologia a nivell mundial, en forma del que coneixem com a xarxes ciutadanes / xarxes lliures / xarxes socials. Aquestes xarxes han estat possibles gràcies a diverses raons que han fet assequible a col•lectius de persones, tant els aparells com els coneixements necessaris per dur a terme aquestes actuacions. Dintre d’aquest marc, al Bages, concretament a Manresa, es va començar a desenvolupar una d’aquestes xarxes. Les decisions d’aquesta xarxa d’utilitzar exclusivament hardware i software de codi obert, i determinats aspectes tècnics de la xarxa, ha comportat que la xarxa fos incompatible amb algunes de les aplicacions de gestió de xarxes existents desenvolupades per comunicats com gufi.net a Osona. És per això que per garantir el creixement, la supervivència i l’èxit d’aquesta xarxa en el temps, és indispensable poder comptar amb una eina de gestió que s’adigui a les característiques de GuifiBages. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és dotar a la xarxa GuifiBages de les eines necessàries per poder gestionar tota la informació referent a l’estructura de la seva xarxa, tant per facilitar l’accés a nous usuaris sense molts coneixements tècnics, com per facilitar nous desplegaments / reparacions / modificacions de la xarxa d’una manera automàtica. Com a conclusió d’aquest treball, podem afirmar que les avantatges que proporciones tecnologies com Plone, faciliten enormement la creació d’aplicacions de gestió de continguts en entorn web. Alhora, l’ús de noves tècniques de programació com AJAX o recursos com els que ofereix Google, permeten desenvolupar aplicacions web que no tenen res a envejar al software tradicional. D’altra banda, voldríem destacar l’ús exclusiu de programari lliure tant en els paquets de software necessaris pel desenvolupament, com en el sistema operatiu i programes dels ordinadors on s’ha dut a terme, demostrant que es poden desenvolupar sistemes de qualitat sense dependre de programari privatiu.
MMORPG són les sigles de Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game: Joc de Rol Multijugador Online Massiu. Els jugadors connecten a un servidor i poden interactuar entre ells en el món virtual que el joc ofereix. Hi pot haver milers d'usuaris connectats simultàniament al mateix món, generant una població i molt d'ambient si el servidor està ben programat, i latència i/o bloquejos si se supera el límit de jugadors simultanis que el servidor suporta. El més atractiu d'aquest tipus de jocs és que dónen la capacitat de jugar amb i/o contra altra gent real. Resulta molt més emocionant veure intel•ligència real dins el joc, sense que tot sigui intel•ligència artificial. A més d'això hi ha el fet de que pràcticament tots aquests jocs són de l'estil Sandbox o sorral, cosa que significa que el jugador és totalment lliure de fer el que vulgui en un món obert, sense haver de seguir una trama lineal. Durant el principi del segon curs vaig començar a investigar una manera de poder jugar a Lineage 2 des de la residència en la que estava aquí a Vic, ja que la seva connexió a Internet tenia un proxy que bloquejava tots els ports excepte HTTP i algunes poques excepcions més, així que no podia connectar al seu servidor per jugar. I aquí vaig topar amb L2JServer, un projecte open source que emula un servidor de Lineage 2. Només instal•lant una base de dades MySQL, el java JDK i extraient uns arxius a una carpeta, ja podies executar el teu propi servidor d'aquest joc. Per entrar-hi només calia enganyar el programa client redirigint la DNS oficial cap a la teva IP utilitzant el fitxer hosts de windows i ja hi podies entrar.
Podeu consultar la versió en castellà a http://hdl.handle.net/2445/8959
Podeu consultar la versió en català a http://hdl.handle.net/2445/8958