976 resultados para Obregón, Alvaro, 1880-1928.
The object of this trip and report was to familiarize the students of the Montana State School of Mines with methods of taking and mapping surface and undergound geology. All surface geology was mapped by means of plane table and alidade, and undergound work by means of Brunton compass and taps. The senior class of the Montana State School of MInes under the supervision of Dr. E.S. Perry performed the work, which covered an area in Madison County including South Boulder Creek, near Jefferson Island, the Silver Star Mining District, and the Alameda Mine, near Virginia City.
In the deposition of metallic zinc by electrolysis from neutral or acid solution, little difficulty is experienced provided certain impurities are absent from the electrolyte. The use of the process has long been considered as a potential source, patents on the process having been issued as early as 1880. However, the early experimenters failed to realize the importance of impurities in the electrolyte, and for this reason, the process suffered several severe setbacks when commercial plants were built.
Zinc is produced from ores by two general methods, distillation and electrolysis. The general principles involved in the electrolytic zinc process of today were known as far back as 1880. Difficulties encountered in purifying the solution for electrolysis and lack of suitable mechanical apparatus were the main reasons that such a long time elapsed before the process was used to produce zinc in commercial quantities.
Since 1880, when Wolcott Gibbs made the suggestion that mercury could be used as a cathode in gravimetric electroanalysis, many articles have appeared in literature either criticizing the method or citing successful results which have been obtained by it.
Coal was first mined in Montana in the year 1880. For the last thirty years the mining of coal in this state has been very important-with few people realizing its value. In the mineral industry, the value of the annual production of coal is exceeded by none of the non-metallics, and only by gold, silver, and copper in the metallics. At the present time the coal production of Montana is valued at about 41000,000.00 annually.
Salomon belongs to the known and nevertheless unknown ‘pioneers’ of social work in the world. She founded one of the first Schools of Social Work (Berlin 1908) and was the first president of the International Association of Schools of Social Work (1929-1937). Her theoretical work however is almost forgotten or not really part of the debate about social work history.
La philanthropie joue actuellement un rôle très important en Suisse. On estime que la moitié des personnes domiciliées en Suisse est active dans le champ d’action du bénévolat. Toutefois, cet objet d’études a longtemps été délaissé par les historiens. Ces deux panels viseront à rendre compte des recherches récentes en s’intéressant à la dimension comparative et transnationale de la philanthropie en Suisse de 1880 à nos jours. Deux dimensions seront privilégiées. D’une part, l’accent sera mis sur les rapports entre les associations philanthropiques privées et l’Etat social. Les études tendent le plus souvent à mettre l’accent sur l’opposition, dans le domaine social, entre activités de bienfaisance ou de bénévolat et les politiques publiques. Or, les relations entre ces deux pôles ne se résument pas à cette opposition et oscillent, selon les lieux et les périodes, entre coopération étroite et concurrence acharnée, à moins que ne s’instaure, comme cela semble le cas de la Suisse, une division du travail plus ou moins institutionnalisée. D’autre part, une attention toute particulière sera mise sur les jeux d’échelle. Les activités des associations philanthropiques couvrent des espaces géographiques très différents : certaines se concentrent sur un quartier urbain, d’autres se focalisent sur l’ensemble de la planète. Toutefois, nous postulons que cette spatialisation ne se confine pas à un antagonisme local/global. Bien au contraire, les différentes échelles – locale, nationale, globale ou transnationale – interagissent étroitement. Des contributions d’historiens étrangers permettront d’inscrire le cas suisse dans une perspective comparative.