746 resultados para Occupational career
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Since the start of the twenty-first century, the Brazilian economy has experienced a growth cycle with characteristics unlike those of its previous historical experience, combining growth, macroeconomic stability and distributive progress. In this context, the study aims to analyse the factors and distributive effects of occupational mobility in Brazil, based on data obtained from the Monthly Employment Survey. The results suggest that: (i) mobility has been used in Brazil as a way to raise wages, even when it involves a drop in socio-occupational status; (ii) nonetheless, the wage increase obtained by changing job or occupational segment is smaller for poorer workers than for wealthier ones; and (iii) consequently, mobility helps to increase income, but it also tends to widen wage gaps.
A gestão de recursos humanos (RH) representa teoricamente uma abordagem da gestão empresarial voltada à organização do trabalho visando seu melhor aproveitamento e, em particular, o envolvimento dos trabalhadores nos objetivos da empresa. As práticas de gestão incidem não somente sobre o trabalho em si, mas também de maneira complexa nas interações sociais ocorridas no ambiente de trabalho, bem como na vida pessoal dos trabalhadores, de acordo com as premissas e práticas do estilo de gestão predominante. O presente estudo procura conhecer a natureza das correlações entre gestão de recursos humanos e sociabilidade dos trabalhadores, isto é, sua capacidade de tecer e de manter laços sociais diversos, a partir dos pontos de vista dos trabalhadores. Tomaram-se como referência empírica quatro redes de supermercados na Região Metropolitana de Belém, Pará. O setor é grande empregador, vem se modernizando expressivamente nas duas últimas décadas, implementando alguns procedimentos de gestão de RH e se mantém ao abrigo da forte concorrência de grupos nacionais e internacionais que se observa em outras capitais do país. A metodologia incluiu observações sistemáticas, análise documental e entrevistas estruturadas e semi-estruturadas em profundidade, respectivamente com trezentos e oitenta e quatorze trabalhadores, estes últimos selecionados dentre os constantes da amostra maior. As entrevistas versaram sobre atributos sociais e demográficos, trajetória ocupacional e padrões de relacionamento pessoal e profissional. Abrangeram, também, as percepções sobre regras e atitudes no trabalho, com base nas normas constantes dos manuais de serviço das empresas. Incluem-se trinta e quatro itens em uma escala de Lickert. Esses itens foram dispostos em fatores, sendo dois sobre gestão – qualidade do trabalho (QT) e introjeção das normas organizacionais (IN) – e três sobre sociabilidade – confiança (CF), manutenção (MR) e utilidade das relações (UT) no trabalho. Os entrevistados respondiam aos itens, ajustando o grau de sua percepção sobre cada um deles. Tais dados foram submetidos à técnica estatística exploratória Análise de Correspondência (AC) de maneira a verificar a correlação entre os fatores da escala e as características dos entrevistados. Sobre as correlações entre gestão e sociabilidade, sobressaiu em primeiro lugar o regime de trabalho. Jornadas extensas, escalas variáveis, longos intervalos diários e a política de qualificação em serviço (on the job) absorvem quase integralmente o tempo do empregado e dificultam manter relações pessoais ou mesmo estender aquelas formadas no ambiente de trabalho para além deste espaço. Dificulta também investir nos estudos, outra esfera de sociabilidade, o que surpreende em uma amostra cuja faixa etária predominante não ultrapassava trinta anos e cuja ocupação tem poucas possibilidades de carreira. Nesse quadro geral de restrições, a condição de gênero e de família também foi relevante, pois as mulheres, em particular as mães, indicaram menos atividades de lazer, em grupos menores e com mínima presença de colegas de trabalho, em comparação aos homens. Por outro lado, encontraram-se alguns casos de pessoas que construíram relações de conteúdo afetivo no ambiente de trabalho, mesmo a convivência se restringindo à empresa. Outra característica marcante foi a dependência do apoio familiar para o exercício da atividade laboral e para o enfrentamento das vicissitudes do mercado de trabalho. A importância dos laços familiares foi reforçada pelo longo tempo de moradia no mesmo bairro e, em proporção significativa, na mesma residência, em muitos casos a moradia era próxima ou no mesmo domicílio dos pais ou sogros, o que facilitava a ajuda mútua. Outro aspecto que se destacou da gestão de RH foi a imprecisão percebida nos critérios de ascensão profissional e de aplicação das normas, contribuindo para a existência de conflitos velados. Ao estabelecer laços sociais, os empregados depositam uma confiança seletiva, expressa no pequeno número de pessoas em quem se confiava no trabalho. Vale notar aqui também uma pequena variação entre homens e mulheres, pois eles confiavam mais que elas nos colegas. A AC mostrou sensíveis diferenças de percepção sobre qualidade do trabalho e introjeção de normas entre os trabalhadores com primeiro registro em carteira e aqueles com experiência anterior de trabalho formal. Os primeiros notaram um controle (vigilância) mais incisivo da gestão e expressaram menor anuência às regras organizacionais, enquanto que os demais não percebiam o controle da mesma forma e se viam como cumpridores dessas regras. Esses resultados foram interpretados como decorrentes das diferentes trajetórias anteriores, em ocupações formais ou informais, ou por se tratar do primeiro emprego. Não se pode afirmar que as restrições à sociabilidade se devam exclusivamente às características da gestão nesse setor, tendo em vista a incidência de outros fatores, tais como a condição sócio-econômica da família ou o tempo do vinculo empregatício, em média de dois anos entre os entrevistados, que podem ter contribuído para esses resultados.
Introduction: The biological processes involved in noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) are still unclear. The involvement of inflammation in this condition has been suggested.Objective: To investigate the association between interleukin - 6 (IL-6) polymorphism and susceptibility to NIHL.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study with a sample of 191 independent elderly individuals aged >60 years of age. Information on exposure to occupational noise was obtained by interviews. Audiological evaluation was performed using pure tone audiometry and genotyped through PCR by restriction fragment length polymorphism - PCR-RFLP. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test and the odds ratio (OR), with the significance level set at 5%.Results: Among elderly with hearing loss (78.0%), 18.8% had a history of exposure to occupational noise. There was a statistically significant association between the genotype frequencies of the IL-6 - 174 and NIHL. The elderly with the CC genotype were less likely to have hearing loss due to occupational noise exposure when compared to those carrying the GG genotype (OR = 0.0124; 95% CI 0.0023-0.0671; p<0.001).Conclusion: This study suggests there is an association of polymorphisms in the IL-6 gene at position - G174C with susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss. (C) 2014 Associacao Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cervico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
There is great concern about the possible harmful effects of exposure to volatile anesthetics. The current study aimed at evaluating, for the first time, the effects of occupational exposure to anesthetic gases on physicians who work in operating rooms, by determining several inflammatory cytokines. Plasma inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, -6, -8, -10, -12, TNF-α) were investigated in 30 individuals who were allocated into two groups of 15: the exposed group, consisting of operating room medical personnel exposed to a mixture of anesthetic gases for 3 years, and a control group composed of medical personnel not exposed to anesthetic gases. The concentrations of volatile anesthetics were measured in the operating room by means of an infrared portable analyzer Our findings suggest an increase of the pro-inflammatory IL-8 (p < 0.05) in medical personnel exposed to high concentrations of anesthetic gases, even for a relatively short period.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Ciêntífico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR
This longitudinal study explored adolescents’ future-oriented cognitions, current activities, and later educational attainment using data from 317 adolescents (55% female; mean age = 14.98 years, SD = 0.85) followed into early adulthood. Aspirations and expectations regarding work and education showed modest stability from year to year. Exploration of the reciprocal relations between these cognitions and adolescents’ activities supported both unidirectional and bidirectional effects, with different patterns emerging for aspirations and expectations. In multiple regression analyses, future-oriented cognitions predicted adult educational attainment; follow- up analyses indicated that the effect of adolescents’ expectations was partially mediated by participation in extracurricular activities. These results suggest a potentially important influence of adolescents’ future-oriented cognitions on their current behavior and future attainments.
Retaining minority students on college campuses is an important factor for maintaining the rich diversity of a university student body. This session will provide a look at the development of a career-mentoring program for minority college students to enhance retention and career success beyond graduation.
Color vision was examined in subjects with long-term occupational exposure to mercury (Hg) vapor. The color vision impairment was assessed by employing a quantitative measure of distortion of individual and group perceptual color spaces. Hg subjects (n = 18; 42.1 +/- 6.5 years old; exposure time = 10.4 +/- 5.0 years; time away from the exposure source = 6.8 +/- 4.6 years) and controls (n = 18; 46.1 +/- 8.4 years old) were examined using two arrangement tests, D-15 and D-15d, in the traditional way, and also in a triadic procedure. From each subject`s `odd-one-out` choices, matrices of inter-cap subjective dissimilarities were derived and processed by non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS). D-15d results differed significantly between the Hg-group and the control group (p < 0.05), with the impairment predominantly along the tritan axis. 2D perceptual color spaces, individual and group, were reconstructed, with the dimensions interpreted as the red-green (RG) and the blue-yellow (BY) systems. When color configurations from the Hg-group were compared to those of the controls, they presented more fluctuations along both chromatic dimensions, indicating a statistically significant difference along the BY axis. In conclusion, the present findings confirm that color vision impairments persist in subjects that have received long-term occupational exposure to Hg-vapor although, at the time of testing, they were presenting mean urinary concentration within the normal range for non-exposed individuals. Considering the advantages of the triadic procedure in clinical evaluation of acquired color vision deficiencies, further studies should attempt to verify and/or improve its efficacy.
Objective: To evaluate whether there are visual and neurophysical decrements in workers with low exposure to Hg vapor. Methods: Visual fields, contrast sensitivity, color vision, and neuropsychological functions were measured in 10 workers (32.5 +/- 8.5 years) chronically exposed to Hg vapor (4.3 +/- 2.8 years; urinary Hg concentration 22.3 +/- 9.3 mu g/g creatinine). Results: For the worst eyes, we found altered visual field thresholds, lower contrast sensitivity, and color discrimination compared with controls (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences between Hg-exposed subjects and controls on. neuropsychological tests. Nevertheless, duration of exposure was statistically correlated to verbal memory and depression scores. Conclusions: Chronic exposure to Hg vapor at currently accepted safety levels was found to be associated with visual losses but not with neuropsychological dysfunctions in the sample of workers studied. (J Occup Environ Med. 2009,51:1403-1412)
Contrast sensitivity (CS) was evaluated in 41 former workers from a lamp manufacturing plant who were on disability retirement due to exposure to mercury and 14 age-matched controls. The CS was measured monocularly using the sweep visual evoked potential (sVEP) paradigm at 6 spatial frequencies (0.2, 0.8, 2.0, 4.0, 15.0, and 30 cpd). Statistical difference (p < 0.05) was found between the controls and the patient right and left eyes for 2.0 and 4.0 cpd. According the results in those spatial frequencies the eyes were classified in best and worst. Statistical differences were found between the controls and the best eyes for 2.0 and 4.0 cpd and for 0.8, 2.0, and 4.0 cpd for their worst eyes. No correlation was found between CS results and the time of exposure (mean 8.9 yr +/- 4.1), time away from the mercury source (mean = 6.0 yr +/- 3.9), urinary mercury level at the time of work (mean = 40.6 mu g/g +/-36.3) or with the mercury level at the CS measurement time (mean = 1.6 mu g/g +/-1.1). We show the first evidence of a permanent impairment in CS measured objectively with the sVEP. Our data complement the previous psychophysical works reporting a diffuse impairment in the CS function showing a CS reduction in the low to middle spatial frequencies. In conclusion, non-reversible CS impairment was found in occupational exposure to mercury vapor. We suggest that CS measurement should be included in studies of the mercury effects of occupational exposure. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.